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it was the next day when jeongguk put his shoes on to go to the police station to talk to taehyung. he didn't know if it would be a good idea. his family would probably visit him and he would just get in the way. jeongguk let out a sigh and he didn't know if he should really go.

"are you ready gguk?" hoseok asked while holding the door open and looking at him. jeongguk looked so unsure and hoseok could tell right away. " don't think too much, come on" hoseok gave him a recurring smile and jeongguk bite his lips and got up slowly. he put his shoes and a jacket on and looked nervously at hoseok. "should i really go?" he wasn't even out the door and he was beyond nervous and afraid of what would happen.

"just don't think about it, just see what he has to say" hoseok encouraged him and patted him on the shoulder. with a nod jeongguk breathed in and out and opened the front door and made his way to the car. hoseok was nice enough to drive him to the police station because he knew he probably couldn't drive duo to state at that moment.

it took about fifteen minutes to arrive at the police station and when hoseok parked right outside, jeongguks hands started shaking. "everything will be fine don't worry" hoseok said bevor jeongguk left the car. he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. for gods sake why was he so nervous?

maybe he was afraid of taehyungs reaction, they didn't really know each other and then seeing him for the second time in this situation. that was probably the reason he was afraid and nervous.

he took way too long to get inside but he managed to got to the lady at the front desk. " ahm hi my name is jeon jeongguk and is it possible to see kim taehyung?" he tried to look somewhat serious yet nice. the police officer looked up at him and then looked at her computer in front of her. "in what relationship are you with mr. kim?" jeongguk was taken aback by her question. why would she ask that when he himself didn't even know what they were?

"i'm a friend?" he said a bit unsure and she looked skeptical at him." was that a question?" she raised her eyebrows and looked at the kid in front her, he looked harmless. "no?" jeongguk replied after a few seconds, god why was he so stupid she probably wouldn't let him go see taehyung.

"okay you can see him, officer william can you take mr jeon to room 3 and get kim to see him" the said officer nodded and before leaving he scanned jeongguk's body to see if he has any weapons on his body. of course, he doesn't have any on him and he followed the police officer to room 3.

he was so close to talking to taehyung and really seeing him in front of him. jeongguk took a deep breath and when the door opened his heart skipped a beat. the first person that gave through the door was officer william and behind him was a tired looking taehyung but when he saw who it was his eyes widen in surprise. " jeongguk.." he whispered at sat down on the chair  opposite of him. jeongguk bite his lip and looked at his handsome face, still surprised to see jeongguk in front of him. "I didn't expect you to come.." taehyung said with a quiet voice and looked at jeongguks beautiful doe eyes.

he admired his brown fluffy locks and his cute nose and he couldn't stop looking at the beautiful pink lips that were wrapped around his dick last night, how awkward it was to be the reason the lights turned on and the embarring moment to come in jeongguks mouth when he saw him for the first time.

"i didn't know if i should come but i.."jeongguk stopped for a moment and looked at his hands, he took a deep breath and looked up again. "i want to know if it was true..because i feel something for you.." he bites his lip and looked nervously at taehyung, he was surprised at the answer he got. " i feel it too.. last night that was really embarrassing and i'm sorry for that.. and .. your beautiful." taehyung looked at every detail on jeongguks face and he slowly took his hand in his. "i did it..but i was only defending myself. the man i killed was my boyfriend"

jeongguks breath hitched and he pulled his hand away, his face turned into a scared expression and he felt angry at him.  "jeongguk i.. he found out that i was going to the club, i know i shouldn't have cheated on him but nothing worked between us anymore and then i met you.. i was so attracted to you even though i couldn't see you. but your voice, your smell and how sweet and shy you are. i liked it. when he found out he yelled at me and throw things at me, he was so angry and jealous and i knew that i hurt him so bad and i'm so sorry that i did that but he was so angry he used the kitchen knife to go after me, i ran away and apologized but it didn't help" taehyung took a deep breath and his eyes filled with tears, he wiped them away and continued.

"he stabbed me 2 times, nothing too bad but i took the knife away but he punched me and i tried to get him off and then... i stabbed him and... it got right through his heart and he died in my arms. i didn't want to kill him i just wanted to hurt him but it went wrong.." taehyung cried while telling jeongguk everything, he put his head on the table and cried his heart out, he knew he did a mistake and when he ran away it just got worse.

jeongguk was speechless, he didn't know what to say or what to think about it. his own hands started shaking and he grabbed taehyungs hands. his own eyes filled with tears and he looked at him. " i know you didn't want to kill him, it was just a bad accident..  you shouldn't ran away..but whats happening now?" jeongguk squezzed his hand and taehyung looked up at him and kissed his hand. "my lawyer said that i probably have to get to jail..for running away"

jeongguks eyes widen and the tears streamed down his face." what..how long?"

"it could be 2 to 3 years..."

Hii guys
I'm sorry for not updating in so long :(
I was stressed and i had no motivation to write but I hope you like that chapter and tell me what you think ♥️༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

love M♥️

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