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"god i wanna fuck you so bad"

and jeongguk froze.


his breath hitched and his heart started beating faster. what should he say? he never had sex and he should lose his virginity to this guy? he panicked inside and he could feel taehyungs breath on his ear.

"what's wrong baby?" he asked and kissed him right under his ear. jeongguk didn't even know if all of this was the right choice anymore. his first time should be with someone he loved and was in a relationship with. But Taehyung really knew how to please him ,how to make him feel sexy.

but should he really lose his virginity to him?


"I..I-" jeongguk started but he didn't know what to say when he felt taehyungs hands wandered to his tights and then grabbing his ass. he couldn't help but let out a little moan.

"god your ass feels so nice, so thick" he grabbed jeongguks ass a little harder and it made him moan loudly. his cheeks heat up when he released how loud he was. but he didn't know how good it felt when someone grabbed his ass like that.

"c'mon baby don't let me suffer" taehyung kissed his neck and sucked on his skin to leave a few hickeys on him.

should he just do it?


soo guys I know it's a short chapter but I want you to decide if he should

sleep with him now (have hot and dirty sex)


later when they know how the other looks like (when the story takes a turn ;) )

It's your decision (•́•̀) :D ♥️

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