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"I'm sorry I can't.." jeongguk whispered and he felt his heartbeat against his chest, he was beyond nervous from taehyungs reaction but he knew he can't lose his virginity like this, in the dark and without even knowing how he looked like.

he felt taehyungs hands leave his waist and jeongguk thought that he would leave just because he didn't want to have sex with him.

"why that baby?" taehyung asked and he didn't sound angry or pissed, he sounded worried and that surprised jeongguk. taehyung wrapped his hands around his waist again and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

jeongguk let out a sigh and didn't know if he should tell him the truth or just came up with an excuse, but he felt like taehyung deserved to know why he wouldn't sleep with him right now.

"I'm a virgin.." as soon as the words left jeongguks mouth he felt his cheeks heat up and he was nervous to hear his reaction, would he laugh at him? make fun of him? he was already 19 and didn't had sex yet, he felt anxious and it seemed like taehyung could feel that, he wrapped his arms tighter around jeongguks waist.

"hey it's okay, i didn't expect you to be a virgin but i understand and you don't have to do anything you don't want to okay baby. i'm not pushing you and i'm not mad at you alright" taehyungs voice sounded so soft and understanding, it made him feel instantly better, he let out a sign and took a deep breath.

"thank you tae.." jeongguk said and realized as he said it that he just gave him a nickname. He didn't know if he felt comfortable with this but he couldn't take it back now, all he could hear was taehyung chuckle  " you don't have to thank me sweetheart" taehyung softly caressed jeongguks cheek and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

his lips stayed a bit longer on this spot and jeongguk felt his heart beating faster ,taehyung moved closer to him and wrapped his arms tighter around his waist, he kissed jeongguks cheek and whispered in his ear. " would you let me kiss you?"

jeongguks breath hitched and he felt his face burning at that. he couldn't help but smile a little. " yes please " he said with a small voice and soon he felt taehyungs lips on his and he felt a spark when their lips meet. his lips felt plump and soft and he kissed him back a little hesitated. taehyung enjoyed the feeling of his lips on his and how soft and small his top and how plump his bottom lip was.

a surprised whimper left jeongguk when he felt taehyung lick over his bottom lip and jeongguk got on his tiptoes to kiss him better, he wrapped his arms around his neck and opened his mouth too let their tongues fight for dominance and taehyung won but it didn't bother jeongguk he enjoyed their kiss a lot, he pulled taehyung closer and felt himself getting hotter by every passing minute.

"mh baby you can kiss really good" taehyung whispered and kissed him again more passionately, he cupped jeongguk's face and pressed him against the wall. their lips moving perfectly against each other and jeongguk's heart skipped a beat.

if you would ask Jeongguk if it's possible to fall in love with a person without knowing how they look like?

he would tell you yes.

hey lovelies
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and you guys are not mad that I didn't made it sexual this time, I just thought they didn't kiss before and that could be a good time to do it 😄

please tell me what you think so far about the story and if they move to fast or something ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎

till next time ♡︎


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