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It was around 2 pm when jeongguk knocked on hoseok's door and after hearing a faint yes he opened the door. he was greeted with the sign of hoseok on his bed doing something on his bed while yoongi -their cat- was laying in his lap and purring in his sleep."hii" jeongguk said and smiled.

it was such a cute sign and jeongguk immediately skipped over to them and started petting yoongi.

hoseok smiled and looked at them.
"what's up gguk?" he asked and put his phone on the side.

jeongguk let out a sign and he told hoseok everything that happened so far at the club. hoseok was surprised and kind of disappointed in him.

"I know hyungie.. it's weird to do that with a person I never saw and to feel things but i just can't help it" jeongguk bite his lip, his doe eyes staying on yoongi the whole time. the little one was purring the whole time, to reserve so much love today was nice.

hoseok watched them both, thinking about the situation and understood him but on the other side was it even safe?

what if he was dangerous or even someone they knew?

"i just want you to be careful alright? you don't know who he is and i'm just worried" hoseok looked at him and jeongguk smiled at that. He loved that his hyung cared so much for him.

"don't worry i'll be careful, i promise" jeongguk couldn't help but showed him a big bunny smile and hugged him tightly.

they both fell backwards and started laughing.
yoongi woke up and looked up at them with tired eyes and he got up to lay on the other bedside to have some peace.

jeongguk and hoseok talked a bit longer and hoseok told him about his family gathering and if jeongguk wanted to come with him again.

Every year hoseoks family had a kind of gathering and they would eat and talk, of course jeongguk was with him every time because they knew each other since they were in kindergarten.

and jeongguk loved hoseoks mother and the yummy food she always made.
jeongguk giggled at the thought, of course he also loved her because she treated him like her son. they are his second family and he was so happy to have hoseok in his life.

unfortunately he doesn't have much contact with his family because they didn't live in Korea anymore. He talked a few times with them on the phone or skype and it was okay. of course he loved them and they loved him but there were just busy and jeongguk understood that.


he cuddled with hoseok on his bed, watching their favorite tv show and snacking on some popcorn. jeongguks thought drifted halfway through the show and he wondered would he ever do something like this if he had a boyfriend?

watching tv, cuddling, just having fun and kissing here and there?

and why was taehyung's name the only thing on his mind?


// chapter was nothing special, but I hope u enjoyed it ♡︎

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