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it was around a week later and that weekend hoseok's family would arrange a bbq and of course jeongguk would be there. the thought of Mrs jung's salats with the good meat made jeongguk even more excited to be there.

he packed a few things just in case they would stay the night and since hoseok likes to drink a little too much at these gatherings, he needs some things.

hoseok knocked on his door and put his head through the little space of the open door. jeongguk closed his bag and looked up.

"are you done?" hoseok asked and jeongguk nodded at him, he could see yoongi walking through hoseoks legs to walk in the room. he jumped on jeongguks bed and layed down .

jeongguk cooed inside and he patted yoongi and kissed him on the head.

"yeah I'm done, did you ask felix to look after yoongi?" jeongguk glanced at hoseok and kept patting yoongi. the grey cat purred the whole time and rubbed his head against his hand.

hoseok watched them with a smile and replied.
"sure he comes by later to give him some food"

jeongguk was relieved that he didn't need to worry about yoongi, felix was their next door neighbor and a friend of them so they trusted him to look after him.

he kissed the top of yoongi again and took his bag. jeongguk and hoseok left the room to put shoes and jackets on. yoongi watched after them with curious eyes and then layed back down to get some sleep. finally some silence.


the weekend was fun and jeongguk loved the food as expected. he talked with hoseoks sister and their stepbrother. He laughed a lot that weekend and he drank with hobi a lot. he didn't plan to but he couldn't say no to his best friend.

he didn't think about the club or taehyung the whole weekend but on a tuesday evening, when he sat on his window and studied for his test he couldn't think of anything else.

he didn't know if he should go back. was it even worth it, to do something with a stranger, he couldn't even see?

but he felt like he needed to go back. jeongguk missed him and he kinda wanted to do something with him. not sleep with him but maybe do something different.

the more he thought about it , the more he got excited. jeongguk stood up and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

after he showered and shaved he stood in front of his closet in just a towel wrapped around his waist. he looked through it and tried to find a cute outfit, even though no one is seeing it. but jeongguk didn't care he felt pretty and confident with a cute outfit on.

he found some nice black jeans, not too tight so you could still pull them down easily. he put on a white button shirt and tucked in his pants. his waist looked so small and he loved it.

jeongguk styled his hair a bit and put a bit of makeup on.

he applied some lip tint and smacked his lips together right after. damn he looked good. he smiled at himself, grabbed his phone and knocked on hoseoks door before leaving.

hoseok looked up from his phone and he saw jeongguk standing in the doorway looking like he was going out.

"you going somewhere?" he asked and pated yoongis head. the grey cat slept on hoseok tummy and purred at that. jeongguk nodded and smiled at the two.

"I'm heading to the club" he bite his lip and chewed on his bottom lip. hoseok nodded and looked worried "please be careful alright?" he said and smiled at his best friend. jeongguk smiled back at him and he tucked his hair behind his ear
"don't worry hyung, I promise to be careful"

hoseok smiled and looked at jeongguks outfit. "you look pretty gguk" jeongguk's cheeks turned a little red whenever he got a compliment and hoseok knew that, that's why he giggled at him and jeongguk smiled.

"thank you hobi, I'm going now" hoseok nodded and with a "get your man" jeongguk left his room and smiled to himself.

he definitely will get his man.

his man?



Hey guys sorry for letting you wait so long :( I just didn't had any motivation to write.

I hope you still like the chapter and in the next chapters it's going to be interesting (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

love, M ♡︎

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