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jeongguk's hands started shaking when he walked into the club, after a quick talk with seokjin. he was nervous and he didn't know why, maybe if he wasn't there or he found someone else. the thought only made him more nervous and he needed something to drink to go through this.

he sat on one of the stools on the bar and he ordered a sweet cocktail and he really enjoyed the cold drink. he took his time to empty his glass and jeongguk took a deep breath before standing up and walking over to the familiar door with the purple sign over it.

jeongguk opened the door and closed it slowly, pushing the curtain to the side and stepping inside the darkroom. he took a deep breath and slowly made his way along the walls, just like the last times.

he felt stupid the longer he walked, what was he even thinking? taehyung was just interested in hooking up with people. that was the only reason he was here, it's not like he would wait for jeongguk.

suddenly his hands found a hard broad chest."oh I'm sorry" he mumbled and bite his lip nervously. the man chuckled and arms wrapped around jeongguks waist.

"you seem to always bump into my chest baby" he recognized that voice immediately. it was taehyung. jeongguk's heart skipped a beat and smiled softly.

"I guess you're right, maybe that's where I belong" jeongguk replied with a smirk and he was proud of himself to sound so confident. taehyung let out a little laugh and his arms wrapping themselves tighter around jeongguk's waist. "you have a point, you should do that more often" taehyung voice was soft yet really deep and he could practically hear his smile in his voice and it made jeongguk so happy.

"you want me near you?" he asked and he was afraid if that would cross a line. taehyungs lips made contact with jeongguk's forehead and jeongguk's heart skipped a beat.

"of course i want you near me, your adorable and good with your mouth baby" he replied with a soft voice and his voice getting playful at the end. maybe it wasn't meant to sound like that but jeongguk was a bit disappointed.

was it really just about that?

he tried to let it go and do what people are supposed to do here. "you want me to show you again how good i can use my mouth?" he whispered and played with taehyungs belt.

"yes baby show me what your pretty mouth can do." without another word jeongguk dropped to his knees and palmed taehyung through his jeans.

a soft moan left taehyungs mouth and Jeongguk opened his belt and pulled his jeans and boxer down. he wrapped his hand around his half hard cock and slowly stroke it. he was again surprised at how big his dick really is.

without wasting any more time Jeongguk slowly took the head of his dick in his mouth. with a hiss taehyung dug his hands in Jeongguks hair and he pulled slightly on his soft raven hair, wet noises could be heard when Jeongguk sucked and licked around his dick.

he took him even deeper and moved his head up and down." fuck gguk..baby" taehyung bite his lips and pushed his dick in and out of his mouth. taehyung's dick twitch in his mouth and he was proud of himself to make him feel that good, so he sucked harder on it and let him fuck his mouth.

drool started forming on the sides of his mouth, his eyes started watering from the stretch of that big cock in his mouth but Jeongguk didn't care.

"fuck baby you make me cum already" taehyung moaned at the good feeling and he tugged on the raven head's hair. with the mission to make taehyung come fast he bobbed his head faster and used his tongue to lick over the veins.

Jeongguk tried to keep his eyes open but the tears made it almost impossible, when he heard the people around him getting louder he opened his eyes out of habit.

when he saw that the lights are on he panicked and looked up. taehyung looked down at him with shocked eyes and Jeongguk didn't know what to do.

before he could do anything taehyung moaned while looking down at him and came in his mouth without a warning. Jeongguk's eyes widen and he swallowed it without thinking and he looked up at him with big eyes.

his cheeks burned and he felt so embarrassed, with all the people in the room, naked and all of them shocked and when he saw taehyungs face,..he was absolutely gorgeous.

jeongguk got on his feet immediately and wiped his mouth and without a word he just ran out as fast as he could.

"Jeongguk wait!"

he ignored taehyung yelling after him and just kept running. when he was at home out of breath and with a beating heart, he noticed the police cars outside.

what just happened?


I know I didn't update for a while and I'm sorry for that guys ♡︎ I hope you like it even tho I'm not that happy 😅

see you next chapter ♥️

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