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the moment his head hit the pillows he felt tears falling down on the soft material. jeongguk didn't know why he was crying but he knew he was overwhelmed with what happened. when he saw taehyung's face at that moment while having a dick in his mouth was too much for him.

and he could not forget the fact he came in his mouth when he could see him. was it a good or bad thing? does that mean he liked how jeongguk looked?

he didn't know what to think about it and at the moment he didn't want to. Jeongguk let out a big sign and wiped away the tears on his face, there was no reason to cry because of this. what was he thinking?

he didn't even know if he should go back after what happened or just stay away? but taehyung was nice to him and he was handsome so what should he do?

"gguk" with a faint knock jeongguk looked up and was greeted with a worried looking hoseok. "are you alright? i knocked a few times but you didn't answer.. hey are you crying?" hoseok rushed to his side and wrapped his arms around him. his heart ached to see his best friend like that, he didn't know what happened and it worried him.

his eyes filled with tears again and jeongguk wrapped his arms tightly around hoseok and he let him cry.

"what happened ggukie.." hoseok whispered in his ear and kissed the top of his head."I don't want to talk about it.." he replied and wiped his eyes.

„okay buba then let's watch a movie, maybe that will distract you " hoseok turned the tv on and suddenly jeongguk's eyes widen and he quickly sat up.

"what is it?" hoseok asked curiously and looked between jeongguk and the tv.

"t..that's taehyung" he said and with a shaking finger, jeongguk pointed towards the tv. hoseok followed his hand and read on the screen.



I hope you don't hate me for this 👉🏻👈🏻👀

but do you think it's true?

or is it just a misunderstanding ?

let me know your thoughts 😄♥️

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