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"what do you mean?" jeongguk looked up with his doe eyes, watching hoseok slightly angered face. he frowned at his best friend and looked out the window.

" your so pretty gguk, when they did not let you in then no one can" hoseok mumbled under his breath and you could tell that he was hurt by the words of some security guy. jeongguk immediately wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"don't say that! your so handsome and that's just some stupid security man, he doesn't know shit. don't be hurt because some asshole doesn't know what beauty is" jeongguk looked a little angry at the end of his little speech, hoseok couldn't help but smile a little at how cute angry jeongguk looked like.

"yeah you're right buba, what he thinks is not important" hoseok smiles brightly and jeongguk soon showed him his big bunny smile and they softly giggled at each other.

"but I'm serious, you should go and see what's going on. I'm really curious." hoseok smiled at him and pushed him away.

jeongguk looked out the window and thought about it for a second, if he really should go if they judged his best friend like that?

"mh okay.. i really want to know what's going on" hoseok smiled at him and jeongguk got up and put his shoes on with a pout. He doesn't want the same thing to happen to him, as stupid as it sounds.

he grabbed his jacket and looked at hoseok who gave him a thumbs up and smiled.

jeongguk gave him a nod and got out, he made his way out, it was a bit cold outside so he walked a bit faster to the front of the club.

a tall man with broad shoulders stood at the entrance with a list in his head, when jeongguk stood in front of him and looked up, the security jacked tight on him and a name tag on his chest. seokjin.

"hello" was the only thing jeongguk could say and seokjin tilted his head and looked him up and down.

"hey cutie, are you already 18?" seokjin smiled softly at the cute boy in front of him.

jeongguk nodded immediately, "yeah I'm 19" he looked up and tried to be less nervous. whatever was behind those doors, scared him now.

"alright pretty you can come inside but u need to sign this for me first" seokjin handed him over a piece of paper and a pen.

wait why do I need to sign something?
and a sexual consent form?

what the fuck


Hey guys ♥️

I'm so sorry for not updating and coming back with a chapter like this :(

please ignore the mistake on this contract, i edited it a bit and it kinda messed it up, but I'm too lazy to fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️😅

I hope you still enjoyed it somehow 😄

love y'all ♥️

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