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"sorry ahm.. what exactly is that?" jeongukk looked at seokjin with a puzzled look on his face. seokjin could see the shocked expression on the kid's face and he wondered. what was he even doing here if didn't know what kind of club that is?

"that's a contract for all our customers, we want to make sure that your eighteen and agree to the terms of the things that happen here."

seokjin just got to the side , "look for yourself kiddo" he gave him a smile, let him sign the papers and pushed him a little to go inside. with a frown on his face jeongguk made his way inside and looked around. it looked like a normal bar to him, with red and black chairs a bar on the right side with alcohol on shelves on the wall. a music box and a few couches here and there.

what caught his interest was the door on the left with a neon purple sign. darkroom.

what does that even mean?

jeongguk decided to just go to the bar and get himself a drink, maybe he wouldn't be that nervous anymore.

that he had to sign some kind of contract made him nervous, why would he need that anyway.

after he drank a shot of vodka he got up and made his way to the door.

he bites his lips and slowly opened the door, at first he saw a curtain in front of him, he closed the door behind him and the small space was lit with a faint purple light, weird he thought.

jeongguk slowly pushed it to the side and was surprised when he saw..

absolutely nothing.

it was completely dark, he breathes in and out cause he didn't know what he was expecting.

but when he heard the noises, he froze.

was that a moan?


oh shit here I'm again

I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time omg , I'm really disappointed in me for not getting myself to write but I really want to go back to updating more often but I can't promise:( ♥️

I still hoped you liked the short chapter, I try to make the next one longer ♥️

till then stay healthy and save ♥️

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