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with a shocked expression, jeongguk tried to find a logical reason why would someone moan in the dark but he had absolutely no clue.

he could feel his heart beating faster and that fact that he couldn't see anything made him so nervous. He listened to those moans and he slowly walked forward. he hoped he wouldn't bang against any furniture or something.

he heard people whisper and he got even more anxious at that. jeongguk slowly put his hands in front of him to prevent him from hitting his head on anything. but what he definitely didn't expect was to touch a person's chest. a naked chest.

jeongguks mouth let out a little gasp and he immediately turned red, "I'm sorry.." he whispered and let his arms down as fast as he could. the man bevor him chuckled quietly and said " no problem but you could do something to make it up sweetie" jeongguk could imagine that guys disgusting smirk and he felt shivers running down his back, he took a step back and took a deep breath. "no thanks." he said and tried to go away.

"come on sweetie show me what you got" the man said again and jeongguk was confused and disgusted at the same time. this dude sounded so old and he smelled like cigarettes and jeongguk hated that. "no i don't want to" he said again and this time he felt the man go away and say " your loss"

Jeongguk signed in relieve and took a step forward, he reached a wall and he slowly tried to find the way back to the door, but he had no idea where he came from. till he hit yet another chest but this time the person had clothes on. thank god.

Jeongguk bite nervously his lip and apologize again. "I'm sorry.." he hoped he wouldn't have to deal with the same type of guy. "don't worry" said the stranger and jeongguk was surprised at the deep voice.

"thank you" was the only thing jeongguk could say and he didn't know what to do now. the stranger chuckled but it sounded real and in a nice way.

"are you new here baby?" the stranger asks after a few seconds and if the lights would be on the stranger would see jeongguk blushing at the nickname. "yes I am, I..I don't know what that here is.." jeongguk was still nervous but the stranger made him feel a bit safer.

"want me to show you baby?" the stranger asks and jeongguk tried to think of what he meant by that, but he had no clue so he just whispered a faint "yes.."

"calm down baby alright, i'm gonna take care of you" said the stranger in his deep and kind of sexy voice and jeongguk frowned at that, what did he mean by that?

he felt his breath hitch when he didn't feel the presence of the guy in front of him anymore, but he felt his sweatpants getting pushed down.

jeongguks eyes widen in horror, was this guy really about to do what he thinks?

and at that moment when he felt his breath on his dick and his deep voice whispering. "no underwear? so naughty"

he couldn't even answer his question when he felt the stranger kitten lick the head of his dick.

oh shit.


heeeyyy I'm back against with a chapter and I know it's kind of a cliffhanger 😄 but I try to update tomorrow too,so you don't have to wait that long.

and I'm sorry guys I let you wait so long:((

I love you guys and please wear your mask and wash your hands.

stay safe♥️

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