ⅱ. some people just want to watch the world burn

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"get up sister" charles announced as he entered his little sister's room. a groan was heard before a moan of pain due to charles opening the curtains and katherine not having her daylight ring on. she sped out to the corner of the room out of the sunlight as she scowled at her brother.

"why aren't you wearing your ring, are you delusional!" he shouted at his little sister feeling bad that he hurt her but mainly angry because it's one thing keeping her alive. "because i didn't want to look at it" she shouted as she slipped it on, this reply made charles frown considering kol had given it to her.

"anyway where's henrietta, it's too early for her to actually be up?" she pushed trying to get off the topic of her ring. "there's some sports game taking place later, i cannot remember what it's called. but she is playing" he answered as he smoothed out his uniform.

"and where's sebastian, let me guess trying to get with that saltzman twin. the platinum blonde one?" she answered her own question, rolling her eyes. she knew her name was lizzie but she was irritated that charles had woken her up so early.

"i think he likes her, but he'd rather die than admit that" charles mumbled looking at himself in the mirror. in a matter of five minutes katherine was dressed and ready to leave the room.

"any news on kat?" charles questioned warily looking at his sister. she sighed before answering "i haven't gotten any sightings of her, but i know shes okay" she thought of the girl she was once in love with. she had been tracking her for years but one day she fell off the grid, but katherine always stayed positive, hoping she would come back one day.


"mr. saltzman?" katherine called as she saw him walking away from a disappointed looking set of twins, she sent them each a smile before approaching the man. "yes, katherine?" he questioned wanting to leave and go and find landon.

"i want to find landon with you" she said calmly as if it was nothing. he stood there mouth ajar not knowing how to tell the girl it would be too dangerous. "i-i. i'll sort it out and get him back safe, i promise" he tried to reassure the girl but she wasn't taking it.

"i barely know landon but he was nice to me, and i see him as a friend now which means i'm going to find him and help him. i feel like a certain witch has an agenda against him, and i can't let her get to him" she explained before pushing past him and making her way to the suv with him following close behind.

when she got outside she saw hope and rafael arguing, not bothering to get involved she walked past and jumped in the back of the car. they both looked at her with scrunched eyebrows and confused looks.

"he can come" alaric announced making hope look at him like he's crazy "what?" she asked "he knows landon, he'll be an asset. and we need all the help we can get, which is why katherine's here" making katherine give them a smirk through the window.

"so fix the car and hop in" he explained making rafael give hope a smug look which was wiped of his face when alaric told him to put on a shirt.


"theo do you know where lizzie is?" sebastian questioned his werewolf friend as he was talking to jed. theo only replied by pointing his finger forward which is where lizzie and josie stood, sebastian smiled at him before walking away. jed watched him go before turning to his pack mate.

"who's that guy?" he questioned wanting to figure out how he knew the girl that was sat at the party last night. theo turned to look at him with a smirk on his face "sebastian declare, him and his brother and sisters moved in yesterday" he explained as he thought of the family.

"what's his sisters look like?" jed questioned further wanting to know if it was her. theo rolled his eyes but had a small smile on his face as he thought of the beautiful girls "katherine his older sister has raven hair , tanned skin, you'll be able to tell her by her eyes. her eyes look like honey in the light, there's like a little twinkle in the middle they're so-" he was cut of by jed putting a hand over his mouth with a concerned look on his face

"do you like her or something?" jed questioned holding in a laugh which made theo let out an emotionless laugh. "no she's just one of the prettiest people i've ever seen. okay his little sister henrietta she has brown eyes but her are really dark, suits her you know, she's a bit less tanned and her hair it's always curled. always. you'll never see her with straight hair. i guess that's one way to tell the difference" he said with a shrug before walking away. "oh and she had a dimple on her right cheek" the boy called before disappearing

"henrietta" jed repeated to himself with a smile before walking off with thoughts of the girl


"charles, my favourite person" was heard from the left side of charles declare, he didn't need to look to know who it was. victoria lockwood. she took a seat next to him well peering over his shoulder to look at the book he was reading.

"victoria" he greeted with a nod, making the girl frown a bit. "are you going to tell me your story now?" she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes wanting to speak to the boy. he chuckled at the question finding no harm in telling her. he nodded which made her let out a little squeal.

"where should we start then?" he asked prepared to tell the girl. "the beginning, where were you born, when were you born, how did you turn?" she rambled as he turnt her body to fully face him. he laughed with nervousness.

"1897 in Paris, france me and my sister katherine were born and around a year later my mother who was a witch had my brother and sister sebastian and henrietta. we were wealthy and nearly all of paris knew the name declare, my mothers name was maria and my fathers name was philip. my father was an abusive man, his rage controlled him most of the time. he ended up killing my mother one night which caused us to flee the country to escape him. the way we were turned is a far different story though" he started to explain, vicky urged him to continue already interested.

"have you ever heard of the mikaelsons" he asked the girl needing her to know to continue his story, she eagerly nodded telling him "hope mikaelson goes here, did you not know?" to this information he let a shocked look land on his face, until a smile replaces it knowing that a descendant of the original mikaelson clan existed. somehow.

"my sister katherine fell in love with one of the brothers, kol. he was known as the psychotic maniac of the family, but she loved him nonetheless. she introduced him to us and he introduced us to them. niklaus, rebekah, elijah and marcellius. we all got along well, in a way we were all a big family. but we did not know of the curse that their mother had placed upon the bunch and they intended for it to stay that way. but katherine knew, kol had planned to turn her so they would be able to spend long immortal lives togethar. but when she turned, the bloodlust she felt was too strong for her to control, she attacked us and killed us." victoria was sat there with wide eyes as a breath of shock left her lips. he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"but we did not know that we died with mikaelson blood in our bodies, they knew that there was a high chance of their enemies coming after us since they cared so much, so they took precautions by always dropping a little bit of blood in our drinks whenever we visited. they couldn't lose us as rebekah liked to always say. they thought of us as apart of the family the 'always and forever' extending to us. we were happy for another five years, until our father found us. mikael and him had teamed up and were plotting to kill us all. we were forced to flee the night they attacked new orleans. i assume marcellius died as he was trapped in the opera house, niklaus had staked kol after he and katherine had said their goodbyes, then elijah, rebekah and him ran like hell, and so did we. we only heard from them a few times in these years but it did bring a warmth to my heart to know they were happy. but i thought niklaus' daughter had died."

as he was finishing up his story victoria was wiping her tears away being so emotional from hearing the depressing story. charles too had tears rolling down his face but he didn't seem to care, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it trying to let him know he was safe.


after a 20 minute drive they arrived to the scene where the bus was torched, hope and alaric went out of the car to talk to the deputy and left katherine and rafael in an awkward silence. katherine couldn't take the silence anymore and jumped out of the car walking up to hope and putting a hand on her shoulder. "we should search the woods" she suggested before walking back to the car to get rafael.

alaric, hope, rafael and katherine started walking through the forest in an uncomfortable silence until hope finally spoke up "i don't know why he's still out here. he has a whole day's lead on us. "he could be anywhere" rafael and katherine turn to give hope confused looks as rafael replies. 

"maybe 'cause he doesn't have a reason to run" this causes hope to roll her eyes. 

"hey guys all that matters is that we find him safe and-" katherine was cut short as alaric started to shush them.

"someones here" he says before running off with the 3 students following behind him. they freeze when they see a woman struggling to get onto her feet, she was covered in dirt. "i-it's okay. im not going to hurt you" alaric starts questioning the woman before deciding to take her back to the police to get checked out. this left the 3 teenagers alone to find Landon.


henrietta sat on the bleachers of the field as she watched the students from the boarding school and the mystic falls timber wolves play against eachother, the games being going "normal" as lizzie told her saying how they're not allowed to win.

when they were supposed to shake hands with the other team some brunette boy skipped kaleb making him look a bit annoyed, she quickly exited her seat and ran up to him and put a hand on his shoulder "kaleb, come on, suck it up" she whispered in a harsh tone not wanting to get the school exposed. 

"i was being recruited by d1 schools before i got here, i don't lose" he huffed.

she sighed before moving back to her seat not noticing the pair of dark brown eyes following her every move from across the bleachers. as she sat down an arm was flung around her shoulder making her turn her head quickly, which could've resulted in whiplash.

"hello, favourite sister of mine" sebastian said with a smirk as he stared at lizzie who looked ready to rip some blonde's head off. 

"just go and talk to her" henrietta said as she tried to shrug sebastian's arm of her shoulder. he turnt to look at her trying to look confused but failed after a while.

"no, when have i ever gone up to the girl. i mean look at me, everyone wants me" he said motioning to himself, which caused his little sister to roll her eyes. 

"times have changed, now push your ego to the side for once and get the girl. anyway i like her, she's nice" henrietta shrugged before moving to sit next to penelope on the bench closer to the field giving her a smile.

sebastian thought of this and decided he would ask her out, he didn't know when or how he would do it but he knew he would. eventually. maybe.


katherine, rafael and hope had been searching for 20 minutes and after rafael and hope getting into a brief arguement they found landon hiding in some basement in the corner. katherine jumped down first not caring to wait for the others as she ran to him and hugged him. he didn't except that greeting from the girl but he still accepted it.

"katherine, raf? holy hell!" landon breathes out before rushing to rafael to give him a hug. 'how did you find me?" he questioned with a full look of confusion, katherine and rafael looked at each other briefly before rafael answers 

"there's, a u-um lot of crazy witchy people looking for you. there's a bus or burned-up people-" landon cut him off before he could finish

 "that wasn't me" he interfered.

"then who was it?" hope interrupted coming out of nowhere making katherine growl under her breath.

 "you said 3 minutes" she argued, hope crossed her arms before rolling her eyes.

 "like i said- people lie." not even within a minute hope mutters an incarnation and landon goes flying back against the wall pinned up. rafael looks at her like she crazy as katherine rushes up to her and pins her to the wall causing her to drop the spell on landon.

"i have a good century experience on you, now if i learnt one thing from your family it's that you fight for the ones you care about" she growled not breaking eye-contact with the girl as she let her go letting her catch her breath.

"don't talk my family" hope spat as he doubled over.

"i was apart of your family at a point and i protected them as if they were my blood" katherine shouted not liking the way the girl was acting as if katherine didn't love them at a point.

rafael rushed over to katherine and pulled her against his chest as it looked as if she was about to breakdown. "where's the knife?" hope shouted at landon well he stood to the side watching everything unfold. 

"i don't have it, i must've lost it when i ran" he said anxiously.

"after you burned the bus" she accused making landon look like a sad puppy.

"that wasn't me, i swear! i barely got out alive" he repeated for the 2nd time. 

hope looked ready to burst which rafael noticed "hope, come on" he tried to reason.

"last chance. where the hell was it" she yelled.

he sighed before replying "there was this girl" and started explaining.


after explaining his family's tragic story to victoria, her and charles sat side by side in the dining room in a comfortable silence. he was reading a book as she was doing homework occasionally asking him for help even if she knew the answer. she was still interested in the declare family history though knowing there was more to the story after they ran.

she pushed her homework to the side as she turned her body to look at him moving his book out of him hands and placing it upside down on the table. "what happened after you ran? where did you go?" she asked out loud, he smiled a little trying to remember the important things throughout the years.

"nothing really, we stayed hidden trying not to be exposed. we went back to paris and live our lives like normal people, with the exception of compelling everything we wanted" he rolled his neck not finding anything interesting to tell her.

"what, so you didn't fall in love, get married, divorced" she asked in a frantic manner. he chuckled slightly before trying to think of his past lover. "there was this one woman, she captured my heart the moment i layed eyes on her. it was 1933 and we were attending a ball, she ascended down the stair case like cinderella. she took my breath away, her blonde locks, emerald green eyes and pale skin. long story short we fell in love, got engaged and then she was killed in an attack from one of niklaus' enemies." he said before grabbing his book and getting out of his seat ready to leave.

victoria sat there with wide eyes of sympathy for the boy , he was getting ready to leave before she asked him one more question "what was her name?"

 he sighed clenching his fists drawing a little bit of blood before repeating her name as if he was saying it yesterday "celeste marseille" before exiting the hall.


it has been another long hour of arguing between rafael, hope and landon before figuring out landon did have the knife but apparently he didn't know which annoyed katherine the littlest bit before figuring out there was a dragon outside ready to burn them alive.

alaric was on the phone to dorian "the way to take down a dragon? you need a buttload of courage and a sword" 

hope quickly grabs the knife from landon before asking "how about a knife?"

hope and rafael had come up with a plan, hope jumped out of the cellar/basement and made the woman fly backwards with just the thrust of her arm "didn't anyone tell you smoking's bad for you?" which made katherine chuckle. "scutum" hope said as the woman breathed a whole load of fire towards hope making her block it with the knife. it looked as if it were getting to her though which is finally when rafael came and knocked the woman over with a rock. "took you long enough" she breathed out.

 "sorry. i couldn't find a rock" hope looked at him exasperatedly.

"that was hot hope, that's something i'd never thought i'd hear myself say" katherine thought after complimenting the girl to which she smiled. the dragon women starts to get back up before rafael leaps in the air catching the knife from hope and stabbing her in the chest making them all breath out in relief.


long story short, the woman came back to life as a real life dragon like something out of game of thrones but died and rafael and landon left togethar which made katherine a bit upset but she acted as if it didn't affect her. now hope, alaric and her were exiting the car getting ready to enter the school before katherine bumped into penelope.

"watch it" she warned which caused penelope to look at her with raised eyebrows.

 "wow calm down kendall jenner, you bumped into me" she mocked with her right eyebrow raised. after staring each other down for a minute straight they both burst out into laughter. 

"im katherine delcare and you are josie's evil ex as i've been told" she smiled sticking her hand out to the brunette with a bob.

 "im penelope park, and im not that evil" she shook her hand. katherine stared at her hair before asking "did you cut your hair, it wasn't like that yesterday?" to which penelope flipped her hair.

"no actaully, josie burnt it off. but lucky for everyone, i can actually rock a bob" penelope explained quickly, not sounding angry at josie at all.

katherine agreed with her on this replying "wow that badass" she chuckled. 

"i know, one of the many reasons i love her" katherine smiled at the girl knowing they would become good friends.

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