ⅰ. this is the part where you run

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katherine declare sat across her living room chair relaxing, reading how to kill a mocking bird in peace. today was the day her and her siblings would start to attend the salvatore boarding school for the young and gifted. they had been invited to attend the school after katherine met alaric saltzman at a local bar when he caught her compelling a bartender for a bottle of bourbon.

she had told her older brother first about how they would attend the school which he was hesitant on until he realised it would be a easier way to watch their younger siblings ,sebastian and henrietta and make sure they were safe and didn't go on any more killing spree's. when it came to telling the youngest two of the bunch they were apsaloutely against the idea of going to a school as they enjoyed the way they were allowed to do whatever they wanted.

charles was worried knowing all about the infamous stories that went on in mystic falls knowing all about the doppleganger, the salvatores and the mikaelsons( from personal experience) him and his siblings had what you could call anger issues. but it truly wasn't their fault, they had been hurt many times by the world and became what they had to, as it was the only way to survive.

"katherine where's my daylight ring?" henrietta shouted to her older sister rummaging through the drawers in her bedroom in the apartment they had compelled themselves.

"i don't know, maybe the bottom left drawer. but make sure your packed before 5" katherine replied as she rolled her eyes trying to finish the book she had read 27 times.

suddenly the front door to the apartment was blown open with sebastian entering, blood smeared round his mouth, him obviously not caring.

"so at this school what's the limit on the people i can eat?" he questioned lifting his sisters legs placing them on his lap as he sat down.

katherine turned to give him a disapproving look already telling him the school was to learn to control his bloodlust and be semi-normal. the look soon disappeared though as she stared into her brothers lazy blue eyes which he got from their mother, they were always something that kept katherine from not lashing out at him. he was the only one of the four that inherited the eyes and the dirty blonde hair, people would always question if they were fully related and that always made each one of the siblings want to rip out their throats as they knew it made sebastian feel as if he were the black sheep of the family.

"i already told you and tell me you at least got rid of your most recent snack?" katherine pleaded as she wiped her brothers mouth with her thumb, sighing.

"obviously and how do you except me to survive there, i might end up eating the head master" he mumbled swatting her hand away wiping his mouth with his jacket sleeve.

before katherine could reply the oldest of the bunch walked in dragging a suitcase behind him and 4 blood bags in one hand. Henrietta soon came in with her daylight ring on her finger walking up to him and grabbing a blood bag from his hand before going to sit on one of the kitchen stools.

"thanks for the blood charles" she thanked as she pulled her phone out and started drinking from the bag not bothering to pay any attention to her older brothers and sister.

charles threw the two towards sebastian and katherine as he smiled a little towards his youngest sister loving the way she could be so calm on an important day. suddenly the phone at the door of the apartment rang, none of the siblings bothered to make a move to answer so katherine decided to vamp speed there before she missed it.

"hello it's mr. saltzman here to pick up the declare siblings" a masculine voice said reading from a piece of paper making sure he got the right address.

"yeah, mr. saltzman we'll be down in just a few minutes" Katherine smiled before ending the call and vamp speeding to her younger siblings rooms to collect their suitcases moving them to the living room. she smiled warmly to them and giving them a look to say 'don't eat him'

they all departed the apartment one by one dragging their suitcases. as katherine shut the door charles placed a hand on her shoulder knowing she was nervous as she also knew of the towns history and wanted them to all to arrive to the town alive as well as wanting them all to leave alive.


the car ride to say the least was long and stressful, charles sat in the passenger seat leaving the others to sit in the back with katherine to sit in between sebastian and henrietta incase either one of them tried to kill the other. they spoke to eachother occasionally with alaric asking them occasional questions about their past, family etc. and only getting short answers like france and deceased which explained the accents.

after around half an hour sebastian and henrietta passed out both falling asleep on katherine's shoulders, not even ten minutes later katherine too was asleep. charles turned to look at his younger siblings smiling to himself happy they were all togethar. alaric noticed this when charles turnt back to the front soon also falling asleep, the siblings reminded him of the mikaelsons which worried him, but he knew they were still 'young' so they couldn't be much trouble.

nearly four hours later they arrived in mystics falls, the school looked nice from what they first saw, as the car continued to arrive at the front they saw werewolves, witches, vampires and things they didn't even know the names of. henrietta stared at it in awe never being able to attend school after being turnt at fifteen and having to flee. as the car arrived to the front and the siblings exited the car. they saw two teenage girls one with brunette hair and a taller blonde girl with welcoming smiles on their faces. sebastian smirked as he looked the blonde up and down as she copied his actions.

"welcome to the salvatore school" the blonde said as her and the brunette approached

"i'm josie" the brunette said smiling. "i'm lizzie" the blonde spoke afterwards. "sisters" the blonde rushed out as the youngest of the declares looked at them uninterested.

"twins" josie added on which confused the siblings but they quickly understood thinking about how they themselves barely had similar features. "fraternal, obvs" the blonde pointed out as she smiled at sebastian

"why don't you guys go with the girls well i talk to charles and get your guys' schedules sorted" alaric suggested making katherine hesitant on letting her brother go off. although they eventually nodded and were about to leave when a girl with gingery-brown haired girl walked up. she reminded katherine of someone, but she couldn't tell who.

"morning, hope" the sisters said at the same time making the declares smile in amusement. "morning girls" hope replied as she looked over the siblings, katherine let her eyes linger on the girl as she and the sisters finished up their debacle, she was really pretty.


"everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part. the wolves are pretty cliquey, they like to hang with their own in defiance of the schools commitment to inclusiveness" the twins finished as we stopped outside of a classroom to watch a girl perform a spell.

"she who shall not be named, talking about her gives her power" lizzie said glaring at the girl in the centre of the classroom

"who are you talking about?" henrietta questioned curious

"josie's evil ex" lizzie sneered which meant josie was either bi-sexual like katherine or gay, she made note to find out

the girl must've said the spell wrong considering the class soon had smoke and people coughing

"come on, we'll show you to the turret. it's where the seniors go to smoke" josie sighed beginning to walk away

"what do they smoke, eye of newt?" sebastian laughed

"weed idiot" henrietta and katherine said as they smacked him across the head following the girls.


they made their way out onto the field where a game of wickery was going on, lizzie had gone of to some boy named rafael well sebastian helped henrietta carry her bags to her room leaving katherine to go with josie

"hey mg this is katherine declare" Josie introduced as they sat down next to a boy with large curly hair and caramel-ish skin

"nice to meet you" katherine smiled shaking his hand quickly, the boy gave her a sweet smile in return.

"giving up dibs on the new guy so quickly?" mg asked as he saw lizzie sitting with rafael, josie looked at her twin with a small frown

"it's not a competition. plus, i'm still nursing a wounded soul" she explained turning to watch the game as mg let out a 'hmm' sound

"penelope park" mg concluded, now fully facing the girl

"how could she break up with you, you're so pretty" katherine exclaimed giving josie a confused look, josie smiled at her as mg smirked.

"thank you, and we don't mention her name anymore, remember?" josie reminded as mg chuckled

"sorry" he laughed feeling bad for the girl knowing how she really liked her

"do you think he'll go for her? mg questioned as he turnt to look at the duo who looked deep in conversation. it's like he held a sad look in his eyes.

"probably, they usually do" josie answered making katherine guess this was a usual thing that happened between the sisters. them having to fight over someone for their attention.

"my sister would like you, and my brother would like you" katherine said directing the first part of her sentence to mg and the second to josie. after a while of just staring at the two. mg stared at her with his eyebrows furrowed not knowing she had siblings.

"i'll introduce you properly to charles later and i'll introduce you to ria tonight" katherine added before getting up and begin making her way towards her room. on the way off of the field she locked eyes with the boy rafael before he got up and left lizzie, the girl looked upset.

katherine decided to go and sit with lizzie quickly, as she sat down next to the girl she smiled "so do you guys do parties here?" she questioned placing a hand on her shoulder.

lizzie lifted her head to look at her the tears that were previously in her eyes gone as a weak smile made it's way to her face.


it was now night at the salvatore school and katherine stood with josie and the werewolf who she learnt was called rafael, henrietta was talking to kaleb, charles in his room and sebastian's room and sebastian with a boy named theo who was somehow hope's step-brother. at the moment josie was dragging a boy named landon out of his cell underneath the school. he was locked up because apparently he couldn't be compelled.

"raf? what the hell, man?" landon questioned as he quickly jumped up and cleaned his clothes of

"they helped me get you out" rafael explained as he helped his foster brother stand

"summoning spell, did i bruise you? i'm still really working out the kinks" josie apologised, looking around with a smile which made katherine want to smile.

"summoning spell" landon repeated "let's get you a drink bro" rafael interrupted and dragged landon along with him

after a while Landon has wandered of with a sad look on his face into the woods, josie sat with rafael talking but katherine, had gone and followed landon.

"are you crazy i am almost killed you!" could be heard a metres away, katherine vamp sped there scared that landon could be in trouble. she went directly to the voice she heard not realizing it was hope with her hand wrapping around her neck pushing her back into a tree.

"phasmatos somnus!" hope let out the spell quickly letting katherine's body fall to the floor not knowing it was her. "katherine, shit!" landon let out quickly as he let out a little yelp.

"did you kill her?!. you killed her, you killed katherine!" landon panicked checking her pulse and walking around in a circle. hope rolled her eyes as she quickly instructed him to pick up her body and follow her into the school.

"she's not dead, just unconscious" hope said still annoyed at the body for interrupting her in her wolf form.


"don't touch that" hope said as she side-eyed landon. "sorry. i didn't, i-i mean i wasn't where are we? uh, the stefan salvatore memorial library" landon said being careful not to touch anything.

"all the artefacts in here have a supernatural history" hope explained "what's the one do?" landon asked. "no idea, but in my experience, your safest bet is to not touch it" she said with a little chuckle.

"noted, im sorry about earlier" landon apologised "you shouldn't have been out there" she grumbled. "i'll file that under the things that seem really obvious after the fact. so i guess this means your a werewolf. he said, casually" landon chuckled finding the situation confusing but entertaining.

"im a lot of things" hope said trying not to get into the conversation with the boy she felt a connection to. "care to elaborate?" he pushed. "they're just going to make you forget tomorrow" she argued. "come on, humour me" he announced.


charles declare walked around the salvatore school lake trying to get used to being around so many "children" as he liked to call them, he sat down by one of the benches trying not to worry about sebastian or henrietta not wanting anything to go wrong else they would have to run again. but they've ran too much if it happens one more time they won't be leaving togethar, and that was something none of them would be able to handle.

"so what's on your mind?" victoria lockwood asked with an arched eyebrow as she sat down next to the boy startling him slightly as he was so deep in thought, but he never showed it.

"nothing, nothing at all" he dismissed as he finally turned to look at the girl, and she took his breath away. her eyes alone could rewrite history, and her smile, that goddamn smile. he swore he fell in love with her at that moment.

"victoria lockwood" she introduced sticking her hand out for him to shake, "charles declare" he shook her hand back keeping strong eye contact.

"the new kid, i heard you and your siblings were all good-looking, didn't believe it" she explained with full confidence, this caused him to chuckle. "so what's your story charles?" vicky questioned generally intrigued.

"that's a story for a different time, guess you'll have to wait" he whispered as he shook his head looking down at his lap. he stood up getting ready to leave and so did she. "it was nice to meet you victoria, hope to see you again" he said taking her hand and kissing it.

"call me vicky" she added before making her way back to her dorm room. he watched her until she got to the girls building before finally turning around and making his way back to his room.


a loud gasp was heard from the maroon couch in the back of the library causing landon and hope's heads to turn around and look at Katherine as she rose.

"what the hell" she muttered, looking around before she finally noticed hope and landon finally realizing it must've been hope who knocked her out. she rolled her eyes before getting up and walking over, slightly wobbling.

"are you okay?" landon and katherine both asked eachother as katherine approached placing her hand on his shoulder to steady herself still a bit dizzy. they both shook their heads as hope rolled her eyes.

"my dad was one of the earth's original vampires" hope continued with her explaining to landon not bothering to apologise to katherine seeing she didn't apologise to her. "was?" landon questioned.

it was in that moment that katherine realised who she was. she was surprised she couldn't tell straight away, her eyes were almost identical to klaus'. katherine not even daring to speak seeing as she knew all about the mikaelsons, better than most did.

"was, turns out even immortal beings can find a way to die eventually" she clarified with a broken look in her eyes, something katherine could recognise too easily.

"klaus mikaelson. the great evil." Landon read out taking in a deep breath. "he wasn't very popular around here" hope let out being honest, katherine chuckled at the statement considering klaus usually got everyone to like him.

"that's surprising for niklaus, he used to be very popular every time we met up" katherine breathed out, reminiscing of the times. hope turned to stare at her shocked that she knew her father.

"you knew, my dad" she asked repeating the "my dad" part just to be sure. katherine nodded finally looking at her "i knew klaus, elijah, rebekah, marcel and kol, and i loved them all, and i still do to this day. but it was kol who truly had my heart" she revealed as tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of one of her true loves.

"anyway's that's a story for another time" she quickly let out as she wiped the un-shed tears and tried to change the subject. landon was staring at her the whole time trying to figure out what could've happened to make her get this emotional. hope only looked at her with dried tears on her cheeks.

"my mother was an alpha werewolf" hope said with clenched teeth trying not to cry, katherine was on edge barely being able to keep her own tears in as they kept making there way up.

"there's that was again" landon realized. "the people i care about have a tendency to die on me" she breathed out. katherine decided she had heard enough and decided to leave the room to go to bed without a single goodnight.


henrietta still stood outside at the party which still had not been broken up as she talked to kaleb, she enjoyed his company finding the boy entertaining and funny.

"who are those guys?" she questioned as she watched a pack of boys jumping from wall to wall guessing they were werewolves. kaleb looked to where she was directing her attention to, seeing jed and his pack. he rolled his eyes before standing in front of her "those are the werewolves, do not try and be their friends. they only like their own kind the stuck up ass holes" she nodded slowly to this still staring at the one with dark brown hair.

"im gonna get another drink, you want one?" he asked only getting a nod in response before walking off.

"what is your name?" she asked herself repeatedly as she kept staring at him, not expecting an answer.

the werewolves all stood in a circle watching as two of their own jumped from side to side of the walls seeing who could reach the top first, something was bothering jed though, he felt as if someone was watching him he turnt around and made eye contact with a her.

henrietta hadn't even realised he had caught her staring, she was so deep in thought she hadn't even seen him smile at her too. that was until sebastian showed up sitting next to her. "who's that" he asked with a cautious look on his face not liking the way he was looking at his sister.

"I don't know, but i really want to find out" she uttered knowing how sebastian is about her.

it wasn't the first time he got protective, it was a natural occurrence for the two. one that always ended in tears, screaming and blood. Henrietta had tried to distance herself due to it but she was a sucker for a tragic love story whether she liked to admit it or not.


1914 New Orleans

There she stood as beautiful as ever in her black bedazzled chiffon mini dress, her siblings were close enough incase something happened but besides from that they were all enjoying their lives. katherine sat with kol at the bar, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as they drunk. charles, marcel and rebekah seeing how many people they could compel in a minute although rebekah always ended up winning. and sebastian sat with klaus as they drunk all the bourbon they could that was until a young man around 17 approached Henrietta with a full-blown smile.

she grabbed his hand and pulled him around the corner out of sight as they usually did whenever he was let out of the house. "how have you been my love?" henrietta questioned him as she pecked his cheek. "good as usual, but i do miss you more with each day that passes" he sighed.

she let a small frown grace her lips and she cupped his cheek "one day we will be togethar, i promise you that. even if your father wants you to marry someone else." she reassured the boy who had stolen her heart. "you are immortal my love, i will die soon. i do not want you to wait for me, by the time we would be able to be togethar, i will be old" he explained as he held the girl close to him.

"then be immortal with me" she whispered as she escaped his embrace, a small smile started to make it's way to his face. that was until his head was chopped cleanly of his body in one go. a heart-shattering scream escaped her throat as her brother stood in front of her with crimson blood staining his skin. "oops. niklaus taught me that trick you know" was all sebastian said as he licked his lips watching his little sisters lover fall to the floor.

henrietta lets her lovers name escape her mouth as she dropped to her knees into a pile of blood that started pooling. she stared up at her brother with a broken look in her eyes as knots formed in her throat begging to be let out.

"he wasn't good enough for you" was the last thing sebastian said before walking away to tell his siblings of the recent lover of henrietta he killed. he spared his sister one last glance knowing that if he looked any longer he would rip his own heart out for causing his sister so much pain. but to him, no one deserved his sister.


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