iv. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ก๐ข๐ ๐ก

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"Her friend seems pretty cool, at least." Ethan spoke to Alma, sat in his room while he introduced her to his video games. Though, unexpectedly, she beat him in the last three rounds, "What's she even hate you for anyways?"

"Dude, because shes fucking crazy." Alma spoke, throwing a hand full of popcorn into her mouth as she held the controller in her hands, "She got a answer wrong in class and everyone was kinda being a dick about it. When the teacher called on me, I got it right. Guess it just humiliated her."

"Are you kidding!" Ethan huffed as his screen went blood red, "You killed me again? We're on the same team."

"Yeah but only one winner in the end." Alma snorted, crossing her legs. After school, she'd given Ethan another ride home. Because her mom took her sister to visit her dad, Alma made sure to have her text her when she was on her way. She used the excuse to unlock the door, but in reality, she'd just need to sprint across the street before her mom realized she'd been at Ethans.

"I regret showing you any of these." Ethan laughed, starting the game over as their controllers vibrated at the same time, "But that's stupid, the whole answer thing, it's not like you raised your hand or anything. Are her friends mean to you?"

"Egh, no, but they act like it's okay." Alma shrugged her shoulders, picking her character she'd use for the next round, "BB is really rude to me though, I think because she worships Maddy for some reason. Cassie and Kat aren't so bad though."

"Yeah." Ethan said rather quickly, "Kat seems cool."

Alma shrugged, "Haven't really spoken enough to her, but, yeah, she seems cool."

"Alma and Ethan had been hanging out a lot since he spread that paint across his forehead and was pretty much nominated to a fucking king in her mind for doing it. He didn't have many friends here and Alma didn't at all, making them kinda perfect for each other. Plus, Ethan was, like, the only person in the universe that actually listen to Alma and didn't invalid her on literally anything. She'd gotten kinda attached to finally having a friend that she didn't just talk to every now and then to not seem like a loser. They were like me and Jules, literally doing everything together and getting super close at a unnatural speed. He didn't even care that people were a dick to him now because he'd been labeled the weirdo chicks best friend."

"You ever think about getting high?" Alma asked, earning a odd look after he picked his character, "I have a friend, well, someone I talk to every now and then, I mean. She gets really high, like, all the time and says it's the best thing ever."

"Not really, I guess." Ethan shrugged, his legs shifting while his back pressed against the headboard, "I heard a lot of people get a bunch of different reactions to it."

"Yeah, my mom had an anxiety attack the first time." Alma hummed, the pair turning their heads at the same time to look at each other. Alma smiled, "Wanna try?"

"We're here to purchase..." Ethan trialed off, standing infront of Fez after walking through the door, that looked like a store fridge. Ethan looked to Alma in hopes of her knowing.

"Drugs." she said back, standing straighter to appear more intimidating and cool.

Ashtray laughed as Fez inhaled, "What kind?"

Now it was time for Alma to look at Ethan for a answer.

"Ugh, what- what do you suggest?" he asked Fez, neither knowing what they should go for their first time. Ashtray and Fez shared a look again, Alma rocking on her heels slightly. She stood about a inch or two taller then Ethan with her shoes on, a off brand pair of gucci boots. You could only tell they were fake if you stared long enough, and no one really looked at her shoes anyways.

"First timers?" Ashtray asked, earning a nod, "Joints it is."

"Like weed?" Alma asked with raised eyebrows, "I thought that wasn't a drug?"

"Oh my god." Fez mumbled as he pulled the two joints from his pockets, already wrapped in a baggie, "Pay up, Bert and Ernie."

Laughter, coughing, and smoke bounced off the walls of Ethans room. The lights were off, his keyboard illuminated the room in a hot pink neon color. The duo sat on the ground, Almas hands shaky as she kept laughing, the glittery eyeshadow brush in her hand. Ethan made a comment about her, now smudged shiny eyelids, the idea coming to mind after.

"Did you get it?" Ethan laughed, never feeling the eyeshadow brush go across his face, "Alma!"

"I can't stop laughing." she laughed again, dropping the brush as a strike of glitter spread across his carpet. He didn't care, only laughing with her, "Look, this will be easier."

Ethan watched her coat her index fingers in the eye shadow, leaning over. Her right hand held his face, giggling flooding from her lips, using her opposite hand to rub it across his eyelids. She switched hands again, doing the same to his other eye. Alma leaned back with a dramatic gasp, one he mocked her about, "Gorgeous!"

Ethan smiled, coughing as he inhaled another one of the joints, Alma mimicking the actions as they neared the ends of them, "Are we considered stoners now?"

"Are we drug addicts?" Alma gasped, the pair laughing loudly again as they both tumbled over and laid across his carpet. Heads near each other, both bodies on opposite sides. Turning their heads, they were face to face. They were both illuminated in the hot pink color from the lights and cheap, glittery eyeshadow, "Ethan."

"Alma." he mimicked her tone, turning with wide eyes her way.

"Do you think aliens are real?" she asked, earning a loud laugh from him, "I'm serious."

"Well, duh." he laughed at her again. twisting to lay on his side and look at her, "Do you?"

"I have seen one." she gasped, eyes getting wider over at him, "He was coming to get me."

"He was coming to get you?" Ethan asked her with a gasp himself, "What'd you see?"

"When I was twelve, I was asleep in my room and this huge light came from outside. I hid under the covers and heard all these loud noises, then my window was being hit on." Alma told the story, shaking her head as she took the final inhale of her joint, holding it in a second, "Thats when I knew it was a alien."

She exhaled, blowing smoke into Ethans face. He smiled, softly, not even bothered by the smoke hitting him and slightly burning his eyes, "I'm glad that alien didn't take you."

Alma laid her head down and smiled, "Me too."

"Alma didn't actually see a alien, incase you were wondering. It was actually the night her dad tried to take her from her house because the court didn't let him see her after he drove drunk with her in the car, crashing and putting her in the hospital with a broken wrist. He started a fire outside her house and was hitting on her window, the noises she heard were the police on the phone with her mother. She told me this story once, I really wonder if she just says that to make herself feel better or if her mind was protecting her from what really happened and made up some different scenario during the moment. Either way, I feel really bad about it."

Loud knocking hit Ethans door, making the pair gasp as they sat up. Before either had a chance to react, the door was swung open. Almas mother stood in the doorway, Ethans sister with her with a guilty look toward the pair.

"So glad to see you're alive." Nicole said sarcastically as she stared at her daughter in disbelief, "Do you have any clue what time it is?"

Alma turned her phone over, the midnight numbers shining up at her along with the multiple missed called from her mother. She didn't want to laugh, but she couldn't help it as she did so, Ethan giving her a crazy and worried look, "Sorry, mom, the aliens messed up my sense of direction."

Her words made no sense, the teen laughing at what she said. Ethan tried to talk her down, his sister gave a worried look as Nicole walked into the room and pulled Alma off the ground, "Come on, now, we're going home. You're grounded, i'm taking your phone."

"I'll see you at school." Alma called to Ethan as she looked over her shoulder, finding a sad expression he'd been given her and a small wave.


kylie speaks

being best friends
super quick and having
the same energy.

wanna make a tiktok edit
for them rn.

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