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A little tap at the window.

Ethan stood outside, holding the jacket closet to him. He'd hurried from across the street, an hour and fifteen till midnight. He knew not to knock too loud by now, the window pulling open. Alma grinned, her eyelids coating in a bright, neon green eyeliner that matched her sweater, the fake leather pants pulling the outfit together. Ethan grinned. "You look so good."

"New years worthy?" Alma smiled, climbing out the window as he helped her down. She threw her arms around him in a tight hug, Ethan spun her slightly. "Ugh, happy new years."

"You ready to party?" he asked, helping her shut the window. "We live about ten minutes from the house."

"You drive." Alma laughed, he then noticed her eyes bloodshot.

"Are you high right now?" he lowered his head to check her eyes. Alma laughed in his direction. "Are you high?"

"I'd offer you some, but one of us needs to drive." she gave a knowing point, throwing her keys in his direction and pulling a joint from her bra. "Maybe at the party."

'You're probably wondering why the fuck Alma is going to a New Year party when she should be in a court room right now, putting her fucking rapist behind bars. It's easy, actually. She took one step into the station and froze, panicked set in, anxiety rolling over her entire body to the point where she couldn't even breath. The thing is, she really though she could go in, she thought she could tell the world, and the hundreds of protesters, what had happened and that she wanted to fight it. But everything is so much easier said then done, which is why she dropped it, and now refused to talk about it.

What worried Ethan was that he knew she was in pain, pissed off and feeling violated. Everyday she was either high or drunk, one of the two that she hid well, but he knew her good enough to see it. That was probably half of the problem, the fact that he was the only person in this entire universe that actually gave a fuck to realize that she wasn't okay. What really pissed him off is the fact that he couldn't do a single thing about it.'

"What's your plans for the new year?" Ethan asked, driving Almas car as she lit the end of her blunt. "Don't give me a basic answer."

Alma laughed, inhaling sharply. "Watch every single 1980s horror film."

She exhaled, blowing smoke out the window. Ethan laughed. "That's a pretty good one."

"And fucking expose every sick fucker we get our hands on." she added, making Ethan look over with a faint grin. "What about you?"

He nodded his head. "About the same."

'It didn't take too long after prom for Alma to realize Ethan had been the one to post that Instagram post on her account, calling out Elliot. She left her phone in the car, he was the only one that knew, and no one else in the world would have carred enough to do that for her. The thing was, she wasn't even mad that he did it. Apart of her was glad to get that twisted secret off her chest, finally have someone know she was the asshole behind the exposing instagram that was ruining peoples lives. She knew Ethan would get it, the pair so alike, she knew he'd understand why she started it in the first place.

And he did, which is why the account bad gotten more and more insane each day. Between exposing pedophiles teachers, racist assholes who thought they were alone in bathrooms, cheating couples that hooked up in locker rooms. The list went on and on, the followers doubling, their account so popular and terrifying that it had the school on edge most of the time. But that's what Alma and Ethan wanted, they wanted to scare people into being decent human beings for a change, she wanted control for once, and he wanted to do whatever made her feel better.'

"Happy New Years, students of East High Land." Ethan began the tweet out loud as they pulled up to the house, Alma typing away at their new twitter account to go along with their instagram. "What next? It needs to be quick and easy."

Alma met his eye. "Watch your fucking mouths."

Ethan grinned in agreement, Alma sending in the tweet as she took another inhale from her blunt, the last of it dangling at her fingers. "Let's go get us a good story."

Ethan got out of the car, meeting Alma in the front as they linked arms. The house wasn't necessarily large, but it looked ridiculously tiny with the hundreds of drunk teens and college students all in it. Alma and Ethan dodged a few people, the smell of cheap beer and heavy weed hitting them. Ethan tightened his arm with hers. "Beats playing videos games in sweats."

"Oh, definitely." Alma agreed, but it was clear they both thought the opposite. "Kats here?"

"Yeah." Ethan called back over the music. "You wanna come hang out with us?"

Alma rose her eyebrows with a forced laugh. "No, I absolutely do not."

Ethan nodded guilty like. "Get us a good pictures and i'll dig for a good caption."

Alma kissed her fingers and threw it in his direction. "Be good!"

"You be good!" he called back, doing the same she had.

Alma moved through the crowd, heading toward the drinks. The more she partied, the more people left her alone. She didn't get messed with nearly as much as she use to, finally using her voice to stand up for herself getting her places. Not to mention-

"Alma!" Maddy called, moving through the crowd with a grin. "Oh my god, you'll never guess what happened?"

Alma mixed her drinks. "Who'd you hook up with?"

Maddy slapped her arm in disbelief. "Are you calling me a whore?"

The Darling girl held up her index finger and thumb to make a 'little bit' motion. Maddy slapped her again as the pair laughed. "This college guy wanted to kiss me so bad and I just smoked all his weed and danced."

"Does he have a friend?" Alma gave a begging manor. "I smoked my last one on the way over."

"Hang on, I got you." Maddy dug in her bra to pull one out, passing it her way. "What have you been up to tonight?"

"Literally nothing." Alma rolled her eyes, lighting the blunt as she held her drink in the other hand. "You ever do, like, heavy drugs?"

Maddy gapped at her. "Like....coke?"

"Like fucking anything." Alma gave a groan. "I literally could do absolutely anything just to forget this entire year."

Maddy laughed, grabbing her arm. "Fez will know what to set you up with."

'You're probably shaking your head and thinking she's a fucking idiot. Alma is a fucking idiot, but from one drug addict to a soon to be drug addict, they did make you forget, and they did distract you. And after loosing her virginity to an asshole who took the condom off without her consent, getting her pregnant, going through an abortion, feeling violated every second of the day, the idea of sex completely ruined, and then not even being able to bring herself to turn his ass in, all she wanted to do was stop feeling all of that every single second. And maybe i'm bias because i'm high off my ass right now, but I can't say I fucking blame her.'

Before Maddy could get Alma to Fez, they were cut short by the drug dealer himself smashing a bottle over Nate Jacobs head. The two gapped, frozen in place. Fez had Nate on the ground, hitting him in the face over and over as red blood poured from every part of his face. Maddy yelled out, trying to pull him off. "Fezco, stop!"

The party was all over what was happening, Cassie trying to help Maddy. Alma gasped when's she felt arms grasp her tightly, looking back to find Ethan grabbing her to pull her back some. "What the hell is going on?"

"No clue." Alma said back, laughing, the pair keeping their distance from Nate's skull basically being smashed in. Ethan held Alma into his side, slowly getting over the panic he was put into moments before, thinking the absolute worst, running across the room to make sure she hadn't been the one involved in this.

He felt her reach into his pocket, going to ask what was going on before she grasped his phone, snapping the picture. "You got it?"

"Told you something was gonna happen." Alma said back, watching as no one managed to get Fez off Nate. "That dog shit deserves it anyways."

"Let's go, we'll post it from the car." Ethan grasped her hand, the two hurrying from the party scene as fast as they came.


kylie speaks

MUCH PLANNED!!! obviously,
alma is going through a rough
patch and eventually, because it
is truly so hard to speak your
truth, she will find the courage
for now, take a second to realize how hard it truly is, how victims cope in horrible ways such as drugs, because of what
goes on in their mind all day
long. be sure to check up on
your friends and be there for
them, because we never know
if that's all they need. can't wait
to get into ethan and alma and
their little master minded this
season, love them so much.
darlewis for life bro.

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