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"I need a 6 foot essay about why you're here." Professor Moody grumbled, glaring at the Slytherin girl that sat in the desk before him. The man trudged over to his own desk and rummaged around in the drawers, almost as if he was searching for something.

"And why exactly am I here?" Anastasia Lost asked innocently - clearly playing dumb.

Mad-Eye looked up from the drawer where his eyes previously laid and raised an eyebrow at her. He said nothing; seemingly hinting that she should figure it out herself.

Anastasia let out an annoyed sigh that was hardly audible and pursed her lips. her expression gradually shifted into a smug one; her mouth formed a small smirk and her eyebrows were raised just slightly to to point where you would barely notice. "It's because you enjoy my presence. I'm just your favorite student after all."

Moody hadn't heard anything more inaccurate than that statement right there. The professor let out a scoff as he threw an object down on the desktop. "If that prompt confused you too much, let me rephrase it." He faced the chalkboard to his right and held out his wand. "Write about how your bad behavior and disrespect landed you in detention and how to fix it." With the wave of his wand, the prompt appeared on the board in large white scribbles.

The slytherin rolled her eyes in irritation and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "And what if I don't?" She challenged.

"Well, your not leaving until you finish."ย 

Anastasia jaw dropped a bit and sat back up at an instant. "What?" She quickly caught a glimpse of the clock near the entrance of the classroom. "The Triwizard Champion Selection is in a half hour!" No matter how many times the girl had claimed she didn't care about the tournament, she still would love to see who is going to be her entertainment for the year.

"Then you better get writing, yeah?" Moody lumbered towards the door before turning to speak to the aggravated student one last time. "I'll be back before the selection; if you're all finished, then you get to go. If not..." He shot her a knowing look, but it almost morphed into a smug expression; he knew exactly what he was doing and how Anastasia was not coming anywhere close to finishing an essay in 30 minutes. He seemed rather delighted with Anastasias disappointment - it strangely brought joy to him, knowing its a far worse punishment that a simple essay.

Anastasia did nothing but harshly glare at the professor, she knew exactly what he was thinking and agreed; there was no way in hell she was going to finish that essay, especially one with a topic that she couldn't possibly drag on for 6 feet.

Mad-Eye left the classroom and slammed the door behind him. An audible click was heard, making it known to Anastasia that he had locked her in. The slytherin uttered a frustrated sigh and threw her hands up in the air, making a rather rude gesture towards the door.

She took a deep breath and exhaled sharply - attempting to calm herself down - and glued her eyes to the parchment in front of her. She stared at it and stared at it, trying to think of how she can start the essay - but the only thoughts going through her head were about how she was going to miss the name drawing.

Anastasia cleared her throat and shook her head, trying to get herself to focus. She took her hand and grasped the quill in front of her, dipping it lightly into the small ink bottle. She held the quill over the parchment and hovered it there for a moment. You would think she would get to writing already, but her hand stayed still above the paper - ink slowly dripping from her quill onto the surface.

"That's it i'm not doing it." The slytherin said aloud. Dropped her feather quill onto the desk and forcefully leaned back, glaring at her blank essay.

She moved her gaze towards the door and eyes the locked doorknob, contemplating on how she could get it open. The Slytherin then stood up and strolled over to Mad-Eyes desk, scanning the top in search for something she could use; whether it be a key or even something to break down the knob.

Anastasia placed a grip on the desk drawer handles, but something caught her eye before she had a chance to open them. A chestnut brown leather book with a golden spine rested on the corner of the desk. It wasn't tattered all that much; the edges were subtly torn just enough to be noticed, but nothing to the point where it draws loads of attention. The leather had a thin layer of dust on it, suggesting that it's been untouched for quite some time. A golden silhouette of a dragon was etched inside a circular ring on the front cover, just above a few words in small print.

"Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland..." she slowly recited to herself, reading the title of the book. She knitted her eyebrows together, pondering over why Moody would need a book on dragons - let alone why he would just leave it hidden in plain sight.

She peeked over her shoulder and snuck a look at the locked door to make sure Moody wasn't going to barge in at any given moment. She then picked up the leather book and slid it into the inside pocket of her robe.

At first, the book refused to fit into the compartment - something prevented it from sitting comfortably in her pocket. Anastasia seized the inside of her robe and pulled out the very object in the way; her wand. She shoved the book into her pocket with her stare fixed on her wand.

"Am I really that dumb?" Anastasia muttered to herself, letting out a huffy sigh and rolling her eyes. She marched over to the dark brown wooden door and directed her wand at it.



Erik Harrison strolled down an empty corridor, occasionally looking behind him to check for any signs of movement. He came to a stop in front of a scarlett red tapestry that draped from the wall, all the way down to the floor.

He checked over his shoulder one more time before lifting up the fabric slightly to reveal a narrow twisted staircase. He furtively snuck inside, covering the entrance with the tapestry at once.

Erik is pretty familiar with some of the passageways in hogwarts, often using his free time to explore and find new ones. He usually keeps the few he knows about to himself, however, he has showed some of his Hufflepuff friends around. Erik most recently found this one while leaning against the drapery - thinking it was a solid wall behind it - but fell through it. However, the Slytherin never really got a chance to fully investigate this exact passage; he had time to spare, why not go check it out now?

The Slytherin boy walked up the stone staircase, taking extra caution when nearing a certain step with a slightly larger stone that stood out from the rest of the stairs; it was a trick step. Erik learned that the hard way when getting his foot stuck in the the first time he walked these stairs.

He came to an abrupt stop when he heard soft voices coming from the top of the staircase. He paused and tried his best to make out what they voices were saying, but was unfortunately unsuccessful. Erik proceeded carefully, making sure not to make a sound so he wouldn't scare them off.

He reached the top of the stairs, his eyes meeting a dark and gloomy hallway that lead straight ahead. A few pillars with short concrete benches in between stood on either side of the aisle, almost as if they were guiding the way. Two students - probably around his age - sat on a nearby bench together, lips locked and hands intertwined.

Erik smirked smugly to himself at the sight, beginning to back up before he disrupts the the two. He took one last glance at the couple, but immediately stopped in his tracks. His smirk slowly disappeared and his jaw hung open slightly, his eyes refusing to blink as he stared - realizing who it was.

"woah, woah, woah, WOAH-"

The couple instantly separated at Eriks voice, quickly moving to opposite sides of the bench. They both had wide eyes and bright pink blush painted over their cheeks.

"BERLIN?!" Eriks jaw remained open and he glanced between his friend and the ravenclaw girl beside him. "You and Cho..." he paused as he pointed to the pair for his own clarification, taking in the information. "And you didn't tell me??"

"Well, uh, we didn't want to tell anyone..." Berlin squeaked unsurely, almost in a questioned tone. He fidgeted his hands in his lap, avoiding eye contact with his friend.

Erik continued aiming his wide eye stare at the two. "And, when did this," he once again pointed - rather quickly - between the couple, "happen?"

"Last year." Berlin answered timidly, finally making eye contact again and shooting a somewhat convincing smile.

"ITS BEEN A-" Erik stopped and took a breath, "It's been a year?"

Berlin and Cho shared a small glance while nodding in response. Erik slowly walked over to a nervous Berlin and stopped directly in front of him. The Slytherins blank stare gradually formed into an approving smirk and he pulled Berlin into a hug. "Nicely done!" He patted the Hufflepuffs back before releasing, meeting Berlins extremely confused expression.

"W-what?" The hufflepuff boy furrowed his eyebrows together and gave a side eye look to his girlfriend.

"You've never had a girlfriend before." His cheeky grin only grew wider at the sight of Berlins ears gradually turning a bright pink. "I'm so proud of you for finally getting one! I remember you used to complain all the time and-"

"I don't know what your talking about." Berlin said defensively, although you could hear his voice wavering in mid-sentence.

"Yes you do. Remember how you would always rant to me about girl trouble and-"

"Really??" Berlin whisper-shouted (it was almost hissed, but he was far too embarrassed to use any sharp tone). A pink blush had made its way across his entire face, which he has angled away from Cho - hoping she wouldn't see.

The ravenclaw girl, however, did take notice and was currently hiding a small smile behind her hands and visibly holding in a chuckle.

Erik put his hands up - something that can be recognized as the surrender gesture - and raised his eyebrows, the corners of his lips being tugged upwards by an invisible force. He stifled a laugh before sending an insincere apology his was.ย 

"Just don't tell anyone yet, please?" Cho finally spoke up, her eyes twinkling with hope as she awaiting his response.

Erik sighed in disappointment, "Fine... but when are you planning on telling people? it's been, what, a year?" He leaned against a nearby pillar and raised his eyebrow at the couple, glancing in between them.

Berlin and Cho shared a glance and subtly shrugged their shoulders. "Soon." The Hufflepuff boy answered.

Erik rolled his before raising his eyebrows and shaking his head towards the floor. "Better sooner than later, I guess." He thought aloud in reassurance. The slytherin glimpsed down at the watch wrapped around his wrist. "Alright, lovebirds. We better get going; theres ten minutes before we have to be in the great hall." He walked straight past Berlin and Cho and down the gloomy corridor, expecting the other two to follow.

"Do you even know where that leads to?" Berlin called out to his friend whom was already about to turn the corner.

"Nope!" Erik yelled back, without bothering to turn his head to look at them. He never really got a chance to walk the entire passage and he wasn't going to pass up this opportunity too. Wherever he ended up, he was sure he could get to the Great Hall in no time.

Cho let out a few quiet giggles while Berlin sighed and closed his eyes. The ravenclaw took his hand in hers and guided him down the corridor, following Eriks lead. Berlin stubbornly walked a bit slower, not very fond of the idea of going down a random passageway with limited time. However, He did know better than to complain and let Cho and Erik lead the way.


Sebastian Capone sat amongst his fellow hufflepuffs in the great hall, his head resting atop his fist as his gaze shifted around the room out of boredom. The great hall was mostly filled; there were only a few empty seats here and there because of the short amount of time left before the Triwizard Tournament Champion drawing began.

The room was filled with a loud buzz from the chatter of the excited students that were anticipating the selection immensely. There were rumors going about that the infamous Viktor Krum was undoubtedly going to be the Durmstrang champion and it was definitely one of the topics that came up in discussions frequently. The boys were very uncomfortable - not to mention displease and possibly envious - with all the girls swooning over him and no matter how much they idolized him, quite a few boys refused to believe the rumor and tried to shut it down at once.

Sebastian was sure the opinionated guy, but surprisingly didn't have a belief directed towards the topic. He had his focus on much more important things that mattered more to him, such a certain french girl that he's had his eye on since the Beauxbatons arrived. The hufflepuffs eyes stopped their wandering and finally laid on that one girl. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a low ponytail under her blue hat that trailed down her back, ending just below her shoulder blades. A few strands strayed from the rest of her hairstyle, being too short to tie into the ponytail, and subtly framed her face. A faint blush was painted on her cheeks; they were hardly noticeable unless you looked close enough to see the difference in pigment. The Hufflepuff boy was determined to get to know her - or at the very least approach her.

He was soon snapped out of his trance by a wave of a hand. Sebastian slowly sat up straight and looked to his left, meeting Aiden Williams looking at him with a wide grin stretching from ear to ear. A hint of smugness could be seen in his eyes, almost as if he was proud that he caught on to something.

"So..." Aiden began, "Who is she?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Sebastian in a childish manor, only to receive a small roll of the eyes and the tiniest of smiles that was obviously threatening to become fully visible from Sebastian.

"I don't know yet." The boy stated with the shrug of his shoulders, looking anywhere besides Aiden himself.

"You should probably get on that then. Staring at her isn't going to get you anywhere." Aiden joked, directing a knowing smile Sebastians way.

Sebastian finally brought his eyes to Aiden's and gave him the most deadpanned expression that clearly screamed, 'no shit, Sherlock."

Before Sebastian has a chance to dispute, Dumbledore rose from the staff table and made his way over to the podium. The room went quiet almost instantly as soon as the professor stepped foot on the platform; all of the students eagerly awaiting for the assembly to begin. The teenagers looked up at him as he stood there; some eyes filled with excitement and glee, while the others filled with nothing other than worry and angst.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for," Dumbledore started, his eyes twinkling as he looked at the large group of students that sat in front of him. "The champion selection."

The professor got down from the podium and onto ground level, most of the students watching his every move. Dumbledore put his arm out and waved it slowly, starting towards the left and gradually moving it towards the right side. Each individual light went out one at a time and the room became darker, only being illuminated by the blue glow coming from the Goblet of Fire.

The entire room had their eyes laid on the elder man as he carefully and steadily walked over to the large goblet, suspense only growing by the second.

The light blue glowing flame soon morphed into a deep red, erupting a large slip of parchment. it was rectangular with a single hole through it on the top left corner. it was hardly burt, just a tad wrinkled as if it had just finished drying off from being soaking wet. The professor caught it and quickly scanned his eyes across it.

"The Durmstrang Champion is, Viktor Krum!"

Loud hollers and cheers sounded from the crowd as Viktor stood up, receiving plenty of high fives from his fellow Durmstrang students around him. The boy walked up to Dumbledore and greeted him, exchanging a handshake with the elder man before being gestured towards a small exit.

Over at the Slytherin table, River Crouch rolled her eyes as Daphne Greengrass swooned over the quidditch star. River elbowed the girl and stifled an amused smile, only resulting in seeing a embarrassed Daphne shoot her a sheepish smile. River gave a small sigh in disappointment; she was secretly hoping all the talk about Viktor getting chosen were nonsense. She never gave in to all the rumors and didn't believe them - and knowing she was wrong was certainly to her disliking.

The cheers died down the second the Goblet turned that same shade of red once more. This time, a dainty blue circular sheet of parchment flew out, floating down slowly like a feather drifting in the wind. Dumbledore grasped it with ease and adjusted his spectacles slightly before reading the thin paper.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is, Fleur Delecour!"

The entire room erupted into claps and cheers, especially from the Beauxbaton students. The ovation grew louder as a blonde girl stood up with a bright smile on her face that enhanced her rosy cheeks.

"That's her, right?" Aiden said, elbowing a stunned Sebastian.

The hufflepuff boy merely nodded as he watched Fluer walk towards and greeted the hogwarts headmaster. "Fleur. That's a pretty name."

The french girl was signaled in the same direction as Krum after shaking Dumbledore's hand, and gratefully smiled towards her friends before heading off to join Viktor.

A few voices still echoed throughout the great hall as yet another piece of parchment shot out of the goblet and right into Dumbledores hands. There was a longer pause this time, only resulting in most of the students at the edge of their seats. The corners of Dumbledore's mouth turned up hardly before reading out, "The Hogwarts champion: Cedric Diggory!"

This was by far the loudest ovation by far, especially from the Hogwarts students and the Hufflepuff table. Cedric Diggory stood up with a huge grin stretching hg from ear to ear as he received the affection from his surrounding friends.

Quinn Berry let out a disappointed breath that she didn't know she was holding. She did, of course, clap along with everyone else, but her facial expression lacked the excitement and happiness as the rest of the Hogwarts students. Quinn looked at Cedric as he made his way towards the headmaster with a glossy look of worry in her eyes. A bittersweet smile crossed her face; happy for her friend that he got what he wanted, yet extremely worried at the same time. She closed her eyes and shook her head rapidly, snapping herself out of it and reassuring to herself that he's going to be okay

Victoria Sterling shared a similar expression as Quinn. A large smile was etched on her face as she joined in on the applause, yet her eyes didn't match her smile and were obviously filled with concern - and maybe even a hint of guilt. Her grin was just a mask to hide her true worry; she couldn't let it show and she knew she had to be there to support her friend.

Alaska Jones cheered for the Hufflepuff, bursting into giggles every now and then. The gryffindor was definitely enjoying the playful atmosphere and was especially amused by a few comments her friends were yelling out. The Weasley twins sat beside her, yelling at the top of their lungs about how proud they were of Cedric.

As Cedric made his way out of the Great Hall to join the rest of the champions, Dumbledore spoke up once more. "that's it! we now have our three champions! but in the end, only one will go down in history... only one will earn this chalice of champions: the triwizard cup!"

He stepped aside to reveal a large turquoise chalice. The glass goblet had an iron base as well as shining silver handles in the shape of dragons that snaked up the sides of the goblet. The Triwzard Cup was undoubtedly glowing, the radiant blue glow irradiating it's surrounding and drawing the attention of many students.

One student in particular, Melody Travers, had her eyes glued on intriguing goblet with an astonished smile growing on her face.

Alden Wrayburn eyed the cup with curious eyes before her attention was instantly focused on a hissing noise coming from somewhere in the room. Her eyes averted to the Goblet of Fire, where the flame had doubled in size and turned a bright red; it had gone haywire.

Dumbledore turned around at the sight of Snape with a similar concerned expression as Alden. The headmaster remained calm - hiding the confusion - and stepped towards the out of control goblet. Another sheet of parchment spewed out of the fire and straight into Dumbledore's wrinkled hand. He examined the paper, reading the name written onto it. He moved his eyes across that name a few times in disbelief and shock before lifting his head to face the Gryffindor table.

"Harry Potter" The headmaster stated, his voice lingering with a hint of confusion.

The room was silent. Nobody clapped, cheered, or made any noise of the sort. The only sound that could be heard was the faint pitter-patter of the raindrops hitting the roof and windows.

River Crouch snapped her gaze over to the Gryffindor table at once, her eyebrows knitted together in utter confusion. He can't possibly-

Taylor West mentally facepalmed at the call of Harry's name. She has no clue on how on earth he managed to get his name into the Goblet, nor why he would in the first place; but she was certain that this was not going to go well for him. She cringed as she noticed everyone else's faces - whether they be shocked or angry - and took note on how Harry has practically turned the school against him in this very moment.

"Harry Potter?" Dumbledore called out once more, twice as loud as the first time.

Harry shrunk down in his seat, only to be dragged upwards by Hermione. Harry stood there for a moment staring at Professor Dumbledore, looking as if he were a deer caught in headlights. Hermione pushed him forward, signaling Harry to move. He snapped back into reality and began walking past his classmates and towards the headmaster, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs.

"He's a cheat!" Theodore Nott yelled out, being the first to break the silence. a cross look was upon his face as he watched the Gryffindor boy in envy. River flicked the back of his head, hinting for Theo to cut it out.

"He's not even seventeen yet!" Damian Fontaine said aloud. His arms were crossed and a single eyebrow of his was raised and he watched Harry make his way down the Great Hall.

Arthur Locke tilted his head quizzically and knitted his brows together. The Ravenclaw is sure the intelligent one, but how Harry managed to get into the tournament - now that is one thing he couldn't quite figure out.

Harry kept his wide-eyed gaze towards the ground as he exited the room, feeling the stares of his students and beginning to hear the faint whispers traveling across the Great Hall.ย 

The tension in the room was high, everyone disturbed at the fact of Harry Potter - an underage student - got chosen for the tournament. Plenty of the students wore a harsh and angry glare, while others (especially Alaska Jones) had a bug eyed and nervous stare, their breath hitched in worry.

Just before Dumbledore could release the students and figure out what the bloody hell was going on, a similar hissing noise occurred once more.

The Goblet burst into a fiery red flame one last time and shot out a small slip of parchment that was slightly burned around the edges. Dumbledore's eyes slightly, trying to conceal the worry and fear from his peers. He held out a shaking hand and caught the paper. He held it there for a few moments - which seemed like minutes because of the extreme tension in the room - before slowly drawing it to his chest. He tilted the paper upwards so he could read it with ease, and peered down through his half moon spectacles that were sliding down the narrow bridge of his nose. He inhaled sharply and stared at the paper in disbelief as well as deep concern before gradually shifting his gaze towards the ocean of students before him.ย 


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๐š๐œ๐œ ( knockturnalleys ) <33

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๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ค ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐จ๐ง โ™” Avengers14
๐›๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ โ™” yeetnia
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๐š๐ข๐๐ž๐ง ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ฆ๐ฌ โ™” -slythersin
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๐ช๐ฎ๐ข๐ง๐ง ๐›๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ โ™” mrstarkwewon
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๐š๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ค๐š ๐ฃ๐จ๐ง๐ž๐ฌ โ™” -regulusslocket
๐ญ๐š๐ฒ๐ฅ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ โ™” ๐ฆ๐ž
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๐ฆ๐ž๐ฅ๐จ๐๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ โ™” detectiveperalta
๐š๐ฅ๐๐ž๐ง ๐ฐ๐ซ๐š๐ฒ๐›๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง โ™” -slythersin
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