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"What are you, stupid?"

It was a bright and sunny day at Hogwarts and majority of the students could be found outside taking advantage of the good weather. Everyone could tell summer was coming to an end and fall was creeping up; the grass moved in steady waves while being warmed by the gentle rays of the sun. the leaves on the tall trees were a vivid green, yet you could see the gradual change from green to a rich orange; a sign that autumn was indeed on its way.

Quinn Berry was presently confronting the hufflepuff sitting next to her, making her opinion completely known to the boy.

"No, no i'm not stupid. I'm just..." Cedric Diggory paused for a moment, pondering over a correct word. "A risk taker." He said while flashing a proud smile.

"So i'm right. You're stupid." The blonde Gryffindor said with raised an eyebrow.

Cedric huffed, "No, I said i'm risk taker- not stupid!"

"I don't hear a difference." Quinn replied with a deadpan expression on her face. She's definitely not having it with Cedric at the moment - not because she's mad or anything, but because she's extremely concerned for his well-being and she is not taking a liking towards his lack of care. "You are not entering that tournament." She sternly, crossing her arms and sticking her nose up in the air.

"Yes I am entering that tournament." Cedric replied with a goofy grin. "Come onnn! Wouldn't it be fun to see me out there completing the tasks - and to cheer me on,
of course." He winked at the blonde who just returned it with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, I suppose... but that's if you even get chosen!"

"Exactly my point; if i get chosen." He smiled at her in reassurance but she still wasn't looking at him- being her usual stubborn self. Quinn definitely makes her opinions known to others and won't stop till she gets others to believe as well. Usually, it's not that hard for her to win an argument with Cedric - even if it's very rare when they do argue - but this topic was different. "I'm one in a million at this school; I have a slim shot of getting selected - so why not enter?"

"Because you're putting your life at stake!" Quinn returned, getting more worried by the minute. "You do realize this tournament is extremely dangerous, right? It's not going to be that simple, Cedric!"

"Yes, I know. But it would be fun! I'm not going to die, Quinn, you don't have to worry."

The Gryffindor girl rolled her eyes and sighed. "I still really don't think you should do it."

"Well, I think I should do it." He grinned at the girl and nudged her, trying to get her to lighten up. "Plus, with your help, there's no way I would lose." He said to Quinn, trying to convince her. The corners of her mouth curved upwards ever so slightly; she was flattered by this comment and she liked how her helpful advice was being recognized (as it should be, in her opinion), but she refused to give in just yet.

"I'll be fine, I promise." He pointed his pinky towards her, hoping she would do the same.

Quinn glared at cedric with an eyebrow raised. She sat there, uncertainly debating what she wanted to do. She dramatically let out a frustrated sight before locking her pinky with Cedric's. She still highly disapproved of his decision - and how she failed to convince him - but she couldn't resist because she knew how much he wanted to do this. "You better not break that promise, Cedric Diggory. If anything happens to you i'll be devastated." she said while crossing her arms.

The Hufflepuff boy had a childish happy grin plastered across his face; he was happy that he practically got approval from his best friend to enter - even if he was going to do it no matter what; this just saved him the arguing and effort to convince the stubborn girl. "I know, that's why i'll be extra careful." He playfully winked at Quinn before continuing, "Besides, I probably won't even get chosen anyways."

Quinn sighed, "Yeah, I hope you're right."

Cedric basically ignored these words and stared at Quinn with a big bright-eyed grin etched from ear to ear.

"What?" Quinn questioned as she eyed the Hufflepuff boy suspiciously.

"Nothing, i'm just excited." He let out a small laugh and continued, "And i'm glad we made this agreement." Cedric stood up and jokingly nodded to Quinn in farewell and ran across the hogwarts grounds to where another one of his fellow Hufflepuff friend sat. "VICTORIA I DID IT!"

Quinn watched Cedric as he ran and chuckled to herself slightly before letting out a small nervous breath. She couldn't help but feel a small knot in her stomach, though, after the discussion. She does have a terrible feeling about this whole thing and doesn't really know why she even decided to let Cedric enter without a fight - despite of how he was going to do it no matter what. She instantly regretted not saying more to strike his fear and make him realize how stupid he's being, yet she was also glad she didn't crush his spirits; oh how Quinn would have hated to have done that. She knows she is getting far too worried and letting it get the best of her; she is well aware that she's overreacting and knows everything is going to be alright.

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"No, no. I think it's a great idea."

Anastasia Lost said to the group she was sitting with, expressing her feelings on the Triwizard Tournament. "I mean- it might be dreadful for whoever gets chosen, but we'll have a hell of a good time watching it."

"You really just don't care about the champions at all, do you?" Damian Fontaine replied with an amused smirk.

"No." Anastasia returned flatly. "The champions are there for my entertainment; the worse things to occur the more enjoyable it will be." The Slytherin girl said while flashing a smile.

The whole group of Slytherins laughed at the girls negligence - all but one.

"They're not there for your entertainment." Taylor West blurted our in response to her close friends' remark. "Honestly the whole tournament is pointless and it's only going to involve stupid teens that are trying to win bragging rights."

"And 1000 galleons- not that we would need them. it's more for the unfortunate." Draco added, smirking at his final words which earned a chortle from Blaise (and Damian, who played it off as a cough) as well as a death glare from Anastasia. the girl literally despises Draco, but she doesn't have a choice to hang out with him sometimes because of their mutual friendship with Taylor.

"Shut up." Taylor punched the blondes shoulder - pretty hard - and rolled her eyes with only the tiniest of smiles visible. "Still, it's just ridiculous." she paused as a smile crept up on her face. "I would much rather watch these two screw up in quidditch." She stated, pointing to the two boys next to her.

"Hey! I'm actually pretty good." Blaise defended himself, crossing his arms is a childish manor. Draco also seemed to take offense from this and crossed his arms as well.

"Yeah okay, but your nothing compared to Damian." The brunette pointed to her upperclassman across from her.

Damians face changed into a proud expression as he heard this and he dusted off his shoulders. "Finally, my quidditch talent is being recognized."

"Okay, now it's your turn to shut up." Anastasia snapped; she wasn't about to listen to a whole conversation about quidditch - it would be extremely boring to her. "I bet Mr. pretty-boy Cedric is getting chosen. I heard he's putting his name in the cup." The blonde said, changing the subject to something that she actually finds interesting. She smirked to herself at the thought of Cedric competing in the tournament; now that is something she would want to see.

"I bet it's saint Potter." Draco spat, an expression of annoyance and disgust written all over his face. Taylor shot him a look that clearly said 'really?'

"Unfortunately he missed the age limit by 3 years." Damian said sarcastically with a deadpanned expression. Although Damian and Draco are quite the Slytherin duo, Damian still gets annoyed with his underclassman's remarks about the boy who lived - even if the comments are amusing at times. Don't get me wrong, Damian hates the boy just as much as Draco, but he knows better than to express it.

"Yeah, but leave it to Potty to do the impossible." Blaise replied with a roll of his eyes, agreeing with his platinum blonde friend. To be fair, he does have a point and everyone in the group knew it even if some didn't want to agree. Harry is definitely known to get himself into trouble and accomplish things nobody thought was possible.

"Merlins beard, lets pray he doesn't get in." Taylor exclaimed with a frustrated sigh. "He wouldn't survive the first task." She shook her head at the thought of her friend competing; she knew he wouldn't last.

"He wouldn't last 10 minutes!" Draco added with a laugh, causing Blaise and Anastasia to laugh along. Anastasia couldn't help but find the boys words amusing - despite how much she dislikes him.

"Please, he wouldn't last 5." Taylor replied without thinking. The group looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to concur and criticize her friend even more than Draco. She stared back at the group, "What? We all know he accomplished things with help- competing alone won't do him any good."

Draco looked at Taylor with wide eyes; he was pleasantly surprised that she finally threw Harry under the bus. He was practically speechless - as was the rest of the group - and just sat there smiling; he's never heard Taylor have a go at Harry like that, yet he was definitely happy about it.

"You're not wrong." Blaise responded, also just as pleasantly shocked as Draco.

"Besides Harry..." Damian hesitantly said, eying Draco, Blaise, and Taylor in disapproval. Yes, he wasn't too fond of the Gryffindor and his tendencies to be constantly involved with everything, but he didn't like his underclassman talking bad about him- even if what they're saying is true. He wants the 4 fourth years to be proud Slytherins (like himself) without having to trash talk. "What about the other schools? Who do you think will get chosen?"

"Well I don't know anyone from the other schools, do I?" Anastasia said sharply, only to get a glare from Damian. Honestly, the two are good friends, but because of their fluent sarcasm they either hate each other or praise each other. This very moment was definitely not one of their best. "But you know that guy, Krum or whatever?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to retrieve her memory. "He might get picked. Everyone just loves him."

"He'll get picked just because he's famous." Taylor agreed with a shrug. "Sure, he's good at Quidditch- but I bet that's it." She stated candidly, scoffing after the words escaped her mouth. You could surely tell that the girl was irritated by the entire idea of the Tournament; starting with her insulting Harry, and then the quidditch star-

Blaise and Draco snorted after hearing this, giving their friend a slightly surprised look. "Someone's in a mood today." Blaise laughed again but quickly went silent as Taylor shot him a hard stare.

Before anyone responded, A blonde girl in a blue silk uniform walked by accompanied by a smaller girl with her blonde hair pulled back into a low ponytail.

Damian clenched his jaw and averted his eyes down; avoiding eye contact with the two girls walking by the corridor.

"Who is that?" Anastasia asked suspiciously- yet it was more of a demanded statement rather than a question. "I remember her from the feast..." She smirked as she replayed the scene in her head, taking a particular interest of the French girl's wink she sent Damians way.

"That's Fluer." Damian murmured in vexation; he didn't want to dwell on the past, let alone tell a group of fourth years about it. This was unmistakably something he kept to himself - which is exactly the reason Anastasia wanted to know about it.

"And?" The blonde girl raised an eyebrow, expecting an explanation from her upperclassman.

"And," he said, mimicking Anastasias prior tone. "You're not getting anything else out of me."

Anastasia scoffed at the boy, "For once i'm interested in something about you, yet it's the one thing you won't tell me." She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips in frustration; she had a extreme urge to find out what we the hell happened between the two and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her from figuring it out. "I'm going to find out eventually, Fontaine, whether you like it or not." She retorted.

"Looking forward to see your attempts, Lost." The ginger replied with a tip of an imaginary hat. He stood up from the corner he was sitting in and began to walk away, aiming a sarcastic wink toward the aggravated girl.

Draco, Blaise, and Taylor just sat their watching the exchange. They were withholding their thoughts- but they also were thinking the exact same thing as Anastasia; Whats something that could have happened between the two that Damian would refuse to share?ย 

Anastasia kept her stare on Damian as he walked away smoothly, her blood boiling and her eyes narrowing in frustration; she wasn't going to settle with him leaving her with unsatisfied curiosity and Anastasia was sure going to figure it out. She knew what she wanted - yet didn't know what she was going to do with the information once she finds out, because surely, she will...

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Victoria Sterling was caught off guard as she heard the call of her name. Her gaze instantly snapped to her left, only to spot her best friend, Cedric Diggory, sprinting towards her wearing a silly smile.

She untwined her fingers with the red-headed boy sitting next to her and stood up from the small bench. She put her arms out in front of her to protect herself from the incoming Hufflepuff. Just as she expected, Cedric ran straight into her and knocked her back just a bit. Victoria peddled backwards and put her arms out to catch her balance so she didn't end up on the ground - which she luckily didn't. "What did you do?" She asked, a small curious smile on her face as she let out a little laugh at Cedrics excitement.

"Quinn agreed to let me enter!" He laughed - nearly giggled actually - as Victoria's smile faded slightly. Cedric continued: "Well, sort of. But we didn't have to get into an argument about it!"

Victoria's smile was now pretty much gone; she closed her lips together and nodded once at her friends words. She had a feeling of disappointment (not to mention guilt) forming; she was relying on Quinn to be the one to stop Cedric - as Victoria herself was the one who planted the idea in his head. Of course, she was joking - she would never want Cedric to get hurt and she never thought he would take the comment seriously and actually consider entering.

"Oh... Really?" She said with the faintest of smiles.

Cedric nodded eagerly, not taking notice to Victoria's discomfort.

"Well, mate, we'll be joining you when you enter." Fred Weasley said to Cedric with a proud and smug expression planted across his face.

Cedric furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But, you two are underage." His gaze shifted between Fred and George who wore matching smirks.

"That's what I said!" Alaska Jones piped in, maneuvering her way to the middle of the circle and tilting her head to look up at everyone; Cedric, Victoria, and the twins were way taller than her - and not to mention older than the girl - so it's always an effort for her to maintain eye contact with her upperclassmen.

"Yes," George paused and pulled out a tiny vial from the inside pocket of his robe. "But we have these."

Cedric squinted at the bottle, examining it and trying to figure out what was inside it. He still couldn't quite tell so he decided to question the twins, "Wh- what is it?" He asked. He was slightly intrigued, but not yet impressed.

"It's an-" George began, but only to be interrupted by his girlfriend.

"An aging potion." Victoria said with a sigh.

Cedric - still confused - just looked at her without saying a word, waiting for her to go on.

Victoria took note of her friends ignorance and continued,ย  "It basically-"

"A potion that will temporarily make us older." George stated while smirking at Victoria; now it was his turn to interrupt her.ย 

Cedrics eyes gradually widened as he heard this, "Thats..." He examines the bottle once more before looking back up to the twins. "Brilliant!" The Hufflepuff shoves the two boys proudly and burts into a fit of laughter

"I know right!?" Alaska joined in - yet you could here the hesitation in her voice just a little. She wasn't exactly sold on the idea and absolutely saw it going wrong, but she had to support her best friends.

"It's not going to work, though." Victoria briefly stated while raising an eyebrow.

George took her hand and spun her towards him. "And why do you say that, Sunshine?"

She smiled and rolled her eyes at the sound of the nickname. She enjoys it - and George knows it - but it makes it hard for her to stay serious. She looked up at the smirking red-head, "Because, I'm sure Dumbledore would have covered all the loopholes to prevent students like you guys from entering."

Alaska smiled when she heard this, but covered it with scratching her upper lip.

"It's worth a try though, don't you think?" Fred chimed in, earning an eager nod from Cedric and Alaska.

"Do what you want, but don't guarantee it's going to work." Victoria began to remove herself from George's grasp but as she started to walk away, he pulled her right back in again.

Alaska had a look of deep thought written on her face, obviously pondering something. "The potion isn't going to..." she paused; searching for a correct wording. "make you two like really old, right?"

The corners of Fred's mouth turned downwards and he raised his eyebrows; he hadn't necessarily thought of this yet. "George?"

"As long as we take a little, we'll be fine." His twin replied, tapping the vile he held in his hands.

"So no. No it won't." He said to the energetic Gryffindor across from him. Alaska smiled at his reassurance; she was delighted there won't be any drastic changes. However, the girl was a bit worried at the possibility of the potion actually working and allowing them to put their name in the goblet; she didn't want them to get chosen because she knew nothing good would come from it. She was definitely not a fan of the tournament at all and was rather terrified of the whole concept. She was happy that Fred and George were underage; that way her friends were safe and she wouldn't have to worry about them.

Victoria wasn't really buying the whole idea of the aging potion; she knew Dumbledore was a lot smarter than the twins and she had a feeling the Headmaster closed off all loopholes. She didn't express it, but she was relieved.

"Shall we go put our names in the goblet?" Cedric announced, putting his arms out for the twins to link onto. Fred and George connected their arms on each side of Cedric, signaling they were ready.

"We shall."

And with that, the three boys skipped off to the great hall - cheering and gaining the attention of the other students on the way - with Victoria following close behind. Alaska ran as fast as she could - her short legs making it a bit of a struggle - but she did keep up with them the best she could.

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"Too bad i'm underage. I think I would definitely have won."

Theodore Nott exclaimed; the topic of the Triwizard Tournament on his mind.

"Oh, please. You would be one of the worst possible candidates, Theo." Alden Wrayburn countered with a small smirk, not taking her eyes off of the paper she was writing on.

Theo opened his mouth in offense, "Why, I think I would be just fantastic." He said, tugged on the sides of his robes proudly and sticking his nose towards the ceiling.

River Crouch scoffed at Theo's claim; not agreeing with anything coming out of his mouth. "You would flee from any creature you had to face." An amused smile appeared across Rivers face as she dipped her quill into a bottle of

"Well, I agree with him and think he would be just wonderful." Daphne Greengrass chimed in, shooting a large grin in Theo's direction. He found this expression a little disturbing coming from his friend, but all he did was ignore it.

Aldens gaze snapped up at an instant at Daphnes comment and she looked between her two friends. A tiny knot in her stomach began forming; but for reasons unknown to the Ravenclaw. She's never heard anything like that come from Daphne- at least not about Theo. Alden shrugged it off, assuming it was nothing, before fixing her concentration back onto her homework.

"Thank you." He nodded to the girl before shooting a glare towards River and Alden (who were far too distracted by their studies to notice) before muttering, "At least someone believes in me."

"Don't be dramatic." Alden stated, shaking her head.

"Theo? dramatic? Ah, I don't see it." River added sarcastically. Alden laughed in return, only leaving Theo to let out a theatrical sigh - only proving their point.

Originally, Alden and River made plans to study in the Library together- just the two of them so they could get work done and concentrate. Of course, Theo and Daphne just had to tag along, much to the other two's displeasure. Yes, they were all great friends - but when it comes to studying, River and Alden would much rather prefer their friends to not be there so they would be able to focus.

The group of 4 was immediantly distracted by the sudden cheers coming from a few boys rushing past the Library. Cedric, Fred, and George were yelling about as they ran towards the great hall, gaining the attention from literally everyone nearby. Victoria was right at their heels, but she wasn't joining in on the yelling; she seemed a bit too overwhelmed by everyone's eyes on them to want to obtain even more attention.

River snickered to herself as she watched Alaska try to keep up with them, the poor girl was traveling as fast as her legs could take her.

"Let's go see what's going on!" Daphne said, already out of her chair and halfway out of the library before either of the other three had a chance to take in her words.

River, Alden, and Theo followed the Slytherin girl to the great hall where the previous stampeding boys headed; they each were really interested in to what was going on, their curiosity growing with every step.

They reached the Great Hall, their eyes meeting a whole bunch of students circled around the goblet of fire. There was a loud chatter between the student body, all of them rambling about the newest additions to the cup; Cedric, Fred, and George.

Tons of people were rooting for cedric and chanting his name as the Hufflepuff held a small piece of parchment up into the air. He slowly spun around so he got a view of everyone; making sure he locked eyes with Quinn and shot her a smile.

The Gryffindor made it to the Great Hall just in time to see her friend put his name into the goblet. She stood nearby, but stayed fairly quiet as she watched Cedric; she was nervous for him, and in fact, felt a wave of worry flow through her the closer he got to the large cup.

Cedric came to a stop and stood there for a moment, examining the Goblet of Fire. He inched towards it, stepping over the blue glowing line that circled the cup. The line was intimidating, giving a feeling of being trapped to whom ever was within the line. It was an unsettling feeling; but lucky for Cedric, all he had to do was place the slip of parchment into the goblet and he was free to leave. He did so, earning cheers and claps from the student body.

Cedric ran back over to where he originally stood with the twins, yet he maintained eye contact with Quinn - taking notice to her soft worried expression. He had a smile on his face because of all the cheers and adrenaline, but he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows a tad bit at the sight of Quinn. He didn't understand why she wasn't just as happy as everyone else was.

He watched the Gryffindor weave through the crowd and make her way out of the Great Hall, turning left and continuing to move forward until she was out of sight.
He began to try and follow her, but was stopped by the sudden yells of the Weasley Twins. He turned his attention towards the redheads and watched them push through the crowd; Cedric was immediately distracted from the concern and confusion he was previously feeling and his goofy smile was planted right back into his face.

"Thank you, thank you" The twins said in union, high fiving the crowd as they walked through.

"We did it," Fred started, taking the vial of aging potion from Fred and holding it up.

"Cooked it up just this morning." George finished, winking at Victoria - whom had the great honor of helping them brew it. The students around the boys admired and examined the bottle in Fred's hands.

"It's not going to work." Hermione sing-songed with her back facing the twins. The two gingers made their way over to Hermione and sat down in front of her.

"And why's that, Granger?" Fred asked with a knowing smirk; he knew whatever she said wasn't going to stop them from trying it out anyways.

"Well, that's an age line." Arthur Locke said, pointing at the glistening blue line that circled the large goblet. Arthur was currently sitting next to Hermione because they were previously enjoying a delightful discussion about a history of magic lesson they were taught earlier that day. The two never really knew each other until the middle of last year, but they've bonded over lots of their studies. Both the Gryffindor and her upperclassman have a fascination with the wizarding world- and it didn't take them much time to figure out that they shared that it common.

"So?" George chimed in, wearing an smirk identical to Fred's.

"So," Hermione slammed her book shut and looked at George straight in the eyes. "Dumbledore created it himself." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something so dim-witted as an aging potion." Arthur stated as he just watched the twins' smirks grow wider.

"That's exactly why it's so brilliant. Because it's so dim-witted."ย  Fred and George chuckled to themselves as they stood up and placed themselves right near the age line. Arthur and Hermione shared a look before continuing to watch the twins in their attempt to enter the Tournament.

Fred held up the small vial in his hand and looked at his twin. "Ready, George?"

George reaches into the inside pocket of his robe and pulled out a second vial, copying Fred's movements and also holding the bottle up into the air. "Ready, Fred."

"Bottoms up."

The Redheads tilted their heads backwards and poured the liquid within the tiny bottles into their mouths and swallowed the substance in one gulp. The twins shared a glance before jumping over the age line in union.

The entire room - besides Hermione and Arthur - clapped and cheered at Fred and George's success; genuinely believing this may work. Alaska jumped up and down at the outcome and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding; She thought something bad was about to happen and and was incredibly relieved that it didn't.

Fred and George laughed in amusement at their own triumph and high fived each other. Alaska put her hands over her eyes, blocking her view of anything about to occur. The twins glanced up at the goblet and exchanged one more look before reaching their arm up to place their names inside the cup.

Alaska spread her fingers out just enough so she could peek through; she wanted to watch but at the same time she was actually scared for them. She literally didn't know what to expect - and she wasn't the type to enjoy the anticipation.

After the boys put the slip of parchment into the goblet, they took a few steps back stared at it for a good few seconds, awaiting - and expecting - something to happen. The whole room was silent in suspense, their eyes glued to the goblet to anticipate any sudden movement.

Much to everyones delight, the goblet did nothing. Fred and George cheered along with the crowd and exchanged yet another handshake.

Arthur Locke furrowed his eyebrows at the sight; he was genuinely shocked that it worked- he was sure Dumbledore would have thought of this and did something to prevent it.

On the spur of the moment, the fire within the goblet changed from light blue to a deep blood red. it was almost as if it was on cue; it happened right as the twins began to leave the circle. Two pieces of parchment shot up and out of the goblet as Fred and George stared at the cup with wide eyes. The two were sent into the air at an instant; the flew across the room and landed on the stone floor with a crash.

Victoria's eyes followed the twins as they flew across the room, a small smile creeping onto her face; she was glad that she was right and now she can totally rub it in George's face.

Hermione and arthur had a similar smile to Victoria's because they also were happy they were right. It gave Arthur a wave of relief knowing that it didn't work; the thought of the twins fooling Dumbledore with something as simple as this was a bit disturbing to him.

Fred and George's red hair gradually turned white - as did the facial hair that rapidly grew from their chin.

"You said!"

"YOU SAID!"ย  The two lunges at each other immediately, tackling one another. The students watching began to chant for Fred and George, finding the whole thing amusing.

"FREDDIE! GET OFF OF HIM!"ย  Alaska wailed as she quickly rushed over to the two fighting boys. She couldn't help but giggle as she ran, finding the sight pretty hilarious. She reached the two and began to try and pry them apart - yet failing; she couldn't help but hysterically laugh at the boys.

The room fell silent and the cheers and laughter came to an abrupt stop as the large iron doors to the Great Hall opened. In walked Igor Karkaroff and Viktor Krum.

Everyone scurried to the sides of the room to clear the walkway for the Quidditch Star. Viktor fiercely walked towards the goblet of fire with a larger piece of parchment in his hand. He reached up and placed it into the rim of the cup without a struggle; being tall was definitely an advantage. He turned to leave, making eye contact with a Slytherin girl with an unimpressed expression written all over her face.

River stood leaning against the wall as she watched him, clearly not as fascinated with the star quidditch player as the rest of her friends were. When she locked eyes with Viktor, she straightened up her posture is discomfort - but didn't break the eye contact; she was confused about the whole exchange, yet almost intrigued?

Viktor finally broke the eye contact and walked out of the Great Hall (shooting an obvious wink at Hermione on his way), with Igor Karkaroff close at his heels.

The chatter between the students and the previous light-hearted energy returned to the room. River stood there with her eyes furrowed; she was kind of taken aback and unsettled at the sudden source of eye contact. Her eyes scanned the room to see if anyone else had noticed - and luckily, it seemed as if nobody did. River shrugged it off, assuming she was just the first person that was in his view. She stopped leaning on the wall and walked over to Melody Travers, who was currently in a laughing fit over the effect of the aging potion had on Fred and George.

The entire group of Hogwarts students were enjoying the energy in the room; their eyes twinkling a smiles bright. The laughter of some kids rang and echoed in the Great Hall, making the laughs audible and contagious. The group was definitely enjoying themselves; for they were not aware that this may be the last truly happy moment that they may experience this year.

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