Chapter Five: Map of Hawkins

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chapter five:
map of hawkins


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Scarlett sat at Will's desk, her fingers absently tracing the edges of a comic book she had brought with her, though her focus was entirely on Will. Mike moved around the room, his gaze darting from one drawing to another, each one a frantic scribble taped to the walls, covering almost every inch of space. Will sat on his bed, looking small and overwhelmed, his face glistening with sweat as he tried to explain what was happening to him.

"It's like... it's like I feel what the shadow monster's feeling," Will said, his voice barely above a whisper. The words sent a shiver down Scarlett's spine, and she instinctively pulled her legs up to her chest, feeling a sudden chill in the air. "See what he's seeing," Will added, his eyes staring blankly ahead, as if he was looking at something far beyond the confines of his room.

Mike paused, his hand brushing over a particularly chaotic drawing that had been pinned to the wall. Scarlett could feel the unease rolling off him in waves. "Like in the Upside Down?" she asked, her voice cutting through the silence before Mike could speak. Will nodded, his expression distant, avoiding eye contact with either of them. Scarlett could see the strain in his face, the way his shoulders were tense as if carrying an invisible weight.

"Some of him is there. But some of him is here too," Will continued, his voice trembling. Scarlett's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a feeling of dread slowly curling in her stomach.

"In this house?" she pressed, trying to understand the full scope of what Will was saying.

Will's lips quivered, and he nodded again. "In this house and... in me." His voice cracked, and Scarlett felt her breath catch. Without thinking, she stood up and crossed the room to sit beside him on the bed, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle hug. Mike hesitated for a moment before sitting on Will's other side, his hand resting awkwardly on Will's shoulder in a silent show of support.

"It's like... it's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more. And the more he spreads, the more connected to him I feel," Will's voice wavered, tears welling in his eyes. Scarlett's heart ached for him. It was terrifying enough dealing with the horrors of the Upside Down, but now Will was being forced to live it all over again, in the most personal and invasive way possible.

"And the more you see these now-memories," Mike said, trying to piece it together. Will nodded, his hand trembling as he touched the back of his neck, where the presence of the shadow monster seemed to linger.

"At first, I just felt it in the back of my head," Will explained, his voice tinged with desperation as if he was struggling to make sense of it all. Scarlett rubbed his back gently, offering what little comfort she could. "I didn't even really know it was there. It's like when you have a dream, and you can't remember it unless you think really hard. It was like that."

Scarlett sighed, her thoughts drifting to her own experiences, though they seemed small in comparison. "I get it, Will. I get these random memories sometimes from before I got adopted," she said softly, trying to relate in some way, to let him know he wasn't entirely alone in this. But her words seemed to irritate Mike.

"This is different," he snapped, his eyes narrowing as he shot her a sharp look.

Scarlett arched an eyebrow at him, her tone turning defensive. "I'm trying to make him feel better, Freckles," she retorted, refusing to let him dismiss her so easily.

"When are you gonna stop calling me that?" Mike whined, clearly exasperated.

Scarlett shrugged, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Who knows," she replied, the tension between them momentarily diffused by their usual banter.

Will's voice broke through the brief lull, trembling with emotion. "Now, it's like... now I remember. I remember all the time." A tear slid down his cheek, and he began to shake, the fear and stress overwhelming him.

Mike seemed to grasp at straws, trying to find something positive in the situation. "Maybe... maybe that's good," he suggested, though his voice lacked conviction.

Scarlett stared at him in disbelief, unable to fathom how he could see anything good in what Will was going through. "How is this good, Freckles?" she demanded, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Mike ignored her tone, focusing on Will. "Just think about it, Will. You're like a spy now. A superspy. Spying on the shadow monster," he said, trying to make Will feel empowered, but the words felt hollow to Scarlett. She could see the conflict in Will's eyes—the idea was tempting, but it didn't change the fact that he was being used by something dark and terrifying.

Scarlett suddenly felt exhausted, the emotional toll of the past few days weighing heavily on her. "I'm hungry," she announced, standing up abruptly. She needed a break, something to take her mind off the nightmare they were all trapped in. Without waiting for a response, she walked out of Will's room, her rollerblades clacking softly on the floor.

As she stepped into the hallway, Scarlett saw Joyce standing amidst a sea of drawings, her eyes wide and frantic as she tried to make sense of the maze that her home had become. Scarlett hesitated for a moment, watching the way Joyce's hands shook as she carefully touched one of the drawings, her fingers tracing the lines as if they held the answers she so desperately needed.

The weight of what they were dealing with suddenly felt all too real, and Scarlett felt a pang of guilt for leaving Will and Mike in the room. But she needed a moment to clear her head, to gather her thoughts before diving back into the chaos. As she took a deep breath, she steeled herself, knowing that whatever was coming, they would have to face it together.

Scarlett stood in the hallway, taking in the overwhelming sight of the Byers' home. The once warm and cozy atmosphere had been replaced by a maze of chaotic drawings taped to every wall. Each scribble was a desperate attempt to make sense of the darkness that seemed to be closing in on all of them. The house felt cold, and the weight of everything that had happened hung heavily in the air.

Joyce was moving between the drawings, her hands trembling slightly as she traced the lines with her fingers, her face etched with worry and exhaustion. The sound of Scarlett's rollerblades softly clacking against the floor must have caught her attention because Joyce suddenly looked up, her eyes meeting Scarlett's. Joyce offered a small, tired smile, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy despite the chaos surrounding them.

"Hey, Scarlett," Joyce greeted, her voice soft but carrying a warmth that contrasted sharply with the grim environment.

"Hi, Mrs. Byers," Scarlett replied, her voice quieter than usual. The exhaustion from the previous day and the events that had just unfolded weighed heavily on her. She hesitated, glancing back toward Will's room, where Mike was still trying to comfort their friend. The tension of the situation made her stomach growl, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since the day before.

Joyce noticed Scarlett's hesitation and the way she seemed a bit unsteady on her feet. Concern flickered in her eyes. "Are you alright, honey? You look a little pale."

Scarlett rubbed her temples, trying to alleviate the pounding headache that had persisted since the encounter with the shadow monster. "Yeah, I'm just... really hungry. Do you think I could get something to eat?" she asked, feeling a bit awkward about the request but knowing she needed something to keep herself going.

Joyce's expression softened even more, maternal concern taking over. "Of course, Scarlett. Come on, let's get you something." She gently guided Scarlett toward the kitchen, her hand resting lightly on the girl's shoulder.

As they entered the kitchen, Joyce began rummaging through the cabinets, pulling out some bread, peanut butter, and a jar of jelly. Scarlett leaned against the counter, watching as Joyce started making her a sandwich. The rhythmic motion of Joyce spreading peanut butter and jelly on the bread was oddly soothing, a small slice of normalcy in an otherwise turbulent day.

"Here you go," Joyce said, handing Scarlett the sandwich. Scarlett took it gratefully, immediately taking a bite. The simple meal was comforting, and she felt a bit of her strength returning with each bite.

Joyce watched Scarlett eat for a moment, her expression thoughtful. She seemed to be mulling something over, and finally, she spoke. "You know, you and Mike are spending a lot of time together lately," she observed, her tone light but curious.

Scarlett nearly choked on her sandwich. She quickly swallowed and shook her head, waving her hands in denial. "Oh, no. No way. It's not like that at all, Mrs. Byers," she insisted, her voice a little too defensive. "Mike's... he's rude, and he's completely stuck on this El girl." Scarlett couldn't help the slight bitterness that crept into her voice at the mention of El, the mysterious girl who seemed to have a hold on Mike's thoughts.

Joyce raised an eyebrow, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. "Hmm, is that so?" she mused, not entirely convinced by Scarlett's protest. She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms as she looked at Scarlett more closely. "You know, sometimes boys don't know how to express what they're really feeling. Especially at your age. They might seem rude or distant, but that doesn't always mean what you think it does."

Scarlett sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. "I don't know, Mrs. Byers. Mike's just... complicated. One minute he's nice, and the next he's acting like I'm the most annoying person in the world. And then there's this whole thing with El. It's like she's the only thing that matters to him."

Joyce nodded, understanding where Scarlett was coming from. "Mike has been through a lot with El. They all have. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, too. Sometimes, people get stuck in their own heads, especially when they're dealing with something as difficult as what you all are facing right now."

Scarlett looked down at her half-eaten sandwich, her appetite waning as she thought about everything. "I guess... I just don't get why he has to be so mean sometimes," she admitted, her voice quieter now, tinged with the vulnerability she usually kept hidden behind her sarcasm and tough exterior.

Joyce stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on Scarlett's arm. "Mike's scared, just like the rest of us. And when people are scared, they don't always act the way they should. But that doesn't mean they don't care. Give him some time. You're both still figuring things out."

Scarlett looked up at Joyce, the older woman's words sinking in. It wasn't like she had feelings for Mike—she won't admit it—but there was something about the way he got under her skin that she couldn't quite shake. Maybe Joyce was right; maybe they were both just struggling to make sense of everything, and that's why their interactions were so charged.

"Thanks, Mrs. Byers," Scarlett said, offering a small smile. "You're right. It's just... everything's so messed up right now. I guess it's hard to tell who's on your side."

Joyce returned the smile, giving Scarlett's arm a reassuring squeeze. "We're all on the same side, Scarlett. Even when it doesn't feel like it. Just remember, you're not alone in this. And neither is Mike."

Scarlett nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. Joyce's words had a way of cutting through the confusion, offering a clarity that Scarlett hadn't realized she needed. She finished her sandwich, feeling a bit more grounded, and as she stood up, she gave Joyce a grateful look.

"I should get back to Will and Mike," Scarlett said, her voice steadier now.

Joyce nodded, her expression softening with that motherly warmth again. "Of course, sweetheart. And Scarlett... don't be too hard on Mike. He needs friends like you, even if he doesn't always show it."

Scarlett smiled, feeling a strange sense of comfort in Joyce's words. As she walked back toward Will's room, she felt a little lighter, more prepared to face whatever was coming next. The uncertainty was still there, but so was the resolve to stick by her friends, no matter how complicated things might get.

Scarlett was peacefully sleeping on the floor of Will's room, the exhaustion from the previous day's events having taken its toll. The room was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of movement as the three of them slept. As the night wore on, Scarlett shifted in her sleep, her body instinctively moving closer to the warmth she felt beside her.

Mike, who was also asleep, felt the shift and unconsciously wrapped his arm around Scarlett, pulling her a bit closer. Neither of them was aware of this gentle shift in their sleeping arrangement, lost in the comfort of slumber.

Their peaceful rest was abruptly interrupted when Will gasped loudly, his sudden intake of breath piercing through the quiet night. Scarlett and Mike's eyes flew open simultaneously. Scarlett's gaze quickly landed on Mike's arm draped over her, and her immediate reaction was one of disgust.

"Ew, get off me, Freckles!" Scarlett exclaimed, her voice groggy and slightly irritated as she tried to wriggle free from his embrace. She pulled herself away from Mike, her face flushed with embarrassment and annoyance.

Mike groaned, still half-asleep, and rolled over to look at Scarlett. "You're the one who moved close to me in your sleep!" he shot back, his voice gruff but lacking real malice. He was clearly more annoyed at the abrupt wake-up call than at Scarlett herself.

As the two bickered, Will's gasping grew more frantic. He sat upright in his bed, his face pale and drenched with sweat. His eyes were wide with fear as he looked between Scarlett and Mike.

"Will, what's wrong?" Mike asked, his irritation quickly replaced by concern as he noticed the terrified look on his friend's face.

Will took a shuddering breath, trying to steady himself. "I saw Hopper... he's in the tunnels, and they captured him," he managed to say, his voice trembling with dread.

Scarlett's heart sank at Will's words, and she shared a worried look with Mike. The gravity of the situation settled in as they processed Will's revelation.

"You need to tell your mom right now," Scarlett urged, her voice steady despite the fear that was starting to creep in. Will nodded, his movements shaky as he climbed out of bed. Scarlett and Mike followed him into the living room.

The living room was cluttered with drawings that covered nearly every wall, chaotic depictions of what Will had seen in his visions. Joyce sat on the floor amidst the drawings, her gaze distant and troubled as she tried to make sense of the frantic scribbles.

"Mom? Mom? Mom?" Will's voice was shaky as he placed a hand on Joyce's shoulder. She jumped, her eyes snapping back to focus on her son.

"Yeah?" Joyce responded, her voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and concern.

"I saw him," Will said urgently.

"You saw who, baby?" Joyce asked, her voice softening as she tried to comfort her son.

"Hopper. I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die," Will revealed, his eyes filled with tears.

Joyce's face went pale as she absorbed Will's words. The fear for Hopper, who had become a cherished part of their lives, was evident in her eyes. She had been so focused on deciphering Will's drawings that the reality of Hopper's potential danger hit her hard.

Scarlett watched the exchange, feeling a pang of concern. She knew the situation was dire and that action needed to be taken immediately. She glanced at Mike, who was already processing the urgency of the situation.

"We need to find him," Mike said firmly, his voice laced with determination.

Joyce nodded, her mind racing as she started preparing for the search. She looked up at Scarlett and Mike, her face a mixture of worry and resolve. "We'll need all the help we can get," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

As Joyce began organizing the search effort, Scarlett stood next to Mike, both of them trying to make sense of the urgency. The weight of the situation settled heavily on their shoulders, but the bond they shared made them determined to act.

"You okay?" Scarlett asked softly, her voice barely audible over the commotion.

Mike gave her a brief, reassuring look. "Yeah. Just trying to figure out the next steps," he said, his tone serious but not devoid of warmth.

Scarlett offered a small smile, trying to keep the mood light despite the gravity of their situation. "We'll figure it out, Freckles. You always do."

Mike looked at her, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You're not going to stop calling me that, are you?"

Scarlett shook her head, her expression playful despite the tense circumstances. "Not a chance."

As they stood together, the reality of the danger ahead loomed large, but so did their unwavering resolve. They knew they were in this together, and that was the source of their strength.

The morning light streamed through the cracks in Scarlett's blinds, gently waking her from a restless sleep. She had barely managed to get any rest, her thoughts consumed by the previous night's events. After a hurried breakfast, she knew she had to get back to Max to ensure her sister could cover for her. With her rollerblades in hand and her backpack slung over her shoulder, she set out for home.

As Scarlett approached her house, she noticed Billy's car parked outside, and her stomach knotted with apprehension. The front door was ajar, and the sound of raised voices echoed through the hallway. Scarlett braced herself and stepped inside, only to be met by Billy's furious glare.

"What's with the attitude?" Scarlett asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite her anxiety.

Billy's face was set in a scowl, his frustration palpable. "Just don't push your luck today. Where have you been?" he demanded, his eyes sharp.

Scarlett kept her tone as even as possible. "I was at a friend's house, just hanging out. It's nothing serious."

Billy's anger flared. "Don't mess with me, Scarlett. I want to know where you're going now."

Scarlett rolled her eyes, trying to defuse the situation. "I'm staying over at a friend's tonight. Can you just chill out?"

Billy's face darkened, and he grabbed her arm with a force that made her wince. "No, you're not. You're staying here."

Scarlett felt a surge of pain from his grip but managed to pull her arm away. Her eyes glowed with a faint blue electricity, the energy crackling around her fingers. "Don't mess with me, Billy," she said firmly, her voice cold. "I'm not dealing with your crap right now."

Billy's eyes widened at the display of her powers, his anger momentarily subdued by surprise. "So you think you can just throw your weight around with those weird tricks?"

Ignoring his challenge, Scarlett turned and headed toward Max's room, her mind already focused on her next task. Billy's gaze followed her, but she refused to look back.

When Scarlett entered Max's room, her sister was busy picking out an outfit for their day at the arcade. Max's face brightened when she saw Scarlett.

"Oh, good, you're here!" Max exclaimed, relief evident in her voice. "I've been worried. Let's get going; we don't want to miss the arcade."

Scarlett sighed, knowing she had to be honest with Max. "Actually, Max, I need you to cover for me tonight. There's something going on, and I have to go back to Will's place to help him and Mike."

Max looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "What's going on? You seem really stressed."

Scarlett ran a hand through her hair, her frustration clear. "I can't explain everything right now. Just tell Billy I'm staying over at some girls house. I'll explain later, okay?"

Max raised an eyebrow playfully. "Oh, sure. But I see what's happening here. You're really going to see Mike again, huh? Maybe there's a little crush going on?"

Scarlett blushed slightly, trying to hide her embarrassment with a sarcastic smile. "Oh, please. Mike's just a pain in the ass. I'm just trying to help out a friend."

Max laughed softly, clearly enjoying teasing her. "Right, right. Just a friend. Well, I'll cover for you, no problem. But you owe me an explanation later."

Scarlett nodded gratefully, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "Thanks, Max. I promise I'll fill you in on everything. Have fun at the arcade."

Max grabbed her jacket and skateboard, and as she headed out, she gave Scarlett a mischievous grin. "Enjoy your time with Mike, if you say so."

Scarlett rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. As Max left, Scarlett took a deep breath and prepared to head back to Will's house. She knew she needed to be there for her friends and hoped that whatever was happening, she could make a difference.

With a final glance at her now-empty house, Scarlett put on her rollerblades and skated back towards Will's home, her mind filled with both worry and determination.

Scarlett was back at Will's house, where tension filled the air as they tried to piece together the mystery of Hopper's whereabouts. Will sat at the table, drawing another scribble on a piece of paper, this time of a location where he thought he saw Hopper. Joyce hovered over him, her eyes wide with a mix of hope and desperation as she watched her son sketch out the scene.

"Hey, is this where you saw him? Is this where you saw Hopper?" Joyce asked, her voice trembling slightly as she leaned in closer. Will nodded softly, his expression serious, as if he could feel the weight of the responsibility on his small shoulders.

"I think so. Yeah," Will replied, his voice quiet but firm.

Joyce quickly grabbed the paper from the table, studying it intently before glancing around the room, searching for any clue or connection that could guide them to Hopper. Scarlett, standing nearby, watched Joyce with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Mike, always at Scarlett's side, mirrored the tension in the room, his eyes darting around to see where the drawing might fit into the bigger picture.

Joyce, with the drawing clutched in her hand, walked out of Will's room, her movements quick and purposeful. Mike followed her closely, with Scarlett trailing behind. But as Scarlett exited the room, something caught her eye. A drawing on the wall made her freeze in place. She took a step back, her breath hitching as she was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of memories she had tried so hard to bury.

She was back in the Lab. The sterile, cold walls surrounded her, and she found herself sitting at a table, a chessboard in front of her. Across from her was a blonde man, his eyes kind but his presence unsettling. He smiled at her, the expression not reaching his eyes.

"Nice job, Seven," he said approvingly as she moved a chess piece. The memory was so vivid, so real, that it felt like she was right there again, trapped in that horrible place.

Scarlett's breathing became shallow, her eyes wide with fear as she backed up against the wall, lost in the flashback. She was no longer in Will's house; she was back in the Lab, reliving the past she had tried so hard to forget.

Mike, who had been walking ahead, noticed Scarlett's distress. He turned back just in time to see her standing rigid, her eyes unfocused, her face pale. "Scar?" he asked softly, concern lacing his voice as he reached out to touch her shoulder.

The contact snapped Scarlett back to the present. She blinked rapidly, the Lab fading away as she forced herself to breathe again. She looked at Mike, forcing a smile to reassure him. "I'm fine, Freckles," she said, her voice shaky but determined. She wasn't about to let the past consume her, not now. There was too much at stake.

Mike frowned, still worried, but he didn't press her further. He knew Scarlett well enough to recognize when she didn't want to talk about something. Instead, he watched as she scanned the room, her eyes landing on the refrigerator where an empty spot waited.

"Here!" Scarlett exclaimed, relief evident in her voice as she found a place for Will's latest drawing. Mike and Joyce quickly joined her, and Joyce carefully placed the drawing on the refrigerator. It fit perfectly with the other sketches, creating a larger picture that still held many unanswered questions.

"Okay, so... so Hopper is here?" Joyce asked, her voice tinged with hope as she looked at the completed picture.

Scarlett nodded, her eyes flicking between the drawing and Joyce's face. "Now we just need to find out where here is, right?" she said, trying to sound optimistic.

"Right," Mike agreed, his voice steady. He was trying to be the strong one, but Scarlett could see the worry in his eyes.

Joyce, still processing everything, seemed lost in thought until Mike asked, "Did he say anything? I mean, before he left?"

Joyce sighed, running a hand through her hair as she tried to recall. "Uh, some... something about vines?" she said, her voice full of confusion and uncertainty. She shrugged, clearly frustrated that she couldn't remember more.

Before they could discuss it further, the sound of a car approaching the house caught their attention. All three of them turned toward the door, their hearts leaping with hope. "Hopper," Joyce breathed out, the word more of a prayer than a statement.

They rushed to the window, eager to see if it was him, but their hopes were dashed when they saw a red 1983 Toyota Camry Liftback pulling up instead. It wasn't Hopper's police truck.

Scarlett furrowed her brows, trying to place the car. "Who is that?" she asked, turning to Mike.

Mike didn't take his eyes off the car as he answered. "Bob Newby. He works at the RadioShack and is dating Mrs. Byers."

Scarlett nodded, a little of her excitement deflating as they watched Joyce walk outside to greet Bob. She wasn't sure how this man fit into everything, but the disappointment that it wasn't Hopper left a heavy feeling in her chest. They were so close, yet still so far from finding him.

Joyce hesitated for a moment, then decided to let Bob inside. She needed his help, even if it meant dragging him into the chaos of their world. Mike, Scarlett, and Will stood silently behind Bob and Joyce as Bob took in the sight of the drawings that plastered the walls and littered the floors. His expression was a mix of curiosity and confusion, his eyes darting from one sketch to the next.

"Huh," Bob finally uttered, the sound more of an exhale than a word. He turned around, his gaze settling on Will, who was standing quietly behind him. "You drew all these yourself?" he asked, his tone gentle but puzzled. Will nodded softly, his eyes dropping to the floor. He didn't offer any more explanation, knowing that even he couldn't fully explain what was happening.

Bob looked back at the drawings, trying to make sense of the chaotic display. "Why, exactly?" he asked, genuinely bewildered. But before Will could attempt to respond, Joyce stepped in, her voice firm with a touch of impatience.

"I— I told you the rules. No questions, okay?" Joyce reminded Bob, cutting off any further inquiries. Bob nodded, understanding that this wasn't the time for curiosity. There were more important things at stake.

Joyce started walking toward the kitchen, her mind racing as she tried to focus on the task at hand. "We— We just need you to help us figure out what..." She trailed off, her words hanging in the air as she realized that no one was following her. Turning around, she saw Bob still standing there, his attention distracted by the drawings again. "Bob? Bob? Over here," she called out, waving him over to get his attention.

Bob snapped out of his reverie and, before following Joyce, handed off the stack of games he had brought with him to Mike, who barely had time to react before his arms were full of board games. Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"I guess you're a table now, Freckles," Scarlett teased, a playful smirk on her face as she watched Mike struggle to balance the games.

Mike shot her a glare, his expression deadpan. "Oh, yeah?" he retorted, not missing a beat. He then shifted the stack of games into Scarlett's arms, catching her off guard. "Now you are too," he snapped back with a sarcastic grin, pleased with himself as he turned on his heel and walked off toward the kitchen.

Scarlett groaned in exasperation, glaring at the back of Mike's head as he walked away. She shifted the games in her arms, trying to find a comfortable way to carry them. She glanced over at Will, who had been quietly observing the exchange.

"He's annoying," Scarlett muttered, rolling her eyes as she adjusted her grip on the games.

Will smiled weakly at her, the faintest hint of amusement in his eyes. "But you like him," he said, his tone gentle but certain.

Scarlett gasped in mock offense, her eyes widening as she looked at Will. "Am not," she protested, but her voice wavered just enough to give her away.

Will chuckled softly, the sound a rare but welcome break from the tension. "So do," he said simply, his smile growing a little wider before he turned and headed toward the kitchen, leaving Scarlett standing there, flustered.

Scarlett watched him go, a mix of frustration and embarrassment bubbling up inside her. She glanced around the room, searching for a place to dump the games. Finally, she spotted a table off to the side and made a beeline for it, eager to rid herself of the burden. She set the games down with a huff, casting one last glare in the direction of the kitchen before reluctantly following the others.

Bob had been studying the chaotic display of drawings scattered across the walls and floors when the realization struck him—they were all part of a map of Hawkins. The intricate web of lines and sketches formed a detailed layout, but it needed to be deciphered, and that was no easy task. As Mike, Joyce, and Will worked in another room, measuring distances and trying to make sense of the map, Scarlett and Bob were in the kitchen, huddled over a large paper map of Hawkins. Scarlett handed Bob a ruler, watching as he carefully took a pen out of his jacket pocket and began marking something on the map.

"All right. I'm at 3.6 inches, what do you got?" Bob asked, his voice focused as he continued to trace lines and make notations. Scarlett, who had been observing him closely, finally sat down at the table, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"I'm not sure. Mrs. Byers?" Mike called out from another room, his voice echoing down the hallway.

"Twenty-one feet, four inches," Joyce's voice replied, slightly muffled by the distance.

Mike, ever the diligent helper, called back, "You know you would be good if you helped Scarlett!" His voice carried a hint of teasing, knowing full well how Scarlett would respond.

Scarlett grinned, unable to resist the playful banter. "No, thanks, Freckles! I'm not a lame nerd like you! Mr. Newby is way cooler!" she shouted back, her tone dripping with mock disdain. She then quickly turned to Bob with a sheepish smile. "No offense, Mr. Newby. I just love messing with Mike," she added, not wanting to offend the man who had been so patient and helpful.

Bob looked up from the map, a warm smile spreading across his face. "It's okay, Scarlett. Call me Bob," he told her, his voice reassuring. Scarlett nodded, feeling a bit more at ease.

As they continued to work, Bob asked, "What about Tippecanoe to Danford Creek?" His pen hovered over the map, ready to make the next mark.

Joyce's voice wavered with confusion. "Danford? Where's Danford?" she stammered, clearly struggling to keep track of the various locations.

"Dining room!" Will yelled back, his voice filled with urgency. Joyce quickly ran over to measure the distance, her frustration mounting as the clock ticked on.

"Sixteen feet, ten inches," Joyce called out, relaying the information to Bob, who immediately marked the corresponding spot on the map. Scarlett watched him closely, intrigued by how methodical he was.

Bob then asked, "What about Danford to Jordan?" The tension in his voice was palpable, everyone in the house hanging on the answer, hoping it would lead them closer to finding Hopper.

Joyce, overwhelmed by the complexity of it all, let out a sigh of frustration. "Oh, come on. This has got to be enough," she said, her patience wearing thin as she walked over to where Bob and Scarlett were working. Will and Mike followed, equally anxious.

But Bob shook his head, the map still not making complete sense to him. "It's not. It's really not," he replied, the seriousness in his tone not lost on anyone.

Joyce's desperation was clear as she asked, "Okay. Can't you figure it out?"

Bob hesitated, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Well, it's hard. The ratio isn't exactly one to one," he began to explain, trying to temper expectations. "I mean, if you're twisting my arm, and you are twisting my arm, I would say that X is...." He paused for a moment, then made a decisive mark on the map with his pen, drawing a big X. "...maybe a half mile southeast of Danford?"

Joyce let out a sigh of relief, her hope renewed. "Thank you. Thank you!" she exclaimed, overcome with gratitude as she leaned in to kiss Bob on the cheek. The unexpected gesture made Scarlett's heart swell.

"Aw, love," Scarlett breathed out, her voice soft with admiration for the tender moment. Mike, however, wasn't as impressed.

"You're such a romantic," Mike commented, scrunching up his face in mock disgust. Scarlett immediately shot him a look, her playful demeanor returning.

"And you're such a grump!" she fired back, her tone light but pointed. The exchange was enough to bring a brief smile to Mike's face, despite the tension they all felt.

With the map finally marked and a location identified, they hurriedly followed Joyce out to her car, determined to get to the X on the map and find Hopper.

As they drove into the dark, desolate night toward Danford, the tension in the car was thick enough to cut with a knife. Scarlett was wedged between Mike and Will in the back seat, and the silence was only broken by the hum of the car engine and their anxious breathing.

"There's nothing. There's nothing here," Mike said, peering out the window at the empty landscape. His voice carried the frustration they all felt.

"Are... Are we close?" Joyce asked Bob, her knuckles white as she gripped the steering wheel.

"We're in the vicinity," Bob replied, glancing at the map spread out in his lap.

"What's that mean, the vicinity?" Joyce asked, her voice laced with growing impatience.

"It means we're close. I don't know. It's not precise," Bob explained, still scanning the map as he tried to piece everything together.

Joyce let out a sigh, the frustration clear in her tone. "But we did all that work," she said, more to herself than to anyone else.

Scarlett, noticing Will's eyes closed tight, reached out and touched his hand, only to be hit with a sudden, overwhelming vision. She gasped, eyes widening as the vision washed over her.

"Turn right!" Scarlett and Will shouted simultaneously, their voices filled with urgency.

Mike raised an eyebrow, glancing at Scarlett. "How do you know, Scar?"

Scarlett shot him a look, her expression deadly serious. "I saw it when I touched Will's hand," she said, her voice firm.

"What?" Joyce said, glancing back at them through the rearview mirror.

"We saw him! I saw him through Will's mind! Turn right!" Scarlett shouted again, her desperation clear.

"Where?!" Joyce asked, panic creeping into her voice as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

"In my now-memories! And Scarlett has powers!" Will yelled, his voice trembling with fear and urgency.

"In your what? And Scarlett has what?" Bob asked in disbelief, turning to look at the kids.

"Turn right!" Will shouted again, and Joyce, acting on pure instinct, yanked the steering wheel to the right. The car swerved wildly, and everyone screamed as they barreled through a sign for a pumpkin patch, the wooden post splintering on impact. Joyce's hands momentarily left the wheel as panic set in.

Scarlett screamed, and Mike instinctively grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly as if to anchor himself. Scarlett squeezed back, her mind racing as she saw the parked car up ahead, dangerously close.

"Do something, Scarlett!" Mike yelled, his voice filled with fear as the distance between them and the parked car rapidly decreased.

Scarlett closed her eyes, focusing on the electricity that crackled within her. With a deep breath, she extended her powers outward, feeling the energy pulse through her veins. The car jolted as the energy latched onto it, bringing it to a sudden, jarring stop just inches away from the other vehicle. Scarlett's nose bled from the strain, but the car was safe.

"Are you okay?" Joyce asked, her voice shaky as she turned to check on the kids.

Scarlett and Mike nodded, still catching their breath. "Superspy and the Electro," Mike breathed out with a small, relieved smile, his hand still holding Scarlett's.

"So, I'm finally in the party?" Scarlett asked with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood despite the blood trickling from her nose.

Mike nodded, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah," he said softly.

Scarlett grinned, but the moment was short-lived as Bob spoke up, drawing their attention. "What's Jim doing here? Joyce?"

Joyce's face paled as she saw Hopper's car nearby. "Boys, Scarlett, I need you to stay here," Joyce ordered as she opened the car door, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"No. Mom, Mom, Mom, it's not safe!" Will exclaimed, his voice filled with the same fear that Scarlett felt.

"Yeah, at least let me come with you! I'm the one who has superpowers," Scarlett said, sitting up, ready to argue. But Mike pushed her back down.

"Absolutely not, Scar. I'm not letting you go down there," Mike said firmly, his protective side showing.

Scarlett huffed, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "You're getting soft on me, Freckles. This isn't gonna be fun to make fun of you," she teased.

Mike rolled his eyes, a mixture of exasperation and affection in his expression. "You're still annoying, but I'm not letting anyone die today," he stated, his tone leaving no room for debate.

"Sure," Scarlett muttered, knowing she wasn't going to win this argument.

A few tense minutes passed, the silence in the car heavy. Suddenly, Scarlett snapped her head to the side as the door on Mike's side creaked open.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked, alarmed as Scarlett climbed over him to get out of the car.

"It's been too long. I'm checking out if they're okay down there," Scarlett said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Mike and Will shared a look, concern etched on both their faces, before they followed Scarlett out of the car. The three of them walked over to a large hole in the ground, their breaths catching in their throats as they stared into the dark abyss.

"Do you see anything? In your now-memories?" Scarlett asked Will, her voice barely above a whisper. Will shook his head, his face pale.

Scarlett's attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of vans pulling up. She turned to see a convoy of vehicles with 'Hawkins Lab' emblazoned on the sides, and her heart dropped.

"Mike! You can't let them take me away! They're gonna find out I'm Seven!" Scarlett whispered urgently, her wrist glowing faintly where the numbers '007' were inked.

Mike quickly shrugged off his jacket and handed it to her. "Wear this. It'll cover your wrist, just try and keep your powers under control, okay?" he instructed, his voice calm but firm.

Scarlett nodded, quickly pulling the jacket on as men in hazmat suits jumped out of the vans and began to descend into the hole. The fear in her chest tightened as the reality of the situation hit her. "What if they take me away?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Mike took her hand again, squeezing it tightly. "I won't let them," he said, his voice steady, though his eyes betrayed his own fear.

Suddenly, Will's body convulsed, and he collapsed to the ground, shaking violently. Scarlett gasped, tears immediately springing to her eyes as she watched her friend suffer.

"Will, what's wrong?" Scarlett cried, her voice cracking with fear and helplessness. Mike quickly pulled her into his arms, trying to shield her from the sight.

"Don't look. I think they're killing the vines and it's hurting Will," Mike said, his voice filled with a mix of dread and anger as he held Scarlett close, doing his best to comfort her despite the chaos unfolding around them.


i love writing long chapters


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