Chapter Six: The Spy and The Electro

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chapter six:
the spy and the electro


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Scarlett's breaths were ragged, each inhale and exhale a laborious effort as she ran through the eerily silent corridors of Hawkins Lab. Her mind was awash with horrific memories—scenes of blood, pain, and violence. The sterile white walls seemed to close in on her, amplifying her sense of dread. Her tears mixed with the sweat streaming down her face, blurring her vision as she sprinted.

Mike, Joyce, and Bob were preoccupied with Will, who was screaming in agony and being rushed to a hospital room. Scarlett trailed behind them, but the sight of Dr. Owens entering the room triggered a visceral reaction. The last time she had been in the lab, the overwhelming memory of blood and suffering had left her deeply scarred. She had to find answers, and the Rainbow Room was her only hope.

She pushed herself harder, driven by the need to understand her past. As she raced down the corridors, the lights flickered violently, responding to the uncontrolled surge of electricity emanating from her body. The entire hallway seemed to pulse with her energy, the overhead lights casting erratic shadows on the walls.

Scarlett's eyes locked onto a sign indicating the direction to the Rainbow Room. The hallway leading there was cloaked in darkness and ominously sealed off with a "No Entry" sign. With a determined glare, she channeled her electricity, directing it at the door. The door creaked open with a loud groan, the metal straining against the force of her power. Her breath came in short, frantic bursts as she entered the corridor beyond.

The hallway was lined with doors, each labeled with a number. Room 7 caught her eye, but she bypassed it, her focus solely on the Rainbow Room at the end of the corridor. Her heart pounded as she approached, her powers causing sparks to dance around her. The door was heavy and seemed to resist her efforts to get inside, but she pushed through with renewed energy.

As Scarlett reached out to force the door open, a security guard suddenly grabbed her from behind. Panic surged through her, and she struggled fiercely, her hands crackling with electric energy. Several doctors, alerted by the commotion, rushed to her side, their faces grim and unfeeling.

"Let me go! Let me go! I'm trying to remember!" Scarlett cried out, her voice breaking as she fought against their grip. Dr. Owens appeared, his face illuminated by a cruel smile. He seized her wrist and pulled up the sleeve of Mike's jacket, revealing the glowing '007' tattoo.

Scarlett's fury exploded. "Let me fucking go!" she shouted, her voice raw with desperation. In a sudden burst of power, she released a torrent of electricity, sending the doctors flying back against the walls. Their bodies hit the ground with heavy thuds, some unconscious, others moaning in pain.

Dr. Owens' smile widened as he observed Scarlett's display of power. "Nice to see you again, Seven," he said, his tone oozing with malice.

Scarlett's eyes burned with defiance. "My name is Scarlett!" she snapped, her voice echoing through the hallway. "You're going to tell me what's going on with Will and what happened to me. I want answers!"

Dr. Owens chuckled darkly. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Scarlett," he said, his eyes gleaming with sinister intent. As he spoke, a guard crept up behind Scarlett, needle poised for action.

Before she could react, the needle was jabbed into her neck, delivering a potent tranquilizer. The effects were nearly instantaneous. Scarlett's powers flickered out, her electricity dissipating as her body went limp. She collapsed to the floor, her struggle ceasing as darkness closed in on her.

Dr. Owens, unfazed, stepped forward and lifted Scarlett's unconscious form with practiced ease. He held her against him, her head lolling to the side as her body went slack. "It's been awhile, Seven," he said, his voice a dark, mocking tone. "Let's continue where Dr. Brenner left off with you."

As he carried her away, the sterile, cold reality of Hawkins Lab seemed to press in on them, a relentless reminder of the horrors that awaited. The fate of Scarlett, Will, and the rest hung in the balance, as the lab's dark secrets began to unravel.

Scarlett's eyes fluttered open to blinding fluorescent lights. Her head throbbed, and she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. She was in a small, sterile room, the walls lined with metal and the air heavy with antiseptic. Her arms were shackled to the bed, the cuffs biting into her wrists. Panic surged through her as she tried to free herself, but the restraints held firm, their metal cold and unyielding.

The room was filled with the distant sound of shouting, voices raised in anger. Scarlett's heart raced, her breaths coming in short, erratic gasps. She twisted her head, trying to make out the source of the commotion.

"Let her go! You will not be doing any experiments on her or using her as a weapon!" The voice was unmistakably Hopper's, filled with a fierce protective anger. "She has a family! She will not be your stupid lab rat. Let her out right now or I swear to God I will let hell loose!"

Scarlett's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Hopper's voice. She continued to struggle against the cuffs, her frustration growing as the shouting continued. The door to her room creaked open, and Dr. Owens stepped inside with a sigh. His expression was a mask of detached calm.

"Yeah, don't try," Owens said, his voice laced with a patronizing tone. "Those cuffs dampen your power. Don't worry, your bud Hopper saved you."

With a practiced motion, Owens unlocked the cuffs. Scarlett's muscles felt like lead as she moved, but she forced herself to stand, her legs trembling. The moment the cuffs were removed, she darted toward Hopper, who stood in the doorway, his face a mixture of relief and determination.

She threw herself into his arms, her sobs muffled against his chest. The comfort of his presence was overwhelming, and she clung to him, tears streaming down her face.

Hopper held her tightly, his gaze locked on Owens with a fierce intensity. "Here's Mike's jacket," he said, handing over the garment, "and your clothes. Go ahead and change into them, and we'll get you back to Mike, Bob, and Joyce."

Scarlett nodded, her emotions a tumultuous storm as she pulled away from Hopper just enough to take the jacket and her clothes. She hurriedly changed into them, her hands shaking. The hospital gown fell away, replaced by the familiar comfort of her own clothing.

As she dressed, she glanced up at Hopper, her eyes still red from crying. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice cracking with gratitude and exhaustion.

Hopper's expression softened. "Don't mention it," he replied, his voice firm but filled with warmth. "We're getting you out of here, Scar. Let's go."

Scarlett nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. She followed Hopper out of the room, her heart still racing but now fueled by hope. As they walked down the sterile hallways of Hawkins Lab, she could see the concern etched on Hopper's face, a stark contrast to the cold, calculating demeanor of Dr. Owens.

They moved swiftly, avoiding the watchful eyes of the lab staff as they made their way toward the exit. With Hopper by her side, Scarlett felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they would make it out of this nightmare together.

Scarlett burst into Will's hospital room, her breath coming in short gasps as she spotted Mike sitting beside his brother, a blanket draped over his shoulders. The worry on Mike's face vanished the moment he saw her, replaced with overwhelming relief.

"Scar!" Mike exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

"Freckles," Scarlett breathed, her voice thick with emotion as she rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck. She buried her face into his shoulder, and the tears she'd been holding back finally spilled over. Mike wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her close as she cried.

"Where were you, Scar? You've been gone for two hours," Mike asked softly, his voice laced with concern as he pulled back slightly to look at her tear-streaked face.

Scarlett's lips quivered, her eyes shimmering with the weight of what she'd experienced. "When we got here, I remembered something," she began, her voice trembling. "Something about this place... about my past. I went to look for it, and... and my powers went out of control, and so did my anger. When I found the room, Dr. Owens and his doctors attacked me. They drugged me, Mike. They were going to use me as their lab rat, to see what my powers were like—like they did before."

Mike's eyes widened in shock and guilt as he listened, his grip tightening around her as if to assure himself that she was still there, still safe. "I'm so sorry, Scar. I should've run after you. I told you I wouldn't let them take you, and they did. I— I was just so caught up in everything happening with Will, I—"

Scarlett shook her head, cutting off his rambling with a gentle yet weary smile. "It's okay, Freckles. I'm just glad you're okay. Besides," she added with a teasing glint in her eye, "you're getting soft on me."

Mike rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite the gravity of the situation. "You're growing on me, Scar," he said, pointing a finger at her as if to emphasize the point.

Scarlett's lips curled into a genuine smile, one that reached her eyes despite the exhaustion and fear lingering there. "Well, you're stuck with me now," she quipped, her voice lighter than it had been moments before.

Mike chuckled softly, his hand moving to squeeze her shoulder reassuringly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

They stood there for a moment longer, the unspoken bond between them growing stronger in the wake of what they'd both endured. The darkness of the lab and the horrors it held seemed a little less daunting now that they had each other.

Scarlett and Mike had fallen asleep together in the small chair by Will's bed, both wrapped in a blanket to shield them from the sterile chill of the hospital room. Scarlett's head rested on Mike's chest, their breaths synchronized as they drifted in a rare moment of peace. But that peace was abruptly shattered when they heard Will's voice, soft and confused.

"Mom?" Will's voice was weak, but it was enough to jolt Scarlett and Mike awake. Their eyes flew open simultaneously, both immediately alert as they untangled themselves from the blanket.

Joyce, who had been talking quietly with Bob in the corner, turned on her heel and sprinted to her son's bedside. "Hey," she said softly, her voice thick with relief as she brushed a hand through Will's hair.

Bob, startled into action, bolted out of the room to fetch a doctor. "Sweetie, how are you feeling? You okay?" Joyce asked, her words rushing out as if she couldn't believe Will was really awake.

Before Will could answer, Bob reappeared in the doorway, breathless. "Okay, they're on their way," he assured Joyce before stepping closer to Will with a nervous smile. "Hey," he said gently, trying to connect with the boy he cared so much about. But Will's expression was distant, his brow furrowing as he looked at Bob in confusion.

"Who is that?" Will asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Scarlett and Mike exchanged a worried glance, both of them feeling the creeping unease that something was terribly wrong. "The shadow monster?" Scarlett whispered to Mike, her voice barely audible. Mike could only shrug, his face pale with concern.

Bob let out a nervous chuckle, trying to hide the hurt that flashed in his eyes. "It's me, big guy. It's Bob," he said, reaching out to take Will's hand, but Will recoiled, pulling away as if Bob were a stranger.

"Are you a... doctor?" Will asked, his voice flat and mechanical.

"No. No, it's just me. Just... just Bob," Bob replied, his tone filled with a mixture of sadness and confusion. His attempt at a smile faltered, his worry only deepening as Will stared at him with a blank expression.

Scarlett, feeling the tension rise in the room, decided to speak up, hoping that maybe Will would recognize her. "Hi, Will," she said gently, trying to keep her voice steady as she approached his bedside.

Will turned his gaze toward her, his eyes dark and unreadable. For a moment, Scarlett thought he might remember her, but instead, his expression twisted into something almost hostile. "She can't be here. He doesn't want her to know his plans," Will said in a monotone, his voice devoid of any warmth or familiarity.

Scarlett's brow furrowed in confusion. "Will, what are you talking about?" she asked, letting out a nervous chuckle in an attempt to ease the tension, but Will's eyes narrowed at her, the hostility growing.

"Get out! He doesn't want you to know his plans yet!" Will suddenly shouted, his voice echoing in the small room. Scarlett flinched, the force of his outburst sending a shiver down her spine.

"Will, who is 'he'?" Joyce asked, her voice trembling as she reached out to soothe her son.

Will turned to his mother, his expression softening slightly. "Shadow monster," he replied, his voice barely a whisper.

Scarlett frowned deeply, her heart pounding in her chest as the reality of the situation sank in. Mike, sensing her distress, reached over and squeezed her hand tightly, offering her the only comfort he could in that moment. But the dread in the room was palpable, and no amount of reassurance could erase the fear that had taken hold of them all.

The door to the room burst open as the doctors finally arrived, rushing in to assess Will's condition. Scarlett and Mike were ushered out of the way, leaving them standing by the door, holding onto each other as they watched the chaos unfold. The shadow of something dark and terrible loomed over them, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead was more terrifying than anything they had ever faced.

Mike positioned himself in front of Scarlett, his stance protective as he watched Dr. Owens assess Will. He was determined not to let anything happen to Scarlett—not this time. The way Will had lashed out at her earlier had rattled him. He could only imagine how traumatic it must have been for Scarlett, and he silently vowed to keep her safe, no matter what.

"Do you know your name?" Dr. Owens asked Will, his tone calm and measured.

"Will," Will replied, his voice monotone.

"Your full name?" Owens pressed.

"William Byers," Will answered, his gaze unfocused as if the effort to answer was draining.

Owens paused, his eyes scanning Will's face for any sign of recognition. "Do you know... Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"A doctor," Will said flatly, his tone devoid of emotion.

"Have we met before?" Owens asked, leaning in slightly.

"I don't remember," Will said, his voice still eerily calm.

"You don't remember me?" Owens questioned, a hint of concern creeping into his voice. He then gestured toward Mike and Scarlett, who were standing by the door. "How about, uh... these two, here?"

Will's eyes flicked toward them, lingering on each of them in turn. "That's... Mike. And Seven. But Seven shouldn't be here. He says she can't know his plan yet."

Scarlett's brow furrowed, her unease growing with each word. "My name is Scarlett, Will," she reminded him gently, hoping to reach him.

But Will just stared at her, his expression void of recognition. Owens furrowed his eyebrows, the confusion evident on his face. "Who is 'he'?" Owens asked, but Will didn't respond, his silence heavy with an unspoken threat.

"Okay..." Owens trailed off, glancing at Hopper, who offered a sad, understanding smile.

Hopper stepped forward, trying to connect with Will. "What about me, kid? You remember me?" he asked, his voice soft.

Will stared at him for a long moment before shaking his head slowly. Hopper's smile faltered, but he pushed on. "They tell me you helped save me last night. You remember that?"

Again, Will shook his head, his face blank.

Scarlett's discomfort grew, a cold dread creeping into her chest. The way Will was acting—it wasn't him. It was like something else had taken over. She could feel it in her gut, the wrongness of it all, but she kept her mouth shut, hoping—praying—that she was wrong.

"Do you remember anything about last night? About what happened?" Owens asked, his tone gentle but probing.

"I remember they hurt me," Will said, his voice low, almost a growl.

"You mean the doctor?" Owens asked, leaning in closer.

"No. The soldiers," Will replied, shaking his head slowly, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

It hit Scarlett like a punch to the gut. This wasn't Will. This was the Shadow Monster, taking over Will's mind. She wanted to scream, to shout out the truth, but fear kept her silent. If she was wrong, she could make things worse. If she was right... she couldn't bear the thought of what that meant.

"The soldiers hurt you?" Owens repeated, his curiosity piqued.

"They shouldn't have done that. It upset him," Will's voice grew darker, more threatening, sending a chill down everyone's spine.

Owens brought out a picture, holding it up for Will to see. "You say, 'Upset him.' Is that him?" he asked, showing the picture of the drawing Will had made of the Shadow Monster.

Will's gaze turned menacing as he nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on the image.

"Okay. Okay, I wanna try something," Owens said, turning to Joyce, who looked at him with a mixture of fear and hope. "It's gonna seem a little odd at first, but I think it's really gonna help us understand what's going on," Owens explained, then looked back at Will. "Is that okay?" he asked him.

Will nodded, his expression blank.

The door opened, and Scarlett and Mike moved aside as a nurse entered, pushing a cart with a box inside. The box held a piece of the vine from the tunnels, dark and pulsating with a sickly energy that made Scarlett's skin crawl.

"Now, Will, I want you to just let us know if you feel anything. Okay?" Owens advised, his tone calm but tense.

Will stared at the box, his eyes narrowing as the doctor walked up with a blowtorch, igniting it with a soft hiss. Scarlett watched intently, her heart pounding in her chest as the doctor applied the flame to the vine.

"Feel anything?" Owens asked, his voice steady.

"It stings a little," Will replied, his voice strained.

"It stings? Where?" Owens questioned, his eyes flicking back to Will.

Will's hand moved to his chest, his face contorting in pain. "My chest," he grunted, his voice laced with discomfort.

Scarlett felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, the sight of Will in pain tearing at her heart. Owens nodded to the doctor, who moved the blowtorch closer to the vine.

Will's face twisted in agony as he groaned, "It— It burns!"

Scarlett's hand flew to her mouth, stifling a sob as Will's pain intensified. He sat up more, his body trembling. "It burns!" he exclaimed, his voice desperate.

"Where?" Owens asked, his tone now edged with urgency.

"Everywhere!" Will screamed, his voice filled with terror and pain.

"That's enough! That's enough!" Joyce shouted, her voice breaking with fear for her son. But the doctor didn't stop, the flame continuing to sear the vine, and Will's screams grew louder.

"Stop! You heard her! That's enough!" Hopper yelled, his voice filled with authority and anger.

Scarlett's eyes blazed with a fierce protectiveness. She snapped her head to the side, focusing her powers on the doctor who was still holding the blowtorch. With a sharp motion of her head, she sent him flying into the wall, the blowtorch clattering to the ground. It wasn't a violent throw—just enough to make him stop, but the strain showed as blood trickled down from Scarlett's nose.

"Let go," Scarlett said firmly, her voice cold as she wiped the blood from her face.

Will let out a breath of relief, the pain easing as the flame was extinguished. The room fell into a tense silence, the only sound Will's ragged breathing as he slumped back against the bed.

Scarlett's heart pounded in her chest as she glanced around the room, her eyes meeting Mike's. His face was pale, his expression a mix of fear and admiration. She could see it in his eyes—how much he cared for her, how much he was afraid for her. And in that moment, Scarlett knew that whatever was happening with Will, whatever was coming, they would face it together.

Hours later, the tension in the hospital seemed to thicken, with Joyce now arguing with guards in the hallway, desperate to speak with the doctors. Inside the room, Scarlett and Mike sat quietly, their eyes darting between each other and Will. The steady rhythm of the heart monitor had become almost soothing, a reminder that despite everything, Will was still here with them.

But then, the monitor started to beep faster. Scarlett's head snapped toward it, her heart skipping a beat as she noticed Will's vacant stare. Mike noticed too, his brow furrowing with concern.

"Will," Mike called softly, but there was no response. Will's eyes remained locked on some distant point, unseeing.

"Will? Will?" Scarlett's voice was gentle but urgent, trying to pull him back to reality.

When Will didn't respond, Mike leaned closer, his voice rising slightly, "Will!" He shook Will's arm gently, his voice trembling with worry.

Will jolted, blinking rapidly as if waking from a deep sleep. His gaze shifted to Mike and Scarlett, confusion and fear swirling in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you hurting again?" Scarlett asked, her voice filled with concern as she reached out to touch his hand.

Will shook his head, his expression still dazed. "Uh... I saw something," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Scarlett arched an eyebrow, her worry deepening. "In your memories?" she asked, leaning in closer.

Will nodded slowly, his eyes flicking between them. "The Shadow Monster... I think I know how to stop him," he revealed, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

Scarlett and Mike exchanged a glance, their hearts pounding with a mixture of hope and dread. Whatever Will had seen, whatever plan he had in mind, they knew it was going to be dangerous.

Hours later, the atmosphere in the room was heavy with tension. Will had revealed a way to find the Shadow Monster, and soldiers were already being sent back into the tunnels. Scarlett sat on the edge of her seat, fidgeting with her fingers, her nerves frayed. Mike's hand rested on her knee, a small but comforting gesture as they both waited in uneasy silence.

Suddenly, Will's voice broke through the tense quiet, drawing their attention. "I'm sorry," he stammered, his voice cracking with guilt. Scarlett's heart sank as she immediately understood what he meant. Will had been spying on the Shadow Monster for them, but in doing so, he had been used as a spy against them. He had sent the soldiers down there, knowing they were walking into a trap.

"What? What do you mean, sweetie?" Joyce's voice wavered with concern as she stood up, moving closer to her son. She gently shook his shoulders, trying to coax more information out of him.

Will looked up at her, tears brimming in his eyes. "He made me do it," he sobbed, his voice trembling with fear and regret.

"Who? Who made you do what?" Joyce asked, her tone urgent as she tried to piece together what her son was saying.

"I told you... they upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset him," Will repeated, his voice shaking as he relayed the message he had been forced to carry out.

Mike and Scarlett exchanged a horrified glance, the realization hitting them both at the same time. "The spy," they whispered in unison, the words hanging in the air like a death sentence.

"The spy!" Mike suddenly shouted, the urgency in his voice driving him into action. He bolted out of the room, Scarlett right on his heels, their fear fueling their desperate need to warn the others.

They ran up to the guards stationed at the doors, shouting at them to let them through. "People are going to die!" they yelled, their voices frantic, but the guards remained unmoved, their faces stoic as they pushed the two teens back.

Mike and Scarlett clung to each other for support, but as a guard grabbed Scarlett's arm, she pushed him away, her instincts taking over. The guard tried to subdue her with a syringe, but she kneed him hard in the groin, causing him to double over in pain. Scarlett didn't want to use her powers—not yet. She knew she needed to stay alert and conserve her energy because she would need every ounce of it soon.

Unbeknownst to Mike and Scarlett, Eleven was watching them in her void, her heart pounding as she saw the chaos unfold. Her eyes narrowed with jealousy when she noticed how Mike was looking at Scarlett, a pang of insecurity rising within her.

Meanwhile, Mike pushed another guard, his desperation evident. "It's a trap!" he shouted, his voice hoarse from the effort.

Bob, hearing the commotion, rushed over and grabbed Mike, pulling him back before the situation could escalate further. Scarlett and Mike continued to yell, their voices echoing in the hallway as they tried to make the guards understand the gravity of the situation. But it seemed no one was listening—time was running out, and the soldiers were marching straight into the Shadow Monster's deadly snare.



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