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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

So, I'm aware that before this episode is 'The Pulverizer Returns' but honestly, since to me, that episode is kinda like a filler one and it doesn't really add anything to the main storyline that I have planned, I decided to skip writing it since I didn't really want to do it. It STILL happens so Timothy/Pulverizer still gets mutated, I just didn't write it.

Japanese Translations:
"Arigatล, onฤซsan." - "Thanks, big brother."

"Mondainai yo, otลtoyo." - "No problem, little brother."


"So, I said it once and I'll said it again. I hate bugs, they're creepy as heck and this proves me right."

"UGH... ANOTHER DAY, another kranng hunt."

After what happened with Timothy that lead to him getting mutated into a jar of guts and with the event that happened at the Kranng portal, things were getting back to normalโ€”well, as normal as things got for them. The seven teenagers were sitting in their stations within the ShellRaiser and a certain orange masked mutant turtle was spinning around in his chair, completely bored out of his mind.

"Hey, Raph, Clips!" Michelangelo said, popping up from behind them. "Fire the weapons!"

Eclipse stared at him. "Yeah, no."

Raphael glared at him. "I don't think so."

"See? That's your problem," Michelangelo draped his arms around them. "If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing up things all the time! That mailbox? Blam! That newsstand? Boom! That port-a-potty? Splat!"

"And that's why you're not in charge of the weapons," Leonardo said. "Now get back to your station and tell me where to go."

Michelangelo rolled his eyes and shuffled back to his seat, sitting down in his chair. "Hmm... okay, uh, you should turn right... three blocks ago."

Immediately, everyone groaned. "Mikey..."


IT TOOK TWENTY minutes to get back on track after fixing Michelangelo's little mix-up. Once that they finally got to the building that they were supposed to be checking out that night, they parked outside of an alley across the street of the building before getting out of the ShellRaiser.

"This must be the hidden kranng lab." Donatello said.

"Let's trash this place!" Raphael said.

"Hold on, Raph," Boy Danger said. "This is a recon mission. We go in there, find out what the kranng are up to, and then trash the place."

"Fine," Raphael said. "Wake me up when we get to the trashing part."

But then, by the time that they actually entered the building, it was a hidden lab from the kranng but the part that surprised them was that it was already trashed. Tables and chairs flipped on their sides, broken glass on the floor, and several kranng-droid body parts laying everywhere.

"Aw, man!" Raphael whined. "Someone beat us to it!"

"It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from them." Leonardo said, looking at the droid parts that were on the ground in front of him.

As Boy Danger walked around the lab to try to find anything, he felt his nose twitched at the strange scent in the air that he couldn't identify.

Donatello was looking at a poster on the wall; a diagram of wasps, ants, and a few other bugs. "Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods," he said. "Weird."

While they were walking around the lab, Michelangelo had sit down in a chair and was rolling around the room. Donatello walked over to a cabinet and opened it up, revealing a large supply of lab equipment. "Hey, this equipment's still good," he said, smiling. "Whoo-hoohoo! Nice centrifuge!"

Raphael shook his head. "If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery."

Boy Danger chuckled just as his nose twitched again, the strange scent reaching his nose as it seemed to be growing stronger.

"Uh, Donnie?" Captain Violet asked, standing next to the orange masked mutant turtle as the two were looking at something. "A bee's only about four millimeter, and a wasp is six, right?"

"That's right." He answered.

"Okay, then, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?"

The others turned to look behind them, and a chill ran down their spines. Big, bright eyes stared at them as a wasp about the size of a large dog came crawling from the darkness. The wasp's large eyes locked on them and then flew straight at them.

"Duck!" Leonardo and Boy Danger cried out in unison.

The seven teens ducked as the giant bug zoomed over them. The bug spun around and zoomed back at them as they ducked again, but Raphael was late and the bug ran right into him. It pinned him against the tipped filling cabinet and snapped at him, trying to bite him.

"Ahh! Get it off, get it off!" Raphael yelled.

Donatello took out his bo staff and swung it at the wasp, knocking it off the red masked mutant turtle. The bug screeched as it zoomed at the purple masked mutant turtle, who ducked and avoided the bug, spinning his staff to the side and preparing to strike. Raphael, who was back onto his feet, ran straight at the bug with his sais at the ready. He swung, but the wasp rammed into him first, knocked him into the air, and squished him against the ceiling.

Raphael fell to the floor with a thud. Then, the teens occupied a hiding spot that Michelangelo had found.

"We need a plan, and fast!" Leonardo said.

"I know!" Michelangelo said. "I'll catch it with my nunchucks!"

Leonardo shook his head. "That wasp is too strong," he said. "How about this? Mikey, you get it to chase you, and we'll ambush it."

Michelangelo glared at his brother. "Why don't we ever do my plans?"

"Because they're your plans. Now, go!"

Michelangelo rolled his eyes and groaned irritably but he stood and jumped out from his hiding spot. "Hey, wasp!" He yelled, wiggling his shell at the bug. "Come and get it!" The wasp screeched, and the orange masked mutant turtle took off, screaming as he ran around the room in circles.

"Ready?" Boy Danger asked.

"On my mark." Leonardo said with a nod.

With that, the rest of them moved into position. The wasp buzzed angrily, trying to string the orange masked mutant turtle but he kept moving out of the way.


They all leapt up and made to catch the wasp just as it came up in front of them. Suddenly, a pair of nunchucks came out of nowhere and wrapped around the wasp, tugging it away. The other mutant turtles and two human teenagers fell into a pile onto the floor with several thuds.

"Ha!" Michelangelo laughed. "How ya like me now?"

The wasp got up off the floor and started zooming around, dragging the orange masked mutant turtle along with it. Michelangelo swung around on his nunchucks and slammed right into the others, knocking them into the wall while Leonardo was knocked back against a desk.

"A lot less than I did a few seconds now." Raphael said angrily.

"That makes two of us." Eclipse said in agreement.

Boy Danger felt his ears pricked as the buzzing grew louder, signaling the wasp's approach. Michelangelo was dragged for another few seconds before he released his nunchucks and went tumbling, falling into the others that sent them onto the floor. Boy Danger looked up and spotted the wasp advancing on the blue masked mutant turtle from behindโ€”Leonardo, who had his eyes on his team, didn't notice it.

"Leo, look out!"

But Leonardo didn't have time to react as the others sprang to their feet at the sound of a scream. But before they could do anything, the wasp floated toward them. It buzzed for a moment, then turned on its back and fell to the ground with a thump.

"See?" Michelangelo said gleefully. "My plan worked, I tired it out!"

"You didn't tire it out," Donatello corrected. "The wasp died because it lost its stinger."

"Oh, it lost it alright," they heard Leonardo said angrily. "In me!"

They all looked over to see Leonardo coming over to them with a long, black stinger sticking out from his left shoulder.

"Nice going, Mikey!" Leonardo snapped.

"Oh, geez..." Michelangelo said. "I'm really sorry, Leo."

The more that Captain Violet stared at the stinger, the more that she swears that she felt sick. She brought her hand up to her mouth as she stared at it and out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the red masked mutant turtle doing the same.

"Oh, I hate bugs." Captain Violet mumbled to herself, her stomach feeling queasy just from the sight of the stinger.

Donatello walked up to his brother and put a hand on his arm, grabbing the stinger. "Hold still," he said gently, and pulled the stinger free.


"Are you okay, Leo?" Eclipse asked.

"Yeah, just a little sore." Leonardo said, rubbing his shoulder. "I'll be okay."

Boy Danger looked over at Donatello and noticed the curious look in his eyes. "What is it, Donnie?"

"It's just... mutations are generally anthropomorphic," he explained. "I've never seen mutagen create giants like this before."

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Yeah, real fascinating, Donnie."

"Wow! Guys, check it out!"

None of them had noticed that Leonardo had walked away from them. They walked over to where he was kneeling, looking down at something that turned out to be some kind of a giant, yellow bean.

"It's some kind of egg." Captain Violet said.

"Stand back," Michelangelo said confidently. "I'll handle this."

"I'm betting on the egg." Raphael muttered to his sister and Eclipse lowly chuckled at that.

But before Michelangelo could touch the egg with his nunchucks, Leonardo stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Stop!" He said, his tone suddenly harsh as he released his wrist. "We can't hurt it."

They all stared at him, silent.

"Uh, Leo, you sure you're okay?" Eclipse asked, eyebrows raised.

"Guys, this egg is evidence," Leonardo explained. "We came here to find out what the kranng were up to, and this egg is the only clue we have finding out what they were doing here. We need to take it back to the lair so Donnie can take a look at it."

"Uh, Danger?" Raphael muttered, looking over at the team's second-in-command. "Could you maybe tell him that he's crazy?"

Boy Danger looked back down at the egg with a small frown. "You sure that's a good idea, Leo? What happens if it hatches down in the lair? We'll be dealing with another mutant wasp."

"We can't just leave it here either," Leonardo said. "Look, I'll watch over it. You guys won't even know it's there. I promise."

Boy Danger stared at him, a slight frown on his face. Leonardo was acting weird and he swears that it has to be because of that egg. But knowing that he was gonna bring the egg back to the lair no matter what, Boy Danger sighed and nodded. "Okay, fine, we'll take the egg back to the lair and Donnie can check it out."

"I'll get it!" Michelangelo said, reaching for the egg.

"Back off!" Leonardo suddenly snapped, and Michelangelo leapt back with a yelp as the others blinked.

"Dude," Raphael said. "Are you alright? Cause, unmotivated bursts of anger are kinda my thing."

"Holding this egg is like holding a baby, and Michelangelo can't be trusted to hold fragile items." Leonardo said.

"He carried Violet when she was a baby." Donatello added.

"And he almost dropped her."

"Uh, when did that happen?" Captain Violet asked.

"It was one time. Mikey thought it'd be smart to hold you and jump on the bed at the same time." Eclipse said.

"I'll just carry it myself, no problem." Leonardo said as he gently picked up the egg. He stood, walked forward as he pushed past the others and headed for the exit.

"Dude... I think he likes that egg more than me." Michelangelo said sadly.

"Well, the egg talks less than you so, there's that." Raphael said, putting an arm around his shoulder as they all followed Leonardo out the door.


THE BLUE MASKED mutant turtle pulled up at the lair entrance, bringing the ShellRaiser to a halt. The second that the vehicle was in parked, he was out of his seat and out the door with the egg in his arms.

"Leo, I got a really bad feeling about keeping that thing in the lair." Raphael said, stepping out of the van alongside the others.

"Raphael, we've been over this," Leonardo said firmly, turning back to him. "This egg could tell us what was going on in the lab. Think of all the things we could learn from it, just by watching it?"

"Okay, Leo, look, I know said that we'd bring it but Raph has a point too," Henry added. "Maybe the egg does give us some clues, but we also have no idea what it could do to us. We have to be cautious because if that thing hatches, who knows how many wasps we'll be dealing with."

"Look, I said I would watch over it, and that's that. You'll be perfectly safe."

"Safe?" Raphael said irritably. "You know what's inside wasp eggs, right? Here's a hint: wasps!"

"That's not a hint, dude," Michelangelo said. "You gave it away."

Leonardo turned his back to them and continued forward. Henry groaned irritably and followed after him as the others followed after him. Within inside the lab, Leonardo only took a moment to put the egg down as he set it down in a beanbag chair that he brought into the lab.

"Now be careful with it." Leonardo said.

"I'm always careful, Leo," Donatello said as he gazed at the egg with interest. "Fascinating!" He picked up a nearby scalpel and raised up to the egg.

"Stop!" Leonardo cried. "What the heck are you doing!?"

"Dissecting it." Donatello said simply.

"Are you crazy!?" Leonardo said as he rushed forward, shoving his brother back. "Donatello, we only have one egg! If you dissect it, you could destroy any evidence it holds! We should keep it safe and let it develop."

Donatello stared at him, eyes wide while the others blinked in surprise at him.

"Well, then," Donatello said. "I guess I'll just keep... staring at it..."

"Sure you will," Leonardo said as he pointed in a different direction. "From over there."

Donatello blinked and took some steps backwards. He grinned slightly at him, only for Leonardo to glare daggers at him that caused him to quickly take several more steps back. Leonardo stared at him for a moment before slowly turning around and kneeling in front of the egg.

"Well, I think I will do... something in the other room." Donatello said slowly then looked over at the others. "Raph, Henry, Clips, Bri, Mikey... care to join me?"

"Not unless you get more specific." Michelangelo said with a grin.

Eclipse rolled her eyes. "Come on!" She grabbed the ends of his mask and dragged him from the lab, Briana left as she followed after them and Donatello. Both Raphael and Henry turned to look at Leo, who was still staring at the egg slightly. Raphael shook his head and left while Henry glared at the egg a little before leaving as well.

"Okay, Leo is acting weird, right?" Donatello asked.

"Weird is not the right word to use," Eclipse said. "He's not acting like himself!"

"Yeah! It's like he's obsessed with the egg!" Raphael said angrily.

"Maybe we should ask Sensei what to do." Briana said. "He'll know what to do."

Donatello shook his head. "No dice, guys. Looks like he took April and Kaz out for a training exercise."

"Okay, look," Henry said seriously. "We gotta destroy that egg before it hatches."

"Agreed," Donatello said. "But he won't let us get anywhere near it."

"Well, maybe we make him come to us." Michelangelo said confidently.

"Alright," Henry said in agreement. "Let's get Leo away from the egg and then destroy it as soon as we can."


"WHO WANTS PIZZA?" Michelangelo called out as he opened a large pizza box. "Leo's favorite: jellybeans, anchovies, and jalapeรฑos!"

"That's your favorite." Donatello told him.

"It could be his too." Michelangelo argued.

"You're the only one here who eats like that." Eclipse told him.

"Just go with it."

They all grabbed a slice as they all stood in the doorway of the lab, Leonardo was still sitting in front of the egg. They all took bites out of the pizza, making delicious sounds.

"Leo!" Briana sang sweetly.

"Come on, Leo," Raphael said. "You don't want us to eat all your pizza, do you?"

But nothing happened and they all groaned. A sudden thought came to Henry's head.

"I got an idea."


"OH, LOOK!" HENRY shouted loudly. "It's a new episode of Space Heroes!" The remaining teens were sitting in front of the tv with the cartoon playing, Briana's sapphire blue eyes were glued to the tv as if she was a toddler staring through the window of a candy store.

"Gentlemen, I've finally found the woman I am going to marry. Say hello to the future Mrs. Captain Ryan."

"Dr. Mindstrong, Captain Ryan has fallen under the control of a deadly hypnoticon!"

"How about some sugar, baby?"

They turned their heads towards the lab to see if he was coming but nothing. They all went over to the lab and poked their heads through.

"Ohh, you're missing a great one, Leo!" Donatello said excitedly.

"It's not too late to come watch, Leo!" Eclipse said.

But he didn't move and their faces fell.


"HEY, MIKEY!" RAPHAEL said loudly as they all marched into the lab. "Where are going with Leo's signed Space Heroes issue one that he keeps wrapped in plastic?"

"Well," Michelangelo chimed. "We're out of toilet paper, and I thought the pages of this valuable comic book would do the job nicely!" He turned and started rubbing the comic book on the back of his shell. "Oh, yeah, that feels great! Hope Leo doesn't see me!"

Henry frowned when Leonardo didn't even move an inch.

"Wow," Donatello muttered. "He's farther gone than I thought."

"Alright, that tears it!" Raphael said angrily, turning around and storming from the lab as they walked away. "That stupid egg has been messing with Leo, and I'm sick of it! I'm destroying it tonight!"

"Not that I'm against that but," Henry said. "With Leo acting totally unpredictable, you think you can get a shoot at it?" Raphael nodded. "Okay, we'll do this then. If you can't destroy it tonight, we'll figure out another way to destroy it."

Raphael smirked. "Deal."


THE VERY NEXT morning, Henry headed towards the entrance of the lair with a hopeful expression on his face. "Please let the egg be destroyed, please let the egg be destroyed, please let the egg be destroyed..." he mumbled under his breath.

As he entered the lair, he spotted four mutant turtles and a purple haired teenaged girl sitting on the couch. There was no sign of a certain blue masked or a red masked mutant turtles.

"It's not over, is it?" Henry asked.

"Nope." Donatello, Michelangelo, and Eclipse said in unison.

Henry frowned slightly. "Raph's in the lab with Leo, isn't he?"

"Probably," Briana added. "We haven't checked yet."

Then, the five of them headed for the lab. To be safe, they poked their heads inside to find two mutant turtles staring at the egg.

"Uh, Leo? Raph?" Donatello asked cautiously. "What are you doing?"

No response was given as both Leonardo and Raphael reached for their belts and pulled out their weapons. Henry frowned as his nose twitched, catching the strange toxic scent that the two suddenly had. It was completely different to the scents that Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Briana as their scents were normal.

'Okay, I have no idea how or why I'm suddenly able to get their scents, but... this doesn't make sense. Why do Leo and Raph smell toxic? It's like they have an infection.' Henry thought secretly to himself.

"Uh, Raph?" Eclipse asked. "Whatcha up to there, bro?"

"Something's definitely wrong," Michelangelo whispered to them. "He's gone all Leo-who's-not-Leo on us."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Briana said nervously.

Donatello was staring at Raphael. "Look at his arm," he breathed.

Henry followed his gaze and noticed a bite mark on his bicep. Raphael and Leonardo turned, and Henry noticed that their eyes were pure black.

"He got bit!" Donatello said. "Leo must've bit him!"

"Okay, well, now what do we do?" Eclipse asked.

Raphael and Leonardo stared at them before they both snarled and charged at them, causing the rest of them to fled the lab. Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Briana made it outside of the lab and each one of them grabbed a door, ready to close it.

"Wait! Where's Henry?" Briana asked, noticing that their team's second-in-command wasn't with them anymore.

The four of them peeked inside the lab to find Henry fighting against Leonardo and Raphael with his twin swords; Henry dodging their advances with jumps, kicks, and spins as he blocked their weapons with his twin swords.

"Henry!" Eclipse shouted worriedly.

"Shut the doors!" Henry said.

"Dude, we can't leave you in here with them!" Michelangelo added.

"You have too! We can't all get bit!" Henry said. "Now!"

The four of them looked at each other, none of them wanting to do it but knowing that he was right, they shut the doors and Michelangelo pulled out his nunchucks, wrapping it around the handles to keep them in place. The four of them turned and leaned against the door, sliding to the floor.

"That oughta hold them," Donatello said before he suddenly realized something. "The garage door!"

"On it!" Briana said.

In an instant, Briana jumped to her feet and bolted, hopping the turnstiles and running down the sidewalk. She rounded the corner to the garage door and looked inside the lab to find Henry still fighting against Leonardo and Raphael, trying to fend them off without hurting them. She stood there frozen for a while, trying to fight against the urge to run inside and help him out as she could hear her sister's words coming back through her head again.

"And none of us meant to hurt you. You know we'd never want to do that to you. But you gotta trust us on this, okay? We... we can't tell you right now because there's just some things that you can't know."

So, her brothers and sister knew things about her that she didn't, what did it matter? Of course, she's dying to know what it is, but maybe her brothers and sister were right.

Maybe she couldn't know just yet.

Maybe they really were just trying to protect her.

"Look, We're just trying to protect you, that's all, okay? And we are going to tell you one day, just not yet."

So, her brothers and sister knew stuff about her that she didn't, did she care if they wouldn't tell her? No. How could she? They wereโ€”are her older brothers and sister and as far as she knew, they were always going to try to protect her.

Even if it meant not telling her things that she wanted to know.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Briana went to grab her katana blade from her belt but stopped halfway. If she did go help Henry, she knew that there was a chance where she could get bit and end up just like them. And if she did get bit, she wouldn't be able to close the garage doors and then, Eclipse, Donatello, and Michelangelo wouldn't be safe.

"No wonder why Leo and Henry struggle with being the leaders sometimes," Briana muttered to herself. "Making these type of decisions stink."

Biting her lip and forcing herself to pull her hand away from her belt, Briana leapt up and grabbed the door, trying to bring it down, but it refused to budge.

"Oh, come on!" Briana cried. "Not now! Come on, close!" She yanked desperately at the door, but it refused to move.

She heard a grunt and looked over to see Henry starting to struggle in his fight against Leonardo and Raphael.


Three heads snapped up in her direction to look at her. "Oops." Briana said, realizing what she did.

Both Leonardo and Raphael snarled, weird ooze dripping from their mouths. She yanked on the door again, shaking it and trying to make it fall.

"Bri, close the door!"

She noticed Leonardo and Raphael were just about to start running straight for her but before they could, Henry tackled them to the ground to get their attention back onto him. Briana grunted as she pulled at the door that wouldn't close.

"Come on, close already!" Briana said.

Out of nowhere, Michelangelo ran around the corner, jumped up, and grabbed the door. The extra weight dragged it down and it slammed to the floor. The two teens panted as they leaned against the door, glancing at each other before fist bumping. But as they exchange the fist bumping, Briana couldn't help but felt the guilt wash over her for avoiding her brothers and sister when she learnt that they weren't telling her stuff.

Before Michelangelo could said something, Briana threw herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, the slight whimper in her voice came out as she tried not to cry. "I never should've avoided you guys, I should've known that you guys were trying to protect me. Iโ€”"

"Whoa, sis, it's okay," Michelangelo interrupted, returning the hug. "You don't have to apologize, we're always gonna try to protect you. That's what big brothers and big sister are for."

Briana couldn't help but smile lightly as she let herself collapse in the hug, letting her brother cradle her in a pair of arms that made her feel safe, just like she's always felt as a little girl around them.


DONATELLO HAD BEEN on his computer for the past ten minutes, trying to find some information as the four of them were gathered inside the kitchen. "Here it is!" He said. "The Parasite Wasp inflects animals with a virus that brainwashes them into protecting its eggs."

"You think that's the kind of wasp that stung Leo?" Michelangelo asked.

"A mutant version," Donatello said. "Then Leo bit Raph and passed the virus to him."

"What about Henry?" Briana asked. "He's inside the lab with Leo and Raph."

"We just gotta hope that he doesn't get bit." Donatello answered.

"So, once the egg hatches, will the guys go back to normal?" Michelangelo asked hopefully.

"We're not that lucky." Eclipse told him.

"Clips is right," Donatello said. "Look what happens to the caterpillar guarding the egg."

The four of them looked at the computer screen to see a caterpillar sitting next to a wasp egg. Donatello scrolled down to the next photo that showed the egg hatching. The next was the wasp crawling on top of the caterpillar. And then...

"NO! NOPE NOPE, NOT LOOKING!" Briana yelled, quickly covering her eyes as she looked a bit green. "Oh, I hate bugs!"

"It's eating him!" Michelangelo screamed. "IT'S EATING HIM! AAH!" He whimpered and fell to his knees. "What are we gonna do?"

"Well... I might be able to create some kind of antibody," Donatello said. "But, first, I need a sample of the virus from the egg."

There was a large banging sound from outside the kitchen that caused the four of them to jump and let out a loud yell, the four grabbed onto each other. There was a loud crash, and they heard snarling. The four of them relaxed, listening for more. Loud footsteps sounded as Leonardo slipped through the curtain, his black eyes narrowed, fangs bared. A second later, Henry came out and stood next to him.

"Oh, no." Eclipse and Donatello said in unison. Both Leonardo and Henry stood in front of them, eyes black and ooze dripping, but then, Eclipse could've swore that she saw Henry wink at her.

Both Leonardo and Henry growled before lunging forward. They all screamed and leapt aside, stumbling to avoid being caught.

"No, no!" Michelangelo cried. "Stay away, stay away, aah!"

The four of them ran into the living room. Briana skidded to a halt alongside Michelangelo and Eclipse and turned at a yelp to see Leonardo on top of Donatello, who was holding his arms in an attempt to keep him back. Leonardo kept leaning forward and snapping at him, trying to bite him.

"We have to get the egg!" Donatello shouted. "It could be the only cure!"

Leonardo snarled and right before he could leaned forward to try to bite him, the blue masked mutant turtle was grabbed from behind and the next thing that the four teens knew was that Henry was sparring against Leonardo. Then, Henry knocked the blue masked mutant turtle into the pit and ran forward to pin him to the ground. But then, Leonardo flipped the two and Henry was forced to keep Leonardo away from him to avoid getting bit. Michelangelo spun his nunchucks and swung his chain out and wrapped it around him, forcing his arms to his sides. He yanked on it and pulled him back, sending him to the floor in a heap.

Eclipse and Donatello ran forward and pinned Leonardo to the ground. Leonardo snarled and struggled, and Henry quickly got up and helped them.

"Henry, bro!" Michelangelo said, relieved. "You didn't get bit?"

"I was faking it," Henry explained. "Let Leo and Raph think that they got me so when they weren't looking, I'd grab the egg."

"Um, speaking of Raph, where is he?" Briana asked, looking around for him.

"I have no idea," Henry said. "While Leo and I were out here, Raph took the egg and hid it somewhere. He's out there somewhere."

"You mean," Michelangelo said, starting to panic. "He could be there, or there, there!? Or evenโ€”?"


Donatello cut him off by having gone over to him and slapping him across the face.

"Ow!" He glared at his brother.

"Calm down, man," Donatello said. "We can barricade ourselves in my lab."


THE FIVE TEENS carried the blue masked mutant turtle into the lab. After settling him down, the five of them grabbed their supplies and barricaded the doors to the lab.

"Henry... Donatello... Michelangelo... Eclipse... Briana..." the five teens stopped hammering and looked around. Leonardo, in the same spot they left him, lifted his head and looked up at them. "What happened? Where's Raph?"

"Leo!" Michelangelo dropped the hammer and walked over. "You went crazy, dude! So did Raph! He ran off with the egg."

"Oh, no," Leonardo said lowly. "I'm so sorry. But don't worry, I feel much better now. Here, untie me, Mikey. Undo these chains and we can go find the others together."

Michelangelo smiled and reached for the chains.

"No!" Henry yelled. He dropped the hammer and rushed over, putting a hand on his chest and pulled him back. "Don't listen to him, Mikey. Look at his eyes."

Leonardo growled and leapt at them as Donatello, Eclipse, and Briana went over to where the two stood after finishing up the barricades. Leonardo struggled against the chains. "There's no point in resisting anymore!" Leonardo shouted, his voice going deep, dark, and determined. "The egg will burst any second, and the hatchling will feed on us all!"

Still with the chains wrapped around him, Leonardo stood and ran at Henry, who instantly reacted as he decked the blue masked mutant turtle. Leonardo stumbled and fell back.

Donatello walked over to his desk and picked something up. He came back holding a large syringe. "Sorry to burst your possessed bubble, Leo," he said as he knelt in front of him. "We may not have the egg, but a sample of your blood should help me create a cure."

Donatello grabbed Leonardo's arm, raised the needle to it, and stuck it in. He draw blood to fill the syringe then stood and turned towards his desk. Henry frowned as his nose twitched, catching the same sharp, acid scent that was like Leonardo's scent. Henry's gaze fell to Donatello's neck, locking on the dark and purple mark.

"Bite!" Henry said. "Donnie, you got bit!"

With wide eyes, Donatello whipped his head down to stare at the bite mark. "I must've been bitten before we found out that you weren't actually bitten, now I'm infected too."


THE PANIC WAS clearly in the air as tensions were high. Donatello had been racing the clock for the past ten minutes, working at supersonic speed and doing everything he could before he turned. Sweat ran down his face, his hands flew across the table as he worked, and he let out noises of nervous despair.

"I'm not gonna make it," Donatello said hopelessly, still working. "I'm not gonna make it!"

"Donnie, stop stressing, you're almost done." Eclipse said seriously.

"You guys gotta help me out," Donatello said, putting a drop of blue liquid into a smaller container. "If I turn, you're gonna have to knock me out so you can help Bri finish the antibody yourselves."

"But, Donnieโ€”" Michelangelo protested.

"Just promise me!" Donatello yelled. "It's up to you guys."

"Okay, okay, so what do we do?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly the most science-y type guys, if you didn't know," Michelangelo stated.

"First," Donatello pointed at the container, then at a large machine. "The hybridoma culture has to incubate for ten minutes..."

"Microwave the container, got it," Eclipse said.

"And then it has to spin in the centrifuge for another five secโ€”" Briana started.

Donatello let out a loud, painful groan, grabbing his head. "Ah! There's not enough time!" He cried. "I'm not... I'm not feeling so well..." Donatello stumbled back, grabbing his head with both hands. He slowly started to turn to growls, and Henry tensed.

"Get ready." Henry told the others.

Michelangelo pulled out his nunchucks and walked up to him. Whimpering, he turned his head away, raising his chucks and bringing them down toward Donatello's head. Problem was Donatello grabbed them. Michelangelo opened his eyes and looked down, while Donatello stared up, eyes black.

"Mikey!" Eclipse and Briana shouted.

"No!" Henry shouted. He rushed forward and pushed Michelangelo out of the way, but Donatello took the chance to bite Henry's arm.

"Henry!" Michelangelo yelled.

Then, Donatello lunged at them but Eclipse kicked him away. Michelangelo then smacked him on the head with his chucks, Donatello collapsed on the floor, out cold. Henry looked down at his arm to see the purple bite mark.

"Oh, no!" Michelangelo yelled. "We're doomed! How are we gonna do this!?"

"Mikey!" Henry said as he grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him. "Listen to me, man! You gotta focus, remember what Donnie said! You can do it! It's just you three, so you guys gotta work together!" He stopped shaking him as he gave a small painful groan. "Oh, god, it's happening. Okay, look, you guys knock me out! You gotta do it now!"



And then, everything went black for Henry.


THE PURPLE HAIRED girl worked as fast as she could for the antibody. She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for it to finish spinning and once it did, she finished off the last thing. "Done!" She called out as she grabbed a syringe that was filled with green liquid from the desk.

"Come on," Eclipse said quietly towards the lab doors.

The three of them slowly made their way towards the door and snuck up behind it, peeking out. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Henry were all in the living room, standing in a circle inside the pit. The egg was on the floor in the center of their circle. Then, the three of them backed away from the door.

"If we're gonna get close to them, we've gotta pretend to be one of them," Michelangelo said. "Like Henry did at first with Leo and Raph."

Eclipse nodded as she looked towards their sister. "Do you and Donnie have another syringe in here?"

"We do." Briana said as she rushed towards the desk and grabbed another syringe, filling it up with the antibody. "The second their guards are down, we can make our move."

With everything ready, the three of them left the lab. The moment that they did, all heads turned towards them.

"Michelangelo, Eclipse, Briana," Leonardo said. "You have come to join us."

"Yes," Eclipse said roughly.

"We finally understand what is so awesome about this egg." Michelangelo added.

There was a loud gurgling sound that came from the egg. The others looked away from the three teens, their weapons clattering to the ground.

"It is glorious." Leonardo breathed.

All of them closed their eyes, leaned their heads back, and opened their arms in surrender. The three of them looked at each other and nodded firmly. Quickly, Eclipse, Michelangelo, and Briana leaped forward and stuck the antibody into their necks. Then, the three of them leaped out of the way.

"What have you done!?" Raphael snarled angrily.

Michelangelo grinned, blowing at the top of the syringe like a gun. "Pulled your bacon out of the frying pan, bro!"

"You bet we did!" Eclipse said as she did a high-five with him.

Briana couldn't help but grinned. "You know, you probably should've checked us first to see if it was true. After Henry told us to knock him out, I rushed to finish the antibody with Mikey and Clips. Once I finished, it was Mikey's idea to take a page out of Henry's book and do the same thing that he did on Leo and Raph: pretend to be one of you guys. So, once you guys had your guards down, all we had to do was inject the antibody in you guys."

The three of them smiled as the others looked at them. By now, their eyes had faded from black to their usual colors, and they'd lost their nasty, possessed expressions. "You and Clips managed to finish the antibody with Mikey helping?" Donatello asked, seeing as how they all knew that the orange masked mutant turtle wasn't the science-y type.

"And you guys were just pretending to be one of us?" Leonardo asked.

"Yep!" Briana said brightly.

"But, that's... smart." Raphael said.

"Yes, it is! Just call me Dr. Einstein-Einstein," Michelangelo said.

Henry suddenly groaned. "Ohh... my head..." the others were groaning too, and looking sleepy.

"Oh! I forgot to mention," Briana added. "It may cause drowsiness."

Immediately, the three mutant turtles and Henry collapsed into a pile on the ground. There was a large cracking sound and the three remaining teens looked up to see several long, black legs poking from the top, wiggling around.

"Aw, sewer apples." Eclipse cursed, the three of them were frozen in place, eyes wide.

The top of the egg snapped open, and a huge wasp head popped out. It stared directly at them and screeched.

"A wasp," Briana muttered with her eyes wide. "It just had to be a wasp."

The whole egg shattered into a mess of shell and slime. To their surprise, it wasn't just one baby.

"What!?" Michelangelo yelled.

"Five wasps!?" Eclipse demanded.

The wasps slowly picked themselves up, rising into the air. The three teens ran forward, trying to wake the others up.

"Guys, get up, get up, get up!" Michelangelo yelled.

Eclipse grabbed Henry's shoulders and shook him a little. "Come on, Hen! Time to get up!"

"Come on, please wake up!" Briana said, shaking Raphael's body.

A loud screech echos throughout the lair and the three teens leapt to their feet. The five wasps were starting to climb onto the others, ready to eat them.

"Oh, heck no!" Eclipse shouted.

Both Eclipse and Michelangelo grabbed their skateboards and smacked the wasps; Michelangelo smacking one away from Leonardo while Eclipse smacked one away from Henry. With her own skateboard, Briana did the same to the wasps on Raphael and Donatello.

"Back off! Get away from them!" Michelangelo yelled, whacking the wasps away.

That's when the wasps got mad. They screeched loudly at the three teens, who paled. Then, the wasps shot forward towards them.

"Run! To the ShellRaiser!" Briana yelled.

With the wasps chasing them, the three teens bolted.


THE SOUND OF screaming reached Henry's ears as he woke up, blinking several times to clear his vision. Remembering what happened, Henry felt his eyes widened as he sprang to his feet, glancing down at the others. "Guys, wake up!" Henry said.

"What happened?" Raphael slurred as Henry helped him up.

"Mikey, Clips, and Bri are in trouble," Henry said. "The wasps are after them. Come on!"

Immediately, they bolted to the exit and stopped at the turnstiles to find the five wasps surrounding the ShellRaiser; each one trying to get in.

"Hey, wasps!" Raphael yelled, taking out his sais. "Come and get it!"

The wasps stopped and turned toward them. They growled before flying towards them, as they instantly took out their weapons. However, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Henry found themselves back-to-back with the five wasps surrounding them.

"Looks like we're gonna be wasp food after all." Leonardo said.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a second later, one of the wasps exploded into a weird, brownish goo. They turned their heads in the direction of the ShellRaiser. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Four more shots echoed through the lair, and three large garbage balls shot out and hit the remaining wasps. The bugs practically burst on impact, their guts flying everywhere including on the three mutant turtles and Henry.

Michelangelo popped up alongside Eclipse and Briana, a wide grin on his face. "Saved your lives again, dudes!" He said cheerfully. "We are on a roll today!"


HENRY, RAPHAEL, AND Leonardo placed their mops inside the buckets, soaking them up, then started mopping up the remaining bug ooze on the floor while Donatello was patching up the damages on the ShellRaiser from the wasps.

"I can't believe Mikey actually came through." Raphael said.

"I can't believe he fired the ShellRaiser cannon inside the lair." Leonardo said seriously.

"I told you, you should let me shoot it more often," Michelangelo said as he ate his pizza slice, let out a loud burp, and reached his hand out. "Pizza me."

Donatello lifted his helmet after turning off his blowtorch and looked at his hand before glaring up at his brother. "No, I'm not gonna pizza you." He said irritably.

"And you shooting the cannon inside the lair is exactly why we don't let you shoot it more often." Eclipse told him, as the others nodded.

Michelangelo shrugged. "I guess you're right. It's not like Clips, Bri, and I did something incredibly brave and saved your lives."

"You did save our lives," Leonardo said as he walked up to him. "The three of you came through for us, thanks."

Michelangelo grinned. "No problemo, bro."

"I'm sensing a but." Briana said, a small smile as she knew exactly what was about to happened.

Leonardo grinned but then frowned and leaned in, placing one hand against the side of the van to keep his brother there. "But, you also used my comic book as toilet paper!" He growled.

Michelangelo blinked, then ducked under his arm. "Yeah, well, I only did it so you'd chase me."

"Well, it worked!"

Michelangelo yelped and sprinted past him as Leonardo took off running after him, passing a laughing Raphael and Eclipse.ย 

"No!" Michelangelo yelled as he jumped over the turnstiles. "I'm a hero!"


ONCE THE BUG ooze was all cleaned up, the seven teenagers were all doing their own things as a way to relax after the whole experience with the wasps. Within the dojo, Henry was mediating when his ears twitched, picking up the sound of a familiar mutant turtle walking nervously in front of him.

"You can relax, Mikey," Henry said as he opened his eyes to look at him.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"I can hear you walking," Henry said as he stood. "What are you so nervous about?"

Michelangelo grinned sheepishly as he looked nervous. "Well... before you told us to knock you out after Donnie bit you, you... it's just... well you kinda said that I could do it, that all I had to do was focus to help Bri and Clips finish the antibody."

Henry raised an eyebrow. "What about it?"

"What did you mean by that? Cause we both know that I am so not the science-y type." Michelangelo said.

"Mikey," Henry said. "So, you're not the science-y type, who cares? There's other things that you're good at, even better at than me and the others just like there's other stuff that you're smart at. It doesn't have to be science."

"You really think that?"

"Yes, Mikey, I do," Henry told him with a smile.

Michelangelo grinned brightly at his older brother. "Arigatล, onฤซsan."

"Mondainai yo, otลtoyo."

"Yeah, I hate bugs and my opinion on them is never going to change."

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