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[ CHAPTER 01 ~ WORDS: 1131 ]


the 'ding' sound of his phone woke taehyung up from his little nap, with tired eyes he took his phone in his hand and looked at the big bold text on his phone. with a surprised expression he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and slowly sat up. he looked around confused and needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

taehyung looked down at his phone and opened the blue message from the company. he furrowed his brows, got up slowly and walked out of his room. the company must have left it at the front door, he thought and made his way towards the said door.

with his left hand he opened the mahogany colored front door, the heavy door was a little harder to open when his body wasn't fully awake yet. it made a loud noise and taehyung scrunched his nose at the sound.

he hated how loud the door always has been, he definitely should get a new one in the near future. it was his own little house so he was glad he could change things when he wanted to.
his parents were very rich and so taehyung didn't have to worry about anything, but he still worked at the small shelter in town, he loved pets and making their life a little less sad. he played with all of them and gave everyone some belly rubs. taehyung used a lot of his free time to help them find a forever home.

taehyung walked out and he looked around the front porch, the blue sky looked so pretty that day and the sun was shining. in front of him was a big brown box with his address on it.

then he realized he had to move the box alone in his house, he signed annoyed and put his arms and hands around the box and used all his strength to move it. to his surprise, it wasn't that heavy and he could move it inside without any problems.

taehyung left the box in the living room while he searched for scissors in his kitchen. after a while he finally found them and made his way back in the living room. he looked at the box and tried to find a good spot to open it.

he used his scissors and ripped the box open, the first thing he saw was the android wrapped in bubble foil. he carefully cut it open and took it off him. on the floor he spotted the instructions and he picked them up. on the front it read android J613, he flipped the blue colored book open and started reading carefully.

how to turn android on:
say android J613 wake up

"say android J613 wake up" taehyung mumbled to himself and kept reading, unknowns to him the android opened slowly his green colored eyes. taehyung flipped through the pages reading how to charge him and how you can use him sexually.

he couldn't help but blush at that, the only reason he wanted an android for sexual pleasure was because taehyung was still a virgin. Even though he was already 21 but he wasn't ready to sleep with someone from his school. the good thing about an android was, they knew everything and they wouldn't judge you because of your body. Because maybe he was a bit insecure.

of course, he wasn't proud of this decision but he didn't want to be a virgin anymore and he didn't want to lose it to a random person. he let out a sign and put the instructions on the table next to him. the android stood with his back to the older and taehyung looked at the red tips of his hair. it was the right decision to make his hair that color, it looked really pretty.

he was a bit nervous to see his face, so he just looked at his back, he wore a grey jacket with his model name on it and some black pants. he had a pretty ass taehyung definitely could tell and he licked his lips at the way the pants hugged it just right. the more he looked at him the more he got excited to see his face.

the android was shorter than him and he was happy with the height he choose for him. he slowly walked around him and the first thing he noticed were the beautiful green doe eyes staring back at him.

"Hello I'm android J613, nice too meet you, please tell me how I should call you" taehyung was surprised at the pretty voice and how his front teeth looked bigger than the other ones. his cute button like nose looked adorable and just right for him. he was beautiful.

"ahm call me taehyung" he replied a bit startled and looked at the realistic looking eyes."Hello Taehyung" the android smiled at him and taehyung couldn't help but smile back at him. "what's your name?" taehyung asked and looked a bit down to him. "My name is android J613 if you want to give me a name say this name and what name I should register in my program"

taehyung was confused and didn't even know what to name him."I'm not sure yet.. I think I go with J for now. If it's alright with you" taehyung nervously rubbed his nape, even though he was an android he made him kind of nervous. the presence of something so beautiful had that effect on him.

"Yes, that's fine with me" J smiled at him and slowly took a step out of the box. "There are 3 rules I have to tell you"

taehyung nodded and looked at the android's gorgeous futures. how could they make him so pretty? and god just the thought of sleeping with that beauty.

"Number one: I'm only sexually pleasing you or people you give me permission to.
Number two: don't interrupt me when I'm charging, it could break my system.
and Number three: if you don't want me anymore, reset me and give me back to cyberlife"

J finished with nod and looked right in taehyung's hazelnut colored eyes and he noticed his hair had the exact same color. he smiled at the man and scanned him to gather some information. Kim Taehyung, 21 years old, 5'9, an art student

"okay that's fine" taehyung replied and smiled at him and he immediately got a bunny like smile from the android.

"so do you want me to please you now?"


hii guys, I'm really sorry for letting you wait so long.. I feel really bad about it but I try to update more. I hope you liked the first chapter♡︎

please vote and comment if you liked it ♡︎☻︎

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