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[ CHAPTER 02 ~ WORDS:1160 ]

"so do you want me to please you now?"

taehyungs eyes widen at the androids question, he wasn't ready for that and he felt instantly bad for his decision "no no not yet" he replied and looked at J with a frown on his face." I just want to get to know you.. get comfortable with you"

J nodded at him and showed him a cute bunny smile. "I understand just let me know whenever your ready" he answered and taehyung was surprised and he thought it was really sweet of him, but then he remembered that he was a robot. of course, he wouldn't do anything other than what he was told to. the thought saddened him a bit, why did he have to buy an android to have sex while all the guys are such fuck boys in his school. was being a virgin nothing special anymore?

"are you alright taehyung?" J's voice broke him out of his bubble and he looked at him. "yeah just thinking" he mumbled and slowly took the box to the backdoor in the trash.

J looked after him and wondered about what he was thinking. Only if he could read his mind, it would make everything so much easier for him. his purpose was to please him and he couldn't do that yet. he should get him to know more to find out why he was so afraid of his question.

he scanned the living room, the furniture was expensive so his parents must be rich. he let his name run through the system and he found out his parents run one of the best food chains in Korea, which explained the expensive furniture.

"j?" the android looked up as soon as he heard him call. "I really should find a proper name soon" taehyung mumbled more to himself than to the roboter in front of him. "if you want too of course" the android replied with a smile and taehyung was surprised at how much he looked like a real human.

he needs to get used to that. " i mean of course you need a name.." his voice got quieter at the end and he didn't even know why he was so nervous in front of him. taehyung knew how to talk with boys, he was a flirty type but as soon as it came to anything serious he would back up, he didn't know why he was so afraid of getting intimate with someone. he felt like no one was the right one to lose his virginity. a lot of times taehyung thought it was ridiculous too
try and find the perfect person. maybe they didn't exist.

the whole time taehyung was in thoughts j watched him and tried to make out what he was thinking but he couldn't tell what it was. " are you okay? you seem to think a lot" he broke him out of his thoughts. taehyung run his hand through his hair and laughed a little embarrassed.

"yes it's just you make me nervous, not only that your an android and really really pretty but for the purpose i bought you" taehyung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and looking down at his reaction.

"you don't have to be nervous, i'm not gonna judge you for your body if that's your concern, I was made to do it and I don't have any problem, I do everything you asked me too " j replied and held eye contact the whole time, his green eyes sparkled and the looked so beautiful.

taehyung coughed at this and looked away for a moment. " no it's not that..I'm still a virgin.."
"that's totally fine you know, but are you really sure you don't want it with someone you love?" the android asked and smiled at him. taehyung watched his lips forming into a cute smile.

"no I haven't found someone yet and I don't think i would find anyone in this town," taehyung sighed and sat down on the sofa, he laid down and looked at the ceiling. his head shot up when he felt j sat on his lap, he looked at him with a small smile. "wha..."

"relax it's just me" the android interrupts him and took his hand in his and puts them on his waist. taehyung panicked inside but just followed his movements with his eyes, his hands laid on his tiny waist and he couldn't help but to grab it a bit tighter. j was absolutely gorgeous and sitting on his lap like that even more.

"let's just take it step by step alright? we don't have to rush anything" with a smile the android looked down at him and caressed taehyungs hands that stayed on his waist. he could feel taehyungs heartbeat and he scanned his body temperature, he wanted to know if that little body contact would do something. and he was right, it did raise his body temperature.

"thank you.." taehyung couldn't describe how relieved he was, he didn't feel stressed and he felt excited to see how things would turn out.

"Don't, you really don't have to thank me, that's what I'm here for" his hand slowly wandered from taehyungs hands to his shoulders, then to his neck and then in his hair, he played with it a bit to see his reaction. they made eye contact and neither of them could look away, taehyung was captured in these beautiful green eyes.

"If it's too fast just tell me" j said and for a moment taehyung looked confused till he felt the android getting closer and pressing his lips against his. he was surprised but he didn't pull away instead he closed his eyes and kissed the android back. the androids lips felt so soft and so real. j wrapped both hands around his neck and slowly moved his lips against his.

taehyung unconsciously pulled him closer on his waist and the kissed turned a little bit more heated. j liked over his bottom lip, he opened his mouth the moment their tongues met he felt his body burn with arousal and he couldn't describe how good it felt. taehyung was surprised for two reasons. first, he was already making out with him -an android. and second, his tongue felt so real.

he felt himself getting hotter every minute and he pressed his tongue against his. j pulled away when he could feel how his arousal was pressed against his ass he looked deep in his eyes with such an intensity taehyung felt his breath hitch. " that was really good, do you want to keep going or stop here?"

"let's keep going..."


I'm really sorry guys for not updating in so long, It was a bit stressful lately and didn't had any motivation to write 🥺 but I try to update soon and I hope you liked that chapter ♥️

love, M 💋

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