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[ CHAPTER 03 ~ WORDS: 880 ]

"let's keep going.."

taehyung looked up at the android and gulped nervously. he was surprised at himself for answering so fast and being ready to do something. " are you sure?" J asked him again and looked down at him, still straddling his lap. taehyung looked at the android's thick thighs and felt his dick twitching.

he looked up at him and nodded " yes" j smiled at him and slowly moved his hips, he looked him deep in the eyes and kissed him again. taehyung grabbed his tiny waist and moaned in the kiss, j licked over his bottom lip and taehyung opened his mouth and let his tongue in his mouth.

taehyung felt a sudden confident rush through him and he turned them around. j made a surprised sound and looked up at taehyung. he could see how taehyungs mood changed and he was so sexy the way he looked down at him. taehyung grabbed his thighs and pulled him closer to his body.

taehyung put his arms on either side of j's head and kissed him again. the kiss turned into a rougher one and j pulled him closer so he was on top of him. the androids ass directly pressed against taehyungs dick. he didn't know where the confidence came from but he was so proud of himself for doing it.

the android pulled on his hair as their tounges meet again and when taehyung heard a moan coming from j he didn't expect it. taehyung liked that they included that detail and it really did something for him. he grabbed the androids ass and felt the plump flesh under his hands, his dick got even harder at that. the android wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

taehyung slowly pulled away and kissed down his neck, his skin felt so soft and warm. he still couldn't believe how real it felt. as he kissed down his neck he remembered that he was a robot he wouldn't feel anything by that, he couldn't feel any pleasure. the thought made taehyung stop and he looked down at j's eyes. they looked into each other's eyes for few seconds. " are you alright? should we stop?" the android asked and tried to analyze why he stopped so suddenly. "you..i..do you..nevermind" he looked away for a second and he didn't know if he should continue right now.

"don't think too much, let me lead you" the android spoke up and switched their positions, sitting on his lap again. his hands slowly opened the buttons on taehyungs shirt, he opened it and looked down at the faint abs on taehyungs sun kissed skin. his fingers brushed over them and taehyung observed him while doing so.

the warm fingers on his skin felt like little electric shots and he liked the feeling, how j traced the lines of his abs. "you're so sexy" the android whispered and kept his eyes locked on his abs. taehyung didn't expect it so of course he was surprised. he said that out of nowhere and how his eyes aren't moving, but was he programmed to say something like that?

"kiss them" he said suddenly and he didn't even know why he said that, but he knew j  would do as he said, so he waited to see what he would do. j looked up in his eyes and slowly lowered himself without breaking the eye contact, as his lips made contact with his abs and he kissed them softly. taehyungs breath hitched while watching him. j closed his green eyes and kissed along the lines of his abs when he suddenly traces the lines with his tongue. taehyungs mouth opened out of shock and he couldn't keep eyes away.

taehyung knew he would do it but to see him do even more wasn't was he expected. his eyes widen when he felt j's hand opened his belt, his green eyes open again and he looked up at him. before he could say something taehyung stopped him.

"we.. we should stop here " the confidence taehyung he had before suddenly disappeared and he was too shy to continue now. j looked up at him a bit surprised but nodded understanding. "sure if you want to" he got up again and taehyung buttoned up his shirt. he felt so embarrassed and that his dick was still hard didn't make it better, but he wasn't ready for more just yet.

"I'm sorry" he looked up at the android standing next to him and j smiled at him. "there is nothing to apologize for, i told you we do it step by step, but.." he trailed off and looked away for a second. taehyung raised his eyebrows out of curiosity and looked at him. "what?" he asked carefully and didn't know what he would say.

the android looked back at him and smiled a little. "I really wanted to suck your dick"

that's definitely not what taehyung expected.


So I updated sooner than I thought but I'm really happy I did it and I hope you like the chapter.

hope your not made that they didn't go past kissing but I think it's a bit too soon 😄

see you next chapter xx
love, M ♥️

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