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[ CHAPTER 04 ~ WORDS: 1356 ]

It was two days later when Taehyung looked over to J while his system updated. He still couldn't believe what happened the last time, how could he want something when he's an android, it amazed him and he liked the thought but he just wasn't ready. After that J didn't say anything to that matter and it calmed his nerves. Taehyung put it aside for the moment and he wanted to find a proper name for him. His model name started with J so he wanted to find a name with the same letter.

It would be stupid to just google it, but that's exactly what Taehyung did as he opened his laptop on his lap and clicked on the search bar. He thought for a second and typed 'Name starting with a J' he clicked on the search and waited a few seconds, he jumped up as he heard the doorbell ring. He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly stood up. Who was at the door? He didn't recall inviting his friends over.

Taehyung walked over to the front door and opened it, looking around but no one was there. Did some kids just do that for fun? He looked around confused and shook his head and got back inside. Sitting back down on the comfy sofa he took a sip of his cherry and strawberry tea and placed the laptop back on his lap. Taehyung's face turned into a surprised expression as he saw the page completely white with a black word in bold letters in the middle.


He looked around and looked over at J, the android had his eyes closed and he was still updating or charging, but who did that? He moved his mouse and the page disappeared and Taehyung's eyes widen. What was going on, did something happen with his laptop.

Was that a sign to give him that name? Jeongguk, it's a nice name and Taehyung decided to give him that name that appeared so mysteriously. He wouldn't lie and say it didn't freak him out just a little, but he knew better than to think about it too long. Maybe it was for the best.

Taehyung let out a sigh and closed his laptop, his stomach grumbled and he definitely needed a snack or something. He walked to the fridge and opened it. Looking at the takeout from yesterday, he shrugged and took it out and heated it up in the microwave. While waiting he hummed a tune and looked around, in that moment the android came into the kitchen. J stood on the side.

"My system is up to date now." he said and looked at taehyung with his green sparkling eyes. Taehyung smiled at him and replied with "perfect" , the microwave made a ping sound and Taehyung took the hot food out and sat down at the kitchen table.

Looking up at the android and suddenly remembering the name he wanted to give him. With a smile he said " Android J613, register your name" he paused for a second when J looked at him and listened "Jeongguk" He finished and the android smiled at him "Hi my name is Jeongguk" He said and Taehyung really liked the name and it suited him very well.

After finishing his food and taking the box in the trash he turned around and looked the android up and down. "Jeongguk I think we should buy you some normal clothes" Taehyung said and grabbed his keys and wallet with a smile and Jeongguk nodded at him. "That's a good idea Taehyung" his name sounded good coming from the android and Taehyung walked out of the kitchen, the android following.

They made their way to the car and drove to the mall. Taehyung was excited to buy some clothes for Jeongguk, it was like dressing up a doll.. well kind of. The smile on his face stayed the whole drive to the mall and when they finally stood in one of Taehyungs favorite stores he was already looking through the clothes. Jeongguk stood by his side and watched him look at different pieces of clothing. Taehyung gave the ones he liked Jeongguk to hold.

Taehyung had six different outfits and walked over to the changing room, letting jeongguk try them on. He stayed outside on the small sofa and waiting for him. When Jeongguk came out with the first outfit, It was harder to believe that he was an android, he looked so human.

"Wow that's so pretty" taehyung looking at the pastel purple sweater Jeongguk was wearing, it was a bit too big but he looked so cuddly in it and the grey jeans hugged his tights beautiful. "Jeongguk could you turn around?" Taehyung said and the android turned around.

The sweater reached to his mid tights and Taehyung stood up and adjusted the sweater by slowly pulling it up. He bites his lip as he saw how good those jeans made his ass look. "We buying that" he said and let Jeongguk try the rest of the clothes. All of them looked really good on the android.

Taehyung walked to the cash register and looked around but when Jeongguk was nowhere to be seen, he panicked. Did someone steal him? He asked the lady on the register if he could let the clothes with her for a moment and she said yes and Taehyung looked around for Jeongguk.

When he finally saw him he let out a breath and walked over to him. "why did you run away? you can't just walk away Jeongguk" Taehyung was a bit angry but relieved at the same time. The Android looked up at him with a guilty look. "I'm sorry Taehyung" Taeyhung sighed and looked at the clothes jeongguk had in his hands, his breath hitched when he saw a black lace thong in Jeongguk's hands. "would you like me wearing that?" Jeongguk asked him and Taehyung's jaw dropped slightly, he was speechless.

Jeongguk looked at his reaction and he saw how shocked Taehyung was, maybe it was too much or it was weird because it was women's lingerie. "Okay, maybe not" Jeongguk put it neatly back on the table. "take it" was the only thing Taehyung said before walking back to the cashier. He gulped and tried to not think about the android wearing that for him right now. It was hot, that Jeongguk would want to wear that for him but then he remembered Jeongguk was a sex android.He should have known right?

He took a deep breath and walked up to the lady and she started scanning the clothes, after a few seconds Jeongguk came back and put the black thong to the other clothes. Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up and he looked every other way than to the lady as she scanned it. The Cashier just smirked knowingly and put everything in bags.

Taehyung paid with his black card and said goodbye and walked out with Jeongguk walking behind, carrying one of the bags. "What's wrong Taehyung?" Jeongguk smiled and watched his slightly red cheeks. "Just a bit embarrassed" He said and opened the car. "But why? Because of the thong? But It would look sexy on me don't you think?" Jeongguk gave him a little wink and Taehyung's eyes widen and he was left speechless, again.

Jeonnguk just laughed and got inside the car, while Taehyung was just staring at the door. When the android knocked on the window, Taehyung came out of his trance and got inside. He started the car and drove back home with music playing on the radio.

"Taehyung?" the android asked and looked over at him, seeing Taehyungs still flustered face. With a hmm he answered Jeongguk and glanced at him for a second. "can I put them on at home?" he asked and watched the human smile at him and reply "of course"

Jeongguk smiled and shook his head, Taehyung could see him shake his head from the corner of his eye, he looked at him with a questioned look.

"the thong Taehyung, I want to wear it for you"

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