01. the wolf who walked through time

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₊˚. Eternal Exodus
( the wolf who walked through time. )

The air felt thick and heavy, and a toxic acidic taste rested on the man's tongue as he breathed in the dark atmosphere that settled over the apartment complex. He had visited this place many times before, for the dark and disturbing aura that had enveloped it four years ago kept the man coming back to it like a victim to its abuser. He found himself early to the yearly visit this time, coming on a day of when the deteriorating apartment become a blood bath in a singular night, and the mystery that enveloped such a night made everyone who resided in such a graveyard run to other resting places. The rumors - later confirmed facts - that the mother's body had been ripped to shreds by some hellish beast, and the little girl who always looked like she was trying to run from something never to be seen again sent everyone who dwelled too long in such a place for the nearest residency of comfort.

The man, Masamichi Yaga, made his way into the building, and circled his way up the stairs, thinking about the recent occurrences. He hadn't planned on visiting his favorite attraction so soon, but the sudden burst of negative energy detected in the area made the higher ups send him to investigate. The place had always been crawling with cursed spirits, and other dark energy; like a beehive, the bees always came back to their honey, even though their queen was nowhere to be found. That was until something crawled its way into the home like a rodent, a type of energy that sent everyone in high alert, for something of its presence had everyone questioning the worst, even the mere thought of Sukuna returning had crossed of few of their minds.

He rounded the corner of the stairwell of floor 6, and the dark aura become heavy, and would weight even the strongest down to their knees. He pushed the door open with difficulty, for the muscles in his body felt weak, and a heavy sweat had broken out onto him. As he made his way out of the stairwell the sudden sight of a girl made him jump slightly, but he continued to make his way towards her, for a girl shouldn't be anywhere near this place. As he got closer, he noticed the intricate tribal tattoos that ran up and around the girls' arms like snakes, and a weapon that looked to be like a giant scythe wrapped in bandage of seals as to protect the identity from outsiders. Her long jet-black hair looked as if it hadn't been kept up with except by a brush, and ran far past her waist, and her clothes looked to be from a time the man had never seen with his own eyes except in history books.

The girl didn't spare even a glance at the man, she kept her eyes slanted at the door in front of her, as if it were an animal of prey. She mirrored a stance of a predator, like a wolf ready to pounce on its meal. Silence enveloped the two except for the buzzing of the hallway lights. The man could tell the girl had no intent on making the first move to converse, and he himself didn't really know what to say to the girl.

"They say a family was killed behind those doors," Masamichi commented, for upon closer inspection of the door the girl stood before was room 66, the very room that sent every resident packing up their life to move as far away as possible. The girl made no move to say anything, so he continued, "the mother was ripped to shreds by an animal of some sort, some say a wolf, granted how does a wolf get into the apartment. The little girl went missing as well, but her body was never found, so the whole case become some supernatural campfire tale."

"That woman wasn't a mother," the girl finally spoke. Her voice sounded ragged, as if it hadn't been used in decades.

"Do you know her?" Masamichi was relieved to see this convo getting somewhere, and the bit of information she shared made his suspicions of the girl slowly come into light.

"What difference does it make," the girl asked, but it felt more like a statement rather than a question.

"None, I suppose, but if you are who I think you are then I'd allow you the pleasure of knowing I have a key to this room," Masamichi told the girl.

The girl finally tore her eyes away from the worn-down door to study the man before her, and he couldn't help but take a step back from her gaze. Her eyes were a dark grey, and he could tell life hadn't graced them in years, maybe even hundreds of decades. They held a wisdom in them that no child of her age should ever have, like she had seen the beginning of time, and the birth and death of the world they knew of. Her gaze pierced through his very soul, and he knew just from a simple look that she had figured him out. She knew exactly who he was, what he was, and his intentions, just from a simple gaze.

"You know it's wrong to lie to children like that," the raven-haired girl remarked.

"I don't think you fall under the child category," Masamichi commented, for her eyes alone revealed that she was no little girl, but a woman of old age.

"I'm assuming you'll tell me my eyes revealed that to you," she spoke in a low tone, "I've been told that for a long time," she continued.

"I wonder what a long time is to you," He asked.

She didn't answer his questioned, but rather changed the subject, "What else do you know about the woman?" The girl asked, and her gaze told Masamichi exactly what she was really asking for.

"They say her cursed technique was one that could manipulate time, but that her fractured mind made her worthless to the sorcerer world," he told her, and he watched as a sadistic smile curved the corners of the girls' mouth upward.

"Time is a funny thing, most people don't take into consideration the consequences that time harbors. They only care for going back, having the chance to do over their wrong doings. Time warps everything though," the girl went on a tangent, and Masamichi could not decipher what she was really trying to say.

"I don't know much about time, so I don't understand what you're trying to tell me," Masamichi admitted, and he didn't care for the fact that he felt somewhat stupid on the subject.

"Time is a power that changes everything, even the user gets changed and warped. It's fluid in everything, therefore unpredictable in nature," the girl stated, her eyes studied him as if to see if he were trying to play her a fool.

"You know a lot about time," he commented, finally somewhat understanding her coded words.

The girl laughed loudly, and it resembled that of a howl to the dark-haired man who finally realized how tall he was compared to the little girl. Her laugh alone made the man's skin crawl as if insects were moving in his veins, and his hair stood tall on the back of his neck and arms. Her eyes had changed due to the action, and he became fearful of the look they held, for they no longer draped themselves in lifelessness, but rather a crazed blood thirst look that screamed in agony to be released from a captivity of imaginary chains.

She finally quitted down and looked up and down at the man as a smile rested upon her face, "please, spare me your adult like nature and trying to seem more knowledgeable than I, for I have seen and lived during a time from which your mind can barely comprehend," she spoke in old English, as if some completely different person had taken over the girl's body.

"Who are you?"

"I have many names," the girl spoke the cliche line, "for time has been warped to give me such titles as: the grim reaper, the goddess of destruction, the wolf of time, and many more."

"What was your name before you distorted time?"

"Kutsuki Chiake," the missing girl from four years ago finally admitted. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Masamichi Yaga, principal of Toyko Jujutsu Highschool," Kutsuki creepily smiled at the man.

"They say you were supposed to be dead," Masamichi told the raven-haired girl.

"Time is a funny thing, isn't it?" She questioned, proving further that there was more to the story than everyone thought.

"I'd love to know more," he prodded. Masamichi felt like a starved animal, for the answers he wished to know about the mysteries surrounding the girl would only ever be answered if she were willing to open up the door into her soul.

The girl pondered for a moment, her eyes darting from the towering man to the towering door that had been the start of her lifelong domino effect. She spoke in a chatty tone, "I'd love to, but only if I can have the finest spicy miso ramen that you know of."


( WORD COUNT ) 1657
—— unedited

i'm back, and so soon too. someone give me a medal for this shit! anyways, sorry for the fluff chapter. i promise next chapter we see gojo and maybe some interactions between the two, but i can't be spoiling too much. a little bit more revealed in this chapter to the prologue, but not too much where you all get tired of reading the story. anyways, not much to say except i hope you all enjoyed the first chapter to this story.

don't forget to vote, comment, and share. i love you, my lovely little souls.

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