02. when a deathless god meets a hound of hell

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₊˚. Eternal Exodus
( when a deathless god meets a hound of hell. )

The first time Gojo Satoru ever saw death was in a woman.

The boy had seen countless of lives lost, from old to new they all came to a complete end. The cycle of death was a form of nature unmoving to all, and even in the world of sorcery, even those powers would give out like a star one day, destroyed and returned to nothingness. Death waits for no one, and death does not have favorites. Death would come for all living and carry them to their final resting place.

Gojo in all his infinite abilities knew he'd come to such an end one day. He was revered as a god all throughout his life, and many told him that death would not be his end, for gods are infinite. The Gojo family is infinite. His very makeup made him believe he was immortal. He liked to think that his gifts and the praise of others made him deathless, that he alone would conquer the immortal concept of death, but he wasn't naive, and he knew that he'd come to a human death.

Gojo had seen death plenty of times, so when he saw the raven-haired girl across the courtyard, the sense of dread and doom that he felt was something foreign to him. His fingertips shook, reminding him of a time when he was a child forgetting his gloves in the warmth of home on a snowy winter's day. He remembers the scolding he got for such a childish action, and the feeling of water running onto his numb fingers as sensation finally came back with the ticking of the clock. His six eyes could see the woman perfectly from such a faraway distance, and the negative energy surrounding the girl enveloped her like an endless abyss. He had never seen anything like it in his lifetime and didn't think he ever would.

Her raven hair ran endlessly like the river Styx in the underworld, and he swore the souls of the damned would slowly emerge and come alive to scream out with hollow voices, and reach for a light they had forgotten existed, for time meant nothing to the dead. Her skin was pale, the color of her black and maroon tattoos wrapped around both her arms contrasted well against her scarred skin. The cursed tool hunched over the girls back was sealed even from his six eyes, and the odd shape of the weapon made Gojo squirm from the unknown identity. Her attire made her stand out in the era they lived in, for it reminded him of robes from an ancient time in Greece or Rome, and they revealed more skin for an opponent to cut at than he was comfortable with.

When the girls grey - almost black - lifeless eyes clashed with Gojo's infinite blue eyes of space and sea he felt as if he'd been lit on fire, similar to Icarus. Her eyes alone reminded him of a wolf, the way they slanted at everything that they captured. Her eyes alone made Gojo feel as if he were falling, like a god, he had committed a taboo, and thus banished from his very pedestal that kept him high and mighty. Her eyes meant death everlasting for anyone who came under seduction by them, and he quickly looked away before he could watch her lips curve into a sinister smile.

That was the first time Gojo Satoru had ever came face to face with death.

The day continued on, and the blistering heat made the day feel longer than Gojo and the others would have liked for. Gojo's stayed occupied on the girl all day, for the contradicting knowledge he had acquired of the girl made him feel uneasy, and the aura that surrounded her very being tangled Satoru into the silk of webs that obscured the hound of hell. Principle Yaga had shared very little details except a warning that had the white-haired boy on the edge of his seat, "whatever you know about the raven-haired girl with the eyes of a thousand deaths, you don't dare tell anyone."

Gojo found himself thankful as the day slowly started to come to an end, and all he had to do was get through a class with his friends with Principle Masamichi handing out a pointless lesson that didn't concern Gojo in the slightest. He and His friends chatted away as they waited for the Yaga to come stomping into the dorm any second now, and the back of Gojo's mind stayed occupied with the thought of death being in such close proximity to him. It felt like doom was looming over him and the people he cared most for.

It was a matter of seconds when Heaven and Hell collided for Satoru Gojo, and the very earth beneath his feet felt like it would give way. Followed right behind Principle Masamichi was death herself, and the shift in the very atmosphere was felt by everyone, for no one in their right mind could turn a blind eye from the dark and heavy feeling in the air. The very fact that Masamichi Yaga allowed the wolf tail so closely behind him unnerved Gojo.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet our new student who will be attending you first year students," Masamichi announced to them, he motioned for the obsidian haired girl to introduce herself to the class.

"Hello, everyone, my name is, Kutsuki Chiake, it's a pleasure to meet you all," she spoke in voice laced with sinister intentions.

She bowed towards them, and when she rose, she captured the limitless god and his six eyes, holding them captive in their gaze. A smile of wickedness curved the corners of her lips, revealing canine like teeth to the eternal god. He shivered at the very interaction, and watched with a bated breath as she made her way towards the empty seat next to him. She plopped down, her eyes still holding onto the boy, and all he could do was stay still and silent, like a prey trying to hide from its predator.

She whispered for only Gojo to hear, "It's especially a pleasure to be meeting you, Gojo Satoru, the deathless god."

It was that very moment that Gojo Satoru realized that the Goddess of Death had sunken her teeth and razor-sharp claws into him, and even without his six eyes he very well knew that the destructive girl knew all, if not more than even he. She had seen things no human was meant to bear witness to, and she had done things she wasn't meant to. She very well could have known his future with such a curse technique held within her soul. Kutsuki Chaike very well could be the one to kiss his tainted lips of sin, and draw out every breath in the boy, delivering the so-called infinite god to the gates of Heaven and Hell for his final judgement.

"You are a wolf in sheep's wool, Kutsuki Chaike," Gojo whispered back his response to the hell hound, and she merely smiled in response to his comment.

The first time Gojo Satoru ever saw death was in a wolf.

( WORD COUNT ) 1202
—— unedited

y'all didn't have to wait too long, lolol, now to drop off the face of the planet and not update this story for months. jkjk, but it will be a hot minute before the next chapter gets published sense i need to finish up some other stuff. my plan is to finish up the first act of my other story, god complex, and then pick this story back up to start on it's act one. fingers and toes crossed i can fulfill this task, but i'm unpredictable af. anyways, they finally meet, unless they've met already in another time period, but who knows.

don't forget to vote, comment, and share. i love you, my lovely little souls.

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