04. when a wolf bit the hand of a god

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₊˚. Eternal Exodus
( when a wolf bit the hand of god. )

"A reverse cursed technique, now that is interesting," Chaike voices to Shoko as they sit on the steps near the training ground where Gojo and Geto are sparring with one another.

A few months had passed since Chaike had joined the first years of the Tokyo Jujutsu School. The nights and days had blended seamlessly to the raven-haired girl, and even though they went by in the blink of an eye Chaike still found a hunger growing endlessly for the chaos that was embedded into the angles of time. At first the days dragged along like dead weight, for she wasn't allowed to join any of the missions her classmates had gone on, but with each sun and moon that rose and fell she learned how to make the hours tick by more quickly. She had grown close with Geto and Shoko, but Gojo still seemed to keep her far away from his inner circle.

"I've never been good at reverse cursed energy, but I know plenty who have, and it is an interesting thing to try and wrap your head around," Chaike tells the short haired brunette as she looks at the two boys a few feet away from them, "and the fact that it comes naturally to you, I must confess I'm envious."

Shoko wore a proud smile after the raven-haired girl finished her compliment. Chaike enjoyed Shoko's companionship for what it was worth (for lack of better words, she liked Shoko as much as she was going to.) for she had similar ideologies on the world. She found common ground with the girl and enjoyed their deep conversations about philosophies and the rottenness deeply rooted within the Earth's core, but beyond that there was not much to the relationship. Chaike certainly wouldn't run to Shoko when she woke up in a cold sweat, plagued with muddled faces screaming and grasping at the girl to return her to her grave, and Shoko wouldn't run to Chaike when she had a problem with one of the boys - not that Chaike really wanted to hear any petty drama anyways.

Chaike knew her place amongst the high-class Sorcerer's who came with inheritance and status woven into their very makeup like it was DNA.

She knew she was just a mutt who was somehow gifted by the gods. (More like cursed in Chaike's mind.) And she knew the only reason they kept her on a long leash behind closed doors was because they feared and lusted after the powers given to her by the gods.

"What can I say," Shoko says with a shrug, "Besides, I can only imagine what you can do with all your cursed energy."

Chaike merely smiled at the girl, one that was laced with so much fakeness that the action itself hurt her physically, and she could feel the corners of her mouth twitch in irritation. She knew that those around her could see how much cursed energy raged within her, and that alone scared them enough without the knowledge of her cursed technique. Principle Yaga had threatened Chaike to keep her abilities under lock and key, and she agreed to the terms if he kept it a secret from the higher ups - she was shocked that he had kept his part of the deal, for she had lost faith in elders keeping their word. She knew that Gojo's six eyes had revealed to him what animal she feigned ignorance to, but she was not the least bit stressed since Principle Yaga had threatened him the same way he had her.

"I tried to get Gojo to spill the beans," Shoko informed Chaike with a devilish smile, "but he laughed in my face, and brushed me off."

Chaike laughed lightly at the information, "If he had said anything I'd have to kill you both," she joked to Shoko, but there was some truth sewn lightly with her comment, one that Shoko merely brushed off.

Both girls stared at the boys who had dropped the idea of sparring with one another to joke about something neither one of them can hear. Chaike watches Shoko out of her peripheral, and she can see the smile and longing gaze that is set upon the boys by their female companion. She can tell - and knows - that Gojo and Geto mean more to Shoko than their surface level minds can comprehend. Chaike does not understand it, or rather, does not understand the need or want for companionship. Sure, she had people to talk to, or people she slept with, but beyond the surface level Chaike did not care for the deep personal stuff that came with those things. The only time she ever felt there was a need to get personal with someone was if she gained something from it, but even then, she always found a back door that she would rather take.

Chaike was content with being a lone wolf.

"Are you boys done, yet" Shoko shouts to the yen and yang pair, "I'm starved and want to go get something to eat."

"We still have an hour before lunch," Gojo informs Shoko, "but I could go for some Ramen in town." He slants his eyes as Chaike, a silent intimidation that reads to her that she is not welcomed on this outing.

"Yeah, besides, I want a sparring match with the wolf," Geto comments, and all their eyes turn to the raven-haired girl who wears a wicked canine like smile.

"You know we aren't supposed to spar with her," Shoko interjects, "Principle Yaga would be livid if he found out."

"He doesn't have to," Chaike speaks up, "but if you want a sparring match then it has to be two against me, that way it's at least fair."

"Well, you can count me out," Shoko tells them, as if a game of nose goes would be the deciding factor in the matter, "I'm not getting in trouble for something I have no desire to be a part of in the first place."

"Fine, me and Satoru will go against the mad hound of hell," Geto says as he looks back to his friend who has a grimace souring his soft face. Chaike enjoyed that Geto was the only one who was allowed to even utter the false god's name, as if the rest of humanity were merely disgusting sinners walking on their hands in knees in the shadows of a god and his profit, begging and pleading for penance to be served unto them.

"Thanks for signing me up," Gojo mutters to the black-haired boy as they walked back to their scrimmage area, Chaike following a few paces behind them like a dog being led by a chain.

"I'll go easy," Chaike tells them as she stands in the middle of the fighting arena, "I promise."

"I believe no promises coming from a mongrel's mouth," Gojo mutters under his breath, but by the wicked smile turning the corners of the raven-haired sadist's mouth he has an inkling that she had heard the sly remark.

Gojo and Geto stood several yards away from the she-wolf who stood in between the both of them, her body slouched and relaxed as if she had no concern for her predicament. Her nonchalant attitude made both boys nervous, and they bounced between one leg and then the other. The God's and Devil's themselves stopped to turn their attention to the entertainment, waiting with excitement electrifying their veins. They all sat on the edge of their seats, bated breath as if the mere act would disrupt the earth. They all wondered, "What could a devil do to a god."

Geto launched a few of his curses, quickly charging at the girl as the measly low-grade demons lead the way to the hound of hell. She paid no mind to them, her gaze fixated on Gojo as he pivoted from foot to foot, his breath hitched in his throat as he analyzed when to go in for the kill after Geto made his move. As Geto and his curses closed in on the woman she quickly reacted by taking out her sealed weapon and swinging the odd blade across the air, slicing clean through the low-grade demons, and causing a small gash to form on the side of Geto's face. "How had she done that without even breaking the seals on the weapon," Geto wondered, but before he could change his initial attack Chaike had swiped his feet right out from under him, grabbing at his neck with clawlike fingers and slamming him into the ground.

Chaike was unnaturally fast, they had all noted, and Shoko could not help but smirk at the girls' antics, but she quickly grew fearful as the wolf wrapped both her hands around the boys' neck and started to choke the life from him. Geto tried to claw and pry the woman's hands from his cervix, but her strength was like a dog's bite, unmoving until someone finally put the beast down. Gojo stared in fear at the woman, unable to move or make a sound to stop her from taking his friends life, and he could feel his hands slightly tremble from the overwhelming emotion.

"You should really do something if you want to save your friend," Chaike calls out to Gojo, turning her full attention to the white-haired boy, but never letting go of her grip on the curse user. "Besides, I'm not after him. I'm truly after you, Saturo," Chaike smirks as she calls the god by his name, and the way his name rolls off her tongue sends a shiver down his spine. The very name that promised him false godhood had been defiled by a devil. The mere act itself made Gojo waver in his reality, for now he saw a person in power before him who was much stronger than him, making him feel like all his enemies, Gojo now knew what it felt like to face an opponent that was far passed you in power and strength.

Chaike was not blessed by the gods, no, she was cursed.

Gojo's rationale had completely disappeared when fight or flight mode had kicked in for him, and he wrongly chose to fight the mutt rather than run like he should've. The ground undoubtedly shook as the god's and devils laughed at the false god, but he could not feel it as he ran towards the hound of hell, he was the promised strongest sorcerer in their world, there was no way he could lose to a mere peasant clutching false power. Chaike had released Geto and stood to her full height to turn to Gojo who continued his path of blind rage and ambition. Her mere stance made Gojo waver slightly, she was not tall by any means, but the sheer presence she had made her seem like a statue, unwavering in the path of chaos.

"Stop looking down at me," Gojo screamed at the girl as he grabbed at her wrist. He quickly swung his leg at her head, but her fast reflexes overpowered his strength, and she easily caught the limb before it made contact, holding him in a dead lock.

"You truly are a fool," Chaike told him as she stared down at the boy, "now you've caught yourself in a dance with death."

Gojo felt a hot searing pain wrap around his wrist, and his attention quickly shot to the hand that had grabbed onto the woman. Chaike's odd tribal tattoos had become snakelike, moving across her body and onto Gojo's, wrapping themselves around his wrist as if it were prey. He had never seen something so grotesque in his life, and he quickly tried to retract his hand away from the woman, but the more he struggled the stronger the snakelike chains became. He felt defiled and rotten, his infinite curse technique became futile in the face of this horrid woman's powers.

Gojo Saturo's name truly meant nothing when compared to Kutsuki Chaike's.

"I swallowed that one just for you," Chaike spits out, and Gojo notes the amount of salvia spilling from her mouth like a mutt faced with food they can never have.

Gojo hastily started throwing erratic punches and kicks at the woman, and she dodged every one of them with ease, snickering at the boys frantic and futile approach to defeat the hound of hell. She could feel the infinite void in her growing as she weaved like a snake around the attacks coming at her, thirsting for the taste of the red liquid swimming inside of a body. The Gods and Devils chanted as if they were in the crowd of a stadium, howling out a gladiator's name; hound of hell, the wolf who eats her young, the mutt of the new age, the earth eater, the cannibal of man, and with each chant of her many titles the chain around her neck loosened, and she could feel herself becoming the inherit wild beast who hunted through the angles of time.

It was barely a second when the earth became unraveled by chaos, and the gods and devils jumped to their feet, a gasp escaping their lips could only be heard as the passing of wind. Death had let go of the collar around its mutt, and the freedom of being released from chains was too overwhelming for the hound of hell to keep its composure. Gojo had reached his hand too far into the cage of chaos, regretting it instantly as he had forgotten what an unmuzzled beast can do. A deafening crunch could be heard, and Gojo stared wide eyed as the mouth of a wild mutt had clamped its jaws around the boy's hand. Pain did not register to Gojo at first, all he could feel was the harsh ground beneath his ass as the wolf had pushed him down, sitting atop him as she clamped down harder on his hand.



It was the moment that Shoko and Geto had screamed out those names when the pain registered to Gojo, and it came beating into him like waves clashing against rocks standing in the oceans path. Gojo could see the canines of the wolf clearly for a moment, and stared in bewilderment as they were quickly washed in the color of red wine. Gojo could not help but scream out in agony as the jaws of the predator became stronger, trying with all their might to break the poor god's hand. The growl that came from the depths of the wolfs throat gurgled awkwardly in Gojo's ears, and he tried to rip his hand away from the mutt to no avail. How had he forgotten what he was fighting? He knew Heaven and Hell were really laughing at him now, cackling and throwing slurs at the self-proclaimed god of the sorcery world.

Chaike could feel a part of herself relax as the taste of blood touched her tongue, the hunger that had been clawing deep in her stomach finally hushed. She could feel her hands twitch as they grabbed onto the sides of the boy beneath her, digging her nails into him in hopes of making him a bloody mess she could devour to sate the rest of her hunger. She had stayed too long on a straight path, drowning her true nature, and now that the leash was released, she knew there was no way of coming back until everything in her path was a chaotic mess. "The angles were so much easier," Chaike thought, "at least there everything was in my control."

Heaven and Hell continued to laugh and cackle at the chaotic act being played out. The unraveling of the world was a revelation they worshipped like a sinner to a false god, and Gojo Saturo was their false god they loved to toy with, and Kutsuki Chaike was their favorite sinner to promise damnation too. What would a sinner and a false god have in common, except eternal exodus from their destiny.

( WORD COUNT ) 2742

EVERYONE TAKE SHOT FOR EVERYTIME I USE THE WORD MUTT, WOLF, OR HOUND OF HELL TO DESCRIBE CHAIKE! Chaike has no chill in this chapter and Gojo has no respect or rational thought. I promise, we are finally going to get into the good stuff here soon, just let me have my non-canon/canon moment with these two before I absolutely disrupt their world with my love for ruining my characters. Not much else to say so I'm going to stfu and end this with a big I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

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