05. is a bite not a form of intimacy?

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₊˚. Eternal Exodus
( is a bite not a form of intimacy? )

( DISCLAIMER ) viewer discretion is advised when reading this chapter, a synopsis will be at the end of the chapter for those that wish not to read the full chapter.

            A gentle touch is something of a foreign concept to Chaike. She does not recall every feeling the warmth a body can produce, for all she knows is a cold hand or foot in the name of violence swiping at her like claws of a beast. Humans were just husks of flesh to Chaike, humanity merely didn't exist as a concept in Chaike's mind. Humans were just wild mutts like her, the only thing setting herself apart from other mongrels was the simple fact that she embraced her animalistic nature, whereas everyone else wore sheep's wool and facades as faces.

"What are you thinking about," a woman's soft melody voice broke Chaike from her daze.

Chaike turned her head that was resting on the woman's bare stomach, her eyes instantly meeting with bright ethereal green eyes. The woman's round face beamed with plump bruised lips that wore an inviting smile. The woman's light brown hair reminded Chaike of the inside of a tree, and she wondered if she looked inside the woman would she find the rings signifying the decades she's planted herself on this earth. Her skin a honey golden color and soft to the touch like dough, and Chaike couldn't help but absentmindedly knead the soft breast of the woman. She smelt of untouched earth, and it reminded Chaike of a time when she moved swiftly through the angles of time in search of answers that rested at the beginning of time before pandora's box had been opened.

Chaike recalls the first time she had met this woman, after roaming in between angles for centuries she had stumbled upon an ancient time and even more age-old empire. Sand covered Earth was all the eyes could see and felt thick and heavy in the air. The sun beamed bright, and felt hot upon the pale woman's skin, easily turned bright red and burnt from the underestimating girl. Chaike recalls the way she kneeled in front of the king of Egypt, a place a mutt like Chaike knew all too well, and the princess of Egypt could not help but recall how the girl reminded her of a soldier returning home after a long waging war out in the desert. When Chaike and the princess of Egypt's eyes had met Chaike could feel a sickening feeling turning like cogs inside of her, and quickly labeled it as a hunger and desire to lust after the woman.

"I merely wonder why you humans hide your animalistic instincts. Why not run wild and free like I have, like we are all meant to do?" Chaike tells the woman. The question makes the woman laugh loudly, and Chaike knows that she's laughing at how the girl only views herself as a weapon of war. A perfect beast of carnage and chaos.

"I love you," the hourglass built woman tells the girl through fits of laughter that come tumbling out of her stomach.

It was at that moment when a whole different beast had taken control of Chaike, for what does love have to offer to a wolf who has the power to walk through time and pillage each curve she finds herself in. Chaike has no use for love, it's a measly tool she only uses when necessary – and even then, she rarely uses it – like the woman before her she was merely a doll Chaike enjoyed poking and prodding for her own pleasure. Chaike only had use for lust, and even then, she rarely ever came across a curve where she felt a hunger to sleep with someone. The curve she found herself in at this moment was the first time she had been attracted to another in centuries, and it had been even longer than she lusted after another.

"I don't want love. I want worship. You humans beg on your hands and knees to a fallible God and ignore the signs that he has left you for damnation," Chaike huffs out to the woman, moving herself so she is only inches away from the woman's face before continuing, "I want what you give your God, blind devotion that sends you on your hands and knees worshipping me." The innate beast takes control of the raven-haired girl, sunken eyes, and sharp teeth ready to bite something in the name of intimacy.

"Is my love for you not the same," the woman asks, "Take what you want from me, I promise, I give it to you willingly," the fawn tells the wolf, and that is all the mutt needs to hear to know that is welcome to feast.

Chaike plants a harsh and sloppy kiss on the woman's already bruised lips, and she tastes the iron blood on her tongue followed by a hissing sound of pain, but she cannot stop. The woman underneath her returns the same hunger with as much fervor as before, brushing her tongue on the bottom lip of Chaike's, begging for entrance and the raven-haired girl accepts her begging, opening her mouth so that the woman can feel some ounce of belonging to the girl before she feasts upon her prey. Chaike grows bored of the interaction quickly, moving her head towards the woman's neck, biting at the delicate golden skin, leaving dark purple marks on her neck that she would wear like a necklace carrying the most precious of amethyst stones. It's in moments like these that Chaike completely loses herself in a blind fit of chaos, and a hellish mutt takes control to feast after too many days without a meal.

The canines of the wolf clamp down harshly on the golden skin of the woman's neck, and before a scream can be hollered out the wolf clasp its hand around the woman's mouth to muffle the sound. The smell of iron fills the wolfs nostrils, and sates a hunger on its tongue, and it rips and tears at the skin. It gnaws at a gummy texture and picks the skin from its teeth with its tongue, loud and disturbing growls coming from its mouth. The once white bed sheets are now drenched in a dark red color, and the wolf sucks on the cotton fabricate so that there is no crumb left of the meal.

It's a few hours when the wolf's hunger is sated, and the girl comes back to her senses to witness the carnage upon the woman beneath her. What lays before her is less of a human, but a grotesque mess of a body. The insides of the woman ripped clean open and picked clean like vultures to a carcass, the ribcage flayed and sticking out of their original home. Theres barely a neck left to connect the head to the body – not that there really is a body anymore, more like a mangled mess of blood – and the once bright green eyes that used to look at the girl with so much love and devotion are now empty and hollow. They are lifeless and resemble a pair of eyes belonging to a man who use to look after Chaike when she was a little girl before they were returned to the earth.

Chaike can't help but stare emotionless at the corpse, her finger's running delicately on bloody skin that's left on the body. The sticky substance feels odd between the empty spaces of her fingers, and when she licks them clean, they feed a hollow feeling inside of her. She does not feel sated from the feast, if anything, she feels empty from it. She doesn't know how or why the meal does not feed her like all the ones before her, a human is merely a meal in her eyes. It's an eat or get eaten world. So why does she feel this twisted and disturbed feeling by the corpse of the woman who had loved her. Chaike feels something trickle delicately across her cheek, and gently wipes the liquid away, analyzing the clearness of the salty water. It's been eons since she's cried, and the only time she recalls ever crying over a corpse was when she was staring at the empty womb that had once birthed her into this cruel world.

How does a wolf know the difference between love and intimacy? How does a wolf know how to communicate love without clamping its jaws down on the softness of delicate skin?

It doesn't.

A wolf's love is only performed through the act of eating. Hunger is the wolf's true form of intimacy.

The woman before Chaike resembled that of an Egyptian princess she once laid with, only this version stares at the raven-haired mutt with fear that her counterpart never once wore. Chaike feels as though this is some form of punishment from Heaven or Hell for the original act of violence. Sending her a woman wearing the same flesh who would befall the same fate as the version of the beloved woman ages ago, Chaike can't help but mutter curses to the enigmas up above. The cursed girl fears she is starring at a ghost, or even a reincarnation, and she wants so desperately to touch it to make sure she is not dreaming again, but dreads what her blood tainted hands will do when they get a hold of the woman.

Chaike knows she must feast upon this woman, for the sorcerers before her will not let her walk away unscathed without committing the grotesque act as they watch with bated breaths and calculating eyes, but she can't help but hesitate. How odd that a wolf would find itself in a deer's position. Chaike does not unveil this fear however, she wills herself to stare emotionless and unphased at the woman before her as she trembles under the weight of the chains and begs and pleads for mercy. There is no mercy though, for God has stripped that right from humanity. Chaike is no harbinger of sweet death either, she's deaths mutt that enjoys the thrill of a kill.

"Why do you hesitate," one of the voices asked, a higher up that has either ordered or agreed to the terms of the raven-haired girl's current predicament.

"You either do this," another voice pipes up, "or the death sentence will follow suit as soon as your exit those doors."

After biting the hand of the self-proclaimed God of the sorcery world Chaike was quickly apprehended and taken into custody by the delegates of the Jujutsu world. Apparently, the Gojo clan had found out that their precious prophet had been severely injured by a wild mutt, and like all bad dogs, they had ordered that the mutt be put down, thus Chaike was sentenced to be executed. She found comfort in being chained like an animal within that cell – even though she could've open the doors of the angels and left this curve behind – she reminisced on the curves she had walked through, and how she was always revered as a god to the lower lifeforms occupy them. She happily awaited her death sentence, but Principal Masamichi made a deal with the higher ups that he would explain Chaike's cursed technique and backstory if they excused this mis happening of the situation. They declined the offer and posed a new one, she showed them her abilities and her execution would be postponed, and of course like all foolish humans he took the bait like a damn fish to a fisher man's line.

Thus, Chaike stands in a dark foreboding room with several Sorcery Higher Ups watching for the snake to eat a rat, and Chaike wavers for the first time in a long time in such a predicament, for how are you supposed to eat of a woman who gifted you the first sign of love. She can practically hear the higher ups' thoughts, they think she's a mutt who can't accomplish a task, and she feels their slanted gazes behind the doors they conceal themselves in. Chaike takes a step towards the woman, and the girl tries to scurry away from her, but the chains around her feet and arms keep her from moving very far. Chaike can't help but stop in her tracks, staring directly into the emerald eyes of the girl, and wonders if she will ever see a green as beautiful as them again.

"Eat," she hears commanded of her.

"Or die."

Chaike takes a deep breath before placing her hand over the girl's mouth to muffle the screams – she won't be able stomach the sound of them – and takes a massive bite from the girl's neck. She can feel the blood spewing from the now open esophagus, and drags her tongue delicately around it, like a tongue begging for entrance to a lover's mouth so that they may swallow the words dying on the tip of their tongue. She digs her fingers into the inside of the girl's mouth and hooks them around the right of the girl's cheek before ripping it clean off, the sound of tearing skin bouncing around the room with an eerie echo. She places the delicate piece of flesh into her mouth and sinks her canines into the skin and she feels the chewy substance breaking beneath the sheer strength of a wolf's mouth. If she ever had to describe this sensation, she'd say that chewing on flesh is like chewing beef jerky that hasn't been dried out long enough. A deep and low snarl exits the girl's mouth, and she can feel the back of her throat gurgle the blood and other bodily fluids.

It's only an hour before a bloody mess is all that's left of the chaos, and Chaike sees the resemblance that the corpse before her had the same fate as before. The insides have been picked clean, the ribcage mangled and twisted upwards out of the body, some skin left over, but barely seeable through the thick blood, and a neck barely there to connect the head to what's left of the body. Both in life and death the Egyptian woman is woven to have the same fate, and she wonders for a moment if her fate is written in stone. Chaike wonders if damnation is all she will know in this one, and if the thousands of other lives she has seen in the angels and curves are destined for damnation. She can't help but be mortified by the grotesque act, and she wills herself to keep whatever emotion is trying to spill out to stay hidden in the shadows.

"Now show us," she hears one of the higher up's yells at her.

"Of course you'd want to see the whole show," Chaike mutters under her breath, but the others in the room could hear her sly comment, "besides, it doesn't work like that."

"That is not what we have been told," another voice shouts at her.

"I don't give a damn what you've been told!" She screams out into the abyss in the room, and silence quickly sweeps through the room as if death itself had entered, just waiting to bring down it's scythed to steal someone's life and take it to its final resting place.

"Besides, she had nothing to offer me. My collection is already stocked, and I have no need for useless techniques just so you can get a hard on at what I can do," Chaike snaps at them.

The higher ups murmur amongst each other, but she pays no mind to the words coming out of their mouth, she has no use for the knowledge they share between one another. After a moment they excuse her and tell her to bring Masamichi in (who's been standing outside the door listening to the whole conversation most likely), and she stalks her way to the door like a predator would move towards its prey. She exhales a deep breath when she's exited the room, and turns towards Masamichi, giving him a look, and steps into the room to hear the berating they'll give him for his lack of judgement on the girl (on top of how it isn't his place to withhold information from them). Chaike continues her path aimlessly, begging for a way out of this maze-like complex and back to a prison cell that keeps her chained like a mutt.

She eventually stumbles into a hidden corridor where there are no prying eyes and not much light to illuminate her figure. She falls to her knees and vomits the contents of her stomach up and looks down miserably at the dark red liquid that is black in some places, like ooze from a horror movie. Tears stream from her eyes like rivers endlessly flowing and allows them the faintest pleasure to fall and become one with the sea. If she had to eat that woman for a third time, she'd surely wish death upon herself, ridding herself of the placement she's become in death's inner circle and allow a new mutt to take its make-believe throne. It may have been a wolf that ate the woman the first time, but this time it was a girl, and how does a little girl stomach the idea that love is just a form of cannibalism to her. How does a girl accept the fact that she is a wolf who lusts after the grotesque act of feasting upon flesh.

( WORD COUNT ) 2953
—— unedited.

OMG, HELLO, LOVELY LITTLE SOULS! So first and foremost, a synopsis is below this author note, so for those of you that did not read this chapter (which btw is totally ok, don't feel bad if you didn't, it's a lot) feel free to read the synopsis, it's really just a filler chapter, but it does add some depth to Chaike's personality. Anyways, congrats to those of you who could stomach this chapter, I started off on such a high note and then completely fell off by the end of the chapter lol. So, what do we think, any guesses on Chaike's technique, I gave a lot away about it this chapter, how do we feel about Chaike's character (please tell me we are all mixed about it, but also feel hella bad for the little girl) who enjoyed that I didn't describe her as a wolf when she ate the girl in front of the higher ups, wink wink. Anyways, thank you lovely souls for reading, and can't wait to see you in the next chapter! I LOVE YOU ALL!

( SYNOPSIS ) We begin with a flashback of Chaike in a different time period, where she is laid in a bed with an Egyptian princess. Chaike gives us insight into some of her philosophy views, and the major points that come from this is that she believes it's a get eaten or eat world. She views everyone as animals that hide behind facades and sheep's wool so that they seem less animalistic. The Egyptian woman tells Chaike that she loves her, and Chaike explains that she has no use for love, and what she wants is blind devotion and worship like a god. Th Egyptian woman tells her that her love takes shape of whatever Chaike wants, and that she will give herself willingly to the girl, and so with no clear idea of what love truly means Chaike eats the woman in the name of love, but when she is done, she is disturbed by her actions and cries. We move forward in time to the present where Chaike is staring at a woman who resembles the Egyptian woman from the past (we are unsure if it's a reincarnation or a ghost) and the higher ups have ordered her to eat the girl as to gain knowledge of Chaike. Chaike recalls how she found herself in this predicament, for when she bit Satoru's hand, she had been apprehended and sent to execution by the Gojo clan's demand. Chaike is told that her execution will be postponed if she eats the woman and shows the higher ups her power, and so she eats the reincarnation but refuses to show them her power. They send her out and bring Masamichi in (we don't know what the conversation was between them) and Chaike finds a corner to cry in for she does not have the heart nor the stomach to truly eat that of a girl who first offered her love.

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