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- Day Trip

Outside, Amelia and Will were stood in the middle of the woods as the brunette had her kindjals that Will had gifted her attacking Will who blocked her attacks grabbing her arm pulling her forward slamming his sword forward only for the brunette to dodge his attack before swinging her own blade towards him who quickly blocked it, "Not bad. Not as fluid as me, but not bad" Will teased Amelia with a smirk on his face.

Amelia smiled in amusement tilting her head to the side before she spun around and continued attacking him only he grabbed her arm pulling her forward again only for her stumble on her feet, "Damn it." Will turned around to face Amelia resting his sword on his shoulder and assured her, "It's okay. You'll get the hang of them" Amelia got into her fighting position again with a determined expression on her face, " again, let's go"

Amelia back flipped backwards while Will did a front flip only for Amelia to swing her sword at him repeatedly until she held her blade against his throat, "You give yourself way too much credit" Will smiled in amusement impressed with how good of a fighter Amelia actually is giving the fact she was brought up in the sky as it was like she was one of his people, " do I?" Will sarcastically questioned tapping his sword against her leg only for the brunette to look down before averting her gaze back to Will with a shake of her head, " all of the time"

"I think it's deserved" Will stated only for Amelia to humans she took a step back before the two started fighting once again only he ended up with disarming one of the Amelia's Kindjall and cutting her arm causing her to let out a gasp seeing black blood dripping down from her wound, " Will" the blonde haired man eyes widened in surprise when he caught sight of the colour of her blood, " Natblida. I am so sorry. Did I get you?"

Amelia smiled softly with a shake of her head as she wrapped a bandage around her arm and told him, " Will, it's not a big deal. Relax. I've cut you a hundred times. It's okay. Can I ask you something... what's a Natblida?" Will let out a sigh as he took a sip of his water, " it means nightblood it's for people who have black blood. You have no idea how special you truly are Amelia. My people train children that have black blood for when my commander dies and her spirit will choose the next person to lead"

" I was always told from my mother to always keep it hidden. My people killed my father for having black blood... she was always afraid something was going to happen to me but i accepted who I am and who I'm suppose to be" Amelia shrugged her shoulders only for Will to push her hair behind her ear, " you're amazing and I know you're going to make a difference in the world Amelia, you're different not just because of the colour of your blood. You were born for great things and one of those things is to become an amazing leader"

" I have to go the others will be worried when they find out I'm not at camp" Amelia spoke causing Will to nod his head watching her as she turned on her heel making her way back to camp walking past people who no was sorted out the meat from the animals the others had hunted. The storm destroyed most of the camp but with everyone helping it everything went back to normal. Clarke and Bellamy who was shoving rations of nuts into their backpack from afar noticing that the two were heading somewhere but she wasn't going to question it, " where the hell have you been?" Clarke demanded blocking Amelia's path, " I went to your tent earlier and you weren't there and Octavia said she's not seen you since last night"

" I needed some air away from all of this" Amelia replied as she went to go walk past them only for Bellamy to block her path folding his arms across his chest, " where? I've told you about leaving camp it's dangerous out there with the grounders killing our own" Amelia rolled her eyes in annoyance as she looked between the two of them, " you really wanna know where I go? I found a lake not that far from here i go there when I want to clear my head or just need some time alone. Happy?"

Amelia brushed past the two of them only for the blonde to call out to her, "you're in change until we get back" the brunette came to a stop as she turned around to face the two of them, " wait? What? Why me?" Bellamy sent the dark haired girl a knowing look as she was the only one he trusted to keep everyone in check, " because we can't leave the camp unsupervised and you're the only one we trust to keep everyone on check"


Amelia was currently laid on her side reading from Will Journal as he had written words in Trigedasleng translating it to English as he had started teaching her his language making a smile appear on her face at the thought of Will as she didn't expect to meet someone like him or to feel this way about someone as she was falling in love with him even if she hasn't admitted it out loud. The sound of people laughing and shouting outside of her tent was heard causing Amelia to let out a sigh closing the book and placing it under her pillow before she pulled open tarp of her tent only for her eyes to widened at the sight of the delinquents running around laughing loudly and some who are sat on their own talking to themselves with dazed smiles on their faces.

Amelia frowned as she noticed that a lot of people were crowded by a table that had small bags of nuts the same ones that Clarke and Bellamy took before they left camp to get supplies to get them through winter making Amelia shake her head knowing it must of been the nuts that is making everyone go crazy knowing there isn't much she could do to help them apart from stopping them from eating more and let the affect wear off on its own.

"Amy!" Monty called out wrapping his arms around causing the girl to stumble back slightly as her body slammed against his before he pulled away, " I'm so glad to see you. Everyone was worried when nobody could find you but I knew would be okay. You're strong and wouldn't go down without a fight" Amelia smiled nodding her head slightly as she stared at Monty who seemed to be high of the nuts he had in his hands, " do you want some nuts? These taste better than usual, right? Oh, I'd like to give Earth a giant hug"

"No, I'm okay. why don't you go sleep it off" Amelia suggested leading Monty towards his tent that he shared with Jasper causing Amelia to laugh quietly to herself when Octavia grabbed her arm pulling her away from Monty, " I need your help to get Lincoln out of here?" Amelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and enquired, " who the hell is Lincoln?" Octavia grabbed her hand pulling her away towards somewhere quiet, " the grounder. That's his name"

Amelia nodded her head in understanding as she looked at Octavia sending her a smile, "Do you have a plan to get him out of here without anyone noticing?" Octavia shrugged her shoulders before gesturing towards everyone who is high of the nuts, "Everyone high because of the nuts they're eating. I don't think anyone will notice if we get him out now before it wears off. I gave some to miller so he won't be in the drop ship making sure no one goes near him. It's the only way we can get him out and because of the state everyone's in. No one will find out" 

Amelia nodded her head as she and Octavia headed towards the drop ship stealing people's clothes from those who are taking their clothes off. The dark haired girl climbed up to the higher level of the drop ship dropping the clothes on the ground as she pulled out a dagger she had cutting the restraints around Lincoln's wrist, " we need to go now" Octavia trailed off cutting the ropes tied around his ankles as Hope grabbed a shirt handing it to him only for a look of confusion to appear on his face as he stared at the auburn haired girl, " why are you doing this?"

"Even if I am pissed at you for trying to kill Finn. You don't deserve to be tortured and taking prisoner until Bellamy decides to kill you" Amelia informed shooting him a look, " just get dressed. We're gonna get you out of here" Lincoln let out a sigh as he looked between the two girls, " they'll know you helped me" Octavia helped him put on a jacket as she told him, "You said it yourself. You stay here, you'll die. I'm not gonna let that happen."

"I'm not gonna put you in danger" Lincoln replied after a couple of moments of silence only for Octavia to ignore him as she continued to help him get dressed, " you need to do this now" Lincoln breathing heavily due to him wounds he was inflicting by the others, " Ok. Even in these clothes, I'll be seen" Amelia giggled shaking her head in amusement, " I don't think they would care when they're high of nuts and hallucinating" Lincoln nodded her head as Amelia and Octavia helped him to feed leading him towards the ladder, " what did you do?"

" set out some of our winter rations a little early" Octavia smirked sharing a look with Amelia only for Lincoln to look between the two of them and stated, " Jobi nuts, the food you gave my guard, they go bad, they cause visions, but it wears off" Octavia didn't seem bothered as she looked into his dark eyes and firmly told him, " just try to get as far away as you can, ok, and try not to get yourself killed"

Lincoln nodded her head as he turned around to leave only to spin around to face Octavia cupping her face and pulling her into a kiss only for Lincoln to leave as soon as they pulled away causing Amelia to get out a laugh nudging Octavia who pushed her slightly and said, " shut up! Come on, let's go" Octavia and Amelia both climbed down the ladder to the lower level looking around camp noticing that the effects from the nuts have worn off and that most of them were sleeping it off.

Amelia ouldn't help but chuckle as she noticed Jasper sat down asleep with a stick in his hand nudging Octavia who shook her head laughing in amusement at the boy as Monty walked over to the two of them, " rough night?" Amelia nodded her head in confirmation, "Yeah. My head is killing me. You?" She trying to hide her smile pretending that she and Octavia had gotten high as well knowing no one would be able to pin the blame on them as Octavia nodded her head in agreement with the brunette as Monty looked between the two of them and informed, " I'm pretty sure I ate a pine cone because it told me to"

Miller came storming out of the drop shop as he frantically called out, " He's gone. The grounder is gone!" Everyone gathered around the front of the drop ship talking among themselves as they were worried and panicking of what the grounders would now do since Lincoln had escaped with Amelia's and Octavia's help, " what if he brings other grounders back?" Jasper questioned walking past Monty, Octavia and Amelia freaking out with the others looking around the camp frantically.

"He'll kill us all!"

" or worse!"

Bellamy and Clarke made their way through the crowd carrying more bags than what they had left with, " let the grounders come!" Bellamy called out causing everyone to go silent as they turned their attention towards him, " we've been afraid of them for far too long, and why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you but I'm tired of being afraid" he and Clarke shared a look dropping the bags on the ground unzipping them showing the guns that they have found.

Amelia eyes widened in shock as while she knew the grounders were trained to fight since a young age they don't use guns just swords and spears having a feeling everything was going to change and will cause a war between them and the grounders, " these are weapons, ok, not toys. And we have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when the drop ships come but until then they're gonna help keep us safe" Clarke informed looking around at the teenagers as Bellamy added in, " and there are plenty more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training, and if the grounders come, we're gonna be ready to fight"


Later that night, Amelia was standing by the gate next to Octavia who had her head rested on Amy's shoulder looking over in the distance, " what do you think is going to happen now?" Octavia curiously questioned with a worried look on her face. Amelia stayed silent for a couple of moments before shaking her head, " I don't know. I just hope that they don't do anything stupid, it will put us all at risk"

A blanket was wrapped around the two girls only for Amelia to turn her head to see it was Bellamy who wrapped the blanket around them, " I don't expect either of you to forgive me, but you'll have to find a way to live with me because I'm not going anywhere" Amelia let out a sigh as she grabbed Bellamy hand squeezing it in her own, " we know that. I know you thought you were doing the right thing but torturing someone isn't right. It's not who we are and in the end it was Octavia who had gotten the grounder to co-operate with us. She was the one who saved Finn's life and if anything we have learned not to accuse someone without any solid proof. Look at where that had ever gotten us"

"Bellamy, it's time" Clarke called out to Bellamy who looked over his shoulder at the blonde nodding his head as he went to follow after Clarke but stopped as he looked between Octavia and Amelia , " the grounder escaping, was that you two?" Octavia didn't turn around to face her brother as she harshly replied, " we had nothing to do with it. Thanks for the blanket" Bellamy then followed after Clarke to tell Jaha who is responsible for wanting him dead as Amelia noticed the look on Octavia face, " He's going to be okay, O. He's strong and people like Lincoln are fighters they were trained for this"

"Can I ask you something?" Octavia questioned turning her head to look at Amelia who nodded her head, " why did you help Lincoln? I mean, he almost killed Finn and he's like one of your best friends. I expected you to be more vengeful against him" Amelia nodded her head in understanding, " Oh, trust me I am angry that he nearly killed Finn but when you look at it this way. Strangers appeared into his home where he probably lived and he saw us as a threat. He was just protecting himself and what I have learned recently is that all grounders aren't all bad"

Octavia smiled as she listened to Amelia before her eyes widened looking at the auburn haired girl in shock, " you know a grounder? And you never told me? Octavia jokingly slapped Amelia arm who looked slightly before a smile appeared on her face at the thought of Will, " his name is Will. He saved me from the acid fog and ever since then we've gotten close we've been training together"

"Are the two of you just friends?" Octavia curiously questioned only for a small blush to appear on her cheeks, " it's complicated. I mean, we've been sleeping together but we've not made anything official and with our people who are at war I don't think it'll be the best idea. I don't want him to choose between me and his people do you have any idea what they do to traitors" Octavia couldn't help but smile as she watched Amelia as she had never seen her act this way before as it wasn't just friends with benefits she felt something more for him but right now Amelia just enjoying herself having fun training and exploring her relationship with Will.

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