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- Unity Day

"My friends" Chancellor Jaha spoke through the projector that Raven had set up that is connected to the ark, " this is an historic unity day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the 12 stations joined to form the ark, but this is the last time. We do so while we aboard her. Next year, on the ground" applause was heard from the other side only for Miller
to scoff in disbelief and complain, "Right, after we did all the work. Someone shut him up"

"You shut up, Miller" Raven resorted turning around to face the boy with a look of annoyance on her face," no one's forcing you to watch" Amelia who was stood with Octavia let out a small chuckle in amusement, " For 97 years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth..." Octavia looked over at Amelia with a concerned look on her face noticing how pale she looked, " are you doing okay?"

Amelia sent the brunette a small smile squeezing her hand, " I'm fine, just been feeling a little nauseous lately" Octavia hummed with furrowed brows as she stared at the girl, " if you say so. What's that look about? Don't tell me you don't like unity day?" Amelia sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, " I used to love unity day, spending the entire day with my mother it just doesn't feel the same without her. This is going to be the worst unity day ever"

Octavia smiled with a sympathetic look on her face knowing how much Amelia misses her mom and can't wait for her to come down to earth with the others as Amelia and Andrea were really close and acted more like best friends than mother and daughter. "Whoo! Yeah!" Jasper cheered out loudly causing everyone to turn their attention away from the projector and towards the boy carrying a barrel of Monty Moonshine, " Monty strikes again" the delinquents started cheering loudly in excitement knowing that they would be able to get drunk to celebrate Unity day and before the ark comes down, " Hey! Call this batch unity juice! Who's thirsty?" As soon as Jasper placed down the barrel, the delinquents were gathered around to get some alcohol.

Amelia waited until everyone was distracted attempting to get alcohol before she decided to sneak away climbing though the fence not noticing that two pair of eyes were on her as she made her way towards Will Cave sneaking towards Will with a smirk on her face but before she could even think about attacking him he spun around pinning her against the wall, " Oh, come on. I totally had you" Will shrugged his shoulders with an amused glint in his eyes, " not even close "

Will wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in close, " what time do you need to get back?" He questioned pressing a kiss against her neck only for Amelia to smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck, " not until dark so you can have me all to yourself all day" Will smirked as he picked her up causing her to squeal laughing as he moved them towards the multiple of furs on the ground on the other side of the cave.


Amelia let out a small groan at the feeling of a pair of lips leaving soft kisses on her shoulder as she was laid on her stomach only just waking up from her slumber after her activities with Will. Amelia opened her eyes turning her head to look at Will who was just staring at her admiring her, " Hi" she mumbles lifted her hand rubbing her eyes. The brunette climbed up onto her feet gathering her clothes getting dressed when Will walked over to her pressing a kiss to her lips, " Hi, Gorgeous"

Amelia moans softly as she kisses him back, deepening the kiss before they pulled away from one another, " you sleep okay?" Will questioned pushing a strand of hair behind her ear only for Amelia to nod her head with a small smile, " Yeah" Will sent her a deadpanned look as he didn't believe her knowing she kept waking up rushing outside throwing up, " are you sure? I headed you throwing up? You sure you're okay?" The brunette rolled her eyes in response, " you remind me of Octavia. I don't know how many times I have to say it but I'm okay. I promise"

"You can talk to me about anything you know that right?" Will asked as the two of them made their way out of the cave only for a smile to appear on her face as she looked into his eyes but it soon faded as a worried expression appeared, " I think I might be pregnant. I can't keep any food down I keep throwing up so when you think about it it does start to make sense" Will eyes widened as he looked down at Amelia flat stomach placing his hand against it, " what? Are you serious?"

"Yeah" Amelia nodded her head only for a wide smile to appear on Will face at the thought of Amelia carrying his child but before he could say anything the sound of the bushes rustling only to see Octavia and Lincoln coming into view, " what the hell? Did you follow me?" Amelia questioned Octavia only for her eyes to widened at the slight of Finn who had followed behind them.

"No, of course I didn't. Lincoln knew where you would be and Finn was worried about you when he saw you sneak out of camp" Octavia informed only for Will to push Amelia behind him protectively ignoring Lincoln who was staring at the two of them with a knowing look on his face as he knew how much Will is infatuated with the brunette standing behind him, " who is he?" He demanded pulling out his sword only for Amelia to stand in front of her placing her hand on his arm lowering the one holding the sword, " Will, it's okay, I know him, he's my friend. It's okay"

Finn raised her hands in the air looking directly at Will and told him, " I mean no harm" Will placed his sword back on his back before the five of them made their way inside the of cave, " what the hell are you doing here, Finn?" Amelia questioned only for Finn to send her a knowing look, " I could ask you the same thing. I could also ask how long you've been sneaking around with him, but I won't" Finn shrugged his shoulders, " I came to tell you we're going to try make a truce with the grounders maybe he'll be able to help us"

" I don't have the power to call a truce" Will replied harshly narrowing her eyes at Finn as Amelia took his hand entwining their fingers together as she was surprised by her tone as she's always been kind and stern whenever they met for training and while she puts up a wall and doesn't really open up to her you could tell she had a soft spot for Amelia . " what about anya?" Lincoln questioned shooting Will a knowing look, " you could convince her into meeting with the sky people to negotiate some kind of deal for peace between both of our people"

"Hey, look, the rest of our people are coming down here. The first ship lands in two days" Finn informed as he looked between Lincoln and Will, " and because of the attacks they're sending mostly soldiers, the people that enforced our laws. The Ark is about survival at any cost, and they'll kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here if they feel threatened, they will start a war, and I don't want that. Neither do either of you and I think it's why you blew that horn"

Will frowned in confusion as he turned her attention to Lincoln who shrugged his shoulders sheepishly, " once the soldiers get here, it will be too late, and we'll have no power to stop them, but if they see that we're at peace, then maybe we have a chance to stay that way" Will then looked down at Amelia who nodded her head in confirmation, " everything he said it's true" Will clenched her jaw staying silent for a couple of moments before she replied, " All right. You'll bring your leader and Lincoln and I will bring ours"

"Bellamy wouldn't agree to this" Amelia shook her head in response with a small sigh escaping her lips only for Will to grab both of her hands, " No, not Bellamy. You" Will suggested only for Octavia's and Finn's eyes to widened at her suggestion, " Will, I'm not the one in charge of our people that's Bellamy and Clarke." Will had a determined expression on his face, " that might be so but your people look up to you and listen to what you have to say. If you bring Bellamy or Clarke there's a chance it will backfire as it's clear either of them don't trust us and she will bring the boy as back up"

"Clarke would be the one we could persuade to meet up with your leader" Finn suggested with a determined expression on his face causing Will and Lincoln to share a look as the two of them nodded, " have it your way but don't say I didn't warn you. We'll meet you at the bridge. Lincoln and I will go get Anya wait for us there" Amelia nodded her head listening to Will who captured her lips in a sweet kiss cupping her face with his hands, " be safe, okay" Amelia smiled noddding her head beforeWill sent one last harsh look to Finn before gesturing for Lincoln to follow.


A little while later, Octavia and Amelia were waiting at the bridge while Finn went to go get Clarke. The dark haired beauty was pacing back and forth with a worried look on her face hoping that this plan will work out and can come to some kind of truce between their people, " do you really think that this will work?" Octavia questioned only for Amelia to shift on her feet anxiously as it was clear that the grounders and the sky people have some kind of hate towards each other and didn't want to be disappointed when Will's and Lincoln's people probably will refuse a truce, " I don't know. I hope so"

"If it does we wouldn't have to sneak out of camp anymore to see Will and Lincoln" Octavia grinned in excitement only for Amelia to let out disbelief scoff, " have you met you're brother and Clarke? If anything they'll have all the more reason to keep us locked away in camp" Octavia raising her brows letting out a sigh nodding her head in agreement as it was clear that Bellamy had been set on not letting either girls out of their sights and the fact that Clarke is one of Amelia best friends as is extremely protective over her since she lost Wells as she didn't want to loose anyone else she cares about.

The bushes rustled from behind them causing Amelia and Octavia to turn around only to see Finn and Clarke coming into view only for the blonde to look between the two girls with a suspicious look on her face before she turned her attention back to Finn, " so that's how you set this up" she then averted her gaze back to Octavia and Amelia, " you two helped him escape, didn't you?" Octavia kept her eyes locked onto Clarke standing her ground, " I trust him, Clarke" Clarke scoffed in disbelief looking between the two girls, " there's a lot of that going around"

"Someone's coming" Finn muttered hearing the bushes rustling from the other side of the bridge only to see Lincoln jogging out of the woods as Octavia quickly rushed over to him as he pulled her into a hug before they pulled away walking back towards the others, " where's Will?" Amelia asked in a worried tone only for Lincoln to send her an assuring look, " he's fine, he's with the others" the sound of a horse galloping was heard making Amelia's eyes widened at the sight of a couple of horses that the grounders were riding.

Amelia looked around trying to find Will causing her to sigh in relief with she saw him riding beside the women next to her accompanied by two guards on either side of them, " Oh, my god. Horses!" Clarke exclaimed as her eyes lit up at the sight of them only snapping out of her thoughts when Finn dragged her forwards towards Lincoln and snapped, " Hey, we said no weapons" Amelia frowned as her eyes scanned the grounders in front of her at the numerous of weapons that they had on them, " I was told there wouldn't be"

"It's too late, now" Clarke muttered under her breathe as the women beside Will climbed off her horse turning her attention to her guards speaking quietly to one another but it was clear that the women wasn't happy about as she kept sending them a glare. " come on, let's go" Clarke spoke with a determined expression grabbing Amelia's hand dragging her with her not noticing that Finn tried to follow after them only for Lincoln to stop him, " they go alone"

Amelia and Clarke met the women in the middle of the bridge, the two of them staring at her noticing the black war paint around her eyes, her hair was pulled back in a braid she was looking between the two girls before she turned her attention to the blonde, " your name is Clarke?" The women asked only for Clarke to nod her head in confirmation before she then turned her attention to Amelia, " and you're Amelia ?" The dark haired beauty send her a nod and replied, " Yes"

"I'm Anya" the women introduced herself, Clarke reached out her hand for Anya to shake but she didn't looking at her in disgust causing Clarke to let out a heavy sigh lowering her hand, " I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace" Anya raised an amused brow as she looked at the two girls and responded, " I understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end" Amelia folded her arms across her chest, " we started a war? I mean, you're people were the ones who attacked us on the first day we arrived here they speared one of my friends and continued attacking us ever since for no reason"

"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground" Anya exclaimed glaring hatefully at the two girls. Clarke frowned in confusion before her eyes lit up in recognition, " the flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families we had no idea..." Anya cut off the blonde clenching her jaw together and stated, " you're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory" Amelia let out a breathe as she stared at Anya and explained, " the drop ship landed on the wrong mountain when we landed. We didn't know anyone was down here. We thought that the ground was uninhabited"

"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him" Anya accused making Clarke look down at the ground with a guilty look on her face for allowing Bellamy and Raven to torture Lincoln but it was the only thing she could think of at the moment that would help her save Finn's life, " these are all acts of war" Clarke nodded her head slightly and added in, " I see your point. That's why we need to put an end to all of this"

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors" Anya stated making Amelia nod her head in confirmation and informed her, " the guards, yes, but also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war" Anya stayed silent for a couple of moments keeping her eyes on Amelia, " can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us, that they'll respect the terms that you and I agree on?" Amelia opened her mouth to respond only for Clarke to interrupt her, " we promise we will do everything we can to convince them to honor the terms that we set"

Anya clenched her jaw narrowing her eyes at Clarke and enquired, " why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" Clarke had an conflicted look on her face as she couldn't promise that the rest of their people will attack once they've arrived on the ground, " if you fire the first shot, those people coming down won't bother negotiating. Our technology... they will wipe you out" Clarke tried to make the grounder understand but it came out more as a threat causing a look of anger to appear on Anya face, " they wouldn't be the first to try"

"Look, we don't want a war to happen it will only end in more deaths. We have lost people on both sides but you have a choice to choose war or to choose peace" Amelia spoke looking into Anya eyes who hid a smile knowing that Will was right as the brunette was fiery, kind, protective over her people but there isn't anything she wouldn't do to protect her friends and family.

"Clarke! Amelia! Run!" Jasper shouted warning the two girls from the grounders that were hiding in the trees shooting the grounders in the trees only for Anya to take out a knife that was hidden under her sleeve going to stab Clarke but Amelia pulled her back as someone shot at the grounders hand causing her to stumble back as Amelia looked down to see that it was Bellamy who had shot her. Anya body guards pulled back the arrow strings in the bow ready to aim it as the two girls as Finn ran towards them, " Amy, Clarke, get down!"

Clarke grabbed Amelia pulling her to the ground with her dodging the arrow that was embedded on the ground where they were once stood, the dark haired girl tried to look around for Will but couldn't see her anywhere in sight and just hoped that the brunette had gotten away, " Finn, get back!" Clarke warned him but Finn ignored her as he helped both Amelia and Clarke onto their feet running to the end of the bridge where Lincoln was hit by an arrow protecting Octavia.

"Ok. Run. Don't stop till you get behind your walls! Go! Take her!" Lincoln firmly told them pushing Octavia towards Amelia who wrapped her arms around the girl as she fought against the dark haired girl, " Lincoln, no!" Amelia's pushed Octavia in front of her as they all rushed back to camp only stopping when they made it to the gate at camp, " you got something to say?" Bellamy hissed as he looked between Amy, Octavia and Finn.

"Are you being serious right now! You all just ruined any chances that we had to make peace with those people" Amy hissed shaking her head in disbelief as Bellamy took a step closer about to say something but Clarke stopped him as she looked at Finn and told him, " I told you we couldn't trust the grounders. I was right" Raven stormed over to Finn pushing his chest and questioned, " why didn't you tell me what you were up to?"

" I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun" Finn defended himself only for Bellamy to shake his head and harshly told him, " you're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn" Amelia shook her head as she looked between Bellamy and Clarke, " you don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot! You ruined everything" Amelia took Octavia hand pulling her with her only for Jasper to call after the two girls, " I saved you!"

An explosive erupted from the sky causing Amelia to stop as she looked up only to see a drop ship coming down, " the exodus ship?" Octavia questioned following Amelia gaze who shook her head watching the ship, " it's going too fast. There's no parachute. Somethings wrong" watching the ship continue going down only for the ground to shake as the ship crashed to the ground with a cloud of smoak going up in the air.

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