⠀⠀𝟭𝟬. ❛ BROKEN HOME ❜

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━━ ❛ 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 ❜

chapter no. 010!


     ACCIDENT. According to Google, a word used to describe an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.

     Accident. A word used to describe what happened at Brenner Labs two nights ago.

     Accident. A word used to describe what happened to Piper Maeve Lita because nobody could come up with a better explanation.

     Intentional. A word used to describe something that was done on purpose, deliberately.

     Intentional. The only word that accurately described the truth behind the explosion— the wipe-out of hundreds of homes and families. The only word that he used to describe everything he'd done.

     Every moment and event leading up to January seventh, ever since April seventh, two-thousand-and-three, had been carefully calculated and planned. There was no room for error or mishaps, only perfection. If the plan weren't carried out thoroughly, then the endgame would never come, and that couldn't happen. The entire existence of the future was counting on him, which was why he had to be so thorough. So precise.

     "Excuse me, would you mind telling me which room Piper Lita is in? Her grandmother asked me to deliver these to her." He gestured to the immense bouquet of roses in his hands, giving the receptionist a radiant smile.

     "She's in Room one-ten, straight down that hallway, the fourth door on your left." The blue-haired receptionist replied, pointing down the hallway.

     "Thank you so much. Have a great rest of your day, ma'am," he responded politely, earning an exhausted smile in response.

     He walked down the hallway, avoiding security cameras as he ducked his head. Upon arriving at Room one-ten, he looked around his shoulder before shutting the door. Walking over to the hospital bed, he saw an oxygen mask attached to Piper Lita's face as she lay unconscious. Her breathing was stable for the time being.

     Pulling out a small silver case from the inside of his coat pocket, he unlocked it, placing it on the bed. "It's taken a lot of planning to get to this moment, Piper. One day you'll find out the truth and thank me," he whispered lowly, snapping the cap off the small injection needle. "After all, I'm the reason why you exist in the first place. Without my plan, she would've never been able to pull this off successfully. All it took was some time travel and a change of timeline events. Nothing compared to what is to come."

     Grabbing the I.V. drip with his glove-covered hands, he injected the serum, watching as the woman's body glowed purple.

     "I'll see you soon, Expedite."



     "EVERYBODY WILL DIE." Zoom seethed, ignoring the pleas that sounded from around the room.

     "Let my daughter go!" A man yelled, tears shining in his eyes as he held his wife and son protectively. "She's only thirteen! Please!"

     The inevitable came speeding like a bullet as the speedster began vibrating his hand before striking it straight through the girl's chest.


     Piper Lita's eyes flashed open, and she sat up, hot tears streaming down her face as her heart rate on the monitor sped up. Fast-paced footsteps ran over as the redhead covered her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut as a sob racked its way up her chest.

     "Piper! Hey, it's okay. You're safe." Caitlin breathed, trying to reassure her.

     Shaking her head, she wiped away the tears. Looking down, Piper ripped out the I.V. and began disconnecting all the wires stuck to her.

     "What're you doing? Piper lay back down. Your body needs to rest." The doctor pleaded, but the speedster ignored her. Pushing back the blankets, she hopped off the bed and tried to walk out of the room, but Caitlin blocked her. "You need to lay back down. You're injured, and it's not good for you to be up and about right now."

     "I-I need to leave. I need to go home." Piper stuttered, tears blurring her vision as her hands shook.

     Caitlin frowned, her heart breaking for the woman. "I'll call Erin, and she can come and stay here with you. Okay?"

     Piper shook her head again, trying to push past her. "Caitlin, get out of my way."

     This time it was Caitlin who shook her head. "I'm not letting you leave. Not in this state." The speedster tried pushing past her, getting nowhere. "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

     Cisco and Barry walked into the Cortex with bags of food in their hands, talking to the other. "Caitlin, move," Piper choked out, causing both boys to turn their heads. Their eyes landed on Caitlin, who was blocking the doorway of the right-side room while Piper was trying to push past her, tears streaming down her face.

     Barry blanched at the sight of her crying, and Cisco immediately placed down his food.

     "M-move," the redhead's voice cracked, and the doctor wrapped her arms around her, holding onto her tightly. The muscles in Piper's chin trembled, and she stood frozen for a split second before wrapping her arms around Caitlin. As much as she tried to hold it in, the sobs spilled, and she cried into her chest.

     Piper failed. Expedite failed.

     It was her fault that the little girl was dead. She was responsible for her death, and there was nothing that could bring her back. And that's what hurt the most.

     Piper couldn't fix what had been done. Time travel wasn't an option. The speedster didn't belong to this world, and messing with its timeline could either erase her or have unpredictable consequences. She couldn't risk any more lives by going back in time, not on this Earth.

     Piper had no options, so she had to live with what happened. This was on her.

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