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━━ ❛ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆 ❜

chapter no. 011!


     TODAY WAS A SACRED DAY. The citizens of Caruthers City knew how fragile the topic of her disappearance was. They knew how much her absence had damaged their world. Everyone knew.


     The city mourned in the silence of that waking morning, citizens crowding around the plaza where she'd last been spotted and was last seen alive. People held on tightly to the hands of their loved ones, knowing that none of them were safe until she returned. Many shook in fear, while others stood still, trying to imagine what it would be like if she ever came back home to them. Come back to save them from Aureolin.

     Among the crestfallen crowd stood Zakai Struthers and Jeremiah Hogan. Their faces represented masks of ambiguity as they stood stonily, arms crossed.

     "I wonder how we'll be remembered after all of this," Zakai muttered under his breath, his tone so quiet that only Jeremiah could pick up on it.

     "How do you mean?" his step-brother questioned, glancing over in his direction.

     "Well," Zakai's eyes roamed the wave. "Expedite has already gone down as Caruthers most loyal and powerful heroine. Thousands are here today mourning her disappearance. It just has me thinking. How will you and I be remembered once everything is done?"

     Jeremiah clenched his jaw, crystal-clear blue eyes trained on the plaza's center. "I don't care how we'll be remembered."

     "Doesn't it bother you that we won't be remembered like her?"

     "As long as we carry out everything she has planned, I don't care. History will decide if I'm a hero or a villain." The blonde man spoke lowly, elbowing the man next to him once he caught sight of Aureolin. "Showtime."

     Zakai noticed their partner's appearance and straightened his posture, awaiting what was destined to happen.

     A blur of cobalt yellow, mixed with light hues of red streaks, weaved its way through the masses, pushing its way to the center of the plaza. Red, glowing orbs surveyed the crowd before they faded away, leaving behind a set of dark, muddy brown eyes.

     Gasps and shrieks of terror echoed as the yellow speedster stood in the vacant center. She stood where Expedite once had. The last place the purple speedster had.

     "Move!" A group of a dozen MHTF agents pushed through the crowd, Miles Warren at the head of the pack. Speedster-dampening guns were clutched in the agents' hands as they surrounded the yellow monster.

     "Stand down, Aureolin! It's over!" Director Warren yelled, his line of vision focused solely on her.

     Laughing, the speedster smiled sadistically at the crowd, winking at the director before she disappeared. Reappearing behind Aaron Roche, an MHTF agent, she snapped his neck. People screamed, and she used her teleportation abilities, moving around in a matter of four seconds, snapping the necks of ten more agents. Returning to her original spot, she stood in the center stoically.

     "It's pathetic," Aureolin walked forward, red lightning sparking at the ends of her feet. "All of you weeping for a meta-human who is just as bad as all the rogue lunatics in this Godforsaken city!"

     "I said stand down!" Director Warren shouted, cocking his gun back.

     Her head turned, and she locked her eyes on him, narrowing them as they glowed red. "Each of you hates me solely because Expedite told you I was dangerous. A threat to your world! But she lied! I am not a threat. I am a friend— an ally. If you find anyone a threat, it should be Expedite and her team! They go around locking up whoever they perceive as a threat to our city. They label people who are lost and misunderstood as dangerous and unstable.

     "Expedite took over this city; took over your minds! Manipulated you into believing she's a true hero, but would a true hero leave behind her city? Her friends? No, she wouldn't! That said, I would never do that to you, and I am here to save this city. All of you have two options: either with me or against me. There is no happy medium here, a simple yes or no. So, what shall it be? Join the revolution or disappear just as Expedite did?" Aureolin asked, her voice projected loud and clear for everyone in the city to hear.

     No one spoke as the yellow speedster stood confidently.

     Zakai and Jeremiah glanced at one another, nodding. The blonde pushed his way through the masses towards his leader as Zakai breathed in, allowing the sensation of water flowing over him to take over. Opening his eyes, he stomped, causing the gravel beneath his feet to crack as one-hundred copies of him appeared in the crowd.

     The city grew with cries of fright as Aureolin smirked triumphantly.



     DECEMBER TENTH WAS AN ORDINARY DAY FOR EVERYONE BUT PIPER LITA. For her, it marked the first anniversary of her being stuck in another world, the first anniversary of the biggest mistake she'd ever made— where she let the power react to a situation before the mind did.

     It'd been close to a month since she last visited STAR Labs— since she'd seen any of Team Flash.

     Everyone reached out after the attack and her breakdown in the Cortex, but she had pushed them away. Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin had tried numerous times to get her to talk to them or meet them at Jitters. Barry had grown so desperate that he started going to her apartment, trying to get her to let him in. Every time he'd shown up, it took everything in Piper not to let him in.

     She didn't want to talk to or see anyone. All the speedster wanted was peace, something she hadn't gotten since that night. Sleep was no longer something she experienced regularly. It was merely a concept that danced its way around in her mind from time to time.

     Instead of sleeping, Piper ran.

     Most nights were spent running on Central City, Starling City streets, and many more. She ran as fast as she could, focusing only on the sound of her breathing and how it felt to feel the cold breeze flying by her. Only at sunrise would Piper return to her apartment, sitting at the window seat to watch the revelation of all the colors known to creation.

     Erin had managed to get a few words out of her, mainly just nods and shrugs, but it was more than anyone else was getting. The short-haired woman was growing desperate, just as Barry was. She wanted her best friend to talk again— smile, laugh— anything. No one had any idea on how to help or fix her. Barry thought he would be able to, but he'd gotten a shut apartment door as a response each time.

     The only time Piper communicated with anyone was when she was working. To everyone's surprise, she hadn't quit her job or taken time off. The redhead had cut down on hours to avoid being around people so often, but she still worked. The team had tried to come in and see her, but she avoided them. Either she was hiding in the back or simply going home.

     Currently, the purple speedster was somewhere no one would suspect her.

     Standing across an interrogation room from Joe West, Piper wore a stoic expression. The woman had reached yet another breaking point, and she was high on anger and frustration with today's one-year anniversary. Although, her physical appearance stated the opposite.

     "Everyone's been worried sick about you, Piper. Barry's riding up a wall—"

     "I know."

     "Then why haven't you talked to him? Any of them?" Joe asked curiously, leaning against the two-way mirror.

     Piper sighed and uncrossed her arms. "Last year, you suspected Wells of not being who he said he was long before anyone else ever did. I need to talk to someone I can trust with this information. Erin already knows, but she can't help. I need someone who can." The detective raised his brows, intrigued. "Jay Garrick isn't who he says he is," she stated bluntly.

     Pushing himself off the wall, Joe furrowed his brows. "Explain."

     "In October, Doctor Light and Jay were having dinner at the diner where I work. I took their order and was confused about how they knew each other. Jay called Linda Light in front of me, indicating that he knew who she was. Yet, when Caitlin called and told him about Doctor Light being here on Earth-One, he pretended to be surprised. Why would Jay lie about knowing Doctor Light was here? Especially since Zoom was the one who had brought her here?

     "Then, it occurred to me: Jay Garrick is Zoom. Erin was with me when I figured it out, but I didn't tell anyone else or any of you because if I were wrong, I would look crazy and untrustworthy. So, I waited until I was certain. Last month, when Zoom came and killed that girl in front of me, I followed him after he left. Something I didn't tell any of you about the fight with him was that I had ripped off his mask." Piper stated, watching as Joe's facial expression changed from curiosity to anger.


     "It was Jay," the redhead watched as the detective punched the wall beside him, breathing heavily.

     "That son of a bitch..." Turning back around to face Piper, Joe sighed angrily. "Is that why you haven't talked to any of us? Because of Zoom?"

     The woman shook her head. "I just needed, and still kind of need time to process." The detective nodded understandingly, running his hand down his face. "I also found Jay's counterpart. His name is Hunter Zoloman. I looked into him and found out that he's a bartender in Coast City. The name Jay Garrick is fake. I searched it up, and no one named Jay Garrick exists in Central City or nearby cities or states. Garrick's real name is Hunter Zoloman, another thing he lied about."

     Joe groaned, his hands clenching into fists as he held back from swearing. After Harrison Wells, he thought that all of this would stop. The lying and deceiving, but he was wrong. "Do you have an address?"

     Piper nodded, pulling out a slip of paper and handing it to the detective, shoving her hands into her leather jacket pockets.

     "Looks like we're taking a trip to Coast City," Joe announced, and she nodded, following him out of the interrogation room and down a narrow hallway. They passed by other cops and suspects, making their way to the office.

     Piper's eyes roamed the office as she stood by Joe's desk, waiting for him to talk to Captain Singh before they left. Her eyes landed on a framed photo of Eddie Thawne, and an unconscious frown made its way onto her face. She didn't know him, but he was a good cop and essential to the people that were important to her.

     Footsteps approached, and she looked over to see the detective. "We're good. Let's go."

     Nodding, she followed him out of the office, keeping her head down as they made their way to the elevators.

     "Joe, I need to talk to you about— Piper!"

     Said woman looked up to see Barry Allen standing before them, a startled expression clouding his features. Looking between the two, Joe sighed, deciding to come to her rescue. It was clear to him that she wasn't ready to talk to anyone else, especially Barry. It took a lot for her even to come and see him.

     "You two can talk later. I have to take Piper somewhere right now," Joe spoke, and the brown-haired man frowned, his face dropping as he looked over at the woman he'd been worrying about all day and night. Piper wouldn't meet his eyes as she looked down at her black heels.

     "Can I tag along?" he asked hopefully, looking to his adoptive father pleadingly.

     Joe shook his head. "Sorry, son, but not today. I'll see you later. Come on, Piper," the detective called, the redhead following behind. Piper locked eyes with Barry as the elevator doors closed, giving him a solemn look before he disappeared from view.


     IT WAS ONLY TWO IN THE AFTERNOON, YET THE BAR WAS SURPRISINGLY QUITE FULL. Opening the door, Piper and Joe stepped inside Venom Bar. The lights were dimmed low, and groups of people scattered across the room, talking lowly as they sipped their drinks.

     "I didn't realize there were this many day-time drunks," Piper whispered, causing Joe to chuckle lightly.

     "Just don't let them hear you say that."

     The pair made their way towards the bar island, the detective glancing around to see if anybody was watching them. Nobody was. Stopping once they reached the edge of the table, the detective pulled out his badge, showing the bartender who was cleaning a glass cup.

     "Detective Joe West with the Central City Police Department. Is Hunter Zoloman working today?"

     Piper watched as the bald man placed down the cup, a slightly confused look glimmering in his eyes. "Is he in some sort of trouble?"

     "Is he here or not?" Piper snapped, glowering at the bartender.

     The man blanched at her stare, nodding meekly. "He's in the back. I'll go get him."

     Joe turned to the redhead as the man walked away, his eyebrows raised. "Don't believe I've ever seen you snap at someone before other than Barry," he commented.

     The speedster rolled her eyes, leaning against the island. "That's because Barry annoys me sometimes."

     Joe chuckled. "No, he doesn't. He just makes stupid decisions when it comes to you." Piper snorted, nodding in agreement.

     "Hey, my co-worker told me you two wanted to see me. You're from the CCPD?" Hunter Zoloman asked, running his hands through his blonde hair as the two turned around. Piper straightened her posture as goosebumps trailed up her arms.

     Clearing his throat, the detective nodded. "Is there somewhere we can talk privately? We won't take up much of your time. We just have a few questions."

     The dopplegänger nodded, giving them a polite smile. "Of course. Follow me to the back. We can talk in my manager's office. He's out for the day, so it's just Zach and me. Thursdays are typically one of our slowest days." Hunter Zoloman was very different than Jay on so many levels. He was genuine, kind, and pure— three things Jay could never possess.

     Closing the door behind them, Hunter gestured for them to sit down. Joe's eyes swept the office. It was a standard, typical office. Pictures of the manager's family were hung with certificates for the store and a calendar.

     "So, Mr. Zoloman, how long have you been living in Coast City?" he asked, pulling out a notepad. Piper looked to the blonde who had sat down beside her.

     "I was born here, actually. My parents are originally from Ohio. They moved here when my mom got a promotion at the insurance firm she works for— People's Unity. About a year after living here, they had me, and I lived in the same house my whole life until college." Hunter nodded, using his hands while talking.

     The detective scribbled down what he said, glancing up. "While living here, have you ever met anyone or come across the name Jay Garrick?"

     Piper observed as Hunter furrowed his brows, deep in thought. He was silent for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Not that I remember. I know a Jay Stacy, though. I went to elementary school with her for a couple of years before she moved to Arizona." Piper sighed quietly, her shoulders slumping. He was being honest, which was great, but the two were hoping for more.

     "Have you ever visited Central City before?" Joe asked.

     Hunter shook his head again. "I see Central City on the news sometimes, but other than that, I've never been."

     "In the past six months, have you noticed any changes in your life? By that, have you gotten the feeling you're being watched or followed?" the detective asked, and the blonde frowned.

     "Am I in danger or something?"

     Piper shook her head, causing the blonde to advert his gaze to her. "No, you're not. There's an ongoing investigation, and someone was using your name as their alias. We're just following up to see if any strings connect you or Coast City to the case."

     Hunter nodded. "Oh, okay. I haven't noticed anything to answer your question, detective. I don't know if I've been of much help. I apologize if I haven't."

     Joe shook his head, closing the notebook. "You've been a great deal of help, Mr. Zoloman. Those are the only questions we have. Thank you for your time." They stood as Hunter nodded, grabbing a sticky note and jotting down something. Standing up, he held it out to Joe.

     "Here's my number in case you have any other questions. Please let me know if I can be of any other help."

     "Thank you so much. We'll reach out if we need anything else." Piper spoke quickly, shaking hands with Hunter and ignoring the pit of anger in her chest.

     The ride back to Central City was silent as Joe and Piper were lost in their own worlds. While Joe couldn't stop thinking about Zoom's identity and Hunter Zoloman, Piper's mind was on Earth-Four. Her world. Her home.

     It'd indeed been a year since she chased the man in yellow to the downtown plaza of Caruthers City, vanishing in a flash of purple and red lightning and winding up in Central City, on another Earth.

     She missed her world, but if she ever broke the barrier again and went back, which she'd already tried multiple times and failed at, she would feel like she was leaving her other world. The speedster knew she couldn't exist and live on both. When it came time for her to go finally, she would have to choose once she figured out how to.

     Earth-One or Earth-Four. Caruthers City or Central City.

     Her thoughts were interrupted as the car shifted into park, with Joe glancing over at the girl staring solemnly out the window.

     "Hey," he called, causing Piper to look over at him. "Do you want to come back to the house? Barry or Iris might be there, but it could be nice to be around friends."

     The redhead sighed, leaning her head against the headrest. "I don't know if I'm ready," she murmured.

     "Did I mention we're also putting up the Christmas decorations? Erin mentioned to Iris that it's your favorite holiday." Joe smiled, and she looked at him, narrowing her gaze.

     "Manipulation by Joe West. Wow."

     The detective laughed, shaking his head. "It's not manipulation. It's a tempting offer." Piper sighed, nodding hesitantly. "God, Barry's going to scream at the sight of you," Joe joked as he backed out of the parking lot.

     "Why do you say that?" she asked, curious.

     The detective glanced over her, a dumbfounded expression on his face. "You for real? Kid's crazy about you, Piper. He hasn't shut up about you ever since we met you. Especially in the past couple of weeks since you've been gone."

     Her cheeks burned at his words, looking out the window. "He's sweet," she whispered, lips forming the first smile in what felt like forever.

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