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It was a normal Friday, except Hoseok wasn't at dance class. His friends/housemates forced him to stay home today and rest since he hasn't in such a long time.

But really, after that one nap, he didn't feel the need to got to sleep again. So he sat on his bed, just thinking.

Thinking about the boy and how all this was possible. The boy was definitely real but for some reason nobody else remembered him. But he also thought about the dreams and if they were real. Were they in love? What was going on? Honestly, none of it made sense to Hoseok. Not even his wild imagination could solve this.

Hoseok moved to lay on his side when suddenly he felt something wet underneath his arm. An area on his bed was wet. Then a drop fell on his arm.

Hoseok sighed. It seemed the geyser was leaking. Again. Something it did every now and then but either Taehyung or Jin would be the ones to go up and fix it. But they weren't here today so instead, Hoseok decided to go up in the roof.

It didn't take Hoseok too long to pull out the ladder and open the ceiling door, pulling himself up into the roof with his torch. He seeked for the light switch before he would go to the geyser. Shortly, he found it and switched the light on. The roof was mostly empty. It mostly consisted of the geyser and some wooden planks.

He walked towards it. But unfortunately, almost just reaching it, he tripped over a plank and hit his head against the metal geyser.

He was knocked out cold. Alone in the roof.


It was another dream. A continuation of the mysterious boy's birthday.

It was around 5pm and the party in the forest was now ending. People were going home. The eight boys who lived together though, did not go home. They went out some more to make the most of his day.

They went to the cinema, then the arcade, then to eat and by the time they got home it was roundabout 9pm. Although six of the boys went in, Hoseok and his best friend/boyfriend stayed outside. They sat in the front of the house just talking and having a great laugh. It was around ten o'clock when Hoseok decided it was time to head back inside but the other boy did not want to.

"I... wanna spend the rest of my birthday doing things alone with you," he said sheepishly. "I didn't really get to spend time with just you..."

Hoseok smiled cutely back at the boy before him. He always thought he was cute when he was shy.

"What do you want to do then?"

The birthday boy's eyes lit up. "Really?" He asked but didn't really wait for an answer. "Let's go to the beach!"

"The beach? This late?" Hoseok questioned.

"Hoseok, pleeease," he pouted. "I like the beach at night. Haven't you ever thought about how pretty the beach looks at night?" He asked. "And then maybe we can get ice cream too. The same ones we had on our one year anniversary? It'll be like a midnight adventure!" He said excitedly.

"But... You know I don't like to drive at night. It's dark..." Hoseok debated.

"Please?" The boy dragged out the word and rushed to Hoseok's side, hugging his waist tightly as he looked up at Hoseok. "Please, Hobi-ah~" he pouted. "I really want to go."

Hoseok sighed but then smiled, shaking away his nerves. "Alright, then. Let's go."

An hour later, they were sitting on the beach alone together, a streetlight being their only source of light aside from Hoseok's bright personality. They were enjoying each other's company just like they were enjoying their Oreo ice cream.

Once they finished their ice cream, they laid down on the beach sand, the birthday boy's head resting on Hoseok's chest. The boy began to grow sleepy.

"Can we just stay like this?" He asked sleepily.

Hoseok smiled down at him and chuckled a bit.

"It's so comfortable here; watching the stars with you," the boy smiled.

"I know," Hoseok smiled. He then lifted his head a bit. "And this is why we have to leave now before either of us fall asleep."


And so they did head home. The drive was quiet and safe, the only sound coming from the radio.

But soon that wasn't the only sound they heard just a few seconds later.

One second they were fine.

The next...

A bright light came out of nowhere and the sound of cars swerving was heard before a huge crash sounded and screams emerged. Glass flew everywhere. The world was spinning.

And their car hit the ground hard after it tumbled briefly from the impact of the other car.

Then... Everything went black.


Hoseok jolted awake from his dream as soon as the crash ended.

Did he...?

The boy!

What just happened?

Suddenly a huge throbbing pain made itself known on Hoseok's head and he winced. He'd forgotten that he knocked himself out. And man, did it hurt.

But the car accident....

It seemed so real? Was it real?

He looked to his right and noticed what he tripped over was not a plank, but a cardboard box. Hoseok looked puzzled. Why was this even up here? He rubbed his head softly, in attempt to ease away the pain as he pulled the box closer. It was tightly sealed.

Hoseok decided to take a look inside and pulled off the celotape. Something just told him that he had to open it up.

Hoseok's eyes immediately grew big as he looked at the contents of the box.

Inside, were picture frames, not of seven, but rather eight boys standing together and smiling.

Hoseok recognised himself and his six housemates but one boy was not one of his housemates. Hoseok could recognise those eyes anywhere.

It was him. The mysterious boy.


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