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Hoseok kept rechecking what he just saw. It made no sense.

Here were pictures of him standing with his friends and this boy he did not remember at all.

He looked through each one of the pictures. The eight of them having fun. And others... Just Hoseok and the boy taking pictures together. And underneath, he found an old looking folded paper. As he opened it, his heart began to beat faster and his eyes grew wide.

It was the song they wrote together.

But this couldn't be real...

Hoseok was right. The boy was real.

And they knew it all along.

The boy... His existence was not erased from everyone else's memory. But rather, he was just erased from his own.

It all made sense now. The dreams he believed was his future, was really his past. They were memories.

Hoseok then got a sudden rush of fear. If that was true, then... The car crash must have been real. His heart started to beat unusually fast as he thought of all the possibilities of what happened in that car crash. But Hoseok already knew. He just didn't want to face the truth.

But first Hoseok needed proof for himself that those dreams were real. So he headed off to one of the places he saw in his dream. The forest.

Hoseok rushed out of the house and into his car, driving away fast. He thoughts in his mind were going wild. Every now and then, a lump would form in Hoseok throat. He knew what he thought was probably true.

But he kept on hoping...

After about forty-five minutes, Hoseok arrived at the forest. He rushed through the forest, running. He knew exactly where the tree was. It was the tallest one; the odd one out.

He found it.

At first, he walked towards it slowly, afraid of what he might see.

But then the scrapings in the tree became visible when he walked a few steps around the tree.

He automatically fell to the ground on his knees and covered his face.

"No..." He said, eyes beginning to tear up. "No... No, no, no."

He removed his hand from his face completely.

On the tree read:

"Our love is like an evergreen tree. It will never die."

Hoseok instantly started to sob out loud. He was a crying mess once again in front of that tree.

The boy was real. But not anymore. And it was all Hoseok's fault.


It was pass 9pm when Hoseok arrived back home, his face emotionless as he walked through the door.

Jin was in the kitchen and noticed him instantly.

"Hoseok. We were worried about you. Where were y-"

"Where's Namjoon?" Hoseok asked, bluntly.

"Hoseok-ah?" He heard Namjoon walk down the hall towards the kitchen. As soon as Namjoon came into sight, Hoseok rushed to him and pushed him back. Not hard, but just enough to make him stumble backwards.

Namjoon stared at him wide-eyed, shocked.

"You lied to me!" Hoseok shouted angrily. He was breathing heavily now.

"Hoseok, I don't know what you're talking ab-"

"Oh, spare me the bedtime stories. You know exactly what you did!" Hoseok shouted. He pulled the song out of his pocket that the boy and him wrote together. "You lied to me! You all did!" Hoseok stared down each one of them, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi who was a few steps behind Namjoon in the hallway, and the three maknaes who watched from the living room. Hoseok was terribly intimidating when he was mad. Especially because they've never seen him like this before.

"Hoseok, you don't understand, okay? It was complicated. I couldn't tell you," Namjoon tried to explain.

"So you decided to treat me like I was crazy instead?!" Hoseok yelled.

"Hoseok, calm down," Yoongi said.

Hoseok stepped closer to Yoongi. "You don't have the right to tell me that right now!" Hoseok then looked around at each of them. "You guys are like my brothers to me. I wouldn't keep anything from you. Especially the fact that the person you love died. You guys could have at least done that much." He paused. "And the worst part is that you knew... You knew how much I was hurting, suffering because of those dreams and you couldn't even tell me. Instead, you just stood by and watched!"

"I thought it was better that way than to know, Hoseok," Namjoon tried to explain again.

"You made me think I was going crazy! I lost sleep because of it! I was torturing myself!" Hoseok said with tears in his eyes.

"Hyung, stop!" Jimin called out and walked towards him. "Did you really think it was going to be easier if you knew? Look at yourself! This is what Namjoon-hyung was trying to avoid."

Hoseok became quiet. He knew he wasn't making any sense. He just hated himself so much.

"Hoseok, he made me promise," Namjoon explained in a softer voice. "You were in a coma at the time, after the car accident. When you woke up you had short-term memory loss and you didn't remember him at all. And he was dying and there was nothing the doctors could do. So he told me not to tell you about him. Because he knew you would blame yourself," he explained.

Hoseok was quiet. He couldn't look up from the ground with his teary eyes.

"Can you just..." Hoseok said in a soft voice, his voice cracking midway, "leave me for a while?"

He quickly walked pass them and went straight to his own room, locking the door. He leaned against his door and then began to sink to the ground as he sobbed into his palms.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault," he said softly in muffled cries. "I'm s-so sorry..."


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