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"I really don't understand why I have to be here." Fleur commented bitterly as she stood in the middle of Sams living room, "I'm not apart of Miyagi Do."

"No kidding. After you abandoned us." Chris said back with a eye roll.

"I didn't abounded you." Fleur defended herself.

"You actually did." Demetri corrected her as she looked over in disbelief, "And then you ghosted me."

"Wonder why." Fleur said back with a sudden glare.

"Guys, can we not? It's christmas." Sam spoke up as she stood awkwardly, "A keg should be here any minute."

"Can we at least put on a christmas special?" Demetri asked, earning looks of disbelief, "Yeah, i'm that bored."

"You know what makes me bored?" Fleur asked with a raise of her eyebrows, "Liars, assholes, girl that make fun of people to make themselves feel better about themselves. Girls that like to call me trash and then make out with my best friend."

"Oh wow." Demetri said, "Specific."

The door bell ringing saved Sam as she sighed in relief, "It's here."

Sam opened the door as Miguel, Mitch, and Bert walked in. Miyagi Do stood at the sight of them with alarmed faces.

"Oh, hell nah! You gotta be kidding me." Chris said in disbelief as he stood infront of Mitch.

"What the hell are you doing here? This isn't a keg party." Mitch said back with his green christmas hat on.

"Wow, observant." Fleur said as she crossed her arms, "Hi, Miguel."

Demetri rolled her eyes at her flirty tone, "You parent trapped us?"

"Can I go? I'm not even a karate kid." Fleur shrugged her shoulders.

"No, stay." Sam demanded, "Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now. To all of us."

"We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces." Miguel spoke up as he looked around, "Two dojo's are stronger than one."

"This is ridiculous." Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Look I know we've all done shitty things." Miguel spoke up.

"Like breathing Demetris arm." Chris snapped. Fleur took a step forward at the words.

"You're lucky I didn't come for all of you after that." Fleur said back as she stood before the reminding three, "How's Hawk nursing his black eye?"

"God, I hate your stupid face." Bert glared at Nate.

"If you died, I wouldn't even attend your funeral." Nate said back as Fleur gave a look of disbelief.

"This isn't gonna work." Miguel panicked.

"It has to." Sam shook her head.

"What part of not wanted to do karate anymore don't you understand?" Fleur snapped.

"You love karate." Sam shook her heads, "You don't like the petty drama between my dad and Johnny Lawrence. If we can work together on it, that won't happen anymore. Isn't that what you want?"

Fleur crossed her arms.

"We need that fire. You've got a sick upper cut." Sam said as she grabbed Fleurs arm, "We have one last chance to make things right. Alone, we're nothing. But if we work together, we have a shot. If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another."

"I don't know how to say this any plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together." Sam explained a few minutes later when arguing broke out again.

"To what? A Eagle-Do?" Fleur snorted from where she slummed in the corner with her arms crossed, "That'll be a real joke."

"Fleur, why are you so negative?" Demetri asked her in disbelief.

"Why are you so oblivious and desperate?" Fleur shot back.

"Woah, the two of you need to bring it down a notch." Miguel said as he looked at the two.

"Even if we wanted to team up, it'd never work. I was in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like..." Chris trailed off, searching for the right words.

"Oil and vinegar?" Nate suggested.

"Yasmine and Demetri." Fleur mumbled as the lanky boy gave her a look.

"No, not salad dressing. I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation." Christ shook his head.

"They were friends, dipshit." Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Not at WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath." Chris said in disbelief as he looked his way.

"Okay, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath." he shook his head, becoming defensive.

"Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?" Chris cut in disbelief.

"You know what? Screw this. Come on, let's go." Mitch said as he rose to his feet and encouraged Bert to stand as well.

"Hey, pussies!" Demetri hollared as he stood up quickly. Fleur leaned off the wall at his tone, "This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're an asshole too. So are you. So was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, ran by the king of all assholes. So if by merging with Eagle Fang, weird name, by the way, can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it."

Demetri took a breath before he swung around and pointed at Fleur, "And you. You're a asshole from running away from me all the time and pushing me away now. I know you're mad, but why can't we at least talk like we use to about this? I know you have issues with friendship and commitment, but you've always talked to me. You're my best friend and I expected more from you on this one. Your attitude is turning into a complete asshole."

Fleur dropped her arms, "Demetri, how can you not see why i'm so angry?"

"Because you won't say anything." he said back with wide eyes, "What? Is it because Yasmine is mean to you? Is that why you're mad, because it seems more then that."

"It is more then that! Im mad because-" Fleur began before a loud meow came from outside, "What the hell? That was loud."

"I think your cat wants in." Bert gushed as he went toward the back door.

"I didn't know you had a cat." Miguel spoke over at Sam.

"We don't." she said, just as Berts small body flew through the kitchen window. Fleurs jaw dropped as she looked in disbelief when Hawk and a few other Cobra Kais walked in.

"It's payback time, Rhea." Kyler smirked at Miguel.

"Nice eye." Fleur said to Hawk, seeing the purple mark around it, "Wonder who gave you that one."

The front door swung open as Tory walked in, two boys behind her, "Heard you were throwing a party. Hope you don't mind if we crash."

kylie speaks

ahhhh, i love
petty fleur sm.

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