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"I'll see you later." Hawk said as he walked out of Cobra Kai that night, a training session with Dough. It was dark and the strip mall didn't have much lighting, only one street lamp that he parked his motorcycle under. When he got closer, he saw a figure leaning on it. Range filled his mind quickly before he realized who it was. Hawk smirked at the sight of the familiar blonde and red hair, "Well, well, well, who do we have-"

He was cut off by her fist colliding with his jaw. Before he could react, Fleur kicked him in the ribs and knocked him back, "You're such a loser."

"What the hell, Fleur?" Hawk asked her in disbelief as he looked back, "I don't wanna hit such a pretty face."

"No, you just wanna break arms, huh?" Fleur asked him with a harsh glare, "Let me remind you that your whiny, wimpy ass wouldn't have made it through elementary school without Demetri. And this is how you repay him? With a broken arm. You'd be nothing without him all those years and I truly hope you know that."

Her words were harsh and she felt guilty for saying it, but Demetri was a different story. She could care less what nerve she was hitting, not when he was in surgery right now.

"The funny thing is that you're a bigger loser now then you ever were before." Fleur stated as she stared over at him, "Get your head out of your ass and never lay a hand on him again or I'll make sure it's your funeral."

Fleur left it at that and stormed off, leaving him back there. She'd been surprised he didn't pick a fight with her like he had Sam and the others, he'd clearly not been scared to hit a girl or break a few arms. Fleur skated away in no time, turning around and flashing him a finger before she was out of the strip mall parking lot.

"I'll hold it for you." Fleur said as she took Demeteis books for him as they walked into school the next day.

"Seriously, Fleur, you don't have to do this." Demetri said back, though she did it everyday, "You also didn't have to skip school with me to watch Doctor Who."

"Maybe I just wanted to." Fleur said with a grin up at him, "Plus, now that i've finished all the Harry Potters, I need something else to obsess over."

"I'm glad you sorted into Gryffindor, I think they mix well with Ravenclaw." Demetri said with a nod of his head.

"Our signs are also compatible." Fleur pointed out with a shrug, "I guess the universe just wanted us to be best friends."

"Guess so." Demetri said back with a shrug of his own shoulders. Miguel was suddenly in their line sight, "Hey! The Comeback Kid! Welcome back. I hope to make a similar triumphant return to the land of the mobile appendage masses."

"Hey, Miguel." Fleur smiled.

Miguel blushed at the pair of them, "Hi, Fleur. What's up with the cast?"

"Proximal radius fracture." Demetri shrugged his way.

"It smells." Yasmine stated as she walked up besides them. Fleur rolled her eyes.

"I put a lemon rind down there to mitigate that." Demetri said back in his own defense.

"Can't smell anything over Yasmines garlic breath." Fleur commented, "And over priced grandma perfume."

"The invitation for you to sign it still stands." Demetri said as he pulled the marker from his button up pocket.

"Hard pass." Yasmine gave a fake smile, "At least when you use to be a thorn in my tits, you were getting me an A in science."

"You do realize you don't have to talk to us or follow us around? You're free to walk away anytime." Fleur faked a smile, "Or are you too use to doing what everyone else does to remember how?"

"Ladies, ladies." Demetri settled them as Yasmine walked off, Miguel and Fleur sharing a similar look.

"So, uh, how'd you break your arm?" Miguel asked. Demetri and Fleur shared a similar look.

"We've got a lot to catch up on." he mumbled back.

"Hey, Sam!" Fleur chased the Larusso girl down the hallway. Miguel was with her, "Hi, Miguel, you look nice."

"Oh, thank you." he blushed.

"You too, mama." Fleur complimented Sam, "Did you bring it?"

"Bring what?" Miguel asked curiosity.

"If you would just come by the dojo, this would be a lot easier." Sam said honestly as she pulled her bag off.

"Not with grown ass men being immature, i'd rather fucking die." Fleur hummed as Sam handed her the cassette tapes, "You swear they work?"

"Swear on my life." Sam said back.

"What do you need cassette tapes for?" Miguel asked once again.

"You're so nosy." Fleur said to him, "It's a christmas gift."

"Aw, that's to different." Migeul gushed, "Who's it-"

"Yasmine?" Sam asked with a mortified expression.

"What? No-" Fleur began before seeing Sams gaze behind her. Miguel and Fleur both turned at the same time, finding Demetri and Yasmine connected at the mouth. Fleur gave a gapping look when the pair pulled apart.

Fleur stuffed the cassette tapes into her bag.

"Hey, um, we were just, uh.." Demetri tumbled over his words. Fleur rolled her eyes.

"Doing study work." Yasmine cut in.

"Yup." Demetri agreed.

"So you two are..." Sam trialed off in questioning.

"What?" Yasmine asked in disbelief, "Ew. Ew! No."

"Ew yourself." Fleur said to her in disbelief, "You guys are losers, i'm out of here."

Miguel gave a wide eyed look as she stormed past him, "Mamas mad."

"Fleur! Open up! Why'd you blow me off at the park?" Demetri knocked on her bedroom door, "Moon let me in."

Fleur pulled her door open with a harsh glare, "What do you want?"

"I wanted a picnic in the park but can't really enjoy it alone." Demetri said with a huff, "I had no one to chase ducks with."

"Could have asked Yasmine." Fleur said with a fake smile, "Or is she too good to go anywhere in public with you?"

Demetri cracked a smile, "Are you being jealous?"

She was, truly, it was bad. But that wasn't the root of it, "I'm not jealous. I don't care who you want to make out with, public or private. But with the bitch that bullied you for years and is constantly a cunt to me? That's the problem. Jealousy doesn't exist."

She slammed the door in his face quickly, leaving both of them hurt.

kylie speaks

jealousy, jealousy
by olivia rodrigo?
fleurs anthem for

also can we just take
a second to see that fleur
could have easily pulled
hawk and migeul but
didnt bother bc she was
so stuck on demetri? like
she's so whipped but disnt
realize it until she sees him
with someone else.

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