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"This is the only picture I have of us." Demetri sighed in disbelief as him and Moon parked the car infront of the first bus station in Santa Monica, "I look like such a weirdo."

"You really do." Moon nodded her head, getting out of the car as Demetri did the same, "If they've seen her, they'd definitely tell us, right?"

"Probably would be better if we had fake police badges." Demetri said honestly as his palms began to sweat, the pair pushing to stand in the long line, "So how's the car wash planning going?"

"Would be better if Fleur was here to help." Moon said honestly with a frown, the pair barley making a budge.

By the time it had been Moon and Demetris turn in the front of the line, it was sunset and nearly two hours later. Both of them were sweating from the heat, phones nearly dead.

"Next." the worker inside the small box called.

"Excuse me." Demetri cleared his throat as he pulled his phone out, "Have you seen this girl? Probably in a rush, if I had to guess. Raspy voice, like she smokes but it's actually kinda se-"

"Please look hard, it's important." Moon begged the boy inside of the box, cutting Demetri off quickly. The teen rolled his eyes but leaned closer, examining the photo.

"You sure she's blonde? This picture from a whole back?" he asked, a faint Boston accent dripping from his words.

"Maybe. She'd have passed through about a week ago." Moon said back, Demetri holding you his phone again in hopes of him looking better.

"Possibly, but i'm not sure." the boy said back with a shrug, "A girl with a similar face to hers came through last monday asking for directions to Santa Monica State Beach."

"That's the smallest one here, isn't it?" Moon asked as he gave her a nod, glancing at the line behind them.

"Look, i've got a j-" he began before Demetri slapped two twenty dollar bills on the desk.

"Where exactly is Santa Monica State Beach?" he asked quickly with a deep breath.

"The sand is in my eyes!" Demetri complained as the pair ran onto the smallest beach, "God, this beach is huge!"

"It's the smallest one in Santa Monica, just a little under two miles." Moon said back, wincing as the sand burnt her feet, "Fleur hates the beach."

"Fleur hates most things." Demetri said, looking around the beach, "But why here?"

"Demetri." Moon said quickly, grabbing his arm and pointing toward a person sitting in a red chair. They had bright, red hair, similar to Eli's.

"Are you still mopping around about E-" Demetri began before the figure adjusted, the tattoo behind their ear showing off their way, "Oh my god, oh my god!"

"Fleur! Fleur!" Moon began yelling, running over toward the figure in the chair.

Fleur turned her head, her now red hair flying in the wind as she paused at the sight, "Moon? What the-"

Fleur was cut off by Moon tacking her, the pair flying into the sand and out of the chair, "You scared the hell out of me."

"Did someone follow you? Does someone know-" Fleur began to panic as she stood up, looking around in worry before her eyes set on Demetri. He hadn't moved from where he was standing a few feet away, staring at her, "So, he figured it out?"

"He wouldn't have stopped until he found you." Moon said, standing up and grabbing Fleurs shoulders, "You don't have to explain yourself to me, but he deserves it."

"Moon." Fleur stared as she stared as her, "I missed you."

Moon sighed in relief as she hugged her tightly, "I missed you more."

The pair let go as Fleur gave Moon her large hat, the locks of red hair flying in the wind as she walked over toward Demetri. He still didn't move, didn't take his eyes off her, "Good to see you again, Sherlock Holmes."

Demetri didn't say anything, staring at her.

"I know that-" Fleur began before he cut her off, his long, noodle like arms wrapping around her small frame and squeezed tightly. Fleur did the same back, her arms going around his waist and tucking her head into his neck. Moon smiled from a few feet away, packing up the few things Fleur had with her.

"I still don't understand, how did he know where you were?" Moon asked as the trio sat back in the car. Demetri and Fleur took the back seat while Moon turned in the front to look at them.

"I don't know, but he left this message on Demetris door." Fleur spoke back, pulling the message she found in red letters the night of the party, "I know it's him, there's no way it was anyone else."

"Has be contacted you here?" Demetri asked Fleur worried, rubbing her upper back.

"Not officially, but I know he's close. I can feel it." Fleur said back with a knowing look, "My dad isn't going to just let me go. It took forever for me to even escape him, I took his money along with that. He's not gonna stop until he has me again."

"Well, that's not happening." Moon said back, "I think we need to talk to someone."

"I can't, they'll put me in a home and then i'll really be away from all of you." Fleur spoke in a panic, "Or send me back to my mother."

"You don't want to be with her?" Moon asked with a sad look in her eye.

"She's the reason this happened. My dad has a mental disorder. He thought he was protecting me from her because she never paid attention to me and didn't bother raising me because she was caught up in a different case." Fleur spoke back, adjusting her seating, "His brain isn't wired the same as all of ours. He kidnapped me because he thought he was protecting me from her. He never tied me up and locked me away until I fought back."

Demetri wrapped his arm around Fleur and pulled her into his side, kissing her on the forehead as Fleur barely shut her eyes.

"So basically we have three options here." Demetri spoke up a second later, "One, we take Fleur back to The Valley and have her dad ready to kidnap her again, any day now. Two, we go to the police and it gets all over the news, all of Fleurs personal life is everywhere and then she's put into a foster home that she doesn't know. Or three, we tell the police and her personal life is everywhere still but instead she lives back with her asshole mother."

"Short end of the stick." Fleur sighed with a nod, "I can lay low for a while, here, that's what I was planning anyways."

"And risk your dad finding you and being back to square one?" Demetri questioned in disbelief while looking down at her, "Don't be a imbecile."

"Fleurs dad is the issues here." Moon spoke up, cutting the pair off, "What if we can just get rid of him?"

"What? You wanna kill him? Be my guest." Fleur said back her way, sitting up in the seat and crossing her arms, "Last time I did that I ended up locked in a freezer."

"Not kill him." Moon shook her head, "The police have already been looking for him for years, haven't they?"

"Ever since I went missing, yeah." Fleur nodded her head, her stomach growling.

"He's watching you, he goes where you go." Demetri spoke up, catching onto what Moon had been think, "Meaning we can lead him right to the prey."

"Then kill him?" Fleur spoke up again.

"No, trap him and then the police will arrest him." Moon said back with a bright smile, "He'll be in prison for what?"

"Kidnapping charges are five to ninety nine years." Fleur said back with a raise of her eyebrows, "And in this situation, i'd say he's looking closer to ninety nine then five."

"He won't get released any time soon if they finally catch him." Moon spoke up her way with a nod, "All we have to do is lead him to us."

"And we can definitely do that if you stick around." Demetri said, looking down at Fleur with a knowing look, "Do you think it could work?"

"One question. My dad will be getting arrested, you don't think he's gonna start yelling about me being his daughter? They're gonna put two and two together and realize i'm the missing kid he took off with two years ago." Fleur shook her head with a sigh, "There's no way around that and then we're really back to square one."

"No if you can show proof you're not Daisy Ruelf." Demetri confirmed suddenly as a light bulb went off in his head, "Thats who they are looking for. Not Fleur Khori."

"Yeah, that's all fun and games, but how to I show i'm not exactly who I am?" Fleur asked him with a rise of her eyes, pulling her hair back some, "I mean, we have to use our heads."

"Well, lucky for you, I know a guy that knows a guy that does fake ID's." Demetri said with a long sigh, looking Moons way, "You think he'll talk?"

"I think he'll do a little more then talk." Moon said with a eye roll, "She threw a drink in his face."

"But he's easily swoon by pretty girls." Demetri said back as he looked Fleurs way, "And she is very pretty."

"She is." Moon agreed, "Its our only shot."

"You wanna flirt with Eli?" Demetri asked as he looked Fleur way. Her face fell immediately as she stared in disbelief, "We need a fake ID and he's the only person we know that has any connections."

"I threw a drink in his face and then he said I was dead." Fleur said back with a crazy look, "You think he's actually gonna talk to me?"

"Well, you guys are rocking the same hair now so.." Moon trialed off with a shrug.

"It's all we can do, and hope it's believable." Demetri added in.

Fleur exhaled loudly, "If my dad, who has mental issues that the police will definitely know about, starts yelling about me being his missing daughter... and I give them a ID that clearly stated that i'm not..."

"Then it's pretty believable." Moon nodded as she grinned. Fleur glanced toward Demetri who nodded his hand, holding her hand.

Fleur looked between the two once again before buckling her seat belt, "Let's do it."

kylie speaks

yup, this was my
favorite chapter.

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