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Robby was gone, Miguel was in a coma, he'd threw Eli into a trophy case, Miyagi Do was no more, Fleur was gone.

Fleur was gone.

Demetri went over multiple times what all had happened in just one day, within just two hours apart. It's all he could think about, all he could truly talk about. Demetri studied Fleurs last note to him, all hours of the day it was embedded into his mind and racing of certain ways he'd known what the meaning behind it was.

Don't find me.
-Fleur. 121.

121. 121. 121. What could that mean? Demetri asked himself the question over and over as he walked around his room, looking at all the possible codes left behind. Nothing made sense, not the letters nor the numbers. Demetri thought back to everything they said before, though back to when he was drunk off his ass and barley remembered anything.

He needed Robby, Fleur needed Robby, Demetri needed Fleur, it was a chain reaction. Demetri couldn't solve the puzzle alone, he absolutely couldn't because of the amount of things racing his mind. Fleur, was she okay? Where'd she go? Why'd she leave? How did no one see her?

Demetri spent a week looking over cameras, asking neighbors, checking bus footages. There'd been no sight of her, none what so ever. It's as if she disappeared, out of thin air. But how could that happen when she was just here, just in the same spot he sat.

Demetris foot tapped on the ground, staring at the red sticking note. He stood, walked around, sat again. The action repeated multiple times through out the day, checking his computer and all the background research he'd known about Fleur. Did her dad come back? Did he take her? No, how would she leave the note if he'd taken her? Did she want to leave? No, she promised him she wouldn't.

She promised. She lied.

"121." Demetri read out loud as he looked at the note, studying every detail. That was the only thing off about it, her letters were all the same, no sign of forced writing or a message within. And then the three numbers, the three numbers that he knew weren't there for no reason, "121."

"Demetri, Moons here!" his mom called out, letting the girl inside. Demetri pulled Moon into his room immediately, shutting the door fast.

"You better have found a way to find Fleur." Moon said as she threw her bag on the bed, "I miss her."

"I miss her too." Demetri said, putting the sticky note on the table, "This is all I have."

"That's all you have? The same thing you had a week ago that she wrote?" Moon asked in disbelief, rolling up her sleeves, "Did you run for prints?"

"Just hers." Demetri nodded his head, "Looked at every bus station footage near us, no sight of her."

"And her apartment?" Moon question, staring at the note longer and longer.

"Completely cleared with this month and last month paid." Demetri said back, leaning over to look at the note again, "Those stupid numbers, they're throwing me off."

"Maybe she wrote them to throw you off." Moon suggested with a shrug, "To distract you from a bigger clue."

"No, I know her tactics by now. Her mind doesn't think that way." Demetri shook his head, tapping his foot, "It was at the bottom of my pool, in what universe is that normal?"

"In one that she's trying to tell you something in." Moon answered back as she stood up again, pacing slightly, "And nothing she said was suspicious the night before she left?"

"Only when she asked me if I felt like I was being watched, that was it." Demetri spoke back, flopping down in his computer chair, "I thought maybe she was talking about her dad, but why would she leave?"

"She was worried he'd come for you, i'm sure." Moon said in disbelief as Demetri gave her a odd look, "That girl adored the crap out of you, she'd do anything to protect you. I saw that the second you two walked into my party."

"Yeah, well, I couldn't protect her so.." Demetri trailed off as he picked at his fingers, "I wish she was here, she made things easier on me."

Moon said down and grabbed his wrist, "We're going to find her, we have to."

"If I could just figure out the num-"Demetri began before he paused, a almost frightening look in his eye as Moon gave a odd look.

"What? What is it?" she asked worried.

"It's not the numbers we need to be looking at, those aren't code." Demetri spoke quickly, grabbing hold of the red note again as he stared down at it, "Its the letters, they're in code with the numbers."

"What do-" Moon began, stopping herself as she watched Demetri grab a blank piece of paper and began writing.

Don't find me.
-Fleur. 121.

"One." Demetri said, going up to the word Don't and scratching out all the letters except for the first one.

"Two." Demetri went on, going to the second word and scratching out all the letters except for the second one.

"One." he finished by moving to the third word, scratching out all the letting but the first one.

"Dim." Moon confirmed with a odd look, "That doesn't make any sense?"

"If I had a dim for every time I thought that about you, I'd go to Santa Monica for the weekend."

Demetri remembered her saying it, plain as day after she whipped his face, "She's in Santa Monica."

"What?" Moon asked quickly as she stood up with him.

"She's in Santa Monica!" Demetri repeated, tossing Moon her keys, "We've got to go, right now!"

kylie speaks

ugh, i'm obsessed
with this story line
so much. fleur literally
had to know demetri
would be the only one
to figure something like
this out.

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