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"You're not doing it right." Fleur laughed as she stood up on the rock. "It's like AHHHHH SEPENYA ALABESHIBABA!"

"Fluer, get down." Sam laughed at her, Miguel and Hawk on the verge of tears as they watched her and Demetri.

"Is that not what i'm saying?" Demetri asked in disbelief from next to her on the rock, holding her shoulder to avoid falling. "AHHHHH SPENYAAAA"

"Wait, give me my watermelon." Fleur encouraged, Miguel shaking his head as he passed in up to her. She cleared her throat, Demetri holding her waist so she wouldn't fall. Standing at the top of the rock, she held the melon high in the air. "AHHHH SPENYA ALABESHIBABA!"

"Is it not Zabenya? I could have sworn it was Zabenya." Hawk said with an odd look at the two.

"Everyone, down off the rock!" Johnny announced as him and Daniel walked into the backyard, giving Fleur and Demetri an odd look. He looked to Daniel. "What is this?"

"You haven't seen the worst yet." Daniel sighed, watching as Demetri got down, taking the watermelon, and helping Fleur jump off the rock.

"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." Daniel looked at the students when he spoke, seriously and with compassion.

"But we have different ways of getting you there." Johnny spoke confidently, but it was clear maybe he wasn't so confident.

"We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing." the LaRusso man nodded with a knowing look. Fleur felt like maybe she was the only one that kinda liked it.

"So we've discussed it and came up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer." the taller man informed them, confusing the students. "Eagle Fang trains out front."

"And i'll be back here with the Miyagi-Dos." Daniel pointed around the back of the dojo. Fleur and Demetri shared a look.

"I thought we were stronger working together." Miguel spoke up, looking at the two senseis.

"We're still working together." Daniel reassured him along with everyone else.

"Just reparably." Johnny gave a knowing point. "On opposite ends of the dojo. All right, Eagles, follow me."

"You're coming with us, right?" Sam faced Fleur with a knowing look.

"Fleur, come on." Johnny encouraged her to come, still feeling like he needed to have her get closer to him in order to break the news he received on his voice mail.

"I think I might work with Miyagi-Do today." she gave a minor look of guilt his way, red and blonde hair falling from her loose pony tail. Demetri picked up the hair tie. "If that's cool?"

"Your lose." Johnny waved her off, Hawk saying goodbye to the two as he followed off.

"Did it break?" Fleur looked at the hair tie.

"Nope." Demetri shook his head, getting behind her and running his hands through her hair to get it all pulled back. Fleur gave an odd look as he tied it back for her tighter then she originally had it. "There. Now it won't fall."

Fleur cracked a grin is his direction as he gave her a knowing look. "I have two moms, what did you expect?"

"I love it." Fleur shook her head, grabbing his wrist to pull him toward the dojo. Daniel had them sat down, crossing their legs for the warm up.

"We all have anger inside. But I want you to let it go." Daniel encouraged as he sat infront of the dojo, looking at the students. "Don't let your emotions control you. You have to be the one in control. Right? Now, everyone close your eyes and relax."

Demetri and Fleur took a breath, shutting their eyes and letting their shoulders drop.

"Stop whinin' like a a little bitch. Get  up."

"Stay focused. Eyes closed." Daniel encounter, Fleur and Demetri shared a look but going back to shutting their eyes. "Breath in. Breath out.'

"Don't be a pussy. Punch him in the face."

Fleur couldn't hold back her laugh, snorting at the sound of Johnny.

"Try not to be distracted." Daniel encouraged them again, Fleur shutting her eyes and inhaling to hold back a laugh. "Stay focused."

"You punched him in the balls? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Laughter went over the students as Daniel sighed, standing up. "Wait right here."

Fleur turned to Demetri when Daniel left. "What are you doing after this?"

"Today?" he rose his eyebrows, getting a nod. "Meeting Yasmine in the parking lot of the mall."

"The parking lot of the mall?" Fleur gave an odd look. "Have some shopping to do?"

"We don't actually go in." he admitted with a minor shrug. "Why, what are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was just gonna go to the skatepark and was gonna see if you wanted to come with me." Fleur gave a minor shrug, a little bummed out, avoiding looking at him now. "But that's fine, I'll go by myself."

"What about tomorrow? I can come then?" Demetri suggested.

"I'm not going tomorrow, i've got chess club." Fleur shrugged her shoulders.

"You're in chess club? Since when?" he asked in disbelief with an odd look.

"Since three weeks ago." Fleur spoke a little bitterly, not over the fact that he didn't know, just because she was now in a bad mood now that he was going to hang out with Yasmine.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Demetri asked as the Eagle Fangs began to come into the dojo for a water break. "I thought we talked about doing a club together?"

"Yeah, we did before Yasmine came over and had you pinned against the lockers." Fleur gave a minor eye roll, standing up and heading for her bag.

A figure followed. "That wasn't pretty."

She looked at Sam. "You heard that?"

"Are you guys having problems?" Sam asked her, grabbing her own water bottle.

Fleur shrugged. "It's just different when you're the girl best friend of a guy who's got a girlfriend. Really different."

"Does Yasmine have a problem with you?" Sam questioned in confusion.

"Yasmine has a problem with everyone." Fleur rolled her eyes in the slightest. "She doesn't like me because I don't like her."

"You don't like her?" Sam asked, because she always thought they seemed okay when they all sat at the table. They never talked but they weren't necessarily rude to each other.

"No, Sam, I don't like the girl that bullied Demetri his entire life and then all of a sudden is into him. It's annoying and it's stupid. She's not a nice person." Fleur spoke bitterly and in pure annoyance with the thought of her. "Demetri is dumb for getting with her in the first place. Regardless of how hot someone was, i'd never, ever, go so low to date someone that made my life hell before."

Sam realized Demetri was the root of the problem, not necessarily Yasmine. Before either of them could go on, Hawk was storming out of the dojo. Fleur looked over, seeing Demetris guilty look.

"Fleur." Johnny stuck his head into the dojo. "Come with me."

Her eyes widened in a minor panic, looking to Sam before following, passing Hawk and Daniel. "Where are we going?"

"I gotta tell you something. I'm sick of it just sitting on me and i'm sick of trying to find a way to say it." the blonde spoke in annoyance from his argument with Daniel, the two going toward his car in the front. "Get in, you need to listen to something."

Fleur gave a minor alarming look, blinking, but crawling into the car. Jonny huffed, pulling out his phone. "All right, I know you're gonna be confused, but I need you to listen."

"Don't being a pussy and say it." Fleur shot at him in annoyance.

"Remember when you're dad showed up and I helped you fight him? He went to jail, and we went to the diner?" Johnny asked her, getting a confused nod. "He looked really familiar, all right? So, after you left, I stole your fork."

Fleur pulled a stupid look. "You stole my fork? What, for safe keeping?"

"No, smart ass, for a DNA test." Johnny shot at her, Fleur stared at him with a small blink. The blonde man huffed, digging into his glovebox and grabbing a picture. "This is the only one i've got, it was in the box, my mom threw out the rest when I was younger."

Fleur look at the old photo, staring at the two men. They were younger, but Fleur could make out her fathers face. He shared the same nose with the man next to him, the same exact nose that Fleur and Johnny had. "That's my dad."

"I know." Johnny said, Fleur looking over at him. "And that's my dad, right there next to him, before he left us."

Fleur shook her head. "Okay, so they were friends then? My Dads not from the Valley, they wouldn't know each other."

"Mines grew up in Pensilvania, where you're from." Johnny gave a serious look her way. "That's his brother."

Fleur sat there, she didn't say anything, just looking with one single expression on her face. Johnny was waiting for her to say something but decided to go on. "So, I stole your fork and got a DNA test between the two of us."

Fleur looked at the photo again. "It was positive?"

"Your dad was my dads brother." Johnny nodded, Fleur looked his way again. "When I saw him that night, I remember finding this in the box of what my dad left b-"

"So, you've suspected it all this time?" Fleur looked his was in disbelief, offense and hurt across her face. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I was waiting for the DNA test. I just got the results yesterday. Why are you being a dick?" he got defensive by the tone she was using. "What? Did you want me to tell you that I thought he looked familiar but had no clue?"

"Yes!" Fleur gave him a crazy look, raising her voice. "If you would have just been honest with me I could have given a consensual DNA test and we could have talked about this together. But you hide this for me? Even after I told you that I have no family left except my insane mom? Are you kidding me?"

"I didn't want to get your hopes up." he gave her a minor glare. "You're taking this the wrong way."

"No, you're just not seeing it the way I am." Fleur gave a final glare, yanking the door open as he called for her. Fleur yelled slightly, slamming the door, opening it, slamming it again, opening it, slamming it once again. She stormed toward the fence, grabbing her skateboard.

"Fleur! Hey, Fleur! What's the matter?" Demetri called as he walked out of the fence, being ignored as she skated off extremely fast with furry in her eyes.

kylie speaks

yk, johnny should have
known they were related
by those damn anger issues
they share. ily fleur.

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