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Fleur skated high up on the ramp, holding her board as she came back down. She skated to the other side, doing the same, getting cocky with herself as she tried to flip the board, loosing it completely. She skid across the ramp, wincing in pain as she came to a stop at the bottom. Her board landed a few feet away, her anger that she was attempting to let go, only worse now.

A car door shut.

"Impressive." a feminine voice spoke, coming to the side to stare down at her. Flue held eye contact with Moon. "You feel any better?"

Fleur groaned, sitting up, looking at her bleeding forearms and elbows. "How'd you find me?"

"Had a little help." she said honestly, Demetri appearing beside her as she looked up at him.

"What? Yasmine cancel on you?" Fleur asked bitterly, getting to her feet as blood trickled down onto the ground.

"Canceled on her." he said, raising his eyebrows as she grabbed her board. "Kinda alarming when you storm off like a bat out of hell."

Fleur ignored him, walking up the staircase to head over, seeing Moons car. "Yeah, well, i'm perfectly fine."

"Okay." Moon grasped her wrist. "Time to go home so you can tell us why you are not perfectly fine."

"Your cousin?!" Demetri asked in disbelief, sitting next to Fleur on her bed. Moons eyes widened. "Are you shitting me?"

"Shh, you don't have to announce it to the entire Valley." Fleur shhed him, holding her arms out as Moon cleaned her open wounds for her. "But, yeah. He totally just laid it on me, after he'd suspected it for months now."

"It sounds like he was just trying to protect your feelings. It's sweet." Moon admitted honestly, wrapping Fleurs arm with the bandage.

"I didn't need my feelings protected, I needed to know I at least might have possibly had family that wasn't totally insane." Fleur corrected her with a long inhale, knowing she was being snappy toward the wrong people and wanted to stop herself. "It just hurts my feelings. And i'm not saying I don't have a family, because you guys are my family. But-"

"But everyone you share blood with isn't family material." Demetri cut her off, earning a nod. "I'm with you, I think he should have brought it up. Especially since you told him pretty much everything at the diner."

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Moon cross her legs, shutting the first aid kit as Fleur pulled her flannel sleeves back down.

The blonde gave a guilty look. "I didn't really give him a chance to say what happens next."

"Do you think he's gonna try to become your guardian?" Moon continued on with a shake of her head. "Because with your real identity still hidden, that's gonna be a big mess."

"A massive mess." Fleur agreed with a shake of her head. "I don't think he will. And even if he tried, he wouldn't be able to. I think I just need to give him a chance to talk, maybe."

"You aren't very good at that, though." Demetri said honestly, getting a look of disbelief. "Hey, I still adore you! But, i'm just saying."

"It's because she's a Scorpio." Moon crawled off the bed with a smile. "I'm gonna go make some herbal tea to relax us, detox Fleur of any bad energies."

Fleur laughed slightly. "Thanks, Moon."

She walked out, leaving the pair of best friends on the bed. Demetri shrugged. "Wanna Just Dance to Moves Like Jagger again?"

Fleur gave a guilty look his way. "Sorry for snapping at you earlier."

Demeri shrugged. "Water under the bridge."

She threw her body back against the bed with a long exhale. "You shouldn't have canceled on Yasmine."

Demetri mocked her movement, his back hitting the mattress as they laid side by side. "Yes, I should have."

Fleur turned her head to look at him, he did the same as they laid their, the room quiet, barley hearing the clatter of pots down stairs. Fleur gave a slow blink. "You don't have to rescue me all the time."

He realized, when she said it, how much he always did try, and usually succeeded, to rescue her. First when he found out she lived in the hotel, when he brought her to his house instead, when she ran away and he hunted her down, when he kept her hidden from any bad that might trigger her, every single time he showed up when he didn't need to, canceling on his girlfriend because he wanted to make sure she was okay. "Yes, I do."

"Where is he taking us?" Nate complained as Johnny had control over the Miyagi-Dos for the day, the group hiking a massive flight of stairs already.

Demetri panted. "Nowhere good."

Fleur was right behind him, the red streaks in her hair looking brighter under the white lights of the stairwell. "My legs feel like they were set on fire, and then reset on fire."

"That's impossible." Demetri told her as they tried to make it to the top.

"Exactly." Fleur agreed with him.

"I heard he drowned a kid in a pool trying to teach him how to kick, and that was before he sicced a rabid dog on Eli." Demetri went on, looking back at Fleur with a look of realization. "I just remembered when you locked me in that room with the mean cat."

Fleur shook her head. "I did that outta love, sweetness. Outta pure love."

"Let's go, Miyagis! Move your asses!" Johnny yelled from, at least, a floor above them.

"This explains why most of Eagle Fang is so ripped." Fleur nodded, grasping Sams backpack as they headed up the stairs. "Miguel has got some serious thighs on him."

"Right?" Sam panted.

"Maybe that'll be the highlight of this trip." Fleur nodded, taking Demetris hand as she started to slow down. "You know, i'm okay with chicken legs too. I don't need to get ripped."

"Almost there, Fleur, almost there." Demetri pulled her alongside himself, finally making their way to the top as Sam walked through first, the duo coming in last.

Johnny lead them toward the end of the roof, their eyes falling over the side to see two dirty mattresses on the ground. Demetri sighed. "Oh, God. I'm tired of being right."

Sam looked toward Fleurs cousin in questioning. "What are we doing here?"

"When an eagle's hungry, it doesn't hesitate." he walked down the line, Fleur was glad he hadn't been treating her differently, but was sure they were gonna need to talk later. "They'll dive down at 100 miles an hour to snatch its prey. Doesn't wait around for a fish in its feet."

"Talons." Demetri corrected him.

"It's not talent. It's instinct." Johnny corrected him back. Fleur slapped her forehead in disbelief. "An eagle knows it has to make the first move. If you want to beat Cobra Kai in the All Valley, you gotta break yourself of this wait-and-see crap."

"And how exactly are we gonna do that?" Sam asked, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.

Johnny stared at her. "You're gonna jump from this roof to the one."

Fleurs eyes widened alongside the rest of them. Sam gapped. "What? Are you crazy?"

"You wanna kill us off so Eagle Fang wins? I knew it." Fleur threw her hands up in disbelief.

"That building is, like, five Nate's away and we're at least fourteen Nate's high." Demetri explained, looking over the edge in pure disbelief.

Nate cringed. "Please don't use me as a system of measurement."

"Quiet!" Johnny yelled, making them all jump.

"If you want to be an eagle, first you gotta learn how to fly." the Lawrence man said confidently with a raise of his light brows. "And you can't do that unless you jump."

"What if we fall?" the boy on the other side of Fleur asked.

"That's what the mattresses are for." Johnny shrugged their way, pointing down to the two queen sized mattresses.

"And if we miss the mattresses?" Demetri tossed his hands in his direction stupidly.

"Try not to." he shrugged in return. "All right, who's first?"

The group was still and silent, the honking from the streets all that heard. Johnny put his hands on his hips. "We're not leaving until someone jumps. Let's go. I'll wait."

"Then I guess you'll be waiting a long time. Cause we're not jumping." Sam announced, speaking for the group as she held her backpack.

"I'll jump." Fleur said after a second, feeling, suddenly, like she had to prove something to not only Johnny, but herself.

"Are you insane? No." Demetri looked at her like she was crazy.

"I've jumped from buildings before." Fleur dropped her bag, grasping the scrunchie around her wrist to pull her hair up.

"See, Fleurs an eagle." Johnny pointed at her.

"Fleur, no." Sam grabbed her arm. "Do you see how far that is?"

"Running start." Fleur gave a confident smirk. "I'll be fine."

"Yeah, she'll be fine." Johnny agreed.

Demetri wrapped his arms tightly around Fleur, not letting her move as she tried to wiggle out of his grip. "Nope!"

"Aye! Aye!" Fleur yelled at him, trying to break out of the death lock he had on her. "Aye!"

"Aye!" Demetri mocked her, the pair stumbling around the roof, one holding on, the other fighting against the hold.

"If she wants to do it, let her." Johnny gave a tone of disbelief at the sight of the pair. "You wanna be the one to go down with her?"

"You want her death on your conscience?" Demetri mocked him. Fleur huffed, pushing back as Demetris legs came off the ground. "Woah! Woahhh! Woah! Fleur!"

She backed up toward Sam, crashing back as Demetri fell ontop of the LaRusso girl. Fleur broke free as she inhaled, pointed to the pair with a nod. "I'm gonna make it."

"All right, Fleur. I believe in you." Johnny nodded his head, backing up with a clap.

"Wait!" Demetri yelled, coming to his feet. "Wait!"

"Would you just let me d-" she began before he cut her off.

"You jump, I jump." he nodded, inhaling as Sam looked at the pair in disbelief. "You really think you can make it?"

"Do you?" Fleur looked in disbelief. "No, no, you aren't jumping."

"Jesus, both of you, shut the hell up!" Johnny shouted at the pair. "This whole Jack and Rose act is gonna make me throw the both of you off this building."

"I'm going if you are." Demetri looked at her sternly. "Why do you wanna do it so bad? What are you trying to prove?"

"That I can do exactly what Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai can do." Fleur stated with a raise of her eyebrows. "With that, plus Miyagi Do, I can win this shit."

"You will win this shit." Johnny spoke up. "Y'all hear here? You learn this, you can do exactly what they can do, and better."

"Fine, then let's do it." Demetri took a breath, staring over the ledge. "I hope we don't die."

Fleur backed up, Demetri coming with her. "Ready?"

He nodded. Fleur counted down, the pair running. When they made it close to the edge, she pushed Demetris shoulder harshly, his body falling to the side to hit the roof to avoid him jumping. His eyes widened in panic as her legs jumped for the ledge. "Fleur!"

Miyagi Do and Johnny all watched in fear, Fleur jumping through mid air.

With a shoot of pain, she landed on the other building.

kylie speaks

fleur easily being the
most likely to win the
all valley for an entire
chapter straight.

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