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      As Riley pulls to a stop outside the salt berrier her phone rings. She looks at the contact.

      ~Starfleet Captain~

      Riley glances at Jo and Ellen then answers the phone. "Hello?" The two Harvelle's watch as Riley's face contorts. "What? Did you all get out okay?" Ellen raises an eyebrow at her words. Riley sighs in relief. "Okay, good. Just lay low. I should be back in the afternoon if this goes as planned."

      Riley listens then nods. "Okay, I will." She hangs up and glances at the two women looking at her Riley lets out a breath. "It's a long story. Let's go." She grabs her gun and steps out of Bumblebee. After a moment the two Harvelle's follow.

      Riley looks around at the other houses and notices that all the cars are gone. "Frank must have scared them off. He's probably angry we're here." The lights in the largest house blaze brightly before bursting. Riley makes a face and nods. "I'll take that as a yes."

      She nods and steps over the salt line. "Remember, if everything goes to shit," Which it most likely will. "Run for the trees. Everything beyond that is past the salt lines." All three of them pull out their guns. "Okay, the original cellar used to be there." Riley says pointing to the main house.

      All three of them march at the house. "Let's show this asshole what it means to mess with Harvelle's." Jo and Ellen give Riley a look and shrugs. "What? There's more of you here than me." The two of them laugh lightly. A floorboard in the house creaks and Riley whips around, shot gun in hand.

      Franklyn stalks towards her but she fires off a rock salt round. He disappears. "Keep your guard up." Jo and Riley nod. The Winchester leads the way down the basement and Jo flicks the light switch. Ellen and Riley give her a look. She puts her hands up. "I thought it was worth a try."

      Riley chuckles and descends down the stairs. She can tell Jo is afraid. Whatever she the ghost showed her must have really rattled her.

      "Split up and look for the amulet." Riley says as she takes to the right. She knows damn well that the spirit is stronger on this side, but she can handle it.

      Riley uses her flashlight to search the floors and wall, looking for any sort of crack, or crevice where the amulet could be hidden. As she searches, she doesn't notice the dark mass sneaking up on her. It reaches out, wrapping it's hand around Riley's throat. She gasps and falls to her knees.

      Franklyn's burnt and disgusting form appears in front of her, snarling. Riley feels something think in the back of her throat and it begins pooling out of her mouth. Maple.

      The thick liquid closes up her throat and spills down her esophagus. Riley chokes as it fills her youngs. She looks up at Franklyn who pushes his hand on her head.

      Riley gasps, if even possible with how much maple is filling her lungs, as flashes of images fill her mind. A large man pushing someone over, pushing Frank over, into a large pool of maple. The smell of gasoline. Then fire. The pain is unimaginable and the fear stabs at Riley's heart.

     She knows what he's doing. He's killing her with his fear.

      Riley raises her head to look at Frank's spirit. "I've- Seen- worse-" Riley seethes. Bang! Frank disappears and Jo and Ellen rush to Riley's side. Riley lurches forward and vomits up an impossible amount of maple.

      "That's disgusting." Jo comments. Ellen scolds Jo, but Riley wipes at her mouth with her sleeve and nods. "No she's right. It is disgusting. I'm never eating syrup again." Riley sits up and continues to spit out maple. She catches a glimmer of silver under the stairs and points. "There." Jo looks over to it and runs under the stairs.

      Riley pulls out a container of salt and Ellen pours a circle and Jo jumps in with an object in her hands. Riley takes it and smiles. "Gotcha." She looks at the silver amulet in her hands and finally recognises what it is. An Ankh. The Egytian symbol of life. How ironic.

      "He's back." Jo says with worry. Riley pulls herself to her feet and looks at Frank and then the object in her hands. "You guys run for it. I'll handle the waffle man." Ellen and Jo whip around to Riley. "Are you crazy? He almost killed you!"

    Riley nods. "Yeah and he really pissed me off. Completely ruined pancakes for me. Never going to have them again. Now, please allow the angry Winchester to have her sweet, sweet revenge." Jo and Ellen share an amused look.

      "Fine." Ellen says with great annoyance. "Be careful. If you die your daddy will come back from the dead to haunt me." Riley laughs. She can only wish.

      Riley fires another round of rock salt at Frank and he disappears. "Go!" Ellen and Jo bolt up the stairs and Riley nods and looks around. "Just you and me Frank." She finds a rack of firewood and smiles. Riley pulls out her lighter. "You know, I gotta tell you," Riley looks around with a smirk.

      "I thought I was going to be rusty." She shakes her head and tosses her lighter at the wood. After a moment it sparks and lights, slowly spreading. "I guess a Winchester never becomes rusty when pissed off." Riley jumps out of the salt line and tosses the amulet into the fire. Frank charges her, but his spirit body suddenly bursts into flames.

      He stakes towards her until he completely flames up and disappears. Riley looks at the amulet and sees that it's already melted. She smells the air. "Huh. That's gotta be the first plastic cursed object. Make the job much easier."

      The fire begins to spread and Riley backs away. She looks back at the fire for a moment and sighs. A small smile spreads in her lips as she thinks of her father. Maybe he would be proud of her afterall. "I love you dad." Riley whispers before running up the stairs and out of the house.

      She finally reaches Bumblebee and climbs inside. Ellen and Jo look at her expectantly. Riley smirks. "Waffle Man has been defeated." They smile at her and Riley pulls out of the forest.

      Jo tosses her bags into her mother's car. Ellen points at her daughter sternly. "If you even run off again-" Jo smiles. "I'll be sure to call Riley." Ellen tsks, but pulls her daughter into a hug. "I am still mad about the tattoo."

      Riley walks over to them, interrupting an impending fight. "So Riles, where are you heading?" Riley smiles. "Home. But I think I'm going to take a pit stop before I do." Ellen raises an eyebrow at Riley. "You aren't going to share where 'home' is, are you?"

      Riley shakes her head with a soft smile. She shoves her hands in her pockets. "I think staying away from everything is helping, at least a bit. I want to stay hidden for just a bit longer." Ellen smiles at Riley and nods. She pulls her into a hug and Riley melts into it. Ellen is the closest thing Riley has had as a mother for years.

      "Do me a favor-" Riley pulls out of the hug and looks at Ellen. "Give Bobby a call. He's been worried about you. He just wants to make sure you are okay." Riley chews her bottom lip and looks at the ground. She nods and looks back up. "I will." Jo jumps forward and hugs Riley.

      "You won't mind if I text you now and then, right?" Riley smiles and shakes her head. "Of course not." Jo nods and pulls out of the hug. Ellen touches Riley's cheak. "It was good seeing you kiddo." Riley smiles. The two Harvelle's walk over to their car and pull out of the parking lot.

      Riley lets out a heavy breath and walks back to Bumblebee. "C'mon Bee. We're going to Pontiac, Illinois."

      Bumblebee transformed to follow Riley to a clearing in the woods. In the middle of it is a cross marking a grave. Riley's breath catches in her throat as she walks closer. She hasn't been here in almost four months.

      Riley bends down to the cross and traces the letters carved into it. She remembers when she had done this. When she marked her father's grave.

      Tears stream down Riley's eyes as she stares at her father's name. "Hey dad." Riley lets out a sob. Bumblebee gets down on one knee and places her hand on Riley's back as she cries.

      There is so much Riley wishes for in life. For more fries with her burger, to pass a geometry test, more pie, but most of all she wishes for him. To see his sly smile after he makes a joke, or hear his laugh after pranking Sam, to smell his familiar scent of liquor and leather, to feel his heartbeat and just know he's alive.

      Riley wants her father back more than anything in the world. She'd be willing to give everything up just to be in his arms one last time.

      But he's gone and Riley has a promise to keep. To live. And now, to do that, she has to move on. Now Riley feels like she is finally able to do that.




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