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      After visiting her father's grave Bumblebee and Riley rushed back to New York. Optimus had called and told Riley that the Avengers were investigating their hideouts. They were using the same devices the CIA had used to track the radioactive signatures of the autobots.

      That means they figured out Riley's lead hideouts.

      The autobots just barely managed to escape, but things were becoming too tight. The Avengers were getting too close and Riley had to think fast.

      She knew Stark would put scanners throughout the whole city, specifically on all the bridges. Riley made sure Bumblebee went in through the Lincoln Tunnel. It was perfectly located because it opened in the city in Midtown. Right near Riley's warehouse.

      She had to get the autobots out of the city. Especially Optimus. His car form is kind of hard to miss.

      Riley steps out of Bumblebee and walks up to Optimus who had gathered everyone in her warehouse. "Forcim." He greets bending down to her. Riley smiles a bit. "I may have a plan to get you all out." Optimus frowns. "But the decepticons-"

      Riley nods. "Me and Bumblebee can handle them. If we need you, I'll call." Optimus's eyes whirl, then he nods. "Very well. What is your plan?" Riley nods and walks over to her table. She grabs a map of New York from her pocket and lays it down. Optimus peers over her shoulder. Riley points to a spot on the map not too far from where she is now.

      "Under New York there is a series of tunnels. Some for subway lines, sewer systems, or even maintents." Riley circles the place she was pointing at with a marker. "My grandfather used to be a Marine and he heard rumors of secret tunnels meant to transport important people out of the city."

      Riley smiles softly. "He used to tell me about them as a kid." And then he died. Riley shakes her head, the thoughts of sadness leaving her. "I think I managed to find an entrance to one." She points to the place she circled, then draws a line across the map until it stops outside the city. "It leads straight out of the city."

      Optimus nods, liking the plan. "It'll be a tight squeeze, but it's the best I could come up with." Riley says as she leans back. Ironhide walks up to Optimus. "We have an incoming aircraft. I believe it's the Avengers." Riley jumps to her feet. "You guys need to go now."

      Riley looks at the map and crumbles it up, tossing it in her garbage. "You guys think you can find it?" Optimus nods at her and starts walking away. "Autobots, roll out!" All of them but Bumblebee transfort and speed out of the warehouse. Riley turns to Bumblebee and looks around.

      Her eyes find the rafter and she points at them. "Hide. I'll get them out of here." Bumblebee jumps up, grabbing the rafters and swings his legs to he lays flat against the ceiling. Seconds later Riley hears the powering down of engines on the roof. She looks around and finds her bag of hunter things. With a quick motion she tosses it under her sad excuse of a bed.

      When she turns around she finds Iron Man entering the warehouse. "Heads up, I think we got something." Riley raises an eyebrow as he lands in front of her. Iron Man's face plate flips up. "Who are you?" He asks sterny. Riley crosses her arms.

      "That is none of your business." Tony raises an eyebrow at Riley. "If you don't tell me, I'll find out for myself." Riley shrugs and sits on her bed. "I guess you'll have to wait until you do then." Tony's eye twitches. He doesn't like her and Riley can tell.

      Heavy footsteps approach Riley and Tony. She looks up to see Captain America standing there with his shield. It's still dented from his fight with the decepticons. "Kid, all we want to know is if you've seen any autobots. I-" Steve stops as he seems to realize Riley lives here.

      "You live here?" Riley gives him a look. "Not all of us can leech off a billionaire." Tony takes an angry step forward but Steve stops him. Riley smirks, then sighs. "Autobots? They are those robot things you're supposed to be looking for, right?" Cap nods and Riley glances at Bumblebee, neither of the two Avengers catch her glance.

      "Yes. We believe they are hiding in lead based buildings like this one." Riley raises an eyebrow and looks around. "This is made of lead?" She asks dumbly. Tony's face plate pops down. "Cut the bullshit." He says suddenly. Riley and Steve look at him. "My scanners say you had direct contact with them."

      Riley pulls on her poker face. Steve looks at her, hoping for any sort of reaction. Tony looks at him. "Bring her in. After talking to Nat she'll cave." Tony blasts out of the warehouse and Riley thanks whatever god is out there that he doesn't see Bumblebee.

      Cap turns to Riley. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you're going to have to come with me." Riley scoffs. "Don't call me ma'am. Way too young to be called that." Cap grabs her arm and lifts her off the bed. Riley jerks out of his hold. "I know how to walk." Riley walks ahead of his and looks up at Bumblebee. She gives him a nod. She'll be fine.

      "Nothing?" Tony says with an eyebrow raised. Natasha nods and hands him the very thin file. "Besides her name, and age no. Nothing solid." Tony opens the file and reads about the girl they arrested. "Riley Winchester, 17 years old. Says here her father is a Dean, and she's got an uncle, Sam, as emergency contact."

      Natasha nods. Tony sighs. And slaps the file down on the table. He turns his attention to the interrogation room that Clint is talking to Riley in. He presses the audio button so he can listen in. Riley sits staring at the ceiling with a smirk. "Tell us where the autobots are." Riley looks at Clint. "No can do. Haven't met any of 'em."

      Clint sighs. Natasha and Tony share a look. "Isn't she just a bundle of joy." Tony comments. Clint decides to take a new route. Intimidation via parent. "We called your father," Riley's face falls and Clint thinks he's finally gaining some headway. "He's on his way and he sounds beyond pissed. I guess he didn't want his daughter running off with fugitive robots."

      Riley starts laughing, surprising everyone. "Heh, yeah, there's just one problem with that lie..." She leans forward onto the table and looks at Clint with hard eyes. "My father is dead. He died four months ago, so you might want to come up with another way to scare me."

      Clint stares at her and Riley sits back. "You can't keep my here forever." Clint crosses his arms. "Actually we can." Riley gives him a look. "I'm not stupid. I know my rights. You have no probable cause to keep me here."

      "Yes we do-" Riley cuts him off, sitting forward again. "What? What is it?" Clint blinks, taken aback. "I- Well-" Riley nods. "Exactly. You have no proof, and you are interrogating a minor without a guardian present." Tony and Natasha watch her with interest. "She's done this before." Natasha notes. Riley knows what she's doing. The amount of times she's been arrested gives her a lot of experience.

      "My dad is dead, and my uncle..." Riley trails off and Natasha sees the bitterness in her eyes. "He's who the hell knows where. Now," Riley stands. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way." She walks to the door, but Clint blocks her. Riley looks at him. "Get out of my way." She growls.

      "What are you going to? Call your autobots to save you?" Riley gives Clint a smirk. "No," She starts shaking her head. "I'm going to do this." Riley jerks her knee up, nailing Clint in the groin. Riley opens the door and walks out, seeing Natasha and Tony. Natasha watches her walk over to the elevator. She is tempted to stop her, but the kid knows her rights. They can't touch her.

      Riley steps into the elevator and looks at Natasha, Clint and Tony. "Thanks," She says with a smile. "It's been horrible knowing you." Riley drops her smile right before the elevator doors close. Once they do she leans against the wall. That was close. She's going to have to be careful. There is no doubt they'll be watching her closely.


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