Chapter Eleven: My Whole Life Was Wasted

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fragile || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"Ayeee, you're back!" Jeanie squealed, hugging your small form. "Right on time. Your footages just arrived a few minutes ago."

Jeanie watched you entered the house and quickly opening the boxes to reveal the footages you were asking for you. It was all on CDs. You took Jeanie's laptop and inserted the CDs, quickly looking for the dates from the days before you disappeared from this apartment.

You played a video and watched closely with Jeanie, standing behind you, watching it too. You ask for the footages near the areas of the apartment building including the security footages inside the building itself.

The footage showed someone covering their face and almost half of their body with their big black umbrella. With that umbrella, you already knew who that was. 'Dad? Why was he here?'

"Got a clue who that is?" Jeanie asked which you shrugged in response. "I think so..."

You checked the other footage and found all of them have the same person shown in every footage in different places. 'Dad's... spying on me...?'

Then you took out the last CD and plugged it in. 'Please... don't let it be what I think it's gonna be...' The video opened up on the screen and it played. Your eyes widened as you watched the whole footage. Your eyes couldn't believe what you were seeing: your father abducting you while you were asleep and drunk, without Jeanie noticing too because she was also passed out. Jeanie gasped and held your hands, comforting you. "Oh, my God. (Y/n)..."

"He kidnapped me..."

She noticed how your hands formed into fists and were shaking in anger. Jeanie stepped back for a moment to see what was happening to you. Your eyes glowing dark red in anger, two mist-like shapes were formed in your hands. "I'm gonna go talk to Pogo. Keep the footage, bring it back to the owners, or destroy it."


You looked back at your roommate, your friend, and your eyes turned back to normal, filling in tears. You ran towards her and hugged her tight while she hugged you back. "If I don't come back, or if the world will end, remember that you're the best roommate that I have ever had."

"Same goes to you too, (Y/n)." Jeanie choked out a sob so suddenly as she hugged you tighter. "Whatever you're going to do, I hope it's not stupid."

You pulled away from the hug and smiled. "I'll be fine. I'll miss you, Jeanie." You waved goodbye to her and ran off, heading back to the Academy.

Jeanie was left at the apartment, leaning her lower back against the table where her laptop is sitting. She sighed sadly. "Please be okay..."

You kicked the doors opened and saw Pogo walking calmly on the second floor. You used your powers to make yourself fly and stood in front of Pogo which scared the old monkey. "Hey."

"Miss (Y/n)."

You took his neck with your hands, lifting him up with the help of your powers, your eyes glowing dark red in anger, threatening Pogo to drop him on the first floor. "Dear ol' dad kidnapped me. Why?"

"Miss (Y/n)..." Pogo struggled from your grasp.

"Why did he kidnapped me, Pogo?" You asked again, gritting your teeth in annoyance and getting impatient.

"Your father... wanted to remove your powers... or reduce the energy... but the experiment was a failure... it grew stronger..."

Your eyes widened as tears welled up your eyes. "He... he experimented me without my consent? Without even asking?!"

"He knew... that you wouldn't agree... with him..."

"I would've agreed with him if he had a reasonable reason, Pogo." You hissed. "So what? The failed experiment caused my body to turn back into 15 again and it only made my powers stronger?! Why the hell did I wake up in 2019? Coma?"


You almost dropped him but your gripped got tighter. "What?" You asked softly, your voice was so small that Pogo even felt more guilty.

"Your father... froze you..."

Adopted and raised by a complete maniac. Trained by a cold father. Tormented you and your siblings' lives. Kidnapped. Experimented. Frozen. You were close to breaking down. "When did he plan on getting me out? U-Unfreezing me?"

"He told me... that you shouldn't wake up not until he dies..."

So if Reginald didn't die, you'll still be frozen, probably for eternity.

"(Y/n)!" You heard your name being called by Luther who was in front of Klaus and Five. "What the hell are you doing?! Put him down!"

"(Y/n)?" Klaus asked confusingly. "What's happening, baby sis?"

Ben, who was behind Klaus, was getting worried and concerned about you. He knew you wouldn't hurt anyone unless there was a valid reason. 'Whatever reason it may be must have hurt her so bad...'

You turned your head to them as tears flowed down your cheeks. Five's expression softened as he stepped forward, ignoring Luther's calls. Five walked towards you and held your arm. "Hey... it's okay... come on, put him down..."

You put Pogo back to the ground as the poor monkey breathed in some air. Luther helped Pogo up and took his cane while Klaus walked to your side. Five hesitated but wiped your tears anyway. He hesitated because he saw your eyes. Dark red. He never saw your eyes in dark red and if anything's dark, he knows that it's not good.

"Oh you poor thing..." Klaus hugged you with a side hug. Your tears endlessly fell as you stared into nothingness. "My whole life was wasted..." You whispered. "Wasted because of our father." You clenched your fists as your sobbed harder.

"Come on, Eight. Let's get you to your room and rest."

You yanked your arm back from Five which took him by surprise and so did Klaus. "Rest? REST? Rest after what I've found out?!"

"Eight, we all have fucked up lives..." Five tried to reason with you but you stepped away from him, including Klaus. "You don't care." You told him, letting out a sigh.

"The apocalypseโ€”"

"Is coming. I know." You stifled a laugh painfully. "The apocalypse is all you care about." You slowly lost your dark red eyes and you looked up at Five. "Then let's go."


You raised your hand up, avoiding Five. "I'll be okay. No, I'm fine. Totally fine. Feelings don't matter at this point so why should we care. We should care about stopping the apocalypse, right? Then let's go."

You walked away from the two causing Five to close his eyes in guilty. "Shit."

Ben wanted to ran after you but he knew he couldn't do anything. Especially in his condition right now.

"Yeah, you're a shithead." Klaus crossed his arms. "Apologize to her."

"Klaus, stop."

"You clearly dismissed her feelings, Five. That's like, a total no-no."


Ben, with a book in hand, was going downstairs and has his eyes fixed in every word that was written on his beloved book. He was like the nerd in the Hargreeves siblings. Sure, Five is a smart kid and sometimes a nerd but he was a badass. Ben would sometimes feel down because he wasn't as confident as Five.

Five was proud of his powers and wanted to do something more and bigger with it unlike Ben who disliked his powers so much. He really didn't want using his powers. Sometimes, he even want to change his powers. Maybe reading thoughts on a person's mind or just flying. But nope. The power that was given to him was horrific.

Ben went to the library to find you sitting alone by yourself, reading a book too. You sat there focused on the book that you were reading. Ben's face was flushed in pink so he quickly turned around, wishing you didn't notice him but as soon as he took a step, his wish wasn't granted.

"Oh, hey, Ben!" You greeted him with a cheerful smile. "Come. Read with me."

Ben softly gulped and shyly walked towards you. He sat beside you on the couch. He would steal a few glances at you when he was reading and sometimes loses his focus when you're around.

"Ben, do you ever wonder if my powers are dangerous?"


"Well, of course they look dangerous but... will it ever come to the point that I won't be able to control them and it's gonna be dangerous?"

Ben went silent, unable to respond to your question. But, he knew has to say something. "Dangerous or not, we'll help you go through with it. We'll help you control your powers and we'll be here for you."

You grinned and laid your head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Ben. You're the best!"

Ben slightly laughed nervously and tried to ignore his heart beating. "Yeah, n-no problem!"

Five came to the library with a grin plastered on his face. "Eight, come on! I wanna show you something!"

"Awww, but Fiiive! I'm reading here!"

"Come ooon. Pleeasee?"

You frowned and stood up, placing the book back on its shelf. You turned to Ben and waved at him. "See you at dinner later."

"S-See you..."

You smiled at him before walking up to Five and slightly punching him in the side. "That's for ruining my reading time. This better be worth it."

When you and Five were gone, Ben sighed sadly and returned back to his reading. He has his focus back on the book again but realized that he only wants to focus on you.


Klaus left the house with Diego, Five was writing on the walls like a mad man, Luther took care of Pogo who's now taking care of Grace, while you were in your room staring blankly at your hands. Luther walked past your room but stopped to see how you were doing. He couldn't tell with your expression because it was blank.

He wanted to approach you but he shook his head and made his way towards Five's room. You looked up from the door as if you felt Luther watching you a few seconds ago. You stood up from your bed and stood by the doorway to see Luther entering Five's room.

"Who you talkin' to? What is all this?" Luther questioned Five.

"It's a probability map."

"Probability of what?"

"Of whose death could save the world."

"Can my death save the world?" You asked, loud enough for Luther and Five to hear. "You may never know maybe I cause the apocalypse."

Five stared at you in disbelief before shaking his head. "No, you don't cause the apocalypse, Eight." Five turned back to his equations. "I've narrowed it down to four."

"Are you saying one of those four people causes the apocalypse?"

"No, I'm saying that their death might prevent it."

"Oh." Luther slowly nodded. Five continued on to write on his wall, the chalk tapping in the background. Luther leaned closer as he whispered to Five. "I'm not following."

Five turned around to face Luther. "Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum."

"He still won't get it, Five." You called out as you walked towards his room, leaning against the door frame. Five sighed. "The butterfly effect."

Luther nodded again and you weren't sure if he did understand it or not. Five looked back at his equations. "So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them."

Five jumped down from his bed and took out something while Luther walked towards the wall, to see who the four people are. "Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?"

Five was listing down on his little notepad as he looked up to the wall again. "I believe he is a gardener."

You raised your eyebrows as you crossed your arms. "Just a gardener? Thought he's a cleaner."

Luther snapped his head at both of you, looking incredulously. "You can't be serious, Five. Wait, this is madness. Youโ€”"

"Everything is madness when Five's beloved apocalypse is coming." You barked at Luther. Five turned to you before setting the notepad down and taking out something from his bed. It was a case of a gun. "Where'd you get that?" You asked.

"In Dad's room. I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros."

"Oh, poor rhino. He just wanted to live."

"I know right." Five sighed. He took out the gun which was a sniper gun. "It's similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable."

"Wish I knew anything about guns." You huffed as you rolled your eyes. Five glanced at you, unable to tell if you were sarcastic or sincere. With everything you're going on right now, he doesn't know what exactly do you feel right now. But he does know that you're upset with him.

"But you can'tโ€” this guy Milton is just an innocent man."

"It's basic math. His death could potentially save the lives of billions. If I did nothing, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone."

"We don't do this kind of thing."

"We are not doing anything. I am."

"I can't let you go and kill innocent people. No matter how many lives you'll save."

"Well, good luck stopping me." Five walked towards the door with the sniper in his arms but you blocked the door. "Eightโ€”"

"As much as I love to see you kill people, this is not the right time and the right way."

Luther grabbed Delores' neck and threatened Five to drop her outside. Five instantly turned around and aimed the gun at him. You suddenly wondered if he would do the same if you're the one being in danger. "Put. Her. Down."

Ah yes, you can see the murder in his eyes. He would do anything to keep Delores safe.

"Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her or the gun. You decide."

"Oh for crying out loud." Your eyes glowed red which scared Luther off, accidentally throwing the doll but you caught the doll in distress with your mind. Five put the gun down and turned to you. Your eyes were bright red which made him sigh in relief. You turned to Five and took the gun off of him with your mind as well.

You gently put Delores down on Five's bed with the gun. You rest your hands on your hips as your eyes turned back to normal. "You done, boys? I can do this all day." When the boys remained silent, you continued. "I stayed in this goddamn house to stop the apocalypse instead of being in my room, crying, which I will still do."

You turned to Five. "We know you're still a good person, Five. Killing innocent people won't do you any good. Besides, your equations must be wrong too. You're not on your own anymore, Five. We're here."

"(Y/n)'s rightโ€”"

"And you." You turned your attention to Luther. "You don't take hostage of something that Five is emotionally attached to just to stop him. The only thing that Five has during the apocalypse is the fucking doll."

The boys looked down, looking away from you. Five sat down on the bed, caressing Delores' plastic hand. "There is one way... but it's just about impossible."

Luther turned to Five. "More impossible than what brought you back here?"

"Oh shit." You quickly ran off which made Five stand up. He stopped Luther from chasing after you. "Wait. I got this." Five spatial jumped and appeared right in front of you, nearly bumping his face to yours. You flinched in surprise. "What the hell, Five?"

"Where are you off to?"

"To see my grandfather. I haven't said goodbye to him nor did I visit him a while ago."

"You can do that after we're done here."

"Five pleaseโ€”"

"You'll see your grandfather after this, okay?" Five's hand reached out to hold you but you quickly stepped away, still pretty upset. Five sighed. "Come with us for a while then after this, you can go see your grandfather."


All chapters were made and ready to publish. I'll post the next chapter on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6 pm (Philippine Time).

The scene where the reader was holding Pogo actually isn't part of my idea on this story. The reader was supposed to have a normal conversation with Pogo and then she was going to tell Five but dismissed her because he cares about the apocalypse so the reader will get mad and leave the Academy, not helping Five to stop the apocalypse. Something like that.

In other words, I was gonna make the reader be like Luther-ish when he found out about the Moon stuff but some of you might get mad at me soooo... ;-;

Anyway, hope you like this!

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