Chapter Fourteen: I Can Throw You Right Into That Wall, Old Man

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fragile || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Five passed by the employees of the Commission and heard gossips around also noticing some stares. He got near with two employees whispering as he walked and heard a rumor that shock to his very core.

"I heard that one of his family members died."

Five snapped his head towards them causing the two to flee quickly in distress. 'Who's dead?' Five panted and quickly ran near the Tube Room. He leaned on the wall, his heart rate racing. 'Shit. I gotta do this fast. And I have to know who died.'

He peeked at Gloria's office to see Dot there. "Gloria, the Handler knows that Five is up to something. Get this to Hazel and Cha-Cha immediately."

Five spatial jumped to hear the conversations clearer and louder. He watched as Dot left and Gloria examining the tube, asking herself who are Hazel and Cha-Cha. Five spatial jumped again and knocked the poor old woman out.

Five took the cylindrical case and opened it, seeing a parchment. He took it out to see what was written.

From: C893467A
Date: 089345789


'Harold Jenkins?' Five quickly folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket. He began typing on the typewriter for a new reassignment for Hazel and Cha-Cha.

From: N524182A
Date: 0121378349


Five quickly ripped the paper out when he was done and then typed another new one.

From: N524182A
Date: 0982340124


Five hurriedly send the orders away in the tubes and flinched when he heard the Handler's voice. "You know that's not how we do things here." Five leaned on the tubes, pretending to act casually. "Where's Gloria?"

"Don't know. Couldn't find her anywhere." Five shrugged until they heard the old woman groaning. Five stepped away from the tubes while the Handler shook her head. "You're a great disappointment to me. You can't change what's to come, Five. I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this fantasy. You're a first-rate pragmatist. You belong here with us."

"I don't belong anywhere, thanks to you." Five snapped. "You made me a killer!"

"You were always a killer. I just pointed you in a direction." The Handler unzipped her lower part of the dress, revealing her gun. Five quickly spatial jumped when the Handler shot.

The Handler shot everywhere, hoping to hit Five. The gunshots woke Gloria up and alerted some employees. Dot pressed the red button for emergency and jumped in fear with the other employees when they heard the gunshots again. Gloria managed to get out of the Tube Room with the help of Dot.

The two fought on the room with Five, disappearing and reappearing everywhere while the Handler shoots. "What's the rush, Five? We're just getting started. Is this how you want the last line of your report to read?"

Five reappeared in front of her. "When I'm done, I'm done, I guess."

"You can't keep this up, Five. We both know that even you have a limit. I saved you from a lifetime of being alone." The Handler hissed as Five noticed her eyes getting watery. Probably in anger. "You owe me."

The Handler shot again but noticed she has no more bullets. Five smirked. "I do owe a debt." He spatial jumped and reappeared behind her to unpin a grenade. "But it's not to you."

The Handler looked up to see Five mockingly showing off the grenade before rolling it to the ground right in front of her. "Shit." Five escaped the room, hearing the people screaming around. Five spatial jumped again, found himself on the briefcases. He took one and unpin another grenade, throwing it aside to the other briefcases, running away.

"Hey, what are you doingโ€”" The man didn't finish his question when the room behind him blew up. Five quickly used the case to bring him back to his home, to his family.

What he didn't know was everything he missed when he was not around was going to change including Klaus finally seeing Dave as a ghost, Vanya finding out about the journal under Leonard's bed, you being dead, Grace finally telling everything to Diego, and Allison and Luther's romantic moment.

Everything was back in Wednesday, 8:15 am. You were on your room now and can still hear your siblings talking until you heard an electricity crackled. "What the...?" You quickly head back downstairs to hear exclaiming and a body thudding over the table.

Your eyes widened to see Five clutching, well more like hugging, a big briefcase with him on top of the table.

"You guys, am I still high, or do you see him, too?" Klaus gasped, his body now on the couch.

You quickly went to him and helped him to jump off the table. "Jesus, Five where have you been?" You asked. You, Allison, and Luther helped him balance when he was stumbling. "Are you alright?" Allison asked.

"Who did this?" Luther added.

Five snatched the coffee right from Allison's hand and drank it, walking away from the three of you. "Irrelevant." He straight up drank the coffee making you and the others watch in disbelief. Once he was finished, Five turned to you all. "So, the apocalypse is in three days. Glad to see you all alive. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us."

"The Umbrella Academy." Luther stated.

"Yeah, but with me, obviously. So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us? No." Five was trying to get your determination up and all you care about was saying goodbye to your grandfather at the moment. "And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead. I know who's responsible for the apocalypse."

Five brought out the paper he found from the Commission and showed it to you and your other siblings. You raised your hands up and shook your head. "Yeah, no, I'm out."

Five lowered his hand down before Allison could even touch the paper. "What? What do you mean you're out?"

"I'm off to see my grandfather to say goodbye if this plan, well if we'll ever have a successful plan, fails." You were stopped by Five who took your wrist. "Five, let my wrist go."

"Not until you stay."

You glared at him, your eyes glowing red and to Five's fear, your eyes glowed dark red. Your siblings blinked and flinched to see your eyes. "I can throw you right into that wall, old man. Now, let me go."

Ben poked Klaus' shoulder with concern. "Her eyes weren't like that before, right? What happened?"

"I don't know, shut up." Klaus whispered, earning a look from Allison.

"Look, it isn't wise to split up."

"Says the guy who literally disappeared moments ago."

"Moments ago..? Never mind. Look, if we split up, there's a high chance that one of you might die."

Your eyes went back to normal and heard a relief sigh from your siblings which made you flinch. You didn't know anything about your eyes and powers glowing dark red sometimes since no one has pointed those out yet.

"What do you mean one of us might die?" Diego asked so suddenly.

"I was back at the Commission to find a clue about the apocalypse until I heard people saying that one member of my family died while I was there." Five explained as he finally gave the paper to Allison.

"Who died?" You asked.

The siblings stared at Five, waiting for his answer. But to their dismay, Five shrugged and shook his head. "I never knew. Couldn't bear to hear it. Especially if it's you."

You slightly chuckled and pointed yourself. "Me? Why would I die? I'mโ€”"

"Please, just stay here. With us." You and your siblings widened your eyes to heard Five pleading. "I can't bear to lose you, Eight. I'll be a wreck, a mess."

You stared down on Five's hand on your wrist before looking up to your siblings who quickly looked down at the piece of paper, pretending not to hear what Five just said. You nodded at Five. "Okay. I'll stay with you guys. We'll stop this apocalypse together."

"This is who we have to stop?" Allison questioned. "Harold Jenkins?"

Diego peeked his head up, just above Allison's shoulder, to see the paper. "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

You walked towards your siblings and looked at the paper while Five drank the rest of the coffee. You stared at him as he finished the coffee and threw the paper cup away. "I don't know... yet."

You quickly picked the paper cup that Five just threw and properly threw it in a trash bin with a small glare from Five for being careless on throwing simple things away. "But I do know that he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now."

"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?" Luther asked.

"I don't know."

"Wait, so you just know his name? That's it?" You watched as Diego stepped forward from his siblings.

"It's a start." You shrugged, leaning your lower back on an armchair.

"And it's also enough." Five added.

"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkinses in the city." Diego complained.

You turned to Five and nodded. "Okay, I gotta agree with Diego here. It will take a long time to find the Harold Jenkins we are looking for."

"Well, we just better start looking, then."

You heard faint footsteps that immediately caught your attention. As much as you want to find out who it was, you promised Five to stay so you just looked back at your siblings and pretended that it was just Pogo.

"I'm sorry. Am I the only one that's skeptical here?" Allison called out. "I mean, how exactly do you know all of this about what's his name?"

You turned to Five who quietly groaned in pain and looked to his side. Five clenched his fists, ignoring the pain, and looked at his family. "Harold Jenkins. You know those lunatics in masks who attacked the house?"

"Oh, yeah, I think I remember those guys." Klaus answered, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, the ones that attacked us while you were getting drunk." Diego added which made you snicker.

"Yeah. Them. They were sent by the Temps Commission to stop me from coming back and preventing the end of life on Earth."

"The Temps what?" Allison asked, her arms crossed.

"My former employer. They monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever is supposed to happen... happens. They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days. So I went to Commission headquarters and interjected a message that was meant for said lunatics. 'Protect Harold Jenkins.' So he must be responsible for the apocalypse." Your siblings stared at Five for a moment before asking multiple questions.

"What do you mean, protect time and space?"

"Where is this Hazel, Five?"

"I don't have no idea what you're talking about, Five."

"My skin is on fire."

"Do you have any idea how insane this sounds?"

You rubbed your temples, taking all this information in your head while Five winced as he held his side. "You know what else is insane?" Five questioned Allison. He pointed at himself. "I look like a 16-year-old boy. Even Eight looks like a 15-year-old girl and has mind powers and energy blasts."

He began pointing at everybody. "Klaus talks to the dead, and Luther thinks he's fooling everybody with that overcoat. Everything about us is insane. It always has been."

Klaus leaned on the armchair where you were sitting and hugged you from behind. "He's got a point there." You patted Klaus' head and he smiled softly at you.

"We didn't choose this life, we're just living it. For the next three days, anyway."

"But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died." Allison said. "Why is this time any different? Why shouldn't I go home to my daughter?"


"Because you're here?" You cut off Five's sentence, earning a small nod from Five. "Yeah. Because this time, I'm here. We have the name of the man responsible. Guys, we actually have the chance of saving the lives of billions of people."

Allison held her head low, still feeling unsure. Five sighed. "Including Claire." Allison looked up from the ground, surprised that Five knew her daughter's name. "You know her name?"

"I do, and I'd like to live long enough to meet her."

You smiled softly at Five who just took a quick glance at you. Allison sighed. "Alright. Let's get this bastard."


All chapters were made and ready to publish. The chapters will be posted every day at 6 pm (Philippine Time).

Sorry for the short-ish chapter! Also, it took me a while to realize that N5 from N524182A is Number Five HAHAHAHHA my mind was slow to process before so if y'all know this already, sorry hahaha.

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