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Did she do this to us?

Did she knew this would happen?

Maybe she did know...

Year: 1565
Place: Rome, Italy

"My brother? I don't- wait..." She started to say as she was in deep thought. It was enough with the pain she was experiencing with the fight but just trying to think about her past memories, her her head. "How can you be my brother?" She questioned as she looked back over at him.

Sighing, he looked at her before showing her his right arm. "You have an identical one on your left." He started to say as she made a look. "And? Could just be a coincidence." She mentioned. "It's not. Mother placed these specific symbols on our arms so in case if we ever get separated, we'd find each other." He added and at just the mention of mother, she got a flashback.

Year: 1393

"Mother!" A young girl called out as she came running towards the small house they lived at. Her brother chased her down the small hill towards the direction of where their home stood. "Wait! Y/n!" He called out as he followed with a smile upon his face.

"Mother!" She called out again as she opened the door to find her mother prepping some food for lunch. "What is it dear?" The mother said as she turned around at her spot. "Kalmin and I found a baby frog near the waters." She started to say but that wasn't all that happened. "Mother, Y/n spotted a deer and and instead of it running away, it came closer. It let her touch it." Kalmin mentioned.

The mother smiled at the picture but then her smile started to fade and she motioned for them come closer. Bending down to their level, she looked at them in their eyes; her eyes filled with sorrow but she did her best not to show it. It was as if she knew what was to come but didn't want her children to know.

"We have to go somewhere today, but before we do, I want to give you both something." The mother started to say before telling them both to outstretch their arms. Kalmin outstretched his right as Y/n outstretched her left; the both of them were standing side by side— Y/n on the right and Kalmin on the left.

Lifting up their sleeves, she placed her hand on Kalmin's forearm first then Y/n's after she was done. When she pulled away, the two siblings noticed a crescent shaped moon on their forearms. "What's it for?" Kalmin asked. "Well, if you both ever get separated and when you find each other again, you'll know you're brother and sister with this symbol." She told them with a small smile but Y/n could easily tell it was filled with sorrow just like it was earlier.

Lunch was served and over with in under 5 minutes. Kalmin could read the worried look that was carried on his sister's face. He didn't say anything though— the only thing he did was place his hand gently on his sister's to see if it'll ease her mind; letting her know that she wasn't alone.

"Come on, my children." The mother said as she gathered a few belongings. "But mother... I'm afraid." Y/n finally admitted and Kalmin took her hand. "I'll protect you." He told Y/n with a small smile. He was after all, her older brother.

Finally giving in to her instructions, they followed close behind her— still holding hands. The mother had a weaving basket in her arm with a few things but the two children weren't aware of what she had inside. She said that they were just out to grab some herbs and food. "Kalmin, look! A deer!" Y/n said as she pulled him along so they could get a closer look.

He didn't mind it but things took a drastic turn. "Kalmin, did you hear that?" Y/n told him as she looked around; there was a noise that even caused the deer to run off. "Stay by me." He told her as he started to pull her towards where they saw their mother last. "Mother!" Y/n started to yell and once they were at the clearing, they noticed that she was gone.

"Mot-" Y/n started to say before getting cut off by a person that covered her mouth and yanked her away from Kalmin. She started to struggle as she fought with the person and Kalmin started to run towards them when another person grabbed him. "Y/n!" He called out when he noticed the woman that had her, placed some sort of spell to make her sleep. The man that held Kalmin, knocked him out so it'll be easier to take him away.

Year: 1565

Looking up, the woman stared at Kalmin now. He was way older than he was in the memory and she hadn't noticed the tear that slid down her face until he had wiped it away from her. "She did this to us?" She asked him in a near quiet voice and he sighed. "I'm afraid she knew what she was doing." He replied as he walked over to where his belongings were.

It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up. "I've heard about having a brother... I just didn't know if it were true. Thoughts in my mind of you being..." she stopped herself and he knew what she was going to say next. "I've searched for you. While I wasn't hunting down the monsters." He mentioned.

"What if we lose each other again?" She asked as she stood up from her spot; the same worried look that carried on her face when she was a child. He noticed this and placed his hands on either sides of her arms. "If we do, we'll always find one another. Just remember the symbol on your forearm." He started to say. "I'll still protect you. Remember that." He added and she nodded her head before a crash was heard in the distance.

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