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Fucking monsters

She can't be too far from here

She's injured. So I hope she isn't dead

I swear if anything happens....

Year: 1565
Place: Rome, Italy

An attack at the nearby village occurred while everyone was asleep; that was including the Witcher. To save all of the people or a majority of the people that remained after the first attack of the creature, Foxie had to shift. It wasn't easy to shift either; it caused pain but it was bearable. Most days; days like this, the pain was rough. It hurt because all of her bones broke every time and sized itself to fit the profile she was becoming; a white fox.

The type of creature that was attacking was one that didn't only attack humans, but small animals; meaning her being in her fox form would be perfect to lure it away. People in the village already knew that the Witcher that was currently staying in their residence, turned into a fox. So when she emerged from one of the homes and ran out towards the direction of the beast, they knew that they had to evacuate.

Being in her fox form was good for some things, such as hunting for food and for speed. Other things too but it wasn't great for fighting which was a con to her pros and cons list. It was only good at luring the beast away from the main site. Which is exactly what she planned on doing; luring it away for hurting anyone else. What she wasn't expecting was to get hurt in the process.

Kalmin wasn't far from the site itself. He was actually walking towards a different area when he had gotten sight of the attack. Unaware to him that there was a Witcher there already. There had happened to be more than one beast, however, and having more than one Witcher would be great if the other was busy fighting. In this case, that was the case.

It had been five years. Five since Kalmin has been on the search for his sister; keeping in mind of who he asked and who was around to hear when he asked. He didn't want any potential enemies of the Witchers on the hunt; couldn't tell who was truly the bad guys from the good guys till they held a blade to your throat. Revealing their true colors and showing that they were indeed the villain rather than an innocent civilian.

Running, that's all she had on her mind besides trying to figure out a way to lure the beasts away. Making her presence known as the creature was breaking down a villager's door, she used her skills to push over a plank that was leaning against someone's wagon. This plank fell over and knocked over a bunch of metal objects in the process; grabbing the monster's attention in result. 'Yes, that's it. Now follow me.' She thought as she ran straight towards the creature.

Screams of the creature could be heard bouncing off the walls of the nearby buildings as the sound of people screaming to get away clashed with it. Running right through the opening of it's legs, it caused the creature to turn around, screech, then race towards the white fox. With her heightened senses, she was able to catch the drift that entered the exit of one of the doorways. The village was surrounded by a wall, how the creatures got in, was a mystery but getting them out, wasn't.

Aiming towards the now open exit, she was unaware of the second creature heading towards her from the right. Looking last minute, she jumped and dodged it's attempt to tackle; getting a scratch on the side of her hip in the process. She also unaware of the other Witcher that had just now entered; helping everyone escape while asking where the beasts were.

Whimpering from the wound, she pushed the pain aside and kept on running; making it past the exit while the creatures screeched behind her. More wounds were inflicted onto her as she attempted to get further and further away from the village. Her plan was a success, getting the monsters out and away from the villagers but it wasn't a complete success if she didn't figure out a plan to shift back into her human side; that way she would be able to finally deal with them.

The pain from all of the wounds she was receiving were starting to slow her down, but she kept fighting it. Right when her sight was getting blurry from all of the running and open wounds, Kalmin stepped in. Tackling one, and taking out the rest as Foxie kept on running, he was breathing heavily from the fight; but it was nothing compared to being woken up and having to immediately fight a creature. Takes you by surprise.

Kalmin was tired from the fight but even though he had a few wounds, they were nothing compared to the wounds she had inflicted. Catching some of his breath, he looked towards the direction he saw the animal heading and didn't see anything. Nothing but the light breeze pushing the branches and making some of the snow that were on ground, fly up.

Getting curious as to why the beasts would be following the small animal, he glanced down at the ground; finding the small animal prints. Following the trail, he started to notice that the animal prints were getting bigger and he spotted the change; the shift from animal to human. Picking up his walking speed, he spotted a figure laying on the ground.

It wasn't the only thing he picked up on, besides the figure laying on the ground, he spotted blood stains. There wasn't a lot but there was enough to let him know that who ever it was, was indeed injured.  That's when it clicked into his mind, that the being must've been a shifter of some sort.

Getting closer to the figure, he started to take in their features; it wasn't an it, but a woman. An injured woman and when he bent down, he turned her over to realize that her hair was just like his; white as snow. She had a scar on her face; near her eye but closer to her cheek. The clothing she wore was similar to what a Witcher would wear but what caught his attention the most was the necklace she wore. It was the necklace every Witcher wore.

He let out a breath but it was more out of relief. He finally found her; he finally found his sister. Then again he couldn't be too sure if it was her or not. He had to know if she had the symbol. The symbol their mother gave them when they were young so if they ever got separated, they would know who each other were once they found one another.

Placing his sword away, he picked up the unconscious woman bridal style as she started to walk towards a place he knew she would be safe; where he knew he would be able to treat her wounds. Blood dripped off of her hand and onto the snow as he carried her. His grip tight; afraid of letting her go.

After a while of walking, he arrived at a cave like area. It was one of the places he stayed at when on the move from place to place. It didn't look like a villager's home but it was at least some form of one for a Witcher. Moving over towards the back and where his bed like quarters were, he laid her there. Slightly pulling up her sleeve on her left arm to clean one of her wounds, he spotted it; the crescent moon. It was the same exact one that was on his right forearm.

Addressing all of her wounds, he sat off to the side and waited. Now it was just a waiting game for her to wake and he wasn't sure when that would happen. There were bandages on the areas where she was injured. It wasn't till he started to hear her groans of pain when he looked up. "Try not to move too quickly." He mentioned and his voice caused her to sit up at a quick pace; instantly regretting it. 

"Who are you?" She questioned as she leaned on the bed lightly before hearing him speak up once more. "Kalmin." At the mention of his name, her attention shot up to look at him; taking in his features that's when she placed two and two together. "You're a Witcher, aren't you..." She said and he nodded. "And I'm your brother." He stated which caused her to crease her eyebrows.

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