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Why did I agree to be on the standby list

What if this woman turns out to be an enemy?.

If Tony's crazy enough to bring Loki on this one, that means he must know more than he's letting on.

God this place looks creepy...

Year: 2012
Place: The Black Forest, Germany

Bruce's inner thoughts spoke when he noticed the area the Quinjet was now entering. He could now see the reason why the man wanted to bring the jet. The area wasn't in the U.S, but in Germany; where Loki had been found, and there were no trails of vehicles driving there. "Hey, you heard of this place being very haunted. What are we doing here during the night?" Clint spoke up for nearly everyone. Tony didn't answer.

(When you see this star * play the song. Photos in Darkness by Two Steps From Hell)

"Are the cuffs really necessary brother." Loki states in an annoyed way. "Yes. Very much indeed." Thor replied with a near smug smile. Loki just rolled his eyes in a annoyed way. He stopped when the jet landed. He could feel a presence but he was certain that everyone else had felt what he felt as well. The back door to the jet began to open and Tony wasn't wearing his suit but a bracelet that would activate it if he needed to. After pressing a few buttons on the pilot's Control pad, he turned to face everyone. "Let's go." He mentioned.

As everyone started to exit the jet, an eerie* feeling surrounded them. The place being dark would be an understatement of what it actually contained within. All of the Avengers descended from the jet, keeping aware of their surroundings. Loki following along with the group as his eyes scanned around. He couldn't pinpoint it but there was a feeling he couldn't shake off.

Everyone was armed just in case. Tony with his iron bracelet, Cap with his shield and a weapon, Clint with his arrows, Nat with her weapons, Thor with Mjölnir, Bruce with none and Loki with cuffs. "I've been to some scary places but man, I have to tell you... this place is surly on the top 10." Clint mentioned to his teammates as he looked around. Bruce agreed with him on that statement as they all continued to walk.

It wasn't till Tony had a feeling of a set of eyes watching him in particular direction when he looked to the left of him. There was nothing but dark trees and broken branches as some fog was seen near the ground around them. Just as he was about to turn back towards the team, he spotted what looked like a figure; he started to follow it. (1:10 in the music). It just kept getting further and further away from him. His teammates followed him, wondering where he was heading by himself.

They all stopped when they reached an open like field area. (1:40). It was quiet as Steve asked what was it. "I saw someone." Tony replied before pointing at the figure once he spotted them again. "There!" He added and started to chase them. (1:48). "Tony! Wait!" Natasha called out as Clint did as well. "Hey!" Tony tried calling out to the figure but no response. They all stopped once Tony did. In front of them laid a small cemetery with really old stones. Some slanted over as if they were falling, others were broken and some were laying on the ground. A majority of them, the names on them couldn't be read at all.

(When you see this star * play the song.
Ghostly Presence by Two Steps From Hell)

There were a couple of stones but not a lot like cemeteries* would have in the present time. A few snaps from branches could be heard in the distance but everyone were placed on high alert. Especially now that Tony had mentioned about spotting a person no one else saw. "Did anyone else not realize how foggy it just recently got as soon as we entered this area?" Clint pointed out. He wasn't in fact wrong. As soon as they arrived at that specific location, the amount of fog only increased. It made it difficult to see towards certain areas or more concerning, where you stepped. Clint was about to step on an area that had a trap till Natasha pulled him back. "Careful." She stated then placed a heavy like stick on the trap that made it snapped. "Could've been your foot."

"Hey, anyone else hearing that?" Bruce interrupted the silence that followed after Natasha's warning to Clint. "What is it?" Steve asked him when he turned to face the doctor. "Voices.." Bruce said as he looked around. Everyone got quiet to see if they could hear what it was saying. "I can hear it." Thor mentioned then Clint said he heard something. "I believe it's saying come see.." Thor said and that's when Loki interrupted. "It's saying Danger." Everyone looked at the god before he heard another voice. "Head East." He spoke out then told them it was bother voice that said it. "Let's head East then." Tony mentioned.

Bruce quickly walked up to Tony. "W-whoa whoa, you're not seriously thinking of heading towards East, right? Loki said he heard them say Danger. I think that's a big enough... statement to just pack it up and.." Bruce then made a gesture as if saying to leave out of the place. "I saw someone. That same someone that's been haunting my dreams. I saw them in these woods. Maybe Heading East will give me an answer as to why I'm seeing all of this. Even if there's danger." Tony replied and it was surprising that no one budded with him. They just allowed him as he led the way.

The walk was tricky as is when the ground was soft of the rain from yesterday and everywhere you looked was either pitch black or covered in fog. "Are you sure we're going to right way?" Clint asked as he glanced around everyone at the dark twisted trees and the weird shaped ones. Everything around them nearly or practically looked the same; so it made it seem that they didn't move anywhere much. "Just stick together." Steve mentioned and right before they knew it, they were at the location. How? Before them stood an abandoned castle. Parts of the structure were collapsed as others were just broken.

(When you see this star * play the song. Moving Shadows by Two Steps From Hell)

"I guess this is where those voices were leading you to, huh?" Clint mentioned and Tony nodded. "Just like my nightmare." He muttered as he stepped closer. Once he did, all of the fog that surrounded the building, vanished as if it were some magic. "Okay, that was weird." Bruce decided to state the obvious. "You think?" Natasha replied. Thor glanced around as Loki did too; curious as to what magic were they feeling from this place. There was something about it that through them off and they couldn't figure out why.*

"Is that the entrance?" Thor questioned as he pointed towards what seemed like the main doors to the place. "Seems like it." Tony mentioned and right as he took a step forward. A room inside the abandon castle lit up; a torch in a nearby hallway was what made the room illuminate as if there was someone inside. Others around the castle started to light up as the heroes were in visible confusion— wondering what could be causing the light from inside to lighting up all of a sudden if the place itself was abandoned.

"Tony, did you see that?" Bruce asked Tony as he looked at one of the rooms. "The lights being lit up? Yes I do." Tony replied but Bruce sighed. "No, them!" He called out at the billionaire as he pointed and now that he had everyone's attention, they saw what he was seeing. There were dark figure like shadows running around the halls; some walking, others disappearing out of nowhere. "What the..." Clint started to say. "Clint wasn't wrong about this place being haunted." Steve mentioned.

Right when Steve said that, and what had made everyone take a step back, was the fact that the shadows heard them. Immediately stopping in their tracks, they faced the heroes from where ever they stood inside the lit castle and stared at them. The lights inside got brighter and brighter to the point where they blew out and all of the shadows disappeared. "Okay, now that is strange." Thor stated as he stood there still wondering what could've caused all of that to happen. "We should head in and investigate." Tony mentioned. "Are you out of your mind??" Bruce finally said. "Maybe I am. After all, I did bring Loki and there's a specific reason why. Now if you really don't want to head in and at least help me figure out why this place is haunting me or better yet who this person that's haunting me is, then I suggest you head back to the quinjet." Tony announced which made Banner sigh heavily before following him.

(When you see this star * play the song.
Ashes by Two Steps From Hell)

Entering into the dark nearly pitch black hallway*, Tony used one of his tools to light up the way; it almost worked like a flashlight of some sorts. After Tony entered, Steve followed behind, then Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Loki and Thor. Thor made Loki go in front of him so he could have a better surveillance of what his brother did; that way he could act upon it quickly.

The sound of their footsteps semi echoed down the concrete walls and floors of the castle. Everything around them, structure wise, was made out of concrete. Along the walls were holes of some parts crumbling down to how old it was. Cracks ran along others as if an earthquake had happened recently. Tony kept looking around however; to see if he would be able to spot the figure he spotted before.

Turning around the corner, a torch lit up at the end of the hallway and it's what made him speed up his pace. Turning around that corner, he spotted a figure and started to jog. "Wait!" He called out as he quickly followed. The other heroes could be heard not too far away following yet calling his name out, since he was ahead of the group. When they finally caught up to him however, he was standing at an open room. One that resembled a hall room or a gathering room. It was rather large like usual castles had them. "Whoa..." Clint muttered at the scene.

(When you see this star * play the song. Hunter's Moon by Two Steps From Hell)

"Guys..." Natasha* started to speak as she turned in her spot and looked towards one of the windows. "Horses..." she added which only added to everyone's confusion every more. Why would there be horses here in the abandoned haunted forest where rarely anyone went to. Peering through one of the windows, it was confirmed by Steve. "Ghost horses." He mentioned. It was as if it were some ghost projection or hallucination of a sort. These horses were chasing a person; firing their weapons— their arrows at the person who was running.

The person who was running was well covered and seemed to be heading towards the castle. "That's the woman!" Tony whispered at them, afraid it'll interrupt the projection they were seeing in front of them. The woman kept running and she had a sword on her back. "Kill her!" A man that was on one of the horses yelled out as she kept going. Spotting her destination, she found and entrance to the castle and ran towards it; throwing herself into it as soon as she got close. The men on the horses, lost sight of her and yelled in frustration before leaving. The projection slowly faded away after that.

"So, that was her?" Steve questioned Tony but wasn't sure what the billionaire was referring to. "Wait, she's the one that's been haunting your dreams?" Bruce asked and Tony nodded. "Guys, I think I found something." Natasha could be heard interrupting them from where she now stood; on the other side of the room near some broken shelves.

(When you see this star * play the song.
Crawlspace by Two Steps From Hell)

Studying the material, she thought it was weird that out of everything inside, this piece of the furniture appeared new. Moving it in a specific direction*, caused a chain reaction. A near Native American chant like voice was heard as a trap down from under heard made her fall inside. It quickly shut above her as everyone was now calling for Natasha. Coughing, she stood up and looked around; that's when she noticed she had to move— and fast. The walls were closing in and there was only one exit out of there.

Running, she felt the walls getting closer as the room was getting smaller; the speed they were going were increasing and if she wanted to make it out alive, she had to move faster. Nearly there, the walls were just about to crush her when she made the risk on jumping for it; to her luck, she made it. The walls to the room shut behind her; letting the dust particles seep through and filling part of the room she was at now. It only caused her to cough again.

"Natasha!" Clint called out and she yelled back. "I'm okay! I'm down here!" She mentioned and under five minutes, they were able to find her. It was a bit darker where she was however. Not even Tony's light helped with the path they needed to now find. "Great... this is no use now.." Tony muttered when his tool didn't want to work, placing it back into his pocket just in case.

(When you see this star * play the song.
She Rises by Two Steps From Hell)

"Any injuries?" Clint asked his best friend and she shook her head. "Maybe a little shaken in nearly getting crushed by some walls." She mentioned but her face didn't show that she was shaken up because of how well she covered it up. "Wait, are you saying that the room was like some sort of trap?" Bruce asked and she nodded. "During the medieval times, Castles like these contained a lot of them. In fear of people breaking in and stealing their belongings." Thor mentioned. "That's gruesome." Clint said. "Some may call it that, while others prefer to think otherwise." Loki interrupted by saying. "In short words, we need to keep moving." Steve mentioned and everyone just followed as they all carefully started to head down the hallway.

From below the heroes*, unaware to them in fact, bats started to wake and squeal as they woke up. Some flying off to the other levels; others to the point of where the heroes were in fact walking. "What the..." Tony started to say as he swung his hands around to get rid of the bats. Torches that were scattered around, started to light up randomly as the whispers of voices returned. "More voices.." Thor mentioned as Loki attempted to hear what they were saying this time. "Mind translating, Loki?" Steve asked and Loki had to wait a moment before giving them an answer. "Prepare yourselves some say." Loki started to say. "Others say she's waking up." He added.

Bruce looked over at Tony and Tony looked over at Loki before looking ahead of them. "Doesn't sound good." Bruce mentioned as he then added "Better be right about this Stark. I'm not trying to get killed by some psycho woman." Tony rolled his eyes but part of him believed she wasn't bad. Maybe people just made her appear bad. Right when they took a few steps forward, a large piece of cement from below them could be heard falling to the ground and shattering into pieces. "She's awake." Loki stated.

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