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Loki said she's up

Let's just hope she ain't evil

Maybe we should get out of here before
she finds us first

So many whispers...

Year: 2012
Place: The Black Forest, Germany

Tony's mind spun around with the thoughts of what he probably should or shouldn't do. He had no clue but what he really did know, was that they needed to get out of the place. There probably were more traps and he wasn't going to risk anymore members getting hurt on his regard. "Anyone have a light?" Steve decided to ask when he noticed Tony place his own light away. Loki didn't say anything, he just only flicked his wrist and the torch beside Thor lit up. "Thanks Loki." Steve said as Thor grabbed the Torch and moved his hand in a way so it lit up part of the other in front of him.

There was a breeze that started to pick up; weaving through the trees, pushing over some of the leaves that were on the ground to cause a rustling sound. There were no glass whatsoever on the openings of the window; so the cold air just blew in and surrounded the heroes. There was no doubt bits of snow on the ground outside due to the storm that had raged on a few days ago. However, little bits of snow started to enter the openings of the windows as if it were starting to snow once again.

"Weird, I checked the forecast before we got here. Didn't mention anything about snowing.." Tony muttered when he noticed the sudden happening. "Perhaps it's the snow from the tree branches being pushed off by the wind." Bruce suggested as he noticed at what Tony had been; the snow entering the openings of the windows. "Is it just me, or does something see off ever since we heard that loud crash from below..." Clint stated which made everyone fall silent to see if there was anything else.

(When you see this star * play the song.
Burn Baby by Two Steps From Hell)

"Perhaps you're right-" Natasha spoke out as she pointed at the small human skull near a doorway that led to one of the rooms.* Walking closer, Clint made sure to stay near in case. Everyone else were still looking around to see if they could find some form of an exit so they would be able to exit. A small child like figure ran across the room before vanishing into thin air. "Clint, did you see that?" Natasha asked as she stepped into the room. "I sure did." He replied.

The room was old, there was still furniture in the room but there were tons of spiderwebs all over the walls and on the furniture themselves. What was the scariest part about whole room wasn't on how dark it was but the abandoned crib. The room was a baby nursery. "A baby..." Natasha muttered as she could see the crib started to light move before stopping. The door that led back to where the others were suddenly shut behind them and a woman screaming in pain echoed as the crib was starting to light on fire.

The flames increasing more and more as time went by. The cries of a baby that was once in the crib, whaling in pain from being burnt. The crib was quickly being engulfed by flames as pieces of it started to tore off and fall to the ground; part of the ashes from the piece falling on the ground beside it. Clint grabbed Natasha's arm and lightly pushed her away from the crib so she wouldn't get burned. "The hell is going on here.." She muttered as the baby's cries suddenly stopped along with the fire. The whole scene went right back to the way it was when they had entered.

"Clint? Natasha?" Steve asked from the other side of the closed door. "Are you two alright?" He added and the door was opened once again; Thor had managed to open it. "Seemed as if the breeze or some sort shut the door behind you. It appeared stuck." The god explained and the two assassins nodded their head. "There is seriously something going on in this castle." Clint mentioned. "Did you guys see anything?" Bruce asked. "A baby... burning. In that crib." Natasha stated as she pointed towards the burnt broken nursery crib in the corner of the room. Bruce's eyes widened slightly before a noise at the end of the hallway where they all stood now, was heard.

(When you see this star * play the song. Twisted Children by Two Steps From Hell)

Voices* of children echoed down the hallway as some of the torches lit up. "Children.." Steve pointed out until two suddenly appeared at the end of the hall; waving for them to follow. Cautiously, Tony was the first to follow. He didn't want to be but noticed no one else were going to. Natasha was behind him, then Clint, Steve, Loki and Thor. The two children Tony was trying to follow, kept disappearing here and there. "What..." he muttered. "They want you to follow them." Loki stated and had been on high alert for a while now. Especially since the place wrenched of Magic.

More children started to appear as one went close to Natasha and grabbed her hand. The face on the child was clear and revealed a smile as she chuckled and pulled Natasha down the hallway. This action made everyone else follow quickly. They didn't want to lose anyone in the Castle of Horrors. The young ghost child, had brought Natasha to an open ball room. All around were grown ups dancing like in the medieval period. Others Laughing, some yelling; it was as if they had stepped back in time. A time portal of a sort. That's when the projection started to show what looked like a war destroying parts of the fun and showing the children trying to flee; only to be caught in the crossfire and dying in the process.

As everything occurred and all of the ghost children along with the grown ups disappeared, a figure stood in the distance. It stuck out way more than the others and looked far to real to be any ghost or projection. Half of their body was lit up under the light of the moon that poured through one of the openings of the window. Their face was well hidden behind a mask as a hoodie covered their head. Their full suit appeared as an near assassin look but what really threw the whole group off was the sword they carried on their back. "That's her..." Tony broke the silence as he was standing in front of the woman that had haunted his dreams for quite some time now. The only difference was that she stood on the other side of the room before them.

(When you see this star * play the song. Rising Darkness by Two Steps From Hell)

"Who are you?" Thor's voice called out as he stepped forward with the torch in hand. This didn't make the woman move however. She only looked up at him; the torch blew out right after. "Magic.." Loki muttered. "Look, we're not here to cause a problem. We were just looking for answers and now, we're looking for a way out." Steve tried reassuring her. Her head moved from looking at the god to now looking at Steve. He swallowed; unsure of what the being was capable of doing.

From her standpoint, however, she was just wondering how these people had entered the castle. If they were the ones that caused the spirits to awaken and therefore wake her. She was cursed into slumber which is why she couldn't wake sooner. The only downfall? She had to witness the same person who had locked her up in a cement like coffin, destroy the people who lived in this castle. From taking a glance at all of the people in the group, one stood out to her far more than the others. The man who's jet black hair was slicked back and they wore green.

Right when Tony was going to say something, she lifted her hand in a stop like motion; as if telling him to wait a moment. Snapping her head to the left, their right, a heavy structure was heard from below breaking into pieces. "Danger.." Loki told the group. Referring to what he had heard from the voices earlier. Some looked at him but the others were more interested in what the woman was doing. She walked over towards the area where she heard the sound and pulled on some rope like object. Not a second later, a wall crushed down and blocked the path from that specific direction. Not a second later, a yell from a creature was heard echoing all over the room; the main way it was coming from was behind the wall she placed.

She pointed towards the opposite* direction, the right of her; their left. "Move quickly." She spoke as they all took her words and started to head down the hallway she directed. She followed along to as a precaution but was behind them in case. "Turn left." She instructed and they listened to every word she gave them till they arrived on the below levels where she had woken up. "Where the hell are we." Tony said. "Shush." She replied as she scouted the area.

The area was huge. Halls coming from different directions; two that were completely collapsed and the others that were pitch black. Grunting in frustration, she jogged back towards the group when hearing the creature gaining close. "Go!" She yelled when the creature sounded like it was in the same room as them. She pointed down a hallway that was pitch black but she guaranteed an escape path. Loki lit the torch Thor was holding back up as they all started to run down the hallway.

The woman disappeared from their sights the more they ran towards the outside opening they were now seeing at the end of the hallway. What they didn't expect the hear was the painful screams of the creature echoing down that same hallway. Grunts from the woman following it as well. "We must help her!" Thor said and Loki stopped him. "No. She doesn't want that." He said which made Thor raise an eyebrow. "And how can you be so certain about what help she needs or doesn't need?" Thor replied. All Loki did was gesture towards the hallway they had all exited from. There stood the woman. Some of the creature's guts on her armor as a dark blood like color dripped from the sword that was in her hand.

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