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A Witcher....

I knew mother had told me something about this...

I heard that my brother doesn't have one

Is it possible that she can be the Witcher?

Year: 2012
Place: The Black Forest, Germany

The word 'Witcher' rang his mind like when a person yells down a cave and all that comes back is the echo of that same person's voice. As he was in thought of trying to figure out what his mother was trying to tell him about them, his brother wanted more answers. "Is this so called 'Witcher' bad?" Thor questioned and the woman shook her head no.

That's when they started to have an argument between themselves. Clint started telling Tony how coming to this area was all of his idea as everyone chimed in with their opinions; everyone except for Loki. Upon noticing this, she looked over at the god and gave a look; interrupting their argument by raising her hand and making all of the torches increase in size with the fire they contained. "Enough!" She yelled out and her eyes could be seen lighting up a faint gold color before everything went back to normal.

"Now, I have a question." She started to say as Steve stepped forward. The color of her eyes didn't go unnoticed by the god she had been looking at earlier. "Why is this man's wrists bounded?" She asked and Thor explained why; telling her all of the mischief he had done along with all of the destruction.

It went silent for a moment before Bruce asked. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" She hesitated for a moment, glancing at Loki before looking back at the man. "I'll tell you once you tell me who was responsible in waking me up." She mentioned and Tony mentioned that it was him. Bruce started to speak but Tony decided to introduce everyone instead. "I'm Tony. He's Bruce, that's Natasha, Clint, Steve, The god of thunder- Thor and his brother the god of mischief- Loki." He said and she nodded her head.

"Foxie..." She mentioned as she eyed each and everyone of them carefully. "Did someone give you that name or is it your actual name?" Tony asked. "The name was given to me for a reason and for that reason that I am not going to share." She mentioned. "You all should rest." She added as she started to walk towards another area. "Wait." Clint started to say, "How do we know you're not going to kill us in our sleep." He added questioningly and she turned her head slightly. "You don't." She mentioned as she continued to walk.

Steve tried his best to reassure them but after a few hours, a majority of them were able to get some sleep. All except for two, the Asgaurdians. The woman was sat perched up on a stone like ledge in front of the heroes; looking at her hands as she thought of everything she had probably missed. The feeling of someone staring at her made her clench her hand into a fist as she spoke. "Why are you staring?" She asked him before looking over his way. "I'm curious as to why you helped us when you could've easily killed us." He mentioned.

At the mention of such a crime, she jumped off of the ledge and stalked towards him; causing Thor to sit up straight. He was making sure she didn't make a rash actions. Slightly tilting her head, she spoke. "Turns out you're not too familiar with how Witchers work." She mentioned which caused him to smile. "I've gotten my answer." He said and wasn't ready for what she was about to say next. "Seems like you have, Asgaurdian." She replied and he sat up.

"How do you know about me being an Asgaurdian?" Loki asked and she only made a book appear before handing it over to him. "Why not read up on some history before asking another question. I would watch with what you say next." She finished before waving over to Thor that she wasn't planning on killing anyone. "I'm no killer." She added before walking away and heading towards the main doors.

"What was that all about?" Thor asked as he walked over to where Loki sat now with a book opened up. "Are you trying to piss off the woman that saved our backs?" He added and Loki gave him a look before asking. "Thor, what do you know about Witchers?" Loki said and it caused Thor to think for a moment. "Not much besides that they're not killers. They're more like, protectors and some of them that are very powerful have a bond with a god. Turns out you have yourself a Witcher." Thor mentioned. "Do you think it may be a possibility that she might be the Witcher that's bound to me?" Loki asked and before Thor could respond, Morning came.

Steve was the first to wake up and the woman didn't move a muscle from where she had been standing; in front of the door. "What is she doing?" Steve asked Thor. "I believe that she may be guarding it, making sure nothing came through while you all slept." Thor responded. "So you're saying that she didn't sleep?" The soldier asked and Thor shook his head no. Loki on the other hand, held onto the book she had given him.

Once everyone was awake, she turned at her spot. "I'll bring you all back to your jet now." She said. "Wait, at least... come with us." Bruce asked and Natasha nudged his arm. The woman was taken back by the sudden request. "I do not wish to be a wagon." She mentioned. "Are you all alone here?" Natasha decided to ask. The woman lowered her head for a moment before looking back up at the assassin.

"I'm always alone. I work independently." She mentioned till Clint asked. "What were you doing back at that scary looking castle?" Her attention shifted from one assassin to the other as she answered his question. "I was tricked, betrayed and imprisoned there by a close fr-.. a person I once trusted." She added before opening the doors like she had done before. "We must leave now. It becomes dark on this land fairly quickly." The woman finally said after she exited the doors.

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