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Well, ain't this a mess

We're stuck out here with miss mystery woman

My arrows did Jack shit

I just want to go to sleep... on my bed.. in my house

Year: 2012
Place: The Black Forest, Germany

During the walk, everyone was silent. All except for the thoughts of Clint that swirled in his mind like a cotton candy machine. He was frustrated that his arrows did merely nothing towards the creatures but he was mainly tired from the whole situation put all together. Loki was only frustrated with the fact that he couldn't fight much due to the cuffs that bounded his wrists. Other wise he believed he could've easily taken down the creatures without a problem.

The woman was silent during the whole walk towards their destination. Where ever she was taking them, was far. Farther than their quinjet but she couldn't let them leave just yet; it was getting dark out and by the time they would've made it to the jet, more creature such as the one she had taken down, would emerge.

"So, can I ask. Why aren't you taking us back to our jet?" Bruce asked and the woman was silent as she listened to their surroundings. There was no response and all of the heroes were looking at her with questioning looks; wondering as to what they should do. A creature in the distance screamed and that another warning sign; signaling that dark was approaching and they would soon be able to come out.

The hours there in that specific area they were in, was different than any other. Most would call it crazy, others would call it magic; but a majority of them would say that the area was cursed. Those people who have said that the land was cursed, were indeed correct. After the event that had happened centuries ago, the forest hasn't been the same and it affected the time as well.

Questions that buzzed in the heads of those that followed her, kept on buzzing like bees in a hive. Heading in to do their jobs, place honey, make more of their kind before leaving once more to do the endless cycle of their life. They were so caught up on wondering what they should do, that they didn't even realize that the woman had stopped; she was now facing them.

"Any questions you have will be answered once we're inside." She mentioned as she glanced at each and every one of them; stopping when they met Loki's. She didn't know why, but she felt as if there was some form of a connection with the god. "Let's go." She added as she walked towards a cave like structure. What blocked them from heading inside was a door filled with sigils.

Stopping right in front of the door, she placed a hand on it as she begun to mutter some ancient like spell; the sigils started to light up a bright white color before a blast was released. "Whoa, what was that?" Bruce said referring to the blast and as the huge rock like doors started to open, she looked at the scientist. "It's a magic spell that blasts back any creature that gets too close." She mentioned before heading inside. The heroes glanced at each other before having no other choice but to follow her. That and the fact that Tony still had more questions to ask now.

Heading down a dark hallway, the door behind the last person to enter, closed and the woman can be seen moving her hand in a motion that caused a nearby torch to light up. As they walked, she held the end of the torch in her hand; lighting up the path ahead of them. Behind her was Tony, then Steve, Natasha, Clint, Loki and Thor. Making it to the area where she usually did her 'research', she did the same motion with her hand; resulting into all of the torches in the room to light up. "You all may rest here." She said as she went towards the right and placed the torch she had, up on the wall on an empty spot.

The group that was with her, listened to what they had told her and sat around at the spots that were available to them. It went quiet for a moment as some of them watched what she was doing; taking off her gloves and placing them to the side as she clenched her hand a few times. The sudden fight she had to do after being locked up for so many years, hurt her hands.

"I have a question. Well, maybe a few actually." Tony started to speak as he looked right at the woman. "That's all you people ever have. Questions... but so be it. What is it you must know?" She mentioned after sighing and facing the man. "Why are you haunting my dreams?" He asked. "I beg your pardon?" She asked as she stood tall. "Look, ever since I've touched this photo.." Tony started to say as he pulled out the photo and revealed it to her. "Where did you get this?" She asked as she quickly took it from him.

The photo revealed her and her family from years before she became the woman she was now. "I don't exactly remember now but.... no wait, actually someone gave this to me. Said it was mailed to me." He mentioned and looking at the photo, she then looked right back up at him. "Did you touch this photo without gloves?" She asked and he gave her a look before nodding his head. "That very well may be why you believe I may be haunting you." She told him.

"For anyone who touches this, receives my early one memories. Ones even I have forgotten." She added, the end of it being more of a mutter. Right when Tony was going to ask another question, Loki could be heard wincing in pain. Everyone looked over to his direction and the woman included. Placing the photo away in her suit, she noticed a faint light coming from his arm.

Speed walking over to where he sat, Thor wasn't quick enough to stop on what she was about to do. Pulling out her small dagger, she grabbed a small portion of his sleeve before cutting it; revealing what it was that was causing him pain. Of course, his reaction was to not let her touch him but she immediately pulled away and placed the dagger away when she spotted the shape of it.

The shape that had happened to light up on his forearm was her shifting symbol; a fox. She backed up slightly before turning around in her spot; cursing more to herself than to any of them. "What does it mean?" Loki asked and everyone turned to face the woman. Raising her head up before speaking, she sighed. Turning her head slightly, she answered his question. "Its a bind." This made the god crease his eyebrows in confusion; trying to think why he would be bounded to a fox. "What is my brother bound to?" Thor asked in a near defensive state. This caused her to turn around in her spot. "He's bounded to a powerful Witcher." She stated.

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