11) Love

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"Good evening passengers. Hi."

Loki escorted the two into one of the train cars. This seemed to be the only thing that had windows. Huh.

Instead of the room being pink, it was actually a mix of yellow and green. Yellow lights filled the ceiling but there was a green light lined at the floor of the room.

The three made it to a round booth area and Sylvie shook herself out of Loki's grip, sitting down on the left side of the booth.

Loki let go of Wanda and she picked up Kip from off her shoulder, then sat down on the right side and scooted in so Loki had room next to her.

Loki took off his mask and set it on the table that was in the middle of the curved booth.

"Um, uh, look, I can't go backwards on a train." Loki said, looking at the seat he was offered, then at Sylvie.

"Well I never sit with my back to a door." Sylvie replied.

"What? There are doors on both sides." Loki said. "Sit in the middle."

"Oh just sit down." Sylvie scoffed.

Loki sighed but did as she said.

Wanda put Kip in her lap and began petting them before Sylvie and Loki began talking.

"Fyi that wasn't even a plan." Sylvie stated.

"Oh really?" Loki asked.

"Plans have multiple steps. Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing." Sylvie stated.

Loki didn't reply, just rolled his eyes.

Wanda ignored them and continued petting Kip, who appeared to have fallen asleep on her lap. Aww.

Speaking of sleep, Sylvie yawned after Loki didn't speak and Wanda almost yawned as well. Why'd they have to be contagious.

"Oh, you a bit tired? Feel free to, you know, get some rest." Loki said.

Sylvie glared at him.

"I can't sleep in a place like this."

Loki gave a confused look.

"You can't sleep on a train?"

"I can make you a pillow." Wanda said, in a much kinder tone than Loki.

"No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people." Sylvie put her arms on the table and leaned forward towards Loki before sitting back again.

Loki copied her movement.

"Oh right. That me?" He whispered.

"But you feel free to take a nap." Sylvie stated.

"Nice try." Loki gave a fake smile.

"I'm not going to waste my time rooting around for the Tempad when someone taught you fairly decent magic." Sylvie stated, staring at him.

"My mother." Loki replied.

Sylvie scoffed and Wanda gave a small smile.

"What was she like?" Sylvie asked.

Loki looked to the side to think about it for a moment.

"She was..."

Wanda turned her head towards him instead of at her lap since she wanted to see how he would think about this after he saw his life played out and what happened to Frigga.

"A queen of Asgard." He continued. "She was good. Purely decent."

He looked down at the table and Sylvie gave a small chuckle.

"Are you sure she was your mother?" She asked, a small tease.

"Oh no, she's not actually. I was adopted." Loki replied.

Wanda gave a small chuckle at his attitude about it.

"Is that a bit of a spoiler for you? Sorry about that." Loki said.

"No. I knew I was adopted." Sylvie said.

"What? They told you?" Loki asked, astonished.

"Yeah. Did they not tell you?"


Sylvie gave a bit of an uneasy look at Wanda and Wanda returned the look.

"I mean, they did. Eventually. Hang on a second. So, tell.. Tell me about your mother." Loki said, more intrigued than upset.

"I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point." Sylvie replied.

Wanda gave a sorry smile and Sylvie didn't continue.

"How about your mother, Wanda?" Loki asked.

Both variants looked at her and Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't find the right words.

"Well.. She was kind. She cared for me and my brother with my dad. She helped me learn English. Didn't teach me any magic but she was good." Wanda said with a small chuckle.

"You had to learn English? Was it not your first language?" Sylvie asked.

"No. Мой родной язык русский или соковский (My native language is Russian or Sokovian)." Wanda said.

Sylvie gave a small hum in amusement at Wanda's language shifting.

"When I was young, my mother would do these little bits of magic for me." Loki said.

The women turned to him.

"Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. But she told me that one day I'd be able to do it too because.." Loki stopped for a short moment. "Because I could do anything."

Sylvie gave a sad smile with a small nod and Wanda smiled softly as well.

"She sounds amazing." Wanda said.

"You wanna see?" Loki asked.

He put his arm on the table and opened his hand. Small fireworks shot from his palm and made small fireworks above the table. Wanda smiled and Sylvie shrugged.

"Not bad." She said.

Loki smiled and pulled his fingers back to a fist, making the illusion disappear.

"She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you." He said.

"Sounds like she does." Sylvie said.

"Well she did." Loki corrected her.

Another moment passed and Loki left the conversation of mothers.

"So, where'd you learn to do the..." He held out his hands towards Wanda to pretend like he was about to do the enchantment spell that Sylvie used. "You know, the.. Whatever it is?"

"I taught myself."

"You taught yourself that magic?"

"Yeah, I did."

"What, do you just.. You just go into their minds and project some sort of illusion?"

"Really it'd be easier if I just-" She moved her hands towards Loki and Loki pushed her hands back down.

"Enchanted me and take the Tempad and leap out a moving train." He finished her sentence. "No thank you."

"Well then, don't ask."

"Okay." Loki taunted.

Wanda chuckled at the two as a woman walked over to them with a tray.


Three glasses sat on the tray and Loki gave a delighted smile.

"As, yes. Thank you very much."

He took one glass and the woman looked at Sylvie.

"No, I'm good, thanks." Sylvie said.

The woman looked at Wanda.

"Thank you." Wanda took the glass.

"Oo I'll take hers, thank you." Loki took the glass meant for Sylvie.

He looked at Wanda and she held up her glass, he held up the other two.

"Cheers." He said for them, and the three glasses clinked against one another. "To the end of the world."

He took a sip of one, as did Wanda, and Wanda immediately made a disgusted face.

"This is not the champagne that I know." She said, setting the glass back down with a cringed face.

Meanwhile Loki finished the whole glass with one sip, then he moved Wanda's glass next to Sylvie's.

"I pity the old woman chose to die, don't you think?" He said.

"She did have all the snacks in the world." Wanda shrugged.

"She probably knew she wouldn't get out either way." Sylvie added.

"Maybe she loved the place too much to part." Wanda continued.

"Love? A place?" Sylvie scoffed.

"Well you know, I loved multiple people, as well as the home we all shared. You can love a place." Wanda explained.

"Multiple people?" Loki asked.

"Yes. My hus- my children." Wanda said in reply.

"Ah." Loki replied with a nod.

"Love is more than just romantic, ya know?" Wanda said with an eye roll.

"Do go on." Loki held out his hand and summoned a feather pen and a scroll like paper.

Wanda rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"Fine. Love is a warm feeling of personal attachment, whether it's to a person or a place." She said.

Loki nodded and wrote it down.

"Love is a warm feeling.."

He used a mocking like tone and Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Love is warm feeling of personal attachment."

"Oh shut up." Wanda said, ignoring the small smile that crept on her face.

Loki chuckled and made the pen and paper vanish.

Sylvie smiled at the two just slightly.

"So, on the subject of love," Loki poured Wanda's glass into Sylvie's and set the second glass next to his finished on. "Is there a lucky beau waiting for you if you ever escape from here?" He asked Wanda. "Perhaps one to help you get your children?"

Wanda rolled her eyes once again.

"If my own conquest works, perhaps. But it's best not to worry about that. I've had love before, I don't need much romance like that anymore." She said.

"And what exactly happened between you and your formore romance?" Loki asked.

"That is an amazing question." Wanda replied, putting on a smile that said she wouldn't answer the question. "Sylvie, what about you? Anyone special?" She shifted the conversation to Sylvie.

"Yeah there is actually." Sylvie said.

"Oh?" Loki smiled, taking a regular sized sip of the champagne.

"Managed to maintain quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman whilst running across time from one apocalypse to the other." She said.

Loki chuckled.

"And with charm like that, who could resist you?"

"Well, people are quite willing in the face of certain doom." Sylvie gave a smile.

"I'm sure they are." Loki nodded.

"It was only ever just to keep me going." She said. She turned to Wanda once more.

"How about you?" Wanda asked Loki, and Sylvie turned her head again.

"Yeah, you're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses. Or perhaps another prince." Sylvie smirked.

Loki tilted his head with a smile.

"A bit of both. I suspect the same as you. But nothing ever..."

"Real." Sylvie and Wanda said at the same time.

"Mm." Loki said before taking another sip.

"Love is mischief, then." Wanda said with a chuckle, her smile reappearing.

Loki looked at her for a moment, finishing the glass.

"No." He said.

"Hm?" Wanda asked.

"Love is..." His voice trailed off.

Wanda didn't say anything, neither did Sylvie.

"Uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about." He said, looking at the empty glass with a half laugh.

"You do realize we're about to try and hijack the power source to a civilization's only hope?" Sylvie asked.

"I do." Loki nodded.

"It's not gonna be easy. We should rest."

"All right. You relax your way and I'll relax mine." Loki said with a nod.

He stood up and went towards the bar area to get more drinks.

Wanda moved over to his spot so she was across from Sylvie. She carefully moved Kip so that they remained sleeping where Wanda was originally sitting.

"Is it possible for anyone to learn enchantment?" Wanda asked.

Sylvie scoffed.

"Why do you ask?"

"It seems like a valuable ability to have. I just want to know if I'd be able to learn it." Wanda shrugged.

"I think you'd have to experience it first, just so you know what I'd be teaching you." Sylvie said.

"Alright." Wanda said with a shrug.

"Excuse me?" Sylvie asked. Apparently that wasn't the response she wanted.

"I said alright." Wanda nodded.

Sylvie gave a confused look.

"You're fine with me entering your mind and taking it over?" She asked.

"Well no, but if that's what's required to learn."

"You're an awfully quick-to-trust person."

"I don't trust you like that, but I don't have any reason to fear what you'll do with me. I'm not hiding a Tempad and I don't have much to lose. What's the worse that could happen?"



"Alright. I like how you think since it gives me a lot to work with." Sylvie nodded, sitting up.

Wanda gave a small smile.

Sylvie reached her hands out and put her fingers on Wanda's temples.

Instead of fighting the enchantment like she had before, Wanda didn't block it and allowed Sylvie into her mind.

The two were suddenly in a room that Wanda recognized as her room in the house she owned with her lover and children.

"This is strange." Sylvie said.

"What do you mean?" Wanda asked.

"It's like I'm in control of you, but you have a layer of resistance in your mind that's keeping me from actually using you. You still understand what's going on which usually doesn't happen. Sylvie explained.

"Is that a bad thing?" Wanda asked.

"For anyone who tries to take over your mind, yes. For you? No."

Wanda looked around the room, surprised at how realistic it was.

"Yeah it's pretty real looking." Sylvie said, reading her thoughts. "It matches a place in your memories that you can connect with and feel safe in, or if I need you to not feel safe, I can send you somewhere else."

The room shifted so they were in a cell from Hydra. Wanda immediately shivered in the place. For one it was scary feeling and for two, it was freezing.

"What is this place to you?" Sylvie asked.

"HYDRA.. They gave me my powers. Sort of." Wanda said.


The scene shifted back to the home room and out of the cell.

"Simple. Now what I can't understand is how you're fully aware of who I am outside of this fake mind palace." Sylvie said.

"Well.. My magic revolves around the mind and I've used it to guard my mind from other attackers so that's probably what's going on." Wanda said.

"Clearly." Sylvie nodded.

Suddenly, the scene disappeared and Wanda's eyes opened. Sylvie moved her hands off of Wanda and gave another confused look.

"And somehow you didn't immediately faint. That usually happens." Sylvie said.

"I guess I'm lucky." Wanda said.

"Probably. We should rest though. We don't have much time." Sylvie said.

She laid her arms down, then put her head on her arms and Wanda glanced towards Loki. He was having more drinks and Wanda rolled her eyes, still unable to hide the smile that came to her face as she looked at him.

She turned to look back at one of the empty glasses, and she turned it into a pillow for herself.

She smiled and set her arms on the pillow, then her head on her arms.

She didn't fall asleep, but at least she was now resting.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "Oo I'll take hers, thank you."

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